Conflict between Palestine and Israel escalates


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Holy shit, its a 121 pages of tweets.
The wonders of living in an age where everyone has a cell phone.

We don't have to take Israel's word for it that they're doing everything they can to limit civilian casualties, we can get first hand information and video showing that Israel is very much not doing that (many times from IDF Soldiers themselves bragging about putting a bullet between the eyes of a 10 year old).
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
The wonders of living in an age where everyone has a cell phone.

We don't have to take Israel's word for it that they're doing everything they can to limit civilian casualties, we can get first hand information and video showing that Israel is very much not doing that (many times from IDF Soldiers themselves bragging about putting a bullet between the eyes of a 10 year old).
No, its the wonder of living in an age where we have allowed trust in institutions and media to get to such a low level that we think linking a paragraph from any random fuckwhit makes an argument.

Also, spoiler, if someone says they are going to use a camera to tell you the truth then they are about to lie to you using a camera.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
No, its the wonder of living in an age where we have allowed trust in institutions and media to get to such a low level that we think linking a paragraph from any random fuckwhit makes an argument.

Also, spoiler, if someone says they are going to use a camera to tell you the truth then they are about to lie to you using a camera.
I couldn't care less about what talking heads (either in mainstream media or on Twitter) have to say about the conflict. Though the fact that all those "Trusted institutions" constantly used their passive cop voice when talking about Israel sure as hell didn't help in peoples trust.

The Tweets I'm referring to are soldiers and video being shown of Israel War Crimes as they bomb and shoot random people (And hell, many of those tweets are coming FROM IDF soldiers bragging about their war crimes so you can't even argue that they're somehow out of context or faked or whatever). I don't need a talking head to tell me that they're going to tell me THE TRUTH about the conflict when I can see a video of three kids walking down the street with their bike and the IDF hitting them with a drone strike or see videos of hospitals in pieces or videos of universities being controlled demolished by The IDF.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I couldn't care less about what talking heads (either in mainstream media or on Twitter) have to say about the conflict. Though the fact that all those "Trusted institutions" constantly used their passive cop voice when talking about Israel sure as hell didn't help in peoples trust.

The Tweets I'm referring to are soldiers and video being shown of Israel War Crimes as they bomb and shoot random people (And hell, many of those tweets are coming FROM IDF soldiers bragging about their war crimes so you can't even argue that they're somehow out of context or faked or whatever). I don't need a talking head to tell me that they're going to tell me THE TRUTH about the conflict when I can see a video of three kids walking down the street with their bike and the IDF hitting them with a drone strike or see videos of hospitals in pieces or videos of universities being controlled demolished by The IDF.
You should, cause they are generally held to account for lies and such, but some random fuckwit can make up whatever they want and vanish into the cats and porn of the internet.

You mean like that bombing of the hospital last year that ended up being probably caused by a hamas rocket going wonky and crashing? I remember how much people were screaming from the rooftops that it was a jdam bomb and isreal was purposely blowing up hospitals. Or that vid that made the rounds of an idf solder or cop yelling at a crying 13 year old palistine boy who it turned out had just been running around stabbing people. Plus you don't mention all the war crimes hamas commits. Right now you seem dedicated to the idea that only isreal is in the wrong. This shit is much more complicated then that.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
And then the IDF went and purposely attacked various other hospitals, and most people stopped obfuscating their attack on that one.
Did they bomb or attack? Cause there was evidence of the hospitals housing hamas and having weapons and the doctors who worked there new about it. If a building is housing weapons and militants then it becomes a valid military target and hamas does not seem to give a shit about that, in fact they seem to welcome it and use it as a primary tactic.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Did they bomb or attack? Cause there was evidence of the hospitals housing hamas and having weapons and the doctors who worked there new about it. If a building is housing weapons and militants then it becomes a valid military target and hamas does not seem to give a shit about that, in fact they seem to welcome it and use it as a primary tactic.
Actually, the IDF has presented very little substantial evidence that hospitals they've bombed were in military use. More often than not, the IDF has refused independent monitors and factfinders, including those from trusted international organisations; and it has also refused to allow its own evidence to be scrutinised.

