Crooked Technician Hacked Laptops To Become Peeping Tom


New member
Apr 27, 2011
TheIronRuler said:
That insane brilliant man...
I hope he made some illegal cash with these pictures to pay some decent lawyers.

On a side note, I might enroll into a locksmith school just for the perks, but the fact that there are under 300 licensed locksmiths in this 7 million country makes this job look lucrative. It depends on my ability to go to the University.

Post Scriptum. It won't matter, owning the keys to every house in the neighborhood and being able to crack locks seems much better than sitting on a computer all day writing software.
The trouble with that is that most country also have law that specifically target locksmith profession, if you get cough you most likely hand up with an increased sentence due to professional knowledge, a bit like martial profession (infantry soldier, martial artist, boxer...) where hand to hand fighting is considered a deadly weapon in front of a tribunal. Which basically mean if you attack someone you will be considered be armed for tribunal purpose.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
I once took my laptop in to be fixed, and when I got it back I found the tech had deleted all my shortcuts except the Recycle Bin and replaced them with a single shortcut to a picture of himself.

Creepy as fuck.

ThatDaveDude1 said:
People getting taken advantage of for being stupid.

I blame both parties equally.
Really? Because I blame the guy who took advantage of his technological knowledge to violate innocent women's privacy more than the women who took their computer in to a professional to be fixed like any other human being.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I laughed pretty hard at the scheme to put the laptop somewhere around some steam to cleanse a sensor- guy definitely was at least trying to be clever.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
And I thought my friend was dumb when we told her that she needed to update her kiwi-drivers for us to be able to hear her on skype. (She was really annoying for a while, just wanted to avoid her for a bit)


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Did anyone else feel a little bad for being totally unsurprised when this story turned out to take place in Southern California?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Even if it did make sense for a computer to be fixed using steam, why would you use the shower?

Still, that seems like a bit too much effort to see a woman naked. You'd think a computer repairman would know that the internet exists
[sub][sub][sub]not that I use the internet for anything like that.[/sub][/sub][/sub]


New member
Mar 2, 2011
vansau said:
That said, it sounds like Harwell's going to be headed to prison soon, which couldn't happen to a more-deserving guy.
The author of that can't think of anyone more deserving to go to prison? Fair enough, i guess.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Canid117 said:
Did anyone else feel a little bad for being totally unsurprised when this story turned out to take place in Southern California?
Didn't even notice the first time reading the article, but yeah, not surprised at all.

richd213 said:
vansau said:
That said, it sounds like Harwell's going to be headed to prison soon, which couldn't happen to a more-deserving guy.
The author of that can't think of anyone more deserving to go to prison? Fair enough, i guess.
The author is trying to be witty by using a prison shower joke except all incognito like.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Couple of things.

No this guy does not deserve to be locked up for life. His crimes, while as retarded as the women who believed steam could help a computer, were not physical. Spying like that is pretty weak, and I understand jail-time, but honestly, a few years at most is all that makes sense to me. In the end, it was embarrassing photos and nothing more. No one's life is ruined over this. (Except his)


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Annnd this is why I keep the webcam on my laptop covered. (Well, because of raging paranoia mostly.)

The guy's a jerk, and I don't blame the women for falling for his error message, although you'd think some of them would've known better. I'm surprised it took so long for someone to pick it up, and it wasn't even really one of the victims.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
ThatDaveDude1 said:
Simiathan said:
ThatDaveDude1 said:
People getting taken advantage of for being stupid.

I blame both parties equally.
Right. Because blaming the victims of a pervert is a perfectly logical conclusion to make.

(rolls eyes)
If you're dumb enough to believe that showering in the vicinity of your laptop will in any way shape or form repair problems with an "internal sensor" then (A) You shouldn't be using a computer at all, and (B) You lose a great deal of my sympathy for you when things like this happen.

So yeah, I'd say that blaming these people for what their stupidity allowed to happen is a perfectly logical conclusion to make.
You're a jerk, buddy. You have no idea how many incredibly intelligent people I know who just happen to be completely computer illiterate. Given how impenetrable computers seem to be to some people, I'd say it's fairly reasonable for them to believe whatever advice is thrown this way. AND, I might point out, a hair-brained solution like this isn't actually that far removed from what you do to fix certain technological problems: like forcing a RROD'd Xbox to reset by wrapping it in towels so that the ventilation is blocked off and it overheats. So I think these people can be quite forgiven for believing this kind of advice, and your 'blame the victim' mentality puts you right up there with the kind of people who say that women who wear low cut clothing are asking to be raped.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
This is why I don't have a webcam...well this and the fact that I would never use it and find it completely useless and a waste of money... >_> I don't blame the women for doing it but you would think someone would catch on sooner. You can't really call them stupid though, they probably thought it was stupid but who is someone with no computer experience to question the almighty and hated error message? You would think they would disable the webcam though, I'd be to paranoid to do anything in front of a webcam.

Seieko Pherdo

New member
May 7, 2011
Somebody should of told this man of porn sties. Since there you find ways to talk to naked women without going jail, but I suppose some people just love the thrill of trying not to drop the soap.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
LOL, Thats why I put a piece of electrical tape over my webcam the day I got my laptop :p



New member
Feb 10, 2011
ThatDaveDude1 said:
People getting taken advantage of for being stupid.

I blame both parties equally.
I blame the both parties, but more on the stupid people. "Steam is good for my computer? Derp, ok."

EDIT: The mom found it weird that her daughter kept getting the same tech problem notice...Why didn't she notice that computers don't need steam?


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Dango said:
Even if it did make sense for a computer to be fixed using steam, why would you use the shower?

Still, that seems like a bit too much effort to see a woman naked. You'd think a computer repairman would know that the internet exists
[sub][sub][sub]not that I use the internet for anything like that.[/sub][/sub][/sub]
Here's how I see it:

What this guy did=Real women
Real women are better