Children, why do some hate them so mutch?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I personally hate the stance that children are somehow annoying by default. Kids are kids, they're not supposed to sit quiet in a corner all day, and if you expect them to, you're an idiot. Any levelheaded mature adult should be perfectly capable of dealing with kids running around, having fun, making some noise and being mischievous at times. That's what kids do, hating them for it indicates you're the one with a problem, not them.

And for fucks sake, stop going on about respect. No, children that are not your own should NOT automatically respect you because you are older, if you have no real authority over them. They are individuals with rights and opinions just like you are. If you want their respect, earn it.

Amethyst Wind said:
They are irrational and can't be reasoned with.
You're saying that as if it's a trait exclusive to children. It's not. Come to think of it, many of the kids I've met, even very young ones, have exhibited far more rationality and logical thought than adults I interact with frequently. And are generally more pleasant to be around.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Probably because not everyone wants kids, lots of people do find them to be nuisance etc. Me however, I happen to want kids some time in the future, I can't wait to be a dad.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
I dislike children because they whine, they moan, they want, they hate, they cause trouble, they cry, they would just make my life a living hell and I feel sorry for my parents sometimes for those facts alone.....

Yeah, I'm not a "family man"......


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Amethyst Wind said:
They are irrational and can't be reasoned with.
Their energy seems limitless compared to adults.
They are experiencing things for the first time, things we take for granted and don't feel the need to explain but then have to when the kids ask.

Children are a huge drain on everything you are; financially, physically, emotionally, mentally. They are a very long term investment and don't really start paying off for years.
BloatedGuppy said:
Also, children are loud and smelly and rude and generally profoundly irritating when you don't have a superhighway of hormones coursing through you.
lRookiel said:
I dislike children because they whine, they moan, they want, they hate, they cause trouble, they cry, they would just make my life a living hell and I feel sorry for my parents sometimes for those facts alone.....

Yeah, I'm not a "family man"......
All of this. Im fine with kids in small doses, but thats it. Maybe if i get my own kids and my "paternal instinct" kicks in my opinion might change, though for now, no thanks.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
JoJoDeathunter said:
This site has a very high proportion of male teenagers, who generally are the least tolerant of children which is why such strong opinions are around here. Teenagers tend to try to rebel against the accepted society norms too, which to be fair in some cases can be a good thing if the social norms are racist or sexist for example, even if it's redundant with this topic. Just wait a decade or two and eventually chances are the hormones will finally kick in and they'll change their minds.

Until then, just let them have their own opinions I guess, everyone's different. I find a lot, perhaps even most, adults boring to be around but I don't whine about it on Internet forums, instead I make friends with those who get along with.
You say that, but i am in fact not whining i am asking what others think of it.

and wow some people here really do write the strongest opinions indeed, so i agree that i think its because most just havent reached that age yet, or are too young and *rebellious* or awkward for that matter to hand out a less hormonal responce.

And for those simply saying they dont want kids, well that is just a very understanding opinion!, i mean i am very young still and at this particular moment i dont want them yet, but later on yeah i would, and i certainly dont want a whole house full either, lets just start with one right.
But its most understanding that a lot of people simply dont like all the Nagging and screaming and all that energy draining stuff.

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
I do not intend to have kids, ever. The world has enough people in it and I don't give two fucks about any "preservation" of the human race. Everything ends, humans, the planet, the galaxy, the whole fucking universe if physicists are correct. So why bother with something I don't want? Children are difficult to raise, they cost a lot of money, they make your life worse for a long time and the only thing you get out of it is supposed to be the satisfaction of having created a life. A child is not going to make me happy and the world doesn't need another human fucking around and burning up resources in it.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
LadyxDevilish said:
Isn't having a child something that should be seen as a good thing?
Not necessarily. With the exception of emotional and biological arguments kids don't hold any "value". As a whole we're beyond this point when we had to blindly oblige the laws of nature, so it's perfectly normal that at least some people stay away from reproduction. ;)


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I'm yet to see an argument on here that is only a trait for children, I have meet loud, rude, smelly adults who are a drain on the economy and a nightmare to be near in public.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
LadyxDevilish said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
This site has a very high proportion of male teenagers, who generally are the least tolerant of children which is why such strong opinions are around here. Teenagers tend to try to rebel against the accepted society norms too, which to be fair in some cases can be a good thing if the social norms are racist or sexist for example, even if it's redundant with this topic. Just wait a decade or two and eventually chances are the hormones will finally kick in and they'll change their minds.

Until then, just let them have their own opinions I guess, everyone's different. I find a lot, perhaps even most, adults boring to be around but I don't whine about it on Internet forums, instead I make friends with those who get along with.
You say that, but i am in fact not whining i am asking what others think of it.

and wow some people here really do write the strongest opinions indeed, so i agree that i think its because most just havent reached that age yet, or are too young and *rebellious* or awkward for that matter to hand out a less hormonal responce.

