Dad uses Facebook to teach daughter a lesson.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Shawn MacDonald said:
Is he an asshole for shooting the laptop, sure. He is also my hero for teaching his self entitled ***** of a daughter a lesson.
Put yourself in his daughter's position. Are you going to think "gee, i guess i was wrong, i'd better clean up my act. Thanks, dad" or would you pretty much resent him for the rest of your life?

The lesson here is that swooping to lower than a kids' level of immaturity to fix your problems is not something you'd want to do.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
i was raised by a single father and I had way more chores than this girl so i'm glad she was punished but there are better ways to do it. coming from a country where guns are illegal ( england ) he could have just made her read the post infront of the whole family intervention style


New member
Apr 9, 2010
He should have taken the laptop to his daughters school and given it , formatted and with a clean windows install on it, to the most disadvantaged child in the place to punish his daughter. I know he was angry, i understand that, but seriously destroying the hardware that you just finished fixing is wasteful and stupid.


New member
May 13, 2011
I always thought that the use of guns in the USA is excessive, and for me this is just unacceptable for any civilized country.


New member
Nov 9, 2011
The moment you find yourself using a lethal weapon as a parenting tool you fail at fatherhood.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Ramzal said:
I'm not saying firing at an object is wrong. He's discharging it simply out of anger at his daughter. It's one thing to do something like that for practice, or even as a hobby. This was done out of anger. A gun should not be used like that.

People have been killed because of misused of a firearm under anger and rage. How is this leading by example for his child? "If you're mad, or you need to prove a point, go shoot something?" And yes, my example is strong but it has a point. You shouldn't use something lethal to prove a point. I'm sorry, did you say "misguided?" I've learned my discipline with weapons and firearms from the U.S. Navy as well as martial arts.

Both taught that it is not--by any means, right to use a weapon to prove a point. You are arguing from a point of consequence, many crimes come without proper consequence, does that make them alright? People lose their homes and lives due to corporate interest, does that make it alright?
Thing is, it's entirely possible that he was using the gun "for effect".

When you think about it, he says it himself that the video is more for "people who think she's cool for being rebellious", than for his daughter.

Is he angry as he speaks? Judging by how he chokes up occasionally, I'd say yes, he probably is. But that doesn't mean everything he does is controlled by it.

As for his use of a firearm, well, it seems to me he did in a controllable environment, being able to see more than a hundred meters in any direction, and shooting at what looks like a 45 angle downwards.

I've seen people do crazier(dumber) shit with guns on YouTube before.

EDIT: Should note, I don't agree with his method of parenting, I'm only addressing the use of a firearm.

The Rainmaker

New member
Jun 21, 2009
I thought it was awesome. I don't see why this is such a frowned upon use of a gun, its not like its any worse than going into some hills and shooting beer cans.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I was in disbelief when he actually shot the laptop. But after reading his FAQ's, he seems like a classy dude... with his own sense of discipline


New member
Nov 12, 2009
you know, in 3rd world countries or eastern asia, such behavior (by the daughter) would bring such fierce physical punishment that she wouldn't forget for the rest of her life. not to say that she will forget this, but unloading a gun into a laptop is (i believe) a very tame punishment against her in comparison ....

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Bit overkill destroying the laptop, what being worth probably hundreds of dollars that he probably paid for
But still she deserved it, talking behind your parents backs, making rude comments about those who pay for your everything and expecting money just for doing chores.
Yeah, she deserved all of it.


Evidence or GTFO
Jun 29, 2010
Vuliev said:
While I don't condone unloading an entire 9mm clip into a laptop, his exposal and rebuttal is perfectly fine. Every teen needs to have the "don't be a spoiled brat" lesson, and this way is particularly effective.

I would have snapped the laptop over my knee on camera instead.

EDIT: Now that I think rationally about it, I would have confronted my daughter, than snapped the laptop over my knee in front of her. No YouTube.
RAKtheUndead said:
Shawn MacDonald said:
Is he an asshole for shooting the laptop, sure. He is also my hero for teaching his self entitled ***** of a daughter a lesson.
This, this, a thousand times this. Sometimes, you need a bit of tough love - and when you've got a modern-day self-entitled ***** to sort out, you've got to be very tough.
I think he over did it. Discipline is one thing and hell, if he bought her the laptop I think he was fine in putting some bullets in it and breaking it just to send a message. What concerns me is that his parenting is over-zealous and refuses to acknowledge his daughter's emotional state. He needs to actually have a conversation with her, explain to her why she shouldn't feel the way she does and ask her why she felt that way in the first place. Punish her, fine, but do it in a way that's fair. All he's going to accomplish is alienating his daughter and making the obvious gulf between them even wider.

