Communities that ruined the game.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Easy targets but Halo and Call of Duty. And probably Final Fantasy, though Square seems to be doing that job for them these days.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Sexy Street said:
squeekenator said:
DotA. Oh god DotA. Half the games don't make it past five minutes because someone dies once and ragequits, and three quarters of the players have no idea what they're doing. Still, one eighth of the games are fantastic, so I grudgingly continue to slog through the crap in search of those few shining diamonds in the rough.
You should play league of legends. It's by the same guys who made DotA, and has a much better community. I personally think that league is better than DotA, so try it out!
OT: Halo. Trolls trolls trolls. I hate all them trolls.
For the record, the guy who made LoL (Steve Freak) only worked on DotA before it got popular. Also, the main issue with DotA is that because there's no ladder on (where all new players start) they'll inevitably get stuck playing with veterans. And DotA is a game where if you do badly, its actually worse for your team than if you just weren't playing. So its all around frustrating. Hopefully Valve will fix this when they come out with DOTA 2.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
MAG, people complained so much about things that zipper had to fix them
this led to a huge dropout issue that we know have

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Nomanslander said:
All I have to say is "barren's chat," and for anyone that's played WoW, they know exactly what I'm talking about.

Never has there been a chat room purposely made for trolling like this one. The amount of trolling that goes on there are legendary.
Did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?!

Also, any PC game I play, ever.

Perhaps its just because I'm the anti-thesis of everything the PC gaming community is, but I'm pretty sure I've earned more vote kicks, bans, bad feedback and hate spam than most online.

And its not because I'm a dick either; I get it because I'm too good (or too bad, depending on the game), and I don't bend for any server or clan BS.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
GOW 2. GOW 1, perhaps due to my immaturity at the time, is one of my best and most played games I can remember. Then GOW 2 came out and the apparent lack of any community (at least in Australia) meant I couldn't get any games and totally ruined it for me.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Accountfailed said:
canadamus_prime said:
Accountfailed said:
canadamus_prime said:
Accountfailed said:
Starcraft 2, I liked the original Starcraft and I got into the beta, then I realized that everybody who plays starcraft multiplayer is a douchebag with no grasp on the concept of good sportmanship, then I stopped playing. I never bought the game, thanks for saving me 60 euro, Blizz!

And now we wait for the flames to roll in.
I don't play games online, but from what I can tell just from visiting the Escapist here and hearing people whine, I think the same could be said about EVERY FUCKING GAME THAT HAS ONLINE MULTIPLAYER.
...Hence why I don't play games online. Also that's hardly Blizzards fault.

You have a point, but in my opinion none is worse than the starcraft 2 multiplayer. Look at CoD, You have fratdicks and angry thirteen year olds playing along with nerds and such. Annoying, but tolerable, while starcraft 2's multiplayer base is made up entirely of nerds being dickheads.
One time during the beta, I had an opponent leave the game because I couldn't tell him how many "operations per second" I could do, It was my second game.

And that's my beef with online strategy games, it's not long before the "strategy" part of the game goes out of the window and into the ground, instead you have 'how fast you can execute the first order operative' matches.

Oh, and I wasn't blaming Blizzard, I was thanking them for giving me the insight not to buy a game for nerds with self-diagnosed "mental issues".
o_O "Operations per second?" "first order operative?" What? o_O

In any case I'll have to take your word for it as I haven't played a game online since Dark Forces II YEARS ago.
Also may I draw your attention to the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. []
and that is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

"Operations Per Second" haven't heard this of this one either, I'm assuming it is how fast you can do shit in starcraft.

"First order Operative" My bad, I used the wrong term, it's late. I've fixed my original post with the right term and an edit explaining it. :)
Oh "first order optimal strategy" that makes sense. In other words, who can Zerg Rush who the fastest. Gotchta. ¬_¬

As for "Operations Per Second", yeah kinda what I figured it meant too, but wasn't sure. I can't imagine how that'd be determined though. And unless you're an android or fucking Superman, I can't imagine your "Operations per Second" would be very high; and even then, if I recall my time playing Starcraft, you spent a lot of time waiting on stuff. "We require more minerals" "We require more Vespine Gas" Construct additional Cylons... er I mean Pylons. :Þ

Also your explanation regarding nerds was unnecessary, I got what you meant.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Well, Minecraft is getting there. Gimme a couple more months of trying to deal with it and we'll see if they are successful or not.

Final Fantasy.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
-Final Fantasy
-Anything Valve

I only played single player for all of these (of course, FF is pretty much only single player anyway, but that's beside the point) so I don't have any online horror stories, but god...NOT liking these games or being BAD at them gets you fucking crucified anywhere on the internet.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
TheMann said:
thepyrethatburns said:
Half-Life 2.

