Cerberus Gears Up in First Mass Effect 3 Screenshots

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
i wish bioware would make their interface remotely bearable and their engineered soldiers shoot remotely where the reticle is, if they can pull that miracle off i might actually enjoy me3!
i liked 2 it in theory, but the interface makes the tears of small pandas drive paddle-wheels that control the game, all immersion was lost for me.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
DTWolfwood said:
i really hope to god the game will still let the Adept class do well. I had the most fun playing that class in ME2. not having to use any ammo to destroy your foe never gets old.

From all i've read on ME3 its like their focus is purely on guns and melee :(

Long range biotic death is win dammit! >.<
AGREE'd, not to mention the fact that we can use assault rifles in 3 and really, all the Biotic classes are great, Vanguards use charge and pull to effectively shotgun rain most enemies, Sentinels follow the Engineer mentality of 'if I hurl enough Combat Drones and Cryo Blasts at the hoard I won't have to fire my gun'(in Sentinels case to use Throw and Overload) and really, fully upgraded Tech Armor combined with Barrier as bonus power and it essentially becomes a tank, oh and Adepts are good alrounders, I especially like the fact that once you have enough points to max out 2 powers your unstoppable(Dropping down a sigularity(mini black hole) while using pull/throw to hurl more into the chaos and then using Heavy Warp to kill all the enemies dangling helplessly around the Sigularity is suprisingly satisfying)


Friendly Neighborhood Troll?
Apr 11, 2009
Bobbity said:
CosmicCommander said:
I think I'm becoming more cynical by the day. Every time I look at material from or on Mass Effect 3, I become more trepidatious on the game and the franchise.

Maybe Dragon Age 2 murdered my ability to optimistically look at a BioWare product... I dunno.
Fixed it for you :p Seriously, Mass Effect 2 might have been lacking a little in the RPG department, but it was still a very good game. DA2, on the other hand...

I'm looking forward to this game, but I still think that it's stupid for Bioware to have Cerberus turn on us for the sole benefit of providing humanoid enemies. It's not as if we don't already have enough to deal with :p
The reason Mass Effect 2 was so bad for me is that the plot was non-existent, and the entire purpose of the game was to solve the daddy issues of characters that is unrelated to the story. Shepherd doesn't develop at all, and you just have a load of contrived deus ex machima characters and such to back him up.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
i'm really curious about how bioware will pull off part 3.

i mean, in ME 1 a single reaper almost destroyed the citadel and lots and lots of ships defending it

now we have like a bazillion reapers fucking up poor little earth and don't seem to be that successful with it. i mean, come on, 9 million dead in a week?? even we humans could be way faster than that, today.

guess the curiosity about how they'll sell this will be my main motivation to get this game ^^


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Those are not simply cerberus troops, those are cybernetic Shepard clones!!!

I mean think about it, the illusive man wouldn't need him any longer if he cloned a bunch of him eh?


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Josh12345 said:
DTWolfwood said:
i really hope to god the game will still let the Adept class do well. I had the most fun playing that class in ME2. not having to use any ammo to destroy your foe never gets old.

From all i've read on ME3 its like their focus is purely on guns and melee :(

Long range biotic death is win dammit! >.<
AGREE'd, not to mention the fact that we can use assault rifles in 3 and really, all the Biotic classes are great, Vanguards use charge and pull to effectively shotgun rain most enemies, Sentinels follow the Engineer mentality of 'if I hurl enough Combat Drones and Cryo Blasts at the hoard I won't have to fire my gun'(in Sentinels case to use Throw and Overload) and really, fully upgraded Tech Armor combined with Barrier as bonus power and it essentially becomes a tank, oh and Adepts are good alrounders, I especially like the fact that once you have enough points to max out 2 powers your unstoppable(Dropping down a sigularity(mini black hole) while using pull/throw to hurl more into the chaos and then using Heavy Warp to kill all the enemies dangling helplessly around the Sigularity is suprisingly satisfying)
Pull and Throw was my bread and butter powers. Arcing a pull over cover, watch them float in the air and arcing down throw to fling them sky high is a thrill i've never gotten from any other game. Which is y i absolutely love ME2 even if it had a comical nonsensical main plot XD

