Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I find it funny that there is almost no airport security around for this. I know it's florida, but that's ridiculous. Apparently the press trying to give him a bit more sympathy because he's a older veteran, but regardless if it's PTSD or not, you shouldn't be doing stuff like this. Especially if you're shouting out the n word and pushing around the little security that's there. What doesn't help matters is that you got way more people acting up at airports and airplanes, so I'm inclined to give even less sympathy now.



Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I argued with my professor about rampant consumerism, and he just kept referring to India for some reason. Apparently being against fast fashion, and unnecessary supply chains makes me a bad person.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
These motherfucking ants keep eating my goddamn q-tips. The bastards stay away from the used ones too, the choosy fucks.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
My daughter just got a 10 week old puppy which means it is like needing to baby proof my house... times 10. Every day is a new thing I need to hide.

Today, it was my Turtle Beach Stealth 500P's USB to Fiber Optic PS4 insert. I wasn't home but am told I was about one puppy tug on the fiber away from needing a new headset. It is now disconnected and hidden.

Oh well. I guess I could use an excuse to get a new headset. Bon appetite puppy.


The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
So I'm running low on my supply of "Italian seasoning" that I like to use when I make spaghetti. I haven't been able to find it on store shelves anywhere, so I decided to look online. Hey Walmart, whatcha got?


Out of stock? Well, that's unfortunate. Let's check Amazon....



(The name is different but the pictured packaging is exactly the same.)

I'd like to point out that the current market price of silver- y'know, the precious metal- is $24.352 per Troy ounce. So Amazon's seller here expects me to pay one-fifth that much for a canister of marjoram, thyme, rosemary, savory, sage, oregano and basil.

Are we back in the Age of Sail? Is this the work of the East India Company? Do I need to petition the 1st Earl of Godolphin?
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Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
So I'm running low on my supply of "Italian seasoning" that I like to use when I make spaghetti. I haven't been able to find it on store shelves anywhere, so I decided to look online. Hey Walmart, whatcha got?

I'd like to point out that the current market price of silver- y'know, the precious metal- is $24.352 per Troy ounce. So Amazon's seller here expects me to pay one-fifth that much for a canister of marjoram, thyme, rosemary, savory, sage, oregano and basil.

Are we back in the Age of Sail? Is this the work of the East India Company? Do I need to petition the 1st Earl of Godolphin?
I don't know about the feasibility of this solution, it will depend on where you live and what's nearby. But I've found that for spices and seasonings of any kind, finding an Asian market or Middle Eastern/Mediterranean market is your best bet. The one close to my apartment that I go to; you could buy 8 or 16 oz bags of bulk, dried, whole spices for a couple of bucks. Grind the spices yourself and that 4 dollars or so an ounce becomes more like per pound.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
So I'm running low on my supply of "Italian seasoning" that I like to use when I make spaghetti. I haven't been able to find it on store shelves anywhere, so I decided to look online. Hey Walmart, whatcha got?

View attachment 4459

Out of stock? Well, that's unfortunate. Let's check Amazon....

View attachment 4460

(The name is different but the pictured packaging is exactly the same.)

I'd like to point out that the current market price of silver- y'know, the precious metal- is $24.352 per Troy ounce. So Amazon's seller here expects me to pay one-fifth that much for a canister of marjoram, thyme, rosemary, savory, sage, oregano and basil.

Are we back in the Age of Sail? Is this the work of the East India Company? Do I need to petition the 1st Earl of Godolphin?
As far as I know, the McCormick brand isn't exactly a precious or rare commodity; you can typically find it pretty much everywhere. I say "typically" because I DO know supply chains are stretched pretty thin right now (I'm a supply chain analyst) given pandemic and port delays that have caused cascading backups. So I'd recommend just being patient, checking in from time to time, before paying $16 for a common Italian seasoning. Go eat at an Olive Garden; support your local businesses! (J/K)


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Apparently because I watch exercise videos, YouTube thinks I'm interested in alpha/sigma male bullshit or dipshits like Shapiro and Peterson.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
So I'm running low on my supply of "Italian seasoning" that I like to use when I make spaghetti. I haven't been able to find it on store shelves anywhere, so I decided to look online. Hey Walmart, whatcha got?

View attachment 4459

Out of stock? Well, that's unfortunate. Let's check Amazon....

View attachment 4460


(The name is different but the pictured packaging is exactly the same.)

