Cerberus Gears Up in First Mass Effect 3 Screenshots


New member
Dec 11, 2008
mxfox408 said:
JoshGod said:
TheDstryr9 said:
JoshGod said:
Jamaicob5 said:
JoshGod said:
Those weapons look the same. The gameplay looks the same. The art style/quality is also the same. I hope the game is better, then again how much can you tell about a game from 2 screenshots.
and to be fair why would weapons change in the coarse of a few years? But I'm sure it'll be good!
well how many years were there between mass effect 1 and 2?
well the guns changed from unlimited ammo to clips in two years, so alot can happen, remember technological advancements are exponential.
Seems more like a draw back going from unlimited ammo too clips.
Naa, that was just a device so I couldn't use an Assault Rifle to kill the entire game, and even then it only succeeded moderately since ammo is pretty much everywhere.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Wes1180 said:
Perhaps its just a rogue cell XD :p
Nah look it up, its cerberus through and through.

Bobbity said:
Holy hell I'm excited for this game!

I'm still waiting for Bioware to come up with a valid reason for Cerberus trying to kill off humanity's best hope, though. :p
Well if you pissed him off after 2 thats a reason


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
dkyros said:
mxfox408 said:
JoshGod said:
TheDstryr9 said:
JoshGod said:
Jamaicob5 said:
JoshGod said:
Those weapons look the same. The gameplay looks the same. The art style/quality is also the same. I hope the game is better, then again how much can you tell about a game from 2 screenshots.
and to be fair why would weapons change in the coarse of a few years? But I'm sure it'll be good!
well how many years were there between mass effect 1 and 2?
well the guns changed from unlimited ammo to clips in two years, so alot can happen, remember technological advancements are exponential.
Seems more like a draw back going from unlimited ammo too clips.
Naa, that was just a device so I couldn't use an Assault Rifle to kill the entire game, and even then it only succeeded moderately since ammo is pretty much everywhere.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
dkyros said:
mxfox408 said:
JoshGod said:
TheDstryr9 said:
JoshGod said:
Jamaicob5 said:
JoshGod said:
Those weapons look the same. The gameplay looks the same. The art style/quality is also the same. I hope the game is better, then again how much can you tell about a game from 2 screenshots.
and to be fair why would weapons change in the coarse of a few years? But I'm sure it'll be good!
well how many years were there between mass effect 1 and 2?
well the guns changed from unlimited ammo to clips in two years, so alot can happen, remember technological advancements are exponential.
Seems more like a draw back going from unlimited ammo too clips.
Naa, that was just a device so I couldn't use an Assault Rifle to kill the entire game, and even then it only succeeded moderately since ammo is pretty much everywhere.
Indeed, although they really could fix the systems up in the third game(I hate the addition of ammo).

They should try something like having a set number of thermal clips and have them overheat over time. When one reaches capacity you switch to another one while the other cools. And since they're bringing weapons mods and a bit of the RPG elements back, they can slightly decrease cooling time.

As neat as the system in the first game was, it was pretty ridiculous how you could get to the point where you couldn't overheat your sniper rifle even holding down the fire button for several minutes.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
These look 'shopped. I can tell by the pixels and the fact that there's no UI to be seen.

Seriously though, I wonder if it'll run like that.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
mxfox408 said:
JoshGod said:
TheDstryr9 said:
JoshGod said:
Jamaicob5 said:
JoshGod said:
Those weapons look the same. The gameplay looks the same. The art style/quality is also the same. I hope the game is better, then again how much can you tell about a game from 2 screenshots.
and to be fair why would weapons change in the coarse of a few years? But I'm sure it'll be good!
well how many years were there between mass effect 1 and 2?
well the guns changed from unlimited ammo to clips in two years, so alot can happen, remember technological advancements are exponential.
Seems more like a draw back going from unlimited ammo too clips.
In gameplay terms i agree, however you could say that using clips instead of unlimited may of allowed the guns to do more damge to keep up with improved armour and that those mass effect 1 guns are like pea shooters.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
MatthewAmirault said:
JoshGod said:
well the guns changed from unlimited ammo to clips in two years, so alot can happen, remember technological advancements are exponential.
I don't think advancement means what you think it means ;).
while having more ammo seems better as i said in another reply that perhaps it allowed the guns to do more damge to keep up with enhanced armour. I mean its not like they took the same guns and put an ammo cap on them for the hell of it (within the realms of mass effect tech and not as a gameplay mechanic if you understand).


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
Rensenhito said:
These look 'shopped. I can tell by the pixels and the fact that there's no UI to be seen.

Seriously though, I wonder if it'll run like that.
Could be running on a beefed up PC with the settings maxed out but there are wsys to remove the ui for screenshots.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Cerberus turns on you, huh?


I should've figured as much after my Erika told him to go fuck himself. Hey, more skulls for Erika to crack open like crab legs. >:]


New member
May 16, 2010
Stevepinto3 said:
Well Cereberus certainly doesn't care about looking like the good guys anymore. Dark helmets with slanted red eyes don't exactly scream "protagonist".

