DTWolfwood said:
i really hope to god the game will still let the Adept class do well. I had the most fun playing that class in ME2. not having to use any ammo to destroy your foe never gets old.
From all i've read on ME3 its like their focus is purely on guns and melee
Long range biotic death is win dammit! >.<
AGREE'd, not to mention the fact that we can use assault rifles in 3 and really, all the Biotic classes are great, Vanguards use charge and pull to effectively shotgun rain most enemies, Sentinels follow the Engineer mentality of 'if I hurl enough Combat Drones and Cryo Blasts at the hoard I won't have to fire my gun'(in Sentinels case to use Throw and Overload) and really, fully upgraded Tech Armor combined with Barrier as bonus power and it essentially becomes a tank, oh and Adepts are good alrounders, I especially like the fact that once you have enough points to max out 2 powers your unstoppable(Dropping down a sigularity(mini black hole) while using pull/throw to hurl more into the chaos and then using Heavy Warp to kill all the enemies dangling helplessly around the Sigularity is suprisingly satisfying)