I'd like to point out that the current market price of silver- y'know, the precious metal- is $24.352 per Troy ounce. So Amazon's seller here expects me to pay one-fifth that much for a canister of marjoram, thyme, rosemary, savory, sage, oregano and basil.

Are we back in the Age of Sail? Is this the work of the East India Company? Do I need to petition the 1st Earl of Godolphin?
Forget the Italian seasoning, what you're going to need is some barbecue sauce! Use garlic and onion powder by any chance for your spaghetti? If not, they are both very useful.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I hate that people panic a little or get defensive when they come to my home and I ask if they are vaccinated against covid. Ive been getting work done on my house so I have a lot of people come in and out.

I am vaccinated, but I have to ask because I'm in the micro-precentile where even though I'm vaccinated I still run the risk of an extreme reaction. I have a immunity disorder where even the regular flu often lands me in the ICU. The variant is all but guaranteed to kill me. Im not asking for a fight I just need to know if we need to be wearing masks for my own health, I have no intention of giving a lecture to anti-vaxxers. I get the impression they get verbally abused over it quite a bit and it causes my required interactions with these people to be all the more difficult. I dont have the liberty to go "Oh this guys an anti-vaxxer, fuck him, I just wont use his service.".

Im not a fan of the world we live in currently where people are met with open hostility for their beliefs. I completely understand where the current generation of crusaders are coming from. On most every topic I agree, but I just dont think screaming at people you disagree with is likely going to change anyones mind. Its more likely to reinforce their notions about your side of the fence. The us vs them game is lose/lose.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I hate that people panic a little or get defensive when they come to my home and I ask if they are vaccinated against covid. Ive been getting work done on my house so I have a lot of people come in and out.

I am vaccinated, but I have to ask because I'm in the micro-precentile where even though I'm vaccinated I still run the risk of an extreme reaction. I have a immunity disorder where even the regular flu often lands me in the ICU. The variant is all but guaranteed to kill me. Im not asking for a fight I just need to know if we need to be wearing masks for my own health, I have no intention of giving a lecture to anti-vaxxers. I get the impression they get verbally abused over it quite a bit and it causes my required interactions with these people to be all the more difficult. I dont have the liberty to go "Oh this guys an anti-vaxxer, fuck him, I just wont use his service.".

Im not a fan of the world we live in currently where people are met with open hostility for their beliefs. I completely understand where the current generation of crusaders are coming from. On most every topic I agree, but I just dont think screaming at people you disagree with is likely going to change anyones mind. Its more likely to reinforce their notions about your side of the fence. The us vs them game is lose/lose.
Easy solution: In MY home, WEAR A MASK. Don't ask about vaccination; drop a few bucks on a box of those bog standard blue surgical masks, put it inside your front door and let EVERYONE know, they take not a single step further until one of those masks (or one they brought with) is covering their nose and mouth.

Clearly the biggest issue with masks is that people just don't like being told what to do, like children, and it fucking drives me insane. The videos of people screaming in defiance when told to wear a mask... I try not to hate, but I hate those people. Have you worn a mask? Oh yeah, we ALL have; how big a deal is it? It's NOT. If an extremely minor and temporary inconvenience is worth someone taking offense, or worse, grandstanding about infringement upon their personal liberties, then fuck that person. This isn't about visitors' personal beliefs; it's about what flies in YOUR home when YOUR life could be compromised.

Do people complain when going into someone's home who requests that visitors remove their shoes because they value their carpet? Fuck no. And I guarantee you, I can put and take my mask on and off 10 times before most people could tie and untie a sneaker; how much of an inconvenience, much less an affront to my personal liberties, is that?

Seriously, don't complain about this issue here; take care of yourself and your home IN REAL LIFE. Your liberty on your property trumps any ass-hat who feels they deserve to do as they please whilst on your property; if they don't want to comply, well, their car should still be where they parked it, and are free to leave.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Urgh, I've been trying to sell some of my old pc hardware, but it's been a pain. Insultingly low offers, no-shows and scammers, lots and lots of scammers, among other joys.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Probably not the most fitting thread for this story, but our friend's mother was murdered by her own mother yesterday.

Our friend (Jessica) comes from a dysfunctional family like no other. Not a single member I've met is anywhere close to a functional human being, Jessica being the closest by a mile, and that's not saying much. She's the friend that when she calls, you look at your phone for a solid 5 seconds debating on whether or not you're prepared for her bullshit. I mean, I'm this close to calling Dr. Phil for them. Their situation has all the trappings of an absurd reality show: money/greed, drugs, alcohol, violence, etc., they have issues everywhere you can have issues.

