Christopher Dorner first drone target on U.S. soil.

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
Yeah! Time for America to catch up with the rest of the world! All the other countries have completely stopped violating rights!

Anyways, other people have pointed out that there's no evidence that the drone is armed to kill him. So shame on the conspiracy-mongering OP and shame on anyone who jumps to a conclusion without looking at the story first.

A Satanic Panda

New member
Nov 5, 2009
But why stop at just one measly drone? ALERT OUR CARRIERS. WE WILL FIND HIM.

(In seriousness) Drone to find fugitive? A-okay. Drone to find and terminate? Sense we're certain we know how we're looking for, and the fugitive is actively trying to kill people, why let him put more people in danger?


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I'm not sure what recourse we have when there's a guy out there hunting cops who claims to have an anti-air weapon.

Dead Seerius

New member
Feb 4, 2012
Quaxar said:
SanAndreasSmoke said:
Hmm. If this drone is only being used for tracking, is this guy really the first US citizen to be tracked this way? I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but it seems like this method of searching for a fugitive would've been used before.
From the article:
In 2011, a North Dakota county sheriff used a drone to stalk three alleged cow thieves.
Tracking cow thieves with a drone... and that's not even in the South.
Although where does a county sheriff even get this stuff?
Thanks, I accidentally skipped the editor's note.

In response to your question, from his secret doom fortress perhaps? And those 'cows' he values so much aren't really cows at all. They're robots.
If I were in the CIA, I'd be keeping tabs on that guy.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Fappy said:
So long as this is intended for surveillance only and this doesn't set some kind of privacy destroying precedent, I am cool with it. Though it'd be kind of funny if he shot down a drone. How much money do those things cost?
No way near as much as a manned aircraft!

I think this is good news! As a user of RPAS I think it is absurd they are not used for domestic issues already! Raoul Moat would have been found in a few minutes had we been able to use them in the UK, and that copper would still be alive today!!


New member
Oct 17, 2011
DigitalSushi said:
Looks to me like they are using the drones thermal imaging from reading the article, I'm guessing the payload is just the camera not a hellfire missile. Remember this guy has warned that he has a shoulder fired surface to air missile in case they come at him with a helicopter, so a drone is probably the best thing.

Want me to move your thread to Politics forum?
I agree whole heartedly.

I'd like to point out another advantage over a manned helicopter: If he points a missile at it, they won't have to shoot him to stop him from killing the pilot.

So epic win!


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
CriticalMiss said:
Pinkamena said:
Implying the "Land of the free" haven't been violating human rights for years.

Apparently the Native Americans don't count, along with the African slaves. But they probably weren't paying taxes so arseholes to them! Right? Anyway, that is the past it's not like the USA had some kind of torture camp in Cuba for political prisoners. Oh, damn. Well Cuba doesn't count...

Enough 'Murica-bashing, back to the thread! Seems to me like 'hunt' means 'look for' not 'murderise'. Apparently some cow rustlers have already been tracked using drones on US soil too (according to the OP's link).
Or shooting unarmed collage students for protesting don't count either.

It would be far from a new thing of the US killing its own citizens without trial.

OT: it seems that their just using it for recon, considering the warnings about having a stinger and clearly happy to use it, it would be irresponsible not to use a drone to search from the sky.


New member
May 4, 2009
Quaxar said:
SanAndreasSmoke said:
Hmm. If this drone is only being used for tracking, is this guy really the first US citizen to be tracked this way? I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but it seems like this method of searching for a fugitive would've been used before.
From the article:
In 2011, a North Dakota county sheriff used a drone to stalk three alleged cow thieves.
Tracking cow thieves with a drone... and that's not even in the South.
Although where does a county sheriff even get this stuff?
It's called Bessie and he keeps it in the barn.

No more questions.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Coppernerves said:
DigitalSushi said:
Looks to me like they are using the drones thermal imaging from reading the article, I'm guessing the payload is just the camera not a hellfire missile. Remember this guy has warned that he has a shoulder fired surface to air missile in case they come at him with a helicopter, so a drone is probably the best thing.

