Clicks and Giggles: Riddle Me This


New member
Feb 11, 2008
Binnsyboy said:
Alright. *shakes fist*

Three men check into a hotel, and each pay for a room. Each room costs £10. As they're in a group, the manager remembers that for every three rooms rented together, there's a £5 discount. He gives £5 to the bell boy to give back to the men. As he figures the men weren't aware, he pockets two pounds, and gives each man a pound off their room. Which means each man paid £9 for his room. 3 nines are 27. Plus the £2 the bell boy kept, is £29. Where is the missing pound?


Translate this: YY U R YY U B YY U R 4 me I C
The missing pound question has been answered already, as it isn't really a problem but a good old trick to use.
With part two, it is;
Too Wise You Are, Too Wise You Be, Too Wise For Me You Are I See.
Although the one I knew was, YYURYYUBICURYY4ME.

Harley Q

New member
Oct 11, 2009
seeing as this seems to have stopped, lets see if we can resuscitate it.

There are 2 men walking in the desert, but neither knows each other. One of them is dying of thirst and the other has a full jug of water. The man with the jug offers the man a drink, but only if he follows three simple rules.
Rule 1 : He cannot have the jug, because it is his only one.
Rule 2 : He cannot remove the cork from the spout and drink this way.
Rule 3: He cannot poke a hole into the cork or the jug.
So, the thirsty man accepted his rules and then, he finished his drink and left. How did he do it?


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Harley Q said:
seeing as this seems to have stopped, lets see if we can resuscitate it.

There are 2 men walking in the desert, but neither knows each other. One of them is dying of thirst and the other has a full jug of water. The man with the jug offers the man a drink, but only if he follows three simple rules.
Rule 1 : He cannot have the jug, because it is his only one.
Rule 2 : He cannot remove the cork from the spout and drink this way.
Rule 3: He cannot poke a hole into the cork or the jug.
So, the thirsty man accepted his rules and then, he finished his drink and left. How did he do it?
Im going to go with he took the cork out and drank the water, given that you say he accepts the rules rather than he follows them?
Oct 27, 2010
He smashes the jug so neither of them have water, and the refreshment he enjoys is just a hallucination. Either that or he drank from an oasis or something instead.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
He pokes a hole in the other man and drinks his blood, not only quenching his thirst for liquids but also for revenge onto the society that forced him into the desert, which he developed during the long and dry walk from the city utopia where cruel, cruel people live that force thirsty people to engage in mind games instead of giving them water.

wow that got slightly sinister


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Circular storytelling FTW!

Harley Q said:
seeing as this seems to have stopped, lets see if we can resuscitate it.

There are 2 men walking in the desert, but neither knows each other. One of them is dying of thirst and the other has a full jug of water. The man with the jug offers the man a drink, but only if he follows three simple rules.
Rule 1 : He cannot have the jug, because it is his only one.
Rule 2 : He cannot remove the cork from the spout and drink this way.
Rule 3: He cannot poke a hole into the cork or the jug.
So, the thirsty man accepted his rules and then, he finished his drink and left. How did he do it?

Considering that the man with the jug actually offered the thirsty man a drink i would assume the he would also open the jug himself and give the guy a drink. This way the thirsty man doesn't even have to touch the jug.


New member
Sep 19, 2012
Well, it's been 3 weeks and no word on if we have a correct answer. New riddle!

Mr. Smith is walking outside after a successful shopping trip, and as he heads across the parking lot he sees a man getting into the Smith-mobile. He starts to run towards his car but is unable to reach it before the culprit hotwires his vehicle and speeds away. Right away he calls the cops.

A month later, the police phone him and ask him to come down to the police station. They've caught the scumbag! However, when he gets there the officer tells him, "We've actually arrested 6 suspects. We know for sure that the thief is one of them but we need you to identify which one." Mr. Smith's heart drops, and he tells the cop, "I only saw the culprit for a brief moment and there is no possible way for me to remember what he looks like". "Well, try anyway", The policeman says, and brings him into the room, at which point Mr. Smith immediately points out the crook. He is absolutely correct, but how did he know?


Sep 21, 2010
Oh, I really didn't expect to get that one right.

I don't really know any riddles, but I asked a friend who gave me this one:

A lady shoots her husband.
She then holds him underwater for over 5 minutes.
At last, she hangs him.
But five minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How is this possible?

If someone's already posted it before me, I apologise. :)


New member
Sep 19, 2012
QuietCupOfTea said:
Oh, I really didn't expect to get that one right.

I don't really know any riddles, but I asked a friend who gave me this one:

A lady shoots her husband.
She then holds him underwater for over 5 minutes.
At last, she hangs him.
But five minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How is this possible?

If someone's already posted it before me, I apologise. :)
Um, is she taking an old-timey photo of him? The kind that you soak and then hang up in a dark room to develop?


New member
Sep 19, 2012
Alright, here's one I needed help to decipher:

Five hundred begins it, five hundred ends it,
Five in the middle is seen;
First of all letters, the first of all figures,
Take up their stations between.
Join all together, and then you will bring
Before you the name of an eminent king.