Jessica is a sweet girl, but very lost. She came over today to get away from the trauma for a bit, and we hugged and consoled her, made her crack a few smiles and a laugh here and there, but ultimately she had to go back and face reality. My girlfriend suggested we might offer her the guest bedroom to live in, but agreed that her level of volatility isn't worth our own sanity and stability; some people you just can't offer the kind of help they really need, and it's frustrating. I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and scream "move away, change your name and never look back!!!"


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
So in a time where my workplace is severely undermanned, recently had one of us move to another job, (I'm talking HALF CREW), what does our brain trust superiors in the school board do? They order our supervisor (the only one who works day shift) to quarantine, meaning we're now 1/4 of a crew on night shift since someone has to fill in for day shift. Oh, and did I mention he tested Monday and Tuesday both for Covid and it came negative both times.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
So in a time where my workplace is severely undermanned, recently had one of us move to another job, (I'm talking HALF CREW), what does our brain trust superiors in the school board do? They order our supervisor (the only one who works day shift) to quarantine, meaning we're now 1/4 of a crew on night shift since someone has to fill in for day shift. Oh, and did I mention he tested Monday and Tuesday both for Covid and it came negative both times.
Tell me about it. This was a few years ago, but my job entailed a process that was a 7 day a week commitment. We had a database that needed to be run every, single day, and the onus fell on me to execute it. I tried offering up that maybe we could spread the wealth, maybe on a week-to-week bases, but no; since I built the database, I was responsible for it, so it was "my job." This went on for about two years, my literally never having a day completely off. Then my title changed, and I had to transition the responsibility to someone else, and it was a whole three weeks of them complaining about the obligation before the higher ups decided it wasn't necessary anymore, and they killed it.

And to add insult to injury, I got a "needs improvement" on my annual review that final year (I don't play the "corporate" game, but am good at what I do,) and was denied a cost of living increase to my annual salary. My [then] boss has since apologized to me as he was new to managing people and thought the highest possible standards were the ones to meet and knows I deserved that increase, if not more, but I was too disaffected to really care. I really want to find a new job, but I'm so specifically oriented towards what I've done for the past 12 years for this specific company, I can't be arsed to find something new.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Sigh, only 3 more days until my gf and I will be going to her grandma's big birthday bash for a lovely afternoon of dealing with a her extended family of obnoxious pillar biters.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Sigh, only 3 more days until my gf and I will be going to her grandma's big birthday bash for a lovely afternoon of dealing with a her extended family of obnoxious pillar biters.
Sounds like our girlfriends' families should hook up; they've a lot in common. We were chastised by her mother for going on our annual outdoor river trip in July after several months of chemo therapy for my gf, then, after we came back unscathed, latest report is her mother caught COVID and spread it to her youngest daughter, grandchildren and son-in-law (they're all doing well, thankfully.)


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Sounds like our girlfriends' families should hook up; they've a lot in common. We were chastised by her mother for going on our annual outdoor river trip in July after several months of chemo therapy for my gf, then, after we came back unscathed, latest report is her mother caught COVID and spread it to her youngest daughter, grandchildren and son-in-law (they're all doing well, thankfully.)
Oh no, the couple encounters with the parents/siblings and extensive briefings on all the family drama lead me to believe it'll be much much worse than a little chastisement.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Oh no, the couple encounters with the parents/siblings and extensive briefings on all the family drama lead me to believe it'll be much much worse than a little chastisement.
Say you have COVID and quarantine yourself; no one deserves that kind of nonsense. I like 90% of my gf's family, but it's that 10% that can drive you up a wall and back down again with their self righteous "I know best" attitude that starts arguments that last months if not years.

I've tried suggesting she not care and move on, but some of the sentiments out of her family's mouth can't help but merit the "now hold on a second, ************" response most of us want to come back with. Example: we (my gf and I) drink. After my gf was diagnosed with breast cancer in November, in the same breath as "I'm sorry," her own mother blamed it on our drinking because everyone knows drinking is the #1 cause of breast cancer. She's also a Jehovah's Witness and didn't talk to her own daughter for a year when she had the gall to visit in December only to find an erect Christmas tree that my gf put up for her son who's not and never was a JW (and my gf hasn't practiced in almost 30 years, none of her 4 adult children have.)
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