Oddly, the honorable mention goes to another Valve game:
Left 4 Dead. (I can still play versus but Co-Op with randoms is to be avoided like the plague.)
How does Half Life 2 qualify if it's only a single player game? Are you talking about the Church of Freeman effect? I'll admit, I love HL2. I do think it's one of the top 5 games of the 2000s. I'm very much anticipating Episode 3. And I think just it's plain fun. But you know what? There are plenty of other games I'm anticipating, there are many other franchises I love just as much or better (BioShock comes to mind). So I feel ya on the extreme fanboy-ism of that game. Also I've never tried Left 4 Dead co-op, so thanks for the heads-up. I'll have to give a go a my friends house before I buy the game.
The title was "Communities that ruined the game" which I interpreted as not necessarily multiplayer.

First off, there was the overreaction by the community when the code got swiped and Lord help you if you were on any board including ones that were for completely different games and you made a comment indicating that this was not the worst thing to happen to all of humanity because an army of HL2 players would descend upon you like the black cloud of locusts that they were.

Then (and this may have been only on Gamefaqs) there was the numerous board invasions. In the monthes leading up to HL2's release, the community would invade the board of any FPS no matter how bad (Seriously? You guys felt threatened by You Are Empty?) or good the game was and talk about how absolutely crap the game was next to the coming glory of Half-Life 2. Eventually, people would be driven away from the boards and, often, the game itself. This became a sore point for me with Sin Episodes. Okay, it had some issues and it inadvertantly showed me something that I REALLY don't like about Steam but did it need to be trolled 24/7 even before the game was released in an attempt to get people to save their money for HL2? I don't think so. In fact, that's one of the reasons that I get a laugh out of Episode 3's interminable delays. I believe the HL2 community was one of the reasons that Sin Episodes stopped at 1 so I enjoy the karma inherent in the HL2 community not getting their episode. Perhaps that is petty of me but I never claimed sainthood.

The list goes on. (Eventually, I did rent the Orange Box despite having already bought Portal. I found HL2 distinctly "feh" but, much like MGS, I'm not part of the cult so take that how you will.)


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Counter Strike 1.6 has a pretty bad community, not game ruining, but not fun either. Also, why the complaining on the CSS community? That game's community is much nicer then 1.6.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
monster hunter. Jesus Christ is this fandom evil. they will threaten your life over not understanding every little inch of the game


[-Militaires Sans Frontieres-]
Aug 12, 2009
99.99% of shooters as a beginner. Mincecraft and Rift for another.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Ragnarok Online, quite literally in fact that they have managed to hack the original data off Gravity, pushing development backwards and causing them to go bankrupt. The irony is delicious.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Dreiko said:
Games like MW2 that are SO mainstream and have SO many different people playing them never stood a chance.

It's not like with niche games like Disgaea which you know that if you're into it, chances are everyone you talk to who also is into it has a somewhat similar background, has enjoyed Persona and Okami and maybe even an occasional anime here and there, if not actually knows the Japanese language and has preordered the import of Disgaea 4 from Japan.

These fps games are so mainstream that people from all over the place come together into the game and obviously they won't meld as harmoniously together as my above example of like-minded fans of something.

So, no, the community didn't ruin MW2, the marketing and business-mind behind it did.
You're so cool and alt. We're all really impressed.

OT: I've never really had a problem with camping, noob tubing, etc. in MW2. What I had a problem with was the absolute refusal of Activision to fix the hacks and exploits people had found. I mean, it's your code. Your baby. Show a little interest in it. But once they released it, they pretty much only patched whenever they had to for the latest map pack release.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
The people who got Treyarch to kill the Hardline perk.
WTF! that's the only way most people could get gunships and dogs, without getting really lucky.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Let's see...
I liked halo enough before I decided to play online one fateful day.
I never even gave Touhou or Mass Effect a chance because the fans bothered me too much. Mass Effect wasn't as concentrated, but very spread out. Not that I'd really play those games anyways, not really my style (geez I'm gonna get flamed for that)
I couldn't bear to play Call of Duty online with others for more that about 4 matches.
Sep 17, 2009
All communities have good and bad people.

For example, Halo community can be really obnoxious (like the little kids who scream) or really hilarious (like Rooster teeth). Or WoW, some people can be elitist jerks, and some people can be extremely selfless, friendly, and caring human beings (like my guild when I used to play).
Sep 17, 2009
Paragon Fury said:
Nomanslander said:
All I have to say is "barren's chat," and for anyone that's played WoW, they know exactly what I'm talking about.

Never has there been a chat room purposely made for trolling like this one. The amount of trolling that goes on there are legendary.
Did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?!

Also, any PC game I play, ever.

Perhaps its just because I'm the anti-thesis of everything the PC gaming community is, but I'm pretty sure I've earned more vote kicks, bans, bad feedback and hate spam than most online.

And its not because I'm a dick either; I get it because I'm too good (or too bad, depending on the game), and I don't bend for any server or clan BS.
I am sorry but I believe I overheard somebody talking about [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]? If I heard correctly I believe that is a hunter weapon.

Sorry I couldn't resist, I still got some WoW left in me :p

OT: The WoW community can be really wonderful if you find the right realm and guild though.