Cerberus Gears Up in First Mass Effect 3 Screenshots


New member
Jun 4, 2009
JoshGod said:
TheDstryr9 said:
JoshGod said:
Jamaicob5 said:
JoshGod said:
Those weapons look the same. The gameplay looks the same. The art style/quality is also the same. I hope the game is better, then again how much can you tell about a game from 2 screenshots.
and to be fair why would weapons change in the coarse of a few years? But I'm sure it'll be good!
well how many years were there between mass effect 1 and 2?
well the guns changed from unlimited ammo to clips in two years, so alot can happen, remember technological advancements are exponential.
Not to mention Omnigel became completely useless.


New member
May 16, 2010
Stevepinto3 said:
cerebus23 said:
Stevepinto3 said:
Well Cereberus certainly doesn't care about looking like the good guys anymore. Dark helmets with slanted red eyes don't exactly scream "protagonist".

Quiet Stranger said:
Okay so everything I've done for cerberus, I shouldn't do? In case it comes to bite me in the ass in 3? Like saving the reaper technology or letting that scientist guy continue to experiment on his brother?
If you did that you're a pretty bad person to begin with imo.

Honestly, how anyone could want to hand reaper technology over to the Illusive Man is beyond me.
SIgned and apparently not handing it over was the "canon" choice since it seems even if you did turn that stuff over they are going to try to kill you. Since when was it a good idea to monkey around with reaper tech anyway? when exactly has to not blown up in peoples or aliens faces? Add to that the monsterous thought of using living beings to fuel that damn thing wth could you be thinking exactly to say oh well if it is for the team here you go chain smoking creepy dude. I expect bioware to retcon it so that a device ends up corrupting all of cerberus to kill you if you did take that side for some unknown and silly reason :p.

JUst look at your team after that i think the only one is for handing it over is garrus (which made me want to scream WTF at him) i do not think there was one other member on the team that thought giving him that was a good idea.
Miranda is for it I believe. Though if you talk with your squad members afterward every single one of them will say that destroying it was the right decision, even Miranda. So either they simply made a bad call on the spot or the writers screwed up.
I had her with me in one run and she was like WTH when he told us to keep it for him and she quits them right there if she is in your run, garrus was the only one in the runs that i did was like good idea lets keep it, think even grunt was like screw this when he asks for it.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
i really hope to god the game will still let the Adept class do well. I had the most fun playing that class in ME2. not having to use any ammo to destroy your foe never gets old.

From all i've read on ME3 its like their focus is purely on guns and melee :(

Long range biotic death is win dammit! >.<


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Godammit, why does cerberus waste its time?

The should have just foled cerberus into the alliance or some such...

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Stevepinto3 said:
Honestly, how anyone could want to hand reaper technology over to the Illusive Man is beyond me.
He's Martin Sheen. If you can't trust Martin Sheen, who can you trust?

Kind of disappointed that this plot concept, I actually liked the Illusive Man just because he was very Machiavellian in his planning. To be honest I like him better then the Council just because he was pragmatic and not just ignorant and incompetent.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Stevepinto3 said:
Well Cereberus certainly doesn't care about looking like the good guys anymore. Dark helmets with slanted red eyes don't exactly scream "protagonist".

Quiet Stranger said:
Okay so everything I've done for cerberus, I shouldn't do? In case it comes to bite me in the ass in 3? Like saving the reaper technology or letting that scientist guy continue to experiment on his brother?
If you did that you're a pretty bad person to begin with imo.

Honestly, how anyone could want to hand reaper technology over to the Illusive Man is beyond me.
I handed it over to him because I thought he'd use it to save humanity or whatever. Now I'm starting to regret that.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
RobotNinja said:
Stevepinto3 said:
Well Cereberus certainly doesn't care about looking like the good guys anymore. Dark helmets with slanted red eyes don't exactly scream "protagonist".

Quiet Stranger said:
Okay so everything I've done for cerberus, I shouldn't do? In case it comes to bite me in the ass in 3? Like saving the reaper technology or letting that scientist guy continue to experiment on his brother?
If you did that you're a pretty bad person to begin with imo.

Honestly, how anyone could want to hand reaper technology over to the Illusive Man is beyond me.
I handed it over to him because I thought he'd use it to save humanity or whatever. Now I'm starting to regret that.
Well, if you listen to him, his goal isn't really to "save" humanity; it's to "ensure human dominance."


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Zakarath said:
RobotNinja said:
Stevepinto3 said:
Well Cereberus certainly doesn't care about looking like the good guys anymore. Dark helmets with slanted red eyes don't exactly scream "protagonist".

Quiet Stranger said:
Okay so everything I've done for cerberus, I shouldn't do? In case it comes to bite me in the ass in 3? Like saving the reaper technology or letting that scientist guy continue to experiment on his brother?
If you did that you're a pretty bad person to begin with imo.

Honestly, how anyone could want to hand reaper technology over to the Illusive Man is beyond me.
I handed it over to him because I thought he'd use it to save humanity or whatever. Now I'm starting to regret that.
Well, if you listen to him, his goal isn't really to "save" humanity; it's to "ensure human dominance."
Hmm, so I've been duped. Well played, Illusive Man.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
There is something in the air. Smells like déjà vu. That looks a little to much like ME2. Not saying that Mass Effect 2 was bad, but it looks too much like it. Are we completely sure that that isn't just another DLC for ME2?


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
Irridium said:
Now that

*puts on sunglasses*

is a bright idea.

Proverbial Jon said:
Oh believe me, the thought certainly crossed my mind but then you could say that...

*Puts sunglasses on*

...I saw the light

Heehee! Perfect. My brain just wasn't working yesterday morning. It had been nagging me all day that I couldn't think of anything.

Someone should start up a Horatio Caine service, for all those moments that call out for disturbingly corny puns.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Is it just me or does that first shot look exactly like any given combat scene from Mass Effect 2...only with a 3 in the logo?


A Flawed Logical Conundrum
Oct 30, 2008
Go figure. The Engine does look the same. But they may end up just building upon it and only changing a few things here and there. I don't mind, ME2 had a really good engine to begin with but had a few trips and falls here and there.

Although the premise going to be a tough sell from ME2 to magically have Cerberus go all Space-Al-Qaeda on you again.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
urprobablyright said:
One look at those screenshots and my worst fears were confirmed: The xBox 360's crappy hardware is holding back YET ANOTHER game of enormous potential.

Makes me feel really disappointed.
Graphics are fine. Games are becoming too expensive to make as it is. I'd rather them work on gameplay than making it look pretty.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
CosmicCommander said:
I think I'm becoming more cynical by the day. Every time I look at material from or on Mass Effect 3, I become more trepidatious on the game and the franchise.

Maybe Dragon Age 2 murdered my ability to optimistically look at a BioWare product... I dunno.
Fixed it for you :p Seriously, Mass Effect 2 might have been lacking a little in the RPG department, but it was still a very good game. DA2, on the other hand...[footnote]I did actually like DA2, but it was so half-assed as to be ridiculous.[/footnote]

I'm looking forward to this game, but I still think that it's stupid for Bioware to have Cerberus turn on us for the sole benefit of providing humanoid enemies. It's not as if we don't already have enough to deal with :p