Console Vs. P.C. (no, not like that...)


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Cargin said:
ThrobbingEgo said:
Do NOT use a 360 gamepad on a multiplayer PC FPS. You will not be able to turn or react nearly fast enough.
how can that be tho, because my biggest problem with mouse and keyboard is that im NOT able to turn or react quick enough?!?
Hint: Mouse sensitivity.

If you're not faster and more accurate with a mouse and keyboard, something's wrong. Turn the in-game setting up.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Tiny116 said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
if your pc can run it, go for it.

The Xbox Live community suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Not all of it..though there are some real pricks on it, occasionally you get a good group. To be honest I've met bigger assholes on Steam.
This. The xbox community is pretty varied. If you play Left 4 Dead 2, chances are if you wait for people who actually have a mic plugged in, they're really nice, helpful people. I'd say it depends entirely on the game. L4D2 caters to nice, co-operative people, MW2 has pretty decent people, as long as they're not using dual-shotguns, and Halo.. take a guess. Online isn't really that expensive, either. 4-5$ a month really isn't that bad, and of all three consoles it has the best service. You get what you pay for.

It's mainly a preference choice. Try out both. PC should be pretty fine to get started, and most Xbox games come with a 48-hour, or even month-long trial cards, not to mention creating a new gamertag gives you a free month of live.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
VioletZer0 said:
Console: Hello, I am a Console.

PC: And I am a PC.

Console: You know what is really nice about consoles? We're more stable. Everything that is written for us we can run.

PC: Hah! I can do more stuff than you could ever do in your lifetime. Your abilities are fixed while I can constantly be upgraded.

Console: True, but as a result, you are a little unstable.

PC: *twitches* Yes, I will own up to that. But to be fair, consoles recently are adapting PC like features. So you are seeing the downsides of that, are you not?*twitches*

Console: *twitches* Unfortunately so.

PC: Whatever the case, if you are willing to do some research and are comfortable with working on my inner components, get a PC.

Console: If you are a busy person, don't feel comfortable with working on electronics or just can't be arsed to research, I am your best option.
Console: Hello, I am a Console.

PC: And I am a PC.

Console: You know what is really nice about consoles? We're more stab- RROD

PC: Sure, now go play with the other kiddies.



New member
Feb 25, 2009
Ever since the latest wave of screaming 12 years olds arrived on Xbox live I havn't touched any multiplayer with forced voice chat, so naturally my game time-level on MW2 has suffered because of that, effectivly being forced to play game types with lower point hauls per game and unable to play any other gamemode comfortably without having to go to the bother of muting EVERYONE in the game.

So In short, get it for PC, console only gamers on the whole are loud mouthed idiots who have no sense of good sportsmanship, and have no form of social skills to get along with people in games unable to accept the fact that someone beat them.

Plus the only trash talking on the PC is all in good fun and if anyone's serious about it they usually have a semi-reasonable argument.. Oh and most importantly their balls have dropped...


New member
Aug 4, 2009
XBL is full of jerk offs and it's really not even worth the £40 you pay. If your PC can handle the games then go with PC. Dedicated servers + no 7 year olds trash talking because you beat them = Better online experience.


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Jan 12, 2010
ninja'd, but wait for Battlefield Bad Company 2, or until Mw2 gets some serious patching. that MP is as balanced as a drunk on a see-saw.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
What boils my goat is the fact that in a lot of current gen. console releases online multiplayer replaces local multiplayer. That just makes no sense to me! That's where consoles began, playing with mates!!


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Cargin said:
ThrobbingEgo said:
Do NOT use a 360 gamepad on a multiplayer PC FPS. You will not be able to turn or react nearly fast enough.
how can that be tho, because my biggest problem with mouse and keyboard is that im NOT able to turn or react quick enough?!?
Turn up your mouse sensitivity then :)

A lot of people rag on MW2 on the PC. This is because IW did drop the ball, and while they capitalized on the strengths of other platforms, they left PC users hanging by excluding some very basic, simple features that would have increased sales for next to zero effort. Because of this, PC multiplayer has some annoying hiccups. Annoying host switching, unmoderated games, that sort of thing. However, none of this will ruin the experience. Just an occasional grumble. By this same token, a lot of gameplay problems ive heard about on consoles doesn't seem to exist on the PC. Glitches, balance issues, and exploits that are a little odd or annoying on PC seem to be absolutely game destroying on the console. More can go wrong on PC, but again, this is fairly rare, especially if you have the absolute basic of tech savvy.

