Characters you hate with an unbridled, illogical passion


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Tuesday Night Fever said:
The cast of the Final Fantasy series. Never liked any of the writing for them, never liked their personalities in general, pretty much hate their character design. Now, I will admit that I haven't played all of the games, but frankly, to me it's comparable to a child learning that the stove is hot. I gave it a shot, I didn't enjoy it, and I'm probably still not going to enjoy it if I give it another try.

Honorable mention for the cast of Bulletstorm. They somehow manage to make Duke Nukem himself look like a shining example of maturity.


And how the hell could I forget.....

LEEEEON!!!!!!!!! HEEEEEELP!!!!!!
I actually miss her.

Because she can't waste my damn ammo, spend health items on the smallest of cuts, and generally be that "I'm only in the game for anti racism accusation measures and to make possible the co op that no one actually asked for" waste of space that is Sheva olimar. She invaded resident evil 5's solo experience like plagas in an open wound, ruining what could of been, well, still a little bit of a "hey, where'd the scares go, bingo?" disaster, but at least without her it could've been at least a decent action game.

How I long for the days when the only thing I had to worry about was sidekick kidnap.

Also, Alan wake's wife, Alice. I found her endlessly annoying. It's a good thing they did such a good job of making it clear how much she meant to Alan, and that I'm enough of a grumpy, cynical bastard to relate to the grumpy cynical bastard that is Alan, otherwise it would've wiped out my motivation for the games plot.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Trixsy said:
AlternatePFG said:
Kahunaburger said:
Yeah, and Justice was awesome in that game too. How in the world does awesome + awesome = emo? And Merrill. Seriously, fuck Merrill. All you need to know about Merrill is this post:

Something about certain Bioware characters just fills me with irrational loathing for some reason.
Honestly, they really shouldn't have developers/writers post on their forums, it rarely ends in their favor, especially in that case.
Yes, I hate having them behave like normal people and show obsessive emotion over their characters. I'd rather get robotic responses and pretend the developers and writers are not real people with likes and dislikes.

It's not just response specifically (although I still say there should be at least some pretense of professionalism and not sound obsessive like that), but some of the responses from David Gaider and a few others tend to create some major fan backlash. I personally don't have a huge issue with it but I was just saying that what they say tends to piss fans off even more.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
If Miranda hates being unbelievably pretty, why doesn't she just do us both a favour, and dip her face in a tank filled with piranas? Seriously, quit whining! I'd have given my right arm to be good looking, so just shut up!


Noelle Kreiss, your game isn't out yet, and already I want to make you eat razor wire. Mostly because you replace Vanille, who is my second favourite character of all time.

Ayumi, please, for the love of God, put some trousers on...

Eddie, you're really not as funny as you think you are. Plus, you're voiced by Jack Black, who I find unbelievably annoying.

Ok, I'm all bitched out now. So, recap: Miranda from ME2, Roman from GTA 4, Noelle from FFXIII-2, Ayumi from X-Blade and Eddie from Brutal Legend.

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
I'm going to say the same thing I've said to a post similar to this one:
Every single antagonist "sidekick" from any Capcom game, ever.
From the Joker(DMC3) to Tyrone King(DR2) to the Ramon Salazar(RE4) every, single one of them are always so smug I wanna punch them in the face.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
AlternatePFG said:
BrailleOperatic said:


He's whiny, he's woebegotten ALL THE TIME. "Oh wah, I ate a ghost and now I am crazy, boo hoo..." It tell him to suck it up but he'd just blow the whole gorram city up again.

Go **** yourself, Anders. No one likes you.
Did you play the Awakening expansion for Origins? Cause, he was pretty likeable in that game. In between games his personality completely changed from being funny to whiny.
See, I actually did like him in Awakening. But Dragon Age 2 just completely ruined the character for me. I can't bring myself to earn friendship points with him. Now he must suffer.

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
BrailleOperatic said:


He's whiny, he's woebegotten ALL THE TIME. "Oh wah, I ate a ghost and now I am crazy, boo hoo..." It tell him to suck it up but he'd just blow the whole gorram city up again.