And for those simply saying they dont want kids, well that is just a very understanding opinion!, i mean i am very young still and at this particular moment i dont want them yet, but later on yeah i would, and i certainly dont want a whole house full either, lets just start with one right.
But its most understanding that a lot of people simply dont like all the Nagging and screaming and all that energy draining stuff.
I didn't mean you were whining, it's those who go on and on about how annoying children are that grind my gears, especially those who speak their opinions as if they are fact. It's pretty clear from societies general attitude to children, from the political "won't someone please think of the children" to the hatred for child killers or abusers, that most adults have a strong emotional attachment to children, regardless of how many Escapist's claim they are super-annoying.

The Afrodactyl

New member
Jul 19, 2010
I have no objections to having kids, I just dislike kids when they hit a certain age.

I really like kids when they're proper little tots, but I absolutely despise them when they hit the age where they start getting obnoxious and lippy.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2009
I do want kids eventually, but that's a decade away at least. Two at most, and preferably one daughter. Dunno why, just seems to me that the whole Father/Daughter idea appealed to me.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Jonluw said:
I don't know how I feel about children at the moment, really, but I can certainly understand why some people hate them.
They're loud, obnoxious, rude, uneducated, smelly money- and timesinks. And they break stuff and need constant supervision.
And parents can be bloody annoying, I hear.
Then there's the fact that not everyone sees putting a new life on earth as a good thing. I certainly didn't when I was depressed (Not clinical depression or anything).

I like children so long as I only have to deal with the good parts though.
I love you for posting those, I never heard George talk about them.


New member
May 14, 2010
I went through that phase in high school and college, it's fairly normal. I wish more kids did that so they wouldn't be so likely to end up parents at a super young age.

Most of you will outgrow it, some of you won't. Either way I think we'll all be fine, you don't have to like my kids. You should, however, treat them politely if you encounter them and we have no issue.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Because they're annoying and sticky and smelly and they touch everything with their creepy, tiny fingers.

And many of the ones I've encountered have been ill mannered on top of that, but that's mostly the fault of the parents.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Okay, I'm just gonna get to the point here. Yes, it is perfectly alright to hate kids, kinda like so many people here hate people. Just like how anyone on Earth can hate or dislike whatever they want. We'll either not give a shit, agree with them, or tell them to sit down and shut up. And stop using the teenager excuse. Yes, they can be quite vocal with their opinions, but adults also have opinions, can actually vocalize them, and may be a bit irrational with them as well. Now that that's out of the way, let's analyze why kids act the way they do.

Kids. Are. Human.

Simple. They're gonna be annoying. But for a time, they're actually a bit better than grown people. Yeah, they poop, pee, and cry, but at some point they're just little bundles. Then they become walking bundles who can only hint tiny things, don't talk much if at all, and simply doddle around in a way that some find adorable. At some point, they will get a bit lippy, start talking more, wanting you to see this, that, complaining about this and that.

Don't worry, don't worry. They're just becoming more human, minus the "shut-the-fuck-up" factor. You know, the reason you don't knock the fuck out of that one guy you despise, if the reason you despise them is relatively petty. The only thing that truly separates a child from a man is learning how to act, mostly in public. It doesn't matter if they break a few vases. Why? Because that's not your issue and it isn't truly hurting anyone else in the world.

To prevent these things however, you've got parenting. And believe it or not, you may actually be able to raise a normal, healthy, polite child without corporal punishment. I was raised with corporal punish and in all honesty, the only thing it did for me and probably anyone else was obedience. That's it. Yeah, you may begin to respect authority more, but are you doing that because you honest respect those people, or because you respect your parents and don't want to screw yourself over with them? I'm sure we all have our fair share of teachers, bosses, or other forms of authority we've told (mentally or otherwise) to fuck off.

If you want a good kid, just don't be an ass of a human, don't be afraid to put your foot down, and actually try to be a parent when you can.

So yeah. Just my take.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
i'm a bit torn, i don't really like small children too much, babies creep me out a little and i honestly just don't really have the abilities to deal with younger kids properly (having aspergers does not help very much when dealing with emotional stress and the like in a natural manner).

also, i actually worry a little about whether i'd be any good at taking care of a child. i don't want to be an abusive or neglectful parent. if i even feel i have an inkling of turning out like that i refuse to allow myself to have children.

HOWEVER, i do see part of the appeal of children. you can show them stuff that you like and teach them about your hobbies (obviously within reason), and just the other day my new supervisor was telling me about his youngest kid, who sounded almost adorable.

honestly, i don't want anything to do with kids yet (hell, not even really into getting a relationship right now, wanna focus on work, study and fun, not getting depressed over stupid shit) but i may well change my mind 6-7 years down the track.

I'm only 19 now, i'd rather spend a good few years messing about, gaming and having fun in my free time before i get tied down in any serious business. i also want to have stable employment for at least a couple of years before i even think of having a kid.

sorry everyone for making a rant that's so all over the place, i hope it gets my points across properly though.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
I don't understand a hatred towards kids either. I find children exceedingly annoying at times, I assume that usually the good outweighs the bad when it comes to dealing with them all the time. I help out every week with 8-10 year old's and sometimes I hate doing it, but it's often alright.