That said, I suppose I'd prefer he actually does go a little insane over this than have another retarded, self entitled MTV slut running around, but he isn't helping half as much as he thinks he is. I'm totally okay with the gun thing, like someone said earlier here, YouTubers like FPSrussia pull this crap all the time, but this isn't good parenting. It's a bad idea disguised by good rhetoric, which I suppose is par for the course in what is clearly a Republican State =P

Liam Starrs

New member
Dec 26, 2011
He is awesome daughter is kinda dumb and got caught being kinda dumb. the world needs more dudes willing to shoot up laptops to protect the world from dumb kids. He should also shoot her make up stand when she starts dolling herself up to the nines and her wardrobe for when she starts dressing like a slag so that he doesnt have to shoot her boyfriends she she starts sleeping around


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Ramzal said:
What is wrong with you people? This man just put 9 rounds into a stationary object because he was angry. Let me repeat myself; This man just unloaded a -gun- into a computer because he was angry. He has every right to punish his daughter, but this shows complete and total lack of control and discipline over himself by using a firearm to teach a lesson.
Whoa now. Hold on right fucking there. Are you kidding me?

I am 100% for gun control, and am fine with stricter control on who exactly is able to go out and buy a firearm.

But right here, what you are complaining about, is ridiculous. This is seriously one of the most pointless complaints I've ever seen. I am at a loss for words.
He lost count in how many bullets fired at that, because of his anger! And people support this?
Abso-fucking-lutely. He was never careless with the weapon, he wasn't using it violently towards any person, and he was safe with it the entire time. He lost count of the shots he fired, so what? Him being angry has nothing to do with bullet count. I never keep track of how many rounds I fire when I shoot.
A gun is not a toy, it's a tool. A last resort and used to protect, not destroy.
How exactly was he using this as a toy? Where did you get the idea in your head that guns are only used to shoot at people? What, are we not allowed to shoot at firing ranges now? Guns are certainly used to destroy. That's sort of the whole idea of bullets.
I've seen comments on this saying "An all American dad!" Are you people crazy or just plan stupid? Comments like that is exactly why our country is looked down on as gun tooting/war hungry morons!
No, people hate our country because our military is policing the world, and our populace has some of the worst foreign awareness out there. A good deal of countries out there let their populace have guns.

Sure, the people who say "All-American dad!" in the comments are stupid, but that's just because people who say anything "All-American" are probably in the midst of putting down something from another country.
His entire point goes out the window when he shows how childish (Retaliating to her internet post--it's an internet post for crying out loud) with the use of a gun.
And guess what? You will most likely never see her say anything naughty on the internet again. Because quite frankly, what with the public humiliation and the fact that her computer has more holes than an Air-tight Lindsey Lohan, she sure as shit learned her lesson.

I thought it was brilliant. A father who was literally fed up with her spoiled child's bullshit, and no other punishment was working, came up with a creative way of dealing with it. In a perfectly safe environment, he destroyed the computer that he bought with his own money with a firearm. If he had done it with a bat, or an axe, would you say those should be banned? No, of course not.
I once believed that a gun should be a right, however after seeing how he used his firearm and people's encouragement of his action, I now believe that having a gun should be treated as a privilege instead of a right.
Guess who's not getting any recommendations for Congress? If you treat your weapon as something sacred that should only be used in dire emergencies, good for you. But bitching about someone using creative methods of punishment that did not involve harming his daughter in any way, that's where I put my foot down. This type of behavior is completely harmless.

You want to complain about guns, complain about him not wearing eye or ear protection.

I am an American, and I DO NOT agree with this man's methods of use of a firearm, nor raising a child.
You try using passive aggressive means for getting a kid to listen to you. Get back to me and tell me how that works.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
I'm not even remotely mad about what he did with the laptop or the gun or even what his reaction was.