Go **** yourself, Anders. No one likes you.
Oh I am soooooo with you on that. He moans likes it's a contest, then he turns around and hits on you at the slightest show of decency. He's got some of the worst personality issues I've ever seen in any being, real or fictional. If he wasn't the only healer you get, I'd have chucked him off mountain even before he blew up the church tower and made me have to deal with A WHOLE FUCKING INTOLERANCE WAR DIRECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, I hope Anders humps and landmine and dies. Slowly and near no one who can hear him whine


New member
Jul 5, 2009
That dick you get partnered with in Vice in LA Noire. I don't know what it is, but I instantly hated his character more than I ever have in a video game. Hell, when you start driving his car around ans says it is his car, the first thing I do is crash the fuck out of it, get a new one, run the partner down, and then blaze so fast through Vice, I failed the entire department section, blahblahblah....I reeeeaaally hated that guy. And the ending, too.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
koeniginator said:

annoying voice
annoying "tech-expert" character type
immature jokes
just eghhhh
Oh my god! I hate her so much. All she ever talks about is being a mega 1337 hacker and she serves absolutely no purpose!!


New member
Dec 30, 2008
I really hated the new henchmen villans Blados and Chalis from Golden sun Dark Dawn. Maybe because they werent Saturos and Menardi, and there is the irrational part.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
StBishop said:
Roman Bellic. I fucking hate him. I hate the entire game because of him.

I'm pretty sure I didn't even finish the tutorial.
I agree wholeheartedly.

Also, fucking hate Marcus Phoenix. Fuck that guy... All the characters from Gears of War really.

Your friend in Alan Wake is annoying as hell too, same for Bayonetta.

EDIT: Also, I liked Anders and I loved Merrill.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
The Cheezy One said:
Tidus. AaaaaAAAAAaaaaAAAAArgh that guy annoys me!
I can't agree with this more. And I'm one of the few people that loves FF X. I love everything about it except his little *****, Meg Ryan face. I love that even his own Dad hates him so much that his last words to him are basically just trolling him for being whiny and annoying.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Doclector said:
I actually miss her.

Because she can't waste my damn ammo, spend health items on the smallest of cuts, and generally be that "I'm only in the game for anti racism accusation measures and to make possible the co op that no one actually asked for" waste of space that is Sheva olimar. She invaded resident evil 5's solo experience like plagas in an open wound, ruining what could of been, well, still a little bit of a "hey, where'd the scares go, bingo?" disaster, but at least without her it could've been at least a decent action game.
I fully agree with you in terms of AI behavior. In that regard, Sheva was awful. But in terms of character, I actually rather liked her. In terms of character, she's probably one of the better side-characters in the series (not saying much, I know... but still).

Ashley was just a useless, whiny, ear-bleedingly-screechy brat. I liked it when she got kidnapped in the plot, not because of concerns of ammunition expenditure or loss of healing items, but because it meant that I finally got some peace and quiet.

In Leon's position, I would have had a point somewhere around the farmhouse defense segment where I would have seriously begun to wonder if this was really worth putting myself at great personal risk for. I likely would have opted to e-mail Hunnigan my resignation, tell Louis that he's on his own, get the hell out of there, and sight-see the rest of Europe for a while with the massive amount of money I apparently stole from all those poor Spanish peasants after shooting them in the face with a 12-gauge.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
FalloutJack said:
canadamus_prime said:
-Der Snippen-
'Course there is. There is an up and a down, there is a right and a wrong, there is a black and a white, there is hate that is logical and one that is not. That's the way the universe goes.
No, hate by it's very nature is irrational and illogical.
No no, that was the beta version. We've upgraded since then.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
OrokuSaki said:
Am I the only one who has a blind, passionate hate for Link? HE DOESN'T FUCKING TALK and everybody talks at him like he is speaking. I can understand Nintendo not wanting to conform to a voice actor and let the players insert their own voice where his should be, but I at least want a text blurb!