Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Hope you and your friends/family are safe.

I have a friend in Germany, who fortunately his friends/family are safe. I know there's a lot of others not so fortunate.
We're fine, as are all friends/family to my knowledge. One colleague of mine is from Liège, and was called on to evacuate, but fortunately that didn't prove needed in the end. One of my gf's friends did get the ground floor of her house flooded. No injuries, but did a number on her walls and the furniture too big and heavy carry upstairs.

While it looked bad initially around where we live, no major flooding happened, tho having passed by some local rivers and such, there was often only like an inch of leeway. Worst we had was water in the garage in building basement, like a half inch or so, and it drained pretty quickly once the rain let up. We got off with just clean-up.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Goddamn sovereign citizens again! They're like George Clooney in the scene from The Men Who Stare at Goats where he tries to run full speed through a wall, believing physical reality will not apply to his very special spiritual body.

I'd advocate for a literal gag order. As in, handcuff her to her chair and put a gag around her mouth. God will free his beloved "Vessel" if He so sees fit.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
This kind of shit is happening to ppls brains all over the world, it's not a rare experience by now to find any part of it unlikely or unbelievable, and is unfortunately becoming normalized whether anyone wants it or not.



Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Halo Infinite is having a technical test this weekend, and invites have been sent to a very limited pool of people.

It is so limited, that even fairly large YouTubers who frequently cover Halo, haven't received an invite.

I was lucky enough to receive one.

Unfortunately for me, I just so happen to be away from home for the entire duration of the test.



Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
My ostensible mother-in-law strikes again.

My girlfriend's parents have been divorced for decades, her mom the apparently sweet and doting Jehovah's Witness, her dad the grizzled ex-Marine who served in Vietnam with no shortage of horror stories, so as you can imagine, they were destined for one another. Anyway, an old friend her father's was trying to reach out to him as they hadn't spoken for years... because her father wanted it that way. That didn't stop the friend from reaching out to everyone on Facebook Messenger who might be able to get through for him; his last stop? Yup, my gf's mom.

My gf's dad HATES her mom, so when she called him, she was promptly cussed out and hung up on. So what does she do? What anyone would do: calls the cops to have them go by his house for a "wellness check." Now, I don't know if you've been around Vietnam veterans who don't want to be bothered by ANYONE 99% of the time, but sending the authorities to his home, unsolicited, after only moments before being told to "fuck off, leave me alone and stay out of my goddamn business," is top-of-the-list LAST fucking thing you do.

After she done the deed, she texted my gf to informer her of what she'd done, and my gf's eyes got as big as saucers. She immediately called her dad to let him know the cops were on their way, and despite being +3 hours south of him, I swear I could hear this man yelling in the distance. I'm no stranger to crude language, but this man strung together some of the most horrific cussing I've ever heard; he had become rage. It took my gf a good 10 minutes to talk him down for fear he'd rage at the cops and get himself arrested or worse. Then I had to spend the next HOUR talking my gf down from calling her mom and cussing her out.

Her mom is the only person I know who can ruin a day "being helpful." She's just obtuse; she's like Mr. Magoo. She has no idea what her limits are, and she inserts herself in places most people don't want her anywhere near, and it's infuriating. All four of her kids roll their eyes when they see her name pop up on their phone because they each know some bullshit-ery is about to go down.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Well Internet's been off for the whole day so far. We had two thunderstorms last night. Thankfully all our power is fine. That's what's most important. I'm using my cell phone to communicate right now. I'll be offline for a while.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I've got two credit cards with the same institution. The first card I ever had with them was damaged about a year ago, but I used it so infrequently, I didn't bother replacing it right away. About two months ago, I went into the app on my phone to update my mailing address (that's how infrequently I use these cards,) and a couple weeks ago, they sent me a new card for my second account (it'd expired.) Fine. Well, I'm still missing my primary card, so I called to replace it, and... they won't accept my address as a valid address. Really? You JUST sent me a replacement card for my secondary account; is my address change not transmissible to the primary account? Asked me the same security question 3 times, still "invalid address." I all but yelled at this guy over the phone: "y'know the information on my secondary account? It should be the same for the primary account." My bad, I thought I was a singular individual with multiple accounts, not a singular individual with mutually exclusive information for each. He had the balls to ask me to verify my own address while he's looking at both my accounts on his screen. Fuck that. I'm just going to pay the balance and cancel the card, fucking idiots.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Well Internet's been off for the whole day so far. We had two thunderstorms last night. Thankfully all our power is fine. That's what's most important. I'm using my cell phone to communicate right now. I'll be offline for a while.
For some reason there is a region in this city that will lose power almost every time a storm rolls through. It resembles a giant spike pointing southwest, and my street forms the very tip. This can result in hours of being in a blackout while houses on the main street literally two hundred feet away have no problem.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
For some reason there is a region in this city that will lose power almost every time a storm rolls through. It resembles a giant spike pointing southwest, and my street forms the very tip. This can result in hours of being in a blackout while houses on the main street literally two hundred feet away have no problem.
Update: Internet and cable came back on at 9:38 pm.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Realtor is coming Saturday morning to review my house to put it on the market and I've only got 24 hours to make this place not look like a abandoned drug den currently inhabited by a disgusting reclusive nerd merch hoarder. I am way too lazy for this shit.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
People who give their kids the middle name Junior, instead of the suffix Jr.

Seriously, why in the fuck do you do this?!?! Because when I'm sorting through file names, I now have to double check my naming system to see if it's someone just typed out the suffix instead of just the JR, or is it their actual fucking name. It's just so frustrating.