Want me to move your thread to Politics forum?
I agree whole heartedly.

I'd like to point out another advantage over a manned helicopter: If he points a missile at it, they won't have to shoot him to stop him from killing the pilot.

So epic win!
But then again they are picking out thermal images, and this is the LAPD we're talking about. The same people who managed to confuse two hispanic women and a white guy as a 6'2 bald black man. I feel sorry for anyone taking a hike in the mountains.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Drones are being used to find a fugitive and your conclusion is that they are going to gun him down with missiles?


Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
Oh for fucks sake OP, it says that they are using the drones to find him, not kill him. This isn't the first time this has happened on U.S. soil, as we have used drones for surveillance and to find criminals for years now.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
albino boo said:
Fappy said:
So long as this is intended for surveillance only and this doesn't set some kind of privacy destroying precedent, I am cool with it. Though it'd be kind of funny if he shot down a drone. How much money do those things cost?
What's the difference between a from drone mounted camera and the currently operated helicopter cameras?
A drone is lighter, since it doesn't have people in it or the stuff for supporting them, so it can fly longer before refueling.

What's more, if the fugitive aims a rocket at the aircraft, they won't have to shoot him to keep the pilot alive.

Finally, it's scarier, the fact that it's soaring smoothly, and (to the guy on the ground) silently, makes it so much more ominous than a closer, brash, helicopter noisily beating the air below it into submission.


New member
May 21, 2009
I wonder what would happen if he did use that shoulder-mounted missile he claims to have to shoot down the drone. Does the conflict escalate to an AC-130 pelting the area? Because I have to admit that sounds kind of awesome. Ridiculous, but awesome.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Burst6 said:
Coppernerves said:
DigitalSushi said:

I'd like to point out another advantage over a manned helicopter: If he points a missile at it, they won't have to shoot him to stop him from killing the pilot.

So epic win!
But then again they are picking out thermal images, and this is the LAPD we're talking about. The same people who managed to confuse two hispanic women and a white guy as a 6'2 bald black man. I feel sorry for anyone taking a hike in the mountains.
I had no idea LAPD was like that.

Is it true they've got an SMG with two barrels, two magazine wells, and a mechanism to make the second barrel fire between the times the first barrel fires?

Do they just blame their failures on not having Batmans' gadgets?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
SaneAmongInsane said:
Murderer or not, Dorner is still a United States citizen and is entitled to a trial.
So foreign citizens are't?

Unfortunately for Mr Dorner, cops take it personally when one of their own gets murdered, doubly so when the killer is (or was) also one of their own. It's worth noting that the drone is a surveillance drone, even the state department hasn't quite got as far as dropping JDAMs on home soil.

But really the big question is why anyone would be surprised at this, if the guy's claiming to have a SAM launcher, would you want to go up in a helicopter and look for him when there's a robot to do it for you?
Jan 12, 2012
Just so everyone knows, MSN shot their wad early saying that drones were confirmed; they've edited the article because drones are neither confirmed or denied, and they point out that drones were used in 2011 to track 3 alleged cow thieves in North Dakota.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
albino boo said:
Fappy said:
So long as this is intended for surveillance only and this doesn't set some kind of privacy destroying precedent, I am cool with it. Though it'd be kind of funny if he shot down a drone. How much money do those things cost?
What's the difference between a from drone mounted camera and the currently operated helicopter cameras?
He did say he had a portable SAM, whether or not that's true remains to be seen, but one of them has living people inside of it.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
To be fair the guy did kill several police officers, several other innocent people who played no part in whatever grudge he has and he's said himself to be heavily armed. I say the guy has it coming.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
It is a flying camera, big whoop.

Now if it was armed with Hellfire missiles, different story. and if it had missiles and was being controlled by the LAPD? then yea that city needs to evacuate because the LAPD will burn the entire city to the ground.