The long and the short of it is that IW had consoles in mind for MW2. It was clearly where their mind was. However, they didn't completely neglect PC, and you will enjoy the game on any platform. If setting up live and paying the monthly fee is a task you dread, then PC would be a great idea. But if you realize that you want to set up Live anyways, and you naturally prefer consoles, go and set up live and get the console. Don't let the cynics get to you; all the components in this equation, MW2, Live, Consoles, and PCs, are excellent investments of time and energy.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Go with a pc, sure I love the xbox to death, but for shooters, or, anything, the pc is extremely better, and when you start playing with a mouse and keyboard, you get to that point where you react much more faster than a console.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
VioletZer0 said:
Console: Hello, I am a Console.

PC: And I am a PC.

Console: You know what is really nice about consoles? We're more stable. Everything that is written for us we can run.

PC: Hah! I can do more stuff than you could ever do in your lifetime. Your abilities are fixed while I can constantly be upgraded.

Console: True, but as a result, you are a little unstable.

PC: *twitches* Yes, I will own up to that. But to be fair, consoles recently are adapting PC like features. So you are seeing the downsides of that, are you not?*twitches*

Console: *twitches* Unfortunately so.

PC: Whatever the case, if you are willing to do some research and are comfortable with working on my inner components, get a PC.

Console: If you are a busy person, don't feel comfortable with working on electronics or just can't be arsed to research, I am your best option.
Bravo. This is one of the most fair and even handed approaches to the PC/Console war I have ever seen.

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
Having played shooters on a PC for years and specifically COD4:MW for a year I was given the opportunity to witness a PS3 multiplayer match at a friends house. My friend had been playing console shooters for quite a while, and from his place on the server I would say he was pretty good. Any way through out the entire session I kept wondering:

"Why aren't you dead? If this were a PC server that sniper would have killed you and the two guys next to you in the time it took for you to level your aim on him."

It turns out the time it takes to draw bead on an opponent's head with a mouse for the average PC player is shorter than the time it takes to draw bead with a game pad for the average Console player: See

The moral of this story is that don't play shooters with a game pad against people using a mouse, unless you are so good you need the handicap.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I say the free online play of a PC definitely outweighs the issues PC has.
If your PC can handle it, go for it. I'm not that huge a fan of XBL because with that $50 a year, I could buy another game (or 2-5 depending on how much they cost and how old they are but still)....


New member
Apr 9, 2008
hamster mk 4 said:
Having played shooters on a PC for years and specifically COD4:MW for a year I was given the opportunity to witness a PS3 multiplayer match at a friends house. My friend had been playing console shooters for quite a while, and from his place on the server I would say he was pretty good. Any way through out the entire session I kept wondering:

"Why aren't you dead? If this were a PC server that sniper would have killed you and the two guys next to you in the time it took for you to level your aim on him."

It turns out the time it takes to draw bead on an opponent's head with a mouse for the average PC player is shorter than the time it takes to draw bead with a game pad for the average Console player: See

The moral of this story is that don't play shooters with a game pad against people using a mouse, unless you are so good you need the handicap.
That may have not been the best source to quote...I love my mouse and keyboard, and was secretly hoping that the mouse would win...then I read this.

"No significant performance differences were found between input devices although subjectively participants believed they peformed (sic) the worst with the joystick."

Doesn't mean the hypothesis is wrong, just that this study doesn't support your hypothesis.

Man, I miss my research project in performance in fighting games...

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
Xanadu84 said:

Doesn't mean the hypothesis is wrong, just that this study doesn't support your hypothesis.

Man, I miss my research project in performance in fighting games...
Yeah I posed this after I read the reference to the Isokoski and Martin (2007) study, but before I finished reading the entire article. I should note this study does not take into consideration target aquisition times, only accuracy. It would be interesting to do a study on just target aquisition time.

Results showed the gamers correctly and accurately designated twice as many targets as the pilots when using the more familiar PS2 controller. Gamers also hit more targets overall across devices. However, the PS2 controller yielded the least number of hits across devices for both groups.