I'm probably going to stop seeing my barber. Long story, short he got into it with politics and we got into a brief arguement. He goes on about how Kanye West can see things no one else can and is "Fighting for us" (Kanye West is fighting, but not for black people). My barber has no problem admitting trump sucks, but still believes it would have been worse under the Democrats in that they would have made all the children "gay and weak" for 5 years. Yeah, he allows me to make negative comments about him and West. Yet when he goes on about how Farrakhan and Trump have the "same enemies" (whoever they are, he doesn't elaborate on nor do I bother with asking him). Yet the moment I say then those two can share room together for all I care, he takes offense, and makes an idle threat. I had to briefly rebook but that's because I want to get my haircut done and over with than any actual fear. He does apologize afterward, nut I'm just gonna get another barber. If he can't drop the politics or leave me out of them when cutting my hair.
Apperently, it's okay to make fun of people of the LGBT community and basing opinions on them off of second hand and false information (from dumbass conspiracy youtubers), yet the moment I make an apathetic comment towards leader of the Nation of Islam, and all of the sudden, that's going "too far and spreading hate". Even though the man himself has spread far more hate than he cares to admit. Yeah, it's time for me to look for another barber, if that's what I have to put up with now. You have all these mother fuckers acting like their political experts and they either don't know a damn thing, only know partial information, and come up with bullshit conclusions for the rest and make excuses.

Louis Farrakhan | Biography, Nation of Islam, & Facts | Britannica
Louis Farrakhan, leader (from 1978) of the Nation of Islam, an African American movement that combines elements of Islam with Black nationalism. Under his leadership, the Nation became one of the fastest-growing Muslim movements in the U.S. Learn more about Farrakhan’s life and career.

Apperently, it's okay to make fun of people of the LGBT community and basing opinions on them off of second hand and false information (from dumbass conspiracy youtubers), yet the moment I make an apathetic comment towards leader of the Nation of Islam, and all of the sudden, that's going "too far and spreading hate". Even though the man himself has spread far more hate than he cares to admit. Yeah, it's time for me to look for another barber, if that's what I have to put up with now. You have all these mother fuckers acting like their political experts and they either don't know a damn thing, only know partial information, and come up with bullshit conclusions for the rest and make excuses.
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