Children's Choir Sings "Still Alive"


New member
Mar 21, 2010
This was damn cute, but it must have been kind of awkward for the parents as most of you have said.

I would be totally lost and weird-ed out if I didn't know where this came from. :p


New member
Jan 29, 2009
SomeBritishDude said:
CyberKnight said:
Andy Chalk said:
Naturally, the kids in the choir are all too young to have played Portal themselves (presumably, anyway), which apparently led to concerns from a few parents about the content of the song.
I dunno about that; I didn't find anything wrong with Portal and let my kids have at it, and they're about that age. Heck, the puzzle-solving in that game is more brain-stimulating than a lot of games they could be playing.
The humor is pretty dark. I mean much of the song is essentially about all the people GLaDOS killed. From an outsiders prospective it sounds like it's a song about weapon building and gun design...which is some what is.

I still think it's awesome. I just feel for all the slightly miffed parents with polite forced smiles on their faces.

But yeah, I wouldn't have any problem with my 10 year old playing Portal. It's a little creepy at times and could be scary for young children but it's not very violent at all. It's just out of context all this seems to be are some kids singing about guns, dead people and cake.
Ok, I can see that. Taken out of context (or even in context), it could be kind of an odd thing to hear kids singing about.

It just struck me as odd seeing the game referenced as "age-inappropriate", when I thought about the game play (and not so much the dark comedy in GLaDOS's madness) and how tame it seemed compared to a lot of games.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
That choir director needs a fucking Grammy. 'Nuff said.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Truly Epic. It's wonderful too see something like this :)

I think anyone who thinks this will harm the children is a fool and needs to read a number of "children's tales" very very carefully such as Little Red Riding Hood or Cinderella (not the Disney versions) and read the lyrics to "nursery rhymes" with some thought.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
My sweet tiny baby Jesus that is awesome.

That choir director is my hero now.

Valve buy those kids stuffs.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I wish I was singing this in my old music class. Also wish there was a better quality video.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
that was awesome...if i was parent there i would have been so proud...unlike everyone else who would have been asking about guns, dying and that random mention of cake... probably the only kid friendly line in that whole song...


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2008
Well... by my count that's 3 pages of "awesome" and "cute" and various other "It's children therefore it's good" sentiments, set against approximately 3 people not liking it. And I might have to count myself to make up the numbers there.

Makes me glad I'm not old enough for parental instincts to have taken root in any meaningful sense. As far as the singing of the song goes it was pretty terrible. Sure, the fact that they were singing that song is sort of funny, but the whole video just grated on me. It's a good song and they butchered it with poor singing.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
CyberKnight said:
It just struck me as odd seeing the game referenced as "age-inappropriate", when I thought about the game play (and not so much the dark comedy in GLaDOS's madness) and how tame it seemed compared to a lot of games.
I've got a great idea for an age-appropriate game for little kids. You start by breaking into a family's house when they're gone and stealing and destroying their stuff. After you're done, you have to avoid the returning family. If you succeed you get away scot-free, but if you fail you're mauled to death as punishment for your crimes.

The name's the best part. I call it... Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Catchy, huh?

I think I'd rather my kids play Portal.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Very awesome. This was a perfect song for a children's choir.

Perhaps not such a good song, but still interesting: think that anybody could put together a children's choir for "Simple and Clean"?

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
man-man said:
Makes me glad I'm not old enough for parental instincts to have taken root in any meaningful sense. As far as the singing of the song goes it was pretty terrible. Sure, the fact that they were singing that song is sort of funny, but the whole video just grated on me. It's a good song and they butchered it with poor singing.
Hey, I have no kids, so no real parental investment here. My subjective opinion? It was sweet. Objectively they sang it poorly, just like every other kids' choir I've ever seen or been part of has sang every song ever. The hell of it is they're only partly bad because they're kids; they're also partly bad because people in general just don't have any musical talent. Imagine if every office had an office choir! Good lord, we'd be no better. I personally murdered several songs, piano and guitar pieces, and plays as part of my school's misguided mandatory arts program, and as an adult I would stink as bad. (Worse, actually. IIRC I was a mezzo-soprano with an excellent range before my voice cracked. Now I have the pitch and range of a rusty foghorn. Hey, I'm just glad I didn't live in Italy 200-300 years ago.)

So I cut the kids some slack. Clever adult who had a good nose for a viral video gets kids to do something well-coordinated and cute. Good show all around. Will it ever replace Ellen McLain's or JoCo's version in my heart? Hell no, and I don't think there's anyone here who thinks it would. But it was a clever bit of incongruity (one of the roots of humor), and we still think it's cute, so that makes up for it.

Besides, it's not even the worst butchering of a song I heard today. My upstairs neighbor greatly overestimates her musical skills.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
My head imploded because it couldn't fathom that much awesome at once.

Kudos to everyone involved!