IDF bombing has rendered dozens of hospitals destroyed or inoperable, almost all of them without any trustworthy external evidence of military use. Aid organisations, human rights organisations, all credible reporters, and even Israel's own allies have all attested that hospitals, aid convoys, and refugee camps have been bombed by the IDF without proper reason.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I think I see the disconnect here...

People who still think Israel is the good guy somehow believe...anything Israel says about what they're doing and who they're targeting. Instead of believing your own eyes and ears when Israel bombs hospitals, bombs some kids with a bike, bombs Humanitarian Aid, firing on people trying to get aid, or many many many other War Crimes posted by Palestinians or even IDF soldiers (as they love to film themselves doing shit like firing randomly at a building or destroying a citizens shop), you believe it when The IDF and media says "Nuh Uh!".

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Did they bomb or attack? Cause there was evidence of the hospitals housing hamas and having weapons and the doctors who worked there new about it. If a building is housing weapons and militants then it becomes a valid military target and hamas does not seem to give a shit about that, in fact they seem to welcome it and use it as a primary tactic.
Isn't it convenient how every hospital bombed is actually a Hamas stronghold or arms deposit, how every civilian killed is either a Hamas militant or was used as a shield by Hamas, how depriving the Palestinians of food, water, and electricity is actually the fault of Hamas, and how IDF soldiers shooting Israeli hostages is actually... uhm, I'm sure we can make something up for that one too.

Worst case scenario; the IDF couldn't give a rat's ass about slaughtering thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians, or best case scenario; they are the most incomptent army to have ever existed in the history of the world. You're gonna have to choose one, and either case why the fuck would you be on their side.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
People who still think Israel is the good guy somehow believe...anything Israel says about what they're doing and who they're targeting. Instead of believing your own eyes and ears when Israel bombs hospitals, bombs some kids with a bike, bombs Humanitarian Aid, firing on people trying to get aid, or many many many other War Crimes posted by Palestinians or even IDF soldiers (as they love to film themselves doing shit like firing randomly at a building or destroying a citizens shop), you believe it when The IDF and media says "Nuh Uh!".
No, I don't think isreal is the good guys, I don't think there are good guys in this conflict. Both sides has done fucked up things, hamas has done things that are more fucked up, but isreal can do fucked up things on a wider scale. I HATE when people think the conflict is one sided, especially when they hand wave all the fucked up things hamas has done. People seem to think that just because isreal has more resources and backing, that hamas should be allowed to do anything they want to it because they are the poor minorities against the colonizer westerners.

Welcome to fucken war, there is a reason its bad, if hamas gave any shit about the palistinians then it would have done much more to sue for peace, cause right now, isreal is at the part of war where its taking everything it can. The longer this goes on, the more it will take. Hamas gave isreal a blank check with the October 5th attack.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Worst case scenario; the IDF couldn't give a rats ass about slaughtering thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians, or best case scenario; they are the most incomptent army to have ever existed in the history of the world. You're gonna have to choose one, and either case why the fuck would you be on their side.
Has hamas done anything to show it cares about the lives of the palestinians? War is messy, war is bloody and in modern warfare, more civilians are gonna die then solders, which is a reason to avoid it if possible.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Classic centrist
>Doesn't know anything that's gone on in the last few months, let alone the last 70+ years
"Both sides are bad, but Hamas gave a blank check for their own genocide"
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Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
No, I don't think isreal is the good guys, I don't think there are good guys in this conflict. Both sides has done fucked up things, hamas has done things that are more fucked up, but isreal can do fucked up things on a wider scale. I HATE when people think the conflict is one sided, especially when they hand wave all the fucked up things hamas has done. People seem to think that just because isreal has more resources and backing, that hamas should be allowed to do anything they want to it because they are the poor minorities against the colonizer westerners.

