What I meant was to address what Seanchaidh was saying. Sean's comment was meant to imply that using bombs and having civilian casualties is evidence that Israel is actually just committing genocide against the whole population of Gaza, and that civilian casualties are the intended goal.
Generally, the priority in a war is to achieve a limited, specific, identifiable and identified, series of strategic goals with minimal materiel cost, casualties, and collateral. The specific purpose in this is to erode an opponent's warfighting capacity and public morale -- AKA a population's will to fight -- as efficiently and effectively as possible, while hopefully preventing causes for future hostilities.
Israel's strategies and doctrines so vastly mismatch what few, vague, strategic goals they've identified, we ultimately have to conclude one of two things. Either Israel and its people have the least competent military and public officials in the entire history of western liberal democracy and are entirely happy with the mass lunacy being executed in their name, or what Israel's military and public officials claim to be their strategic goals actually aren't
(more on this in a sec).
Or to put it another way, they're either stupid or they're lying.
While #1 may be true, this has been ongoing in its current form for twenty years, and two generations of Israeli military figures keep doing the same things over and again to the same results, and the same political parties keep getting elected with the only difference being the level of extremism they publicly exhibit -- and the level of public support for that extremism. This isn't an anomaly, this is the norm, and we can and should rule out incompetence or generational mass hysteria.
So, we have to look at #2 and deduce what Israel's strategic goals
actually are, as opposed to what it
claims. That is to say, what goals are best-fit for the strategies and doctrines in play. The only goals that reasonably explain how Israel conducts warfighting in Gaza and the West Bank, is to render the region uninhabitable by demolishing current infrastructure and construction, and forcefully depopulate the region through death or displacement, in order to redevelop and repopulate with Israeli settlers. And in this, Israel's military and public officials have proven themselves extraordinarily efficient.
Or to put it another way, they're clearly not stupid, so they must be lying.
But really, the entire thought exercise is purely academic. Israeli public officials and military leaders are already expressly on record, multiple times and publicly having repeated their statements to preclude miscommunication or misconstruction, as stating genocide is their intent. And as if that isn't enough, demolish, depopulate, and resettle has been the MO for seventy years as evidence for that intent.
Or to put it another way, they're not even lying.