Have I become numb to murder because I have killed thousands upon thousands of people in video games? No. And how come mass murder in games is ok but rape is not? How exactly is rape any more evil?the_bearpelt said:Fantasizing and roleplaying is one thing because fantasies are with only yourself and your mind and roleplaying is actually consensual anyways.
The problem with making games like RapeLay is that it encourages, condones, and/or justifies rape too much. I feel that sensible people SHOULD be offended by this; it shows that we still look down upon rape. If we become numb to it because of repeated appearances in video games and such, then we'll care less about the incident.
What you say about seperating fantasies from ethical thinking does make sense. However, one must consider the implications of it. What if someone decides to take advantage of that fantasy and make it real? That's where the fear lies.
As a liberalist I have to come out and defend free speech, even if it's something I dislike very much, whether it be the ravings of a fundamentalist or a controversial videogame. We can't have a double standard of free speech, where only some things are allowed and others aren't, cause then who gets to decide what's acceptable and what isn't. The only thing that must not permitted is hate speech, because that has too much potential to cause harm. A hardcore libertarian might argue that even hatespeech should be permitted, but I would not go that far, I follow classical liberalism in my thinking.
*post edited slightly