Characters you despise, but aren't supposed to.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Giest4life said:
I know what you mean, but I think I've grown to like her after the Tower of Midnight--it's just Elayne and Egwene I hate now. And that's not the misogynist in me speaking.
It's not misogyny, realistically, Robert Jordan wrote for Conan for four years. I feel the Wheel of Time was his way of making female characters that were empowered. Unfortunately, and someone else put this very well higher up, it comes off as a chauvinistic interpretation of empowerment. I'm not saying he was a chauvinist necessarily, but his interpretation of empowerment is making his women unlikable and making his men the subject of ridicule, even when they're the plots "messiah". It's an interesting interpretation, but all it is is role reversal, which is unrealistic and equally annoying.


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Apr 15, 2010
If TV shows count, Definitely The Eleventh Doctor! He's way too hyper and never takes fuck all seriously.

Other than that Snow from FFXIII


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Feb 15, 2008
Everyone in PETA and everyone in Greenpeace for their murdering of thousands of humans and animals. Also their hatred for progress.


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Jan 12, 2009
Morrigan from Dragon Age
Fixer from Republic Commandos
Soap McTavish (only in MW2 cause he's a prick in that one)
Ashely Williams from Mass Effect (I even killed her with my guy characters)
Jack and Zaeed from Mass Effect 2
Kat from Reach
Alyx Vance from HL2
Everyone except Khan and the kid from Metro 2033

'Record Stops.'

New member
Sep 6, 2010
Magnesium360 said:
Magnesium360 said:
Too many, i'll have to make a list someday. This is a start, though.
-Bella Swan and every single one of her love interests
-Everyone ever to appear in the same series as that god awful book Loamhedge (never made it past page 14)
-Most people in Oblivion, the self-interested pricks.
-Every character to originally appear in the Kingdom Hears series
-The old lady in the Max Payne 2 level No "Us" in this who says oh-so believably "I heard a noise, a noise woke me up"
-And Princess Peach, for reasons including but not limited to her always getting abducted, and everyone else being surprised
-Diddy Kong, because he's an annoying prick
Speaking as one who LOVES Redwall...Screw off man! Redwall's freakin' awesome! I will agree though, Loamhedge ISN'T the best book in the series. Sad to say, that still is Martin the Warrior.....of course speaking as one whose read the books in order, when Martin stumbles into Mossflower, without a wife, without a father, it's..pretty obvious what's gonna happen to Rose. See the Tomoe effect given to us by Rurouni Kenshin...
Sorry mate, but it's a book about talking woodland creatures. When Loamhedge got to its third page depicting butterfly's frolicking in the flower filled medows I just couldn't take it anymore. I can't speak for the entire series, but after the expectations Loamhedge set for me, I can take a wild stab and say that it doesn't interest me. You're free to have your own opinion, and I'm free to have mine. You don't have to get angry because the conflict.
Guess you won't enjoy Mistmantle then. And it's cool, Loamhedge wasn't the absolute best, possibly one of the worst of the series.


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Jun 30, 2009
Harry from Custom Robo. and Noel Vermillion from Blazblue.
Harry never shuts up,
Noel never stops bitching,
Both of them can die in a fire.


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Dec 8, 2009
Atmos Duality said:
Gordon Freeman

Who the hell is he? Why does everyone love him? He has less personality than Keanau Reeves for fuck's sake! The only time I get any information on his character is when it's being delivered in second-hand exposition.

Half-Life 2 is great and all, but Gordon Freeman just might be the absolute most boring part of it all.
Everyone likes him because he's a blank slate. You can paint on whatever personality you like and it wouldn't effect the characterization.

OT: I've never liked Superman. He's just so square and wholesome to me that he's impossible for me to connect with.


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Feb 9, 2008
Alyx Vance

Desperate, annoying and needs everything done for her - way to make the only recurring female character a stereotype


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May 17, 2010
Most of the DC superheroes. Except Batman, he's awesome. From Marvel, fucking Black Panther. The guy who has access to technology whihc could make the world a genuienly better place but refused to share because he's a dick. Fucking Panther.

'Record Stops.'

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Sep 6, 2010
8-Bit Grin said:
I really disliked Drizzt in R.A. Salvatores Novels.
Enjoyed everyone else, despised his whining.