Welcome to fucken war, there is a reason its bad, if hamas gave any shit about the palistinians then it would have done much more to sue for peace, cause right now, isreal is at the part of war where its taking everything it can. The longer this goes on, the more it will take. Hamas gave isreal a blank check with the October 5th attack.
Israel has had it's boot on the neck of The Palestinian people for 50+ years now. Little by little, they have stepped harder and harder on that neck. Hamas didn't just pop out of nowhere, they came from the people Israel is crushing.

The post is a bit tongue in cheek but it also has a huge slice of truth to it. As long as Israel continues to act the way they have been acting for decades, Hamas (or something like Hamas) will always exist to try to fight back against them.

I don't think it's a good thing that an organization like Hamas has to exist but I'm having a real damn hard time calling them the bad guy after everything we've seen in this "war".


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Israel has had it's boot on the neck of The Palestinian people for 50+ years now. Little by little, they have stepped harder and harder on that neck. Hamas didn't just pop out of nowhere, they came from the people Israel is crushing.

The post is a bit tongue in cheek but it also has a huge slice of truth to it. As long as Israel continues to act the way they have been acting for decades, Hamas (or something like Hamas) will always exist to try to fight back against them.

I don't think it's a good thing that an organization like Hamas has to exist but I'm having a real damn hard time calling them the bad guy after everything we've seen in this "war".
Be careful, CNN told Worgen to call you an antisemite for criticizing Israel. And we have to trust what CNN says.
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Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Did they bomb or attack? Cause there was evidence of the hospitals housing hamas and having weapons and the doctors who worked there new about it. If a building is housing weapons and militants then it becomes a valid military target and hamas does not seem to give a shit about that, in fact they seem to welcome it and use it as a primary tactic.
There was never any evidence presented. All just IDF statements. No independent journalist organisation ever got to see anything incriminating.

And the IDF is not trustworthy after they got cought publishing fakes half a doen times at least.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Welcome to fucken war, there is a reason its bad, if hamas gave any shit about the palistinians then it would have done much more to sue for peace, cause right now, isreal is at the part of war where its taking everything it can. The longer this goes on, the more it will take. Hamas gave isreal a blank check with the October 5th attack.
Yeah, just like Bin Laden gave America a blank check, right?

Has hamas done anything to show it cares about the lives of the palestinians?
A terrorist group is a terrorist group, and Hamas is labeled and condemned by the international community as a terrorist group. The attack on Oct. 7th cost some 1.400 Israeli civilians their lives, and it was condemned by world leaders. Now... Israel has since killed close to if not more than 40.000 Palestinians civilians - that's 29 x Oct. 7 - which most world leaders have not only responded to with complete silence or apathy, some have actually funded it and still are, primarily the United States.

Can you maybe see how this... No, I'm sure you can - if you couldn't that would be extremely fucked.

War is messy, war is bloody and in modern warfare, more civilians are gonna die then solders, which is a reason to avoid it if possible.
And how has the internationally recognized state of Israel sought to avoid this? By kicking Palestinians out of their homes, grabbing more and more land out from under them, something the UN has even before Oct. 7th declared a war crime, and by actively aiding Hamas to stop a two-state solution? Certainly not, right?

Please tell me how more though how a UN recognized government has the right to make the death count of a terrorist organisation look like a drop in a bucket.
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It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Hold on, we have to assume Worgen still believes in the mass rapes and the beheaded babies and all that. I'm pretty sure no mainstream source ever retracted those lies and that's all Worgen listens to.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Hold on, we have to assume Worgen still believes in the mass rapes and the beheaded babies and all that. I'm pretty sure no mainstream source ever retracted those lies and that's all Worgen listens to.
Actually several mainstream sources did. That is why we know those were false/overblown.

A lot of media are disgustingly partisan in this issue but many of them do still try to keep some dignity. It is generally the spin and what gets reportet and what gets how much space and which opinions pieces are selected but they are rarely willing to report facts they know are wrong.
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