Critical Miss: #5

without memory

New member
Jan 20, 2010
I kinda wish they would at least introduce the other charcters in the comic properly, the support characters seem to pop out of no where and I'm not sure whether they are going to be important or just a one time use charcter.

it seems like their bringing in characters and acting as if we already know them, when we clearly do not, it's been bugging me since the first comic.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Finally someone on this site gave Ebert what he deserved instead of saying they respect his opinion and want to share a cup of tea with him and be peaceful and so on.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Ya know what...

I think Ebert's comment has been taken out of context by too many people with no free time. Let's read his blog, shall we?

Roger Ebert said:
Anything can be art. Even a can of Campbell's soup. What I should have said is that games could not be high art, as I understand it.

How do I know this? How many games have I played? I know it by the definition of the vast majority of games. They tend to involve (1) point and shoot in many variations and plotlines, (2) treasure or scavenger hunts, as in "Myst," and (3) player control of the outcome. I don't think these attributes have much to do with art; they have more in common with sports.

If you can go through "every emotional journey available," doesn't that devalue each and every one of them? Art seeks to lead you to an inevitable conclusion, not a smorgasbord of choices. If next time, I have Romeo and Juliet go through the story naked and standing on their hands, would that be way cool, or what?
Even as a gamer, I have to agree with Ebert's view. A game, no matter how advanced the graphics, no matter the gameplay, can't be put on a shelf and enjoyed by the masses like a Picasso or Da Vinci. They really weren't made for that.

Sorry, when I see the entire thing with Ebert, it kinda bugs me how people rag on him for sticking to his guns that games aren't really high art (which they're not).

OT - The comic wasn't bad... But this one falls flat to an overthinker like me. Once I saw Ebert, it's almost like putting chum in the water for sharks. You can see the punchline a mile away which really detracted me from this one.

Oh well, let's pray for the next one.


Apr 24, 2008
I enjoy the wanton violence against Ebert. The man spouts his mouth without considering wider implications, it's the very definition of an arsehole. I also enjoy Kick-arse.

Together, I was heartily pleased.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Well, well. I've seen all the complaints on the thread: Tasteless (went too far), bland (didn't go far enough), etc. (Therefore, "tasteless" is the opposite of "bland".)

So I've decided to rectify that with: Choose Your Own Punchline! Simply click on the link below and choose your favorite punchline, while posting about how the others are horribly offensive/not offensive enough.

Yes, I went there. I've had cancer, I'm allowed to go there.

And the reviewers love me! "Meaningless noise.... Neither amusing nor shocking." - an anonymous reader.

Edit: anonymous reader wishes to add "crass". So added.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Having just watched Kick-Ass myself and what it was really about, I'd say this makes her more of a super villian than a super hero hehehe.

Still, she seems dressed for the part. As was said, very nice costume indeed. :)


Your friendly Yandere
Jun 10, 2010
Does Ebert ever play....a video game?

But i gotta say, i didn't "get the joke" this time, sorry >_<

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Apparently sometimes all it takes is repeated blows to the head administered by a masked vigilante to get a point across. We win! Kind of... []


New member
Sep 1, 2010
So a Film-critic got owned by a game-critic who turned Vigilante after she saw an Action-flick ...the subtle Irony has failed to elude me :D

Although that Gerbil certainly did o_O!