Creepy Skyrim Serial Killer Keeps Heads on Shelves

Gecko clown

New member
Mar 28, 2011
Meh, it is just a role but it is pretty cool. Maybe he's not psychotically damaged and the whole "there are only female corpses in the house," thing makes it even more likely that it is just a role what with most famous serial killers exclusively murdering women. It kind of reminds me of this guy actually, what with the heads on shelves and stuff. Anyway this felt like something out of a horror film as I was watching I was half expecting it to cut back to a couple of teenagers on a road trip or something.


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Aug 15, 2010
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New member
Oct 30, 2011
Jfswift said:
Maybe we should run background checks before selling games to certain people >.>
well, the way I see it, if he can vent his psychotic tendencies in a video game and not in real life, keep selling him those games.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
First NICE! and WTF?! I think it's nice to have things like that in games like Skyrim because it gives you that one second of wtf in the game more games need to do something like that.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
I used to be a serial killer like him, until I took an arrow in the knee.
Well played, well played indeed.

OT, I'd be interested to know why this guy did this. Was it for shock value? I get role playing in games, this seems over the line though...


New member
May 13, 2010
Hah, that's weird.

I dunno, it's not that bad in my mind, perhaps because I'm seeing it as straight roleplaying? It's like...I have a recurring character who started from the desire to play the bad route and play it hard, I don't like being mean, I suck at it in games, I always want to help. So I made a character and gave her reasons for being so cruel (and gods is she cruel). That way I could do terrible things and progress the game in the negative way desired. In the end I have fun playing as her, really. Despite being personally upset at the things she does it's fun to let loose on a town and kill them all then pile the bodies up and burn them.

So...on the one hand, weird. On the other hand maybe they're just roleplaying a serial killer, in fact I kinda want to try to play as a serial killer, maybe with less of the creepy that's for sure but I like the idea of choosing a target and killing them in a discreet way, stealing a trophy (something innocuous, not their head) and then disposing of the body in a way to actually hide it...wonder if it would work or Id just get bored...


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Tin Man said:
FaceFaceFace said:
You people disturb me. No, not this guy or the child-death mod people, you people calling them "sick". I have to question YOUR mental well-being if you honestly believe that morals, sanity, or anything else from real life applies in an imaginary world. Was the guy who wrote Silence of the Lambs sick? Are the people who go on murder sprees in GTA sick? Where do you get off drawing these imaginary moral lines in imaginary worlds?

OT: This is awesome. It also suggests that they need to start incorporating NPC/AI systems for detecting mass murder and body vandalization so that the citizens of the Elder Scrolls games can react accordingly.
You're entitled to your opinion and free speech and all that shit, but fuck that dude. No, writers of horror and depravity are not sick, they're writers. That is an art and a skill. And there is a BIG difference between gunning down gangs in GTA and running stuffed and goofily animated people over, and decapitating and undressing women in a game and keeping their heads on a shelf. A lot of time went into this.

Also, you can't pick up corpses IIRC, so he probably lured those women there. Which is just insidious. Violent and mindless GTA sprees is one thing, but why put so much effort into something like this. Because he can? Because he wants to? I don't give a fuck what you say, there are questions that need to be asked of a mind that considers something like that a recreational activity.

Or more to the point, the guy made a video out of it. Ask yourself why someone makes a horror movie, a haunted house for halloween, or whatever else. The point of this, with the atmospheric music and such was to entertain like a horror movie, and invite exactly these kinds of questions. The dude made a bloody funhouse with Skyrim... I mean cripes.

Now honestly, it can be fun to put your hair down and be the bad guy once in a while. I don't think there are many people who haven't read murder mysteries or watched horror movies about seriel killers that have not had the person sitting back playing arm chair bad guy and thinking "well, if this was me, I could have done better".

Skyrim actually has quests that encourage you to be an absolute bastard, actually you kind of gimp your character if you want. Cannibalism, and Betrayal and Murder are the two big acts of depravity that come about through the Daedric quests. Truthfully this display isn't going much beyond what you already have in the game (just kind of spelling some of it out a bit). I could explain my RP and thinking but I'm not going to go into it in detail. Simply put The
Ebony Blade sits unused on a shelf, and my current chracater wears the ring of Namira.

Truthfully I've always wanted to make a seriel killer game for horror fans that was all about doing this kind of thing, except programmed with algorithms based on things like the old VICAPS system (Violent Criminal Apprehension System) to predict police response based on their analysis and the patterns of the criminal in question. The old thing of "you think you can do better than Dexter, or Ted Bundy... prove it" a sandbox where your awarded points or whatever for unusually sadistic or pattern based kills, BUT such kills also make you *FAR* more likely to be caught by the police.

I'm also a huge fan of 80s horror movies, if I was to ever design such a game I'd be tempted to throw in supernatural elements and allow people to make their own movie slasher, but that would kind of ruin the point of the Sim.

What can I say? I'm a horror fan, and was a criminal justice major have always been intrigued by these guys and how they got away with it for so long, and how they were eventually captured. I grew up wanting to track down these guys, and as I learned more about it have wondered how long I could get away with it given the things I know if I was so inclined... but here is the thing, despite all of this "I have lost faith in humanity" garbage most people AREN'T inclined that way. Even sociopaths have to possess a degree of sadism that is just uncommon for someone to become a seriel killer or whatever. Being intrigued by such things and actually being wired to do them are entirely differant things. People have wondered at the appeal of horror movies, true crime novels, and similar things for a long time now, and yet they endure, there are a lot of differant answers as to why people enjoy that kind of thing, but we do, and honestly I think it's more abnormal to say you have no dark side than to admit it. This kind of thing is fine as long as it stays in fantasy, and really I think people SERIOUSLY underestimate how huge a jump it is for fantasy to turn into reality with something like this. Humans ARE social creatures as a survivial mechanism.

At any rate this guy created a virtual haunted house, like a Halloween amusement, or perhaps more appropriatly a very short horror movie using a video game engine. Big whoop. Hellraiser is worse, so I guess this means you should all run down Clive Barker as he inspired it (first movie based on one of his novellas, the other films simply based on that movie).


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I did this, but with the heads of the glenmoril (?) witches I had to kill for a Companions quest.
I was actually able to store their heads in my inventory...

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
This is both creepy and awesome and I'm now slightly tempted to emulate it, only with Khajit and Argonian victims. And they said games were a bad influence!


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Tin Man said:
And yet, I very much doubt anyone is going to create a police mod, where someone, anyone, notices the missing women and house full of heads and stripped women posed all over the house.
Well I cant speak for others but I for one would genuinely welcome this, so a mod that adds a functional police who investigates crimes across the game world?

This would make being a criminal so much more interesting, I cant be alone in thinking that, but more likely reason for such a mod not existing is it would require a lot of hard scripting, whereas nude mods seem easy by comparison (as evidenced by nudity mods always being the first mods out in a beth game).


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Frankster said:
Tin Man said:
And yet, I very much doubt anyone is going to create a police mod, where someone, anyone, notices the missing women and house full of heads and stripped women posed all over the house.
Well I cant speak for others but I for one would genuinely welcome this, so a mod that adds a functional police who investigates crimes across the game world?
You mean I would have to think twice before crouching and robbing people blind?

Well, it would still be better than telepathic guards.