Church Protesting San Diego Comic-Con For "Idol Worship"


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Wow...some people really do need to get a life and pull there heads out there own backsides...

What is wrong with people like this Seriously?


New member
Apr 21, 2009
its simple really these people are NOT true Christan
True Christians (like myself) follow the teachings of Christ who taught
about loving others (and yes if you are a Christan you are supposed to love everyone of your human brothers even Gay people).
these people are not the true followers of Christ. they spread Fear, Hatred and judgment the ways of Satan.
so in short they are trolling for Satan

Outlaw Torn

New member
Dec 24, 2008
I just noticed something, in their statement they only mention Superman and Batman. They must be Marvel fans.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Korolev said:
Like or not, these people, as horrible as they are, are actually obeying the Bible. The Bible tells people to do these things, its just that (thankfully) most Christians ignore parts of the Bible that they don't like (Fact: Most Christians haven't even read their Bible cover to cover).

These are the "fundamentalist" Christians, who are very bad people. They are not to be mistaken for the moderate, reasonable Christians, who are, on the whole, quite nice people (at least from what I've seen).

But if you REALLY believe in the Bible (and I do NOT), their logic is impeccable. If God really did destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (and all the babies and kids within) for man-on-man action, then he might have been responsible for 9/11. Remember, if you read your bible (and I suggest you do even if you don't believe in it - wait, read it ESPECIALLY if you don't believe in it), God kills many, many people for the actions of a few bad men.

You know the story of Jericho? God didn't like Jericho, so he apparently destroyed the walls and ordered the good, wholesome Israelites to KILL ALL THE CHILDREN, OLD MEN, AND WOMEN AND ANIMALS AND BABIES within the city. Go ahead, read it. Read the Old Testament. He also destroyed the entire world with a giant flood. He also later killed thousands of Israelites and caused them to lose wars because one soldier took some gold that was supposed to go to God's private treasury. God was satiated by burning the soldier alive.

You might say, "Oh, it's just the OLD testament". Well, it's still in your Bible. The part about hating gays is in the Old Testament too. So are the 10 commandments. You can't pick and choose without being illogical.

Thankfully, many Christians don't take their religion seriously, and are perfectly fine, good people who don't believe in that bronze age nonsense written by sexist, angry old men in the desert (which is why God is depicted as being male and why the Bible calls for women to submit to men). Yes, thankfully, the vast majority of Christians are not like the Westboro Bapist Church, who are the real face of Christianity, and they were the norm about 100 years ago. Go back about 100 years, the views of the Westboro Baptist Church was what the Church preached.

"Oh" you say "that was back THEN". Well, if your Bible is the word of God, the immutable, PERFECT WORD OF A SO-CALLED PERFECT GOD, then you have to obey everything in the Bible.

And you say "well, science changes its mind too" - yes, but Science is a human effort, by humans. We make mistakes and we correct them. The Bible is supposedly divine and perfect. And if it's not, then isn't religion just another man-made cultural artifact? I think it is, and I think that, deep down, most Christians know that too. Otherwise they would be just like the Westboro Baptist crazies.

And once again, most Christians are not. Because they are intelligent enough to not really take the Bible seriously.
All of which I respond with... Not really.

Okay, okay, you seem pretty up on this kind of topic. Hell, I know most atheists who have read the Bible through and through, which I can respect; however, most I know quote the Bible at me without having read any of it beyond looking online. I'll just ask you this:

Why is there this chronological separation between testaments in the Bible at all? Why the specific difference of creating was is essentially two books, Old and New?


New member
Sep 10, 2008
But they are worshiping idols themselves.

Wooden devices used to carrying out executions, sculptures, paintings etc.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Veldrenor said:
Jbird said:
Listen here, pal. God will always be there for me call option B. Option A is Joe Pesci.*

*+500 Internet Points if you get that joke.
Joe Pesci looks like a guy who can get things done. Personally, I worship the sun. I can see the sun, unlike some other gods, and it gives me everything I need.
Winner!!! =D


New member
Jan 23, 2010
dfphetteplace said:
KiruTheMant said:
dfphetteplace said:
KiruTheMant said:
My Uncles Funeral.

Dios Funeral.

Comic Con.

I am truly sorry they did that at your uncle's funeral. These are the type of people that make life miserable for the rest of us and have no true heart.
I got back at them, the cops on duty looked the other way when I chucked a rock at the cultists leader, and hit him in the head.
I may be an Atheist, but god bless you, sir.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
They should already know that geeks do not worship comic book characters, that'd be silly. We worship the Holy Trinity of Raptor, Zombie and Ninja Jesus. He was also a pirate part time, to prophesize for the Flying Spaghetti Monster but we don't really talk about that.

I look forward to any and all pranks pulled on them at Comic-Con, because the entertainment will be recompense for the time I have wasted having to hear about their stupid antics.

I Max95

New member
Mar 23, 2009
unholyavenger13 said:
i know a guy who is part of this club of people never heard much about them
they are basically antiprotestors who protest protestors
they put on Guy Fawkes masks and wreck havok on the protests of Homosexuals, Jews, superman
and they have crossed paths with these nutjobs on occasion
The irony that they use the mask of a christian extremist and a convicted religious terrorist.

they are also wearing the mask of a comic book hero who fought against a government that discriminated alot of the same people that the WBC does
call it half ironic half apropriote

I Max95

New member
Mar 23, 2009
bjj hero said:
unholyavenger13 said:
i know a guy who is part of this club of people never heard much about them
they are basically antiprotestors who protest protestors
they put on Guy Fawkes masks and wreck havok on the protests of Homosexuals, Jews, superman
and they have crossed paths with these nutjobs on occasion
The irony that they use the mask of a christian extremist and a convicted religious terrorist.

they are also wearing the mask of a comic book hero who fought against discrimination of Homosexuals, jews and all diferent groups of people

call it half appropriote half ironic

i dont know how to quote someone who has quoted multiple people
which is why i posted twice


New member
Dec 22, 2009
hopefully some videos of the funny shit that goes on will appear on the internet (if any funny shit happens), this will at least make up for the amount of my time they have wasted.

Unknown Hero 888

New member
Jul 11, 2010
Listening to how bad the Westboro Baptist church is, is just hysterical man. I've never thought of myself as an insane cultist. Go figure.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Normally I am rather tolerant of peoples religious views, but in this case I draw exception. These people are not Christian, they are a cult fueled by hate and intolerance and my only response to these wackjobs is (To paraphrase Riley Freeman):

Fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on, fuck your signs, fuck your extremist morality, fuck your hypocrisy, fuck yo' bible thumping, fuck your religious fueled hatred, fuck your cult, fuck your protest, fuck Mel Gibson, fuck your imaginary God. This is America! My President is black and my cape is blue, now get the fuck away from my hotel room and if I see you on the street at Comic Con I'm slapping the shit out of you.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I pray to Spider-man that these unbelievers shut the hell up.

EDIT: Actually no, reading about them is funnier than reading about open-carry supporters.