Also, just don't name your kids after you. I get it guys, you have a boner for legacy, and "leaving your mark on the world." You've got some hangup about the idea that a name has power or some such BS, but, it's really fucking annoying, for the rest of the world, who has to interact with your family of Johnny McChucklefuck Sr's, Jrs, III's, IV's, and have to figure out which one of you is standing in my office wanting help. It's doubly frustrating, when they are coming in to discuss ANOTHER McChucklefuck, and sign in under themselves, so I pull their file, but then their like "No I'm here to talk about my granddad Senior." Ok well you didn't WRITE THAT DOWN ON THE SHEET DAMNIT!! This seems to be a common thing with people who go into the military, at least from my personal experience. I've lost count of how many same names I've got on file, sometimes literally 4 generations back of dudes, all with the same name, all with the same branch of service (because they often follow same branch enlistment), all using our office. Just....GAH!! Show some diversity damnit! At least have a different name!!

*tiny table flip*


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
People who give their kids the middle name Junior, instead of the suffix Jr.

Seriously, why in the fuck do you do this?!?! Because when I'm sorting through file names, I now have to double check my naming system to see if it's someone just typed out the suffix instead of just the JR, or is it their actual fucking name. It's just so frustrating.

Also, just don't name your kids after you. I get it guys, you have a boner for legacy, and "leaving your mark on the world." You've got some hangup about the idea that a name has power or some such BS, but, it's really fucking annoying, for the rest of the world, who has to interact with your family of Johnny McChucklefuck Sr's, Jrs, III's, IV's, and have to figure out which one of you is standing in my office wanting help. It's doubly frustrating, when they are coming in to discuss ANOTHER McChucklefuck, and sign in under themselves, so I pull their file, but then their like "No I'm here to talk about my granddad Senior." Ok well you didn't WRITE THAT DOWN ON THE SHEET DAMNIT!! This seems to be a common thing with people who go into the military, at least from my personal experience. I've lost count of how many same names I've got on file, sometimes literally 4 generations back of dudes, all with the same name, all with the same branch of service (because they often follow same branch enlistment), all using our office. Just....GAH!! Show some diversity damnit! At least have a different name!!

*tiny table flip*
I'm named after my dad and spent the first 40 years of my life putting the suffix "II" (the second) on the end of my name, but could never get it on my driver's license. A couple years ago, I got my birth certificate from my parents to procure a passport and, lo and behold, the suffix isn't on my birth certificate, much to my surprise and that of my parents. So until I get it changed, I simply have my father's name, no "Junior," "Jr." or "II."
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I'm named after my dad and spent the first 40 years of my life putting the suffix "II" (the second) on the end of my name, but could never get it on my driver's license. A couple years ago, I got my birth certificate from my parents to procure a passport and, lo and behold, the suffix isn't on my birth certificate, much to my surprise and that of my parents. So until I get it changed, I simply have my father's name, no "Junior," "Jr." or "II."
Yep! That's the biggest issue, when dealing with the naming thing, the paperwork of it. Because depending on where in the world you were:

1. Born (And I get a lot of people who were born abroad, because they are the children of US military, who had the kids while stationed overseas)
2. Live
3. Got documentation issued

It can be a complete fucking mess to try and suss that documentation out. Like some locations, if you have a hyphenated name, don't put hyphens on official documents, like SS cards and photo IDs. So now I'm looking at one document that has 4 names, and I don't know if it's a double middle name (another thing that should die in a fucking fire), or a double last name and just Whatever State, USA doesn't have the capacity to put hyphens on their documents. And then if you try and ask the people in front of you about it, they often kind of describe it in a strange way like "I'm junior." "Yes I know that, but is that actually your NAME? Or just the nickname you go by because people always confuse you with your dad?" Because sometimes people will sign stuff using their nickname, not their actual name. It's just, blargh!

*tiny table flip again*


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Yep! That's the biggest issue, when dealing with the naming thing, the paperwork of it. Because depending on where in the world you were:

1. Born (And I get a lot of people who were born abroad, because they are the children of US military, who had the kids while stationed overseas)
2. Live
3. Got documentation issued

It can be a complete fucking mess to try and suss that documentation out. Like some locations, if you have a hyphenated name, don't put hyphens on official documents, like SS cards and photo IDs. So now I'm looking at one document that has 4 names, and I don't know if it's a double middle name (another thing that should die in a fucking fire), or a double last name and just Whatever State, USA doesn't have the capacity to put hyphens on their documents. And then if you try and ask the people in front of you about it, they often kind of describe it in a strange way like "I'm junior." "Yes I know that, but is that actually your NAME? Or just the nickname you go by because people always confuse you with your dad?" Because sometimes people will sign stuff using their nickname, not their actual name. It's just, blargh!

*tiny table flip again*
Lol I was just contemplating yesterday giving my kid "The Younger" in his title. Thankfully my parents stopped with me, my Dad is "The III" and also has no middle name. neither did his Dad or grandfather.

One of my ex's had 5 names when we got married. first, middle, shared nobility surnames with a dash, and then my last name.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Lol I was just contemplating yesterday giving my kid "The Younger" in his title. Thankfully my parents stopped with me, my Dad is "The III" and also has no middle name. neither did his Dad or grandfather.

One of my ex's had 5 names when we got married. first, middle, shared nobility surnames with a dash, and then my last name.
Yikes, I pity that person going forward in life. If that person is female, I dread them doing a name change back to a maiden name...and then possibly changing it again if they remarry, because it's expected for women to change their last names. It's just such a huge mess.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Also, just don't name your kids after you.
I consider naming your child after you to be a form of child abuse. You're chaining the kid to your legacy instead of letting them create their own. If you want everyone to know who your kid's parents are, be a good enough parent so that your kid will be proud to tell everyone.

(Note my use of gender-neutral words here- this seems to be an increasingly popular trend for women and their daughters.)