Jesus Christ, you'd think someone like that, putting on airs of refinement, would at least assume the couth to make her wants known to her daughter personally or in polite, intimate company, not with her current boyfriend standing right there. That's beyond ridiculous. I mean, was it an attempt to emasculate you atop getting her daughter to consider someone else? Because what kind of fucking b**** does that in good faith? I'd be livid.Basically, yes. Have you ever seen the British sitcom Keeping up Appearances? It's about this snobbish lower middle class woman who wants to climb the social ranks, always wanting to show off, putting on airs, and trying to be seen with fancy people and at fancy places, but is deeply embarrassed by her lower class relatives.
My gf's mother is that, but transplanted into a very traditional and devoutly catholic family that migrated here from Italy some 70 years ago to work in the coal mines. So here's a woman with all the worst qualities of an inferiority complex and a superiority complex, a sycophant obsessed with getting in good with the upper class, an almost mafia-style idea of family honor, and the hypocritical self-righteousness of a bible thumper, all rolled into one clusterfuck of an Omega Karen. So naturally she's quite enamored with the prospect of becoming an in-law to her father's longtime friend/boss, who's the owner of an upper medium-size company, whom I've been told had a penchant for fucking my gf with his eyes since she was in high school, and whom not so long ago got divorced (geez, I wonder why). Bet she thinks she deserves it too, for all the hardship my gf caused her (in her mind).
So actually it's IMO more accurate to say my gf's mother wants to pimp out her daughter as a trophy wife to a creepy dickbag twice her age, I guess so the mother can leverage that into advancing her social and familial standing by having a rich son-in-law.
I'm going to assume you're a good guy; I've no reason to believe otherwise, so you didn't deserve that. If you were abusive or treated your girlfriend badly in overt ways, then the mother would have every right to call you out and demand better for her child. But [assuming from what you've shared] if she's just out for status, fuck her. She's playing poker with her cards facing out for the rest of the table to see, and honestly thinks she has a chance at winning a hand. Fuck her; she's a fucking inconsiderate idiot at best. Were I you, I'd suggest family gatherings involving that woman be out of bounds. If your S/O wants or feels the need to go, fine, but I wouldn't go. What a waste of precious life to be degraded in such a way.
Not anywhere near the same, but my struggle (well, my girlfriend's struggle) has been with my girlfriend's mom's unhealthy attachment to my girlfriend's ex-husband. I know him quite well as they have a child together and contact has been inevitable, and there's nothing but respect between the two of us; I'd even say we like each other. My gf passively hates him, but my her mom has been in constant contact with him since they divorced in 2008. She drives down from Oklahoma to visit him without letting her own daughter know, often not even visiting her daughter (thankfully.) She brings him up in casual conversation like anyone cares what he's up to. And the worst, she complains to him whenever she and my gf get into tiffs which is every two days and sides with him anytime the co-parenting presents an co-parent dispute. Classic case of a parent liking a child's spouse more than their own kid. Her mom likes me too, but it's hard to like someone who has so little regard for someone you love that happens to be their child.