I have a thing for rolling with only females on my team so i used Miranda and Tali a lot, Warp does great armor dmg, and Overload great for shields. I have them on never use their powers so i just spam their biotic powers while mine are on cool down. pretty much never need to use any bullets \o/ (o and sometime ran with Mordin just cause a critical hit Incinerate never gets old to watch, enemies dancing the jig while they vaporize, priceless)


New member
Mar 22, 2011
Things I Want to See From MASS EFFECT 3:

1. A Much Longer Game (Think Oblivion)
2. More Varied Enemies
3. Tali's Face
4. An Awkward Love Triangle Between Your ME1 Romance and Your ME2 Romance (And Your ME3 Romance, if You Decide to be a Player)
5. Some Reference to the Novels (Even a Passing Cameo, Like Meeting Kahlee Sanders, Will Do)
6. Tali's Face
7. Learning What Cerberus's Overarching Plan Is
8. Find A Cure for the Genophage and Either Destroy or Distribute It
9. The Ultimate Choice: (Shepard Lives and Earth is Destroyed or Shepard Dies and Earth is Saved)
10. Tali's Face


New member
Dec 6, 2010
cross_breed said:
Things I Want to See From MASS EFFECT 3:

1. A Much Longer Game (Think Oblivion)
2. More Varied Enemies
3. Tali's Face
4. An Awkward Love Triangle Between Your ME1 Romance and Your ME2 Romance (And Your ME3 Romance, if You Decide to be a Player)
5. Some Reference to the Novels (Even a Passing Cameo, Like Meeting Kahlee Sanders, Will Do)
6. Tali's Face
7. Learning What Cerberus's Overarching Plan Is
8. Find A Cure for the Genophage and Either Destroy or Distribute It
9. The Ultimate Choice: (Shepard Lives and Earth is Destroyed or Shepard Dies and Earth is Saved)
10. Tali's Face
and more depth to the characters while ME2 did a good job I think the ME1 characters revealed more personality
btw shepard dying as a possible ending is brilliant glad to se someone else considering it


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
I had really hoped that the environments would be a bit less...plastic-like, but this is a Bioware game.

On the plus side, the game looks great and nothing can shake how much I'm looking forward to it.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I need to replay this on my PC and get the ending with no one dying because I went into the last mission without the necessary parts and lost 5 members of my team fucking sucked after doing all the loyalty missions. Plus the characters are all so well developed I didn't want any of them to die.


New member
May 27, 2010
That guy in the middle of the second photo... Just looks like you could go up to him, yank him up with that big silver handle looking thing on his chest-piece and just tackle him to the ground with extreme ease


New member
Nov 29, 2010
Well almost every single character liked to subtly remind you that Cerberus couldn't be trusted in Mass Effect 2, this hardly comes as a surprise. But then again, the fact that the Reapers attack Earth makes betraying Shepard an odd decision. Maybe the default ending is that Shepard blows the Collector Base up and it transpires that the Illusive Man is kind of petty.
...i would like to think BioWare is better than that, and yet... Dragon Age 2...


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I need to replay this on my PC and get the ending with no one dying because I went into the last mission without the necessary parts and lost 5 members of my team fucking sucked after doing all the loyalty missions. Plus the characters are all so well developed I didn't want any of them to die.

Ross Houston

New member
Apr 27, 2011
I had hoped you would be able to continue working for cerberus and work against the alliance if you were renegade. and work for the alliance if you were paragon...so much for your actions determine the the game...so basicly i HAVE to work for ths shitty alliance again..i liked working for the Illusive man and Cerberus