Also, Zelda pisses me off.
I can't explain it, but every time she gets screen time it bothers me.
Thank God there are games where she doesn't show up..NORMALLY. I actually liked her in Windwaker, if only because Tetra is actually likeable as a character, she's a snarky, tomboyish, rather fun character.

'Record Stops.'

New member
Sep 6, 2010
Guess why Freemen's mind is so awesome? Guess. It's 'cos Ross Scott makes him a and a I qoute straight from TvTropes and Ross Scott's own mouth. "He has shifting paranoia, egomania, mild schizophrenia, over-aggressiveness, petty motivations, and immaturity in general" yeah, he's nuts.


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Oct 5, 2010
ArkhamJester said:
CarpathianMuffin said:
Vanille from FFXIII. Strangely enough, I think that's it.
I like most other characters in games that I'm supposed to, even some that I'm not supposed to.
I concur, though Vannile to me is as if the devils advocate reincarnated himself in hag form. I actually posted in the past that I wanted her in a meat grinder.
I agree wholly, although, as i am still fairly early in the game, i cannot say for certain.
Here is my opinion of the charecters so far.
Lightning- Cool enough, just a little psycotic though.
Snow- Dear god STFU!!!
Vanille- Gahh! get it away! kill it with fire!!
Sazh- decently cool, mainly because he doesnt talk as much, but does seem to posses every black sterotype square knew of.
Hope- a liitle whiny, but bearable because he hates everyone else in the group and wants to kill snow.
Fang- just met her, but she seems cool enough.


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Apr 14, 2009
Whiny protagonists - That means Frodo Baggins, Harry Potter and Shinji Ikari amongst others.
"The HERO" - Again, see above for examples. The kind of lawful/neutral good pussy who either whines his way through the adventure or stumbles idiotically through them like the meatshield he is.
The CHOSEN ONE - You know the type. Harry Potter, Rand'al thor etc.

Generic love interest for hero - "THIS IS YOUR WOMAN YOU LOVE HER" to paraphrase yahtzee(with, of course, 0 punctuation 8D).

Tsunderes. I hate them all with a passion. The most perfect example of a fucking ***** tsundere with NO REDEEMING QUALITIES (and to boot, also being a generic love interest for the 'chosen' one) is Naru from Love Hina. By god, I hate that character. Same with that sword-swingy chick who always goes on about strength and honor, yet gets defeated by a twig of a boy.

Space marines that are not 40 K - we get it, you've got a gay bromance goin' on in your brown little world, now just stick your lancer up Dom's ass.

Handsomely grizzled guys with short brown hair. Seriously. That's one of the reasons I kinda like JRPGS. They dare go a bit further than "HERE IS YOUR GREY WORLD AND UNINTERESTING MAIN CHARACTER"

Gordon motherfucking freeman - yes yes, he's supposed to be the player, but fuck that, to me it feels like a goddamn copout.

Alyx vance - Sweet jesus, the hype surrounding this chick is ridiculous.

Rubi. Just Rubi.


The cast of final fantasy seven

Stupid villains

James Bond - I find most of the movies insanely boring and the main character isn't much better.

That motherfucking DENZEL (OUR GOD AND SAVIOR) kid from FF7 AC(I liked the movie because it was basically an extended fight scene with admittedly awesome choreography, and because it had sephiroth pwning cloud in the first half of their battle.)


Cheery Lunatic

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Aug 18, 2009
I'm going to get shot for this...but,
I absolutely despised Ezio from ACII (I haven't played Brotherhood yet so maybe he's gotten cooler). He's the main reason I couldn't get into the sequel. The first was because, well it sucked, but for ACII, a lot of the experience was ruined cuz I really did NOT like Ezio.

Partly it had to do with his voice. Never before until I played ACII did I realize I despised Italian accents with a passion. I would have GREATLY preferred if the characters just spoke fucking Italian, gave us English subtitles, and be done with it. I don't get this whole "realism" mumbojumbo everyone was whining about with Altair. He's already speaking ENGLISH! It doesn't matter if you give him a flippin' accent! If you want realism, make him speak Yiddish/Arabic/whatever instead. Don't give him an annoying as hell accent.

Plus the guy was a total pansy. He was always whining about something or the other. Okay, shut up, half of his family was killed. DON'T MATTER. I didn't like him.

Anyway, end of my rant.