Quiet Stranger said:
Okay so everything I've done for cerberus, I shouldn't do? In case it comes to bite me in the ass in 3? Like saving the reaper technology or letting that scientist guy continue to experiment on his brother?
If you did that you're a pretty bad person to begin with imo.

Honestly, how anyone could want to hand reaper technology over to the Illusive Man is beyond me.
SIgned and apparently not handing it over was the "canon" choice since it seems even if you did turn that stuff over they are going to try to kill you. Since when was it a good idea to monkey around with reaper tech anyway? when exactly has to not blown up in peoples or aliens faces? Add to that the monsterous thought of using living beings to fuel that damn thing wth could you be thinking exactly to say oh well if it is for the team here you go chain smoking creepy dude. I expect bioware to retcon it so that a device ends up corrupting all of cerberus to kill you if you did take that side for some unknown and silly reason :p.

JUst look at your team after that i think the only one is for handing it over is garrus (which made me want to scream WTF at him) i do not think there was one other member on the team that thought giving him that was a good idea.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Seriously, the Illusive Man better not be trying to kill me. He really REALLY has no good reason to kill me. He stands to lose more than he would gain if he does. I will only accept one of two answers for this turnaround: he's indoctrinated (I could accept it, but I wouldn't like it) or he doesn't want to kill you; he just wants to capture you so that he can implant that control chip Miranda had suggested way back when.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
mxfox408 said:
I look forward to this game, as far as love interist goes they better not make it like dragon age 2.
This series really needs more love interests? Really? There's like five per gender. If your Shepard hasn't found love yet...maybe they're just really picky or really professional.

OT: To be honest, I don't have a single ME thru ME2 playthrough that doesn't have a Shepard that doesn't want the chance to happily put a round between the Illusive Man's cybernetic eyes. Even my crazy renegon wants the chance to take the man out.

Totally fine with this prospect. ^^


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Gilgamesh00 said:
Why do I have the feeling we'll be fighting a bajilion generic Cerberus grunts in this huge final epic against out-of-this-galaxy alien invaders ?

aaah, nice to see I'm not alone with my dreadful premonitions. Heres hoping for that Cerberus betraying you is merely a sideshow...

Overall though, this seems a really stupid move coming from Illusive man. The war is on, and he decides to stab sheperd in the back on first turn? What, thousands of ancient-cosmic-colossal-battleship-monstrosities not enough of a challenge for you illusie? You need to go and piss of the most deranged badass in the history of the galaxy as well? Who, I should mention, has so far done nothing but root for you and your cerberus from the start (and has been a very, very nasty man in general)

Oh well, I'll be satisfied as long as there will be an option to deliver overtly cruel, painful,shameful and soulscarring retribution on mister Loyalty Deficent C*nt.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
meganmeave said:
I don't know how they can see out of those helmets.
Well, it's the future. Maybe they have a highly advanced device which can collect light from outside the suit, possibly using a lens and some sort of sensor, and another device mounted inside their helmets which is able to display that image so they can see it.

You know. Like a camera and a HUD.


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
So dumb. I knew they would fuck up Cerberus in 3. Let's not have complicated characters and morally grey choices. Fuck that let's just make more generic bad guys.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
i prefer the look of the Cerberus armor from mass effect 2 the dlc one for Shepard


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I'm really looking forward to this, but those screenshots don't show Commander Shepard. They show some dude in armour. I don't see Shepard anywhere, maybe she's still aboard the Normandy?


New member
Jun 4, 2009
cerebus23 said:
Stevepinto3 said:
Well Cereberus certainly doesn't care about looking like the good guys anymore. Dark helmets with slanted red eyes don't exactly scream "protagonist".

Quiet Stranger said:
Okay so everything I've done for cerberus, I shouldn't do? In case it comes to bite me in the ass in 3? Like saving the reaper technology or letting that scientist guy continue to experiment on his brother?
If you did that you're a pretty bad person to begin with imo.

Honestly, how anyone could want to hand reaper technology over to the Illusive Man is beyond me.
SIgned and apparently not handing it over was the "canon" choice since it seems even if you did turn that stuff over they are going to try to kill you. Since when was it a good idea to monkey around with reaper tech anyway? when exactly has to not blown up in peoples or aliens faces? Add to that the monsterous thought of using living beings to fuel that damn thing wth could you be thinking exactly to say oh well if it is for the team here you go chain smoking creepy dude. I expect bioware to retcon it so that a device ends up corrupting all of cerberus to kill you if you did take that side for some unknown and silly reason :p.

JUst look at your team after that i think the only one is for handing it over is garrus (which made me want to scream WTF at him) i do not think there was one other member on the team that thought giving him that was a good idea.
Miranda is for it I believe. Though if you talk with your squad members afterward every single one of them will say that destroying it was the right decision, even Miranda. So either they simply made a bad call on the spot or the writers screwed up.