My only thoughts were "That laptop: all that money gone." Definitely would've been better to give it to charity, but I guess that's the beauty of hindsight.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Holy shit. This guy is so totally unjustified in doing this.
People are saying that you need to have a "Don't be a brat" talk with your kids and teach them a lesson. Instead of this bullshit macho bravado parenting fantasy you could just do it the hard way and raise your damn kids well in the first place instead of doing something dramatic, over the top and childish like this that only breeds hatred in your kid for you. You think his daughter saw this and went "Oh, wow, yeah, I see how I was wrong and ungrateful, I'll try and be better from now on!"? Fuck no! She probably freaked out that her dad was such a gun-toting neanderthal.

Things like this don't teach anyone anything, it just breeds lament and distrust between parent and child - Especially since the dad CLEARLY went behind his daughter's back on this. He "came by" her facebook post after admitting he was an IT expert? Things like this do not help your kid trust you! A lying, conniving parent who pulls of scare tactics like this is not going to do any good.
I especially like the way he insinuates she was being rebellious and looking for attention as he unloads into her laptop to make a point - He couldn't be more of a hypocrite! Why the hell do you think she's like that if this guy is her dad?

If my parents ever caught me making a bitchy, bratty post like this they'd probably just sit me down and tell me it was a shitty thing to do and ask what the hell was I thinking.

Besides, any good parent would know that if the girl's bitching about her parents on facebook where they can't see it, it's because she wants to be cool in front of her friends. Damn it, it's all stemming from insecurity which this whole damn event is just going to aggravate. These things aren't easy with teenage girls, life is pretty tough when you're part of the group of people that most frequently experiences depression! (Not that I am one, but it's true)

My point is that this doesn't teach a lesson. Okay, maybe it teaches "Don't fuck with your dad, missy." But who does that help? Well done, you've intimidated your teenage daughter. You should get a fucking medal. It doesn't let the kid know why what she did was wrong, it doesn't help the parents understand their kid and more importantly, it just broadens the gap between parents and kids. Is this the man she'd go to with a problem? Is this the dad she seeks comfort from, she'd tell a secret to, she'd confide in? No, this is the just the jerk-off who used an actual firearm to intimidate his daughter.

I'm no fan of guns but I see their necessity in certain situations and as the OP said, they are a tool, not a toy. This childish brand of coercion tactics is not the appropriate usage of a live firearm.

It actually worries how many people consider this to be a liable parenting tactic. It's not because it scares the girl, yes she was mostly in the wrong here, this is not a liable parenting tactic because it doesn't fucking help. She is more than likely just going to end up trying to get back at her parents at some point, or being too scared to do so and harboring fear and resentment for them on some level for years.
I guarantee that one day this guy will be sitting alone in an old house or retirement home with his gun wondering why the hell his kids never call, and damn straight, too.

I hate bratty kids as much as anyone else, probably more than most (not a kid person), but I hate idiotic parents who care more about looking cool than doing the right thing even moreso.

Ramzal said:
If you can't get a point across to your kid with your own voice and reasoning, and you KNOW they are in the wrong then you have failed your child as a parent. If you need to use a weapon to prove a point to that child after that you have failed harder because of showing your kids a lack of restraint, and showing you have all the power because you gave birth to them and you hold that weapon. There is nothing that will come of this but resentment. And I wouldn't blame Hanna.

Taking away the laptop or selling it would have been fine enough. Use of a weapon is not acceptable parenting for TEACHING A CHILD A LESSON.
Exactly right. I totally agree with what you're saying in this thread.

JoesshittyOs said:
He was never careless with the weapon, he wasn't using it violently towards any person, and he was safe with it the entire time.
From a psychological standpoint, he basically used the gun to threaten his daughter, so he sort of did use it towards someone.

I'm not saying that the exact circumstance he used the weapon in is the worst thing - I don't even think that's what the OP is talking about. Rather, this circumstance demonstrates how flippantly the man uses a gun. It demonstrates a mindset I find very, very worrying. If this is what the guy will do in a premeditated manner when he's pissed about something his little girl did, who knows how far he'll go if it's an act of passion? Throw a small amount of alcohol in there, and what are the limits? How do we know that in a heated argument he won't whip this shit out and blast a hole in the ceiling out of anger?
Like I said, if this is what people will do in a calm, calculated manner with guns (use it as a scare tactic because their daughter said something rude) then it's a pretty scary indication of what people would do with guns when they aren't calm or calculated. It's even more worrying how many people see this as justified an logical.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
So...from what I have taken from people who disagree with me is "He used it in a controlled environment." Which is debatable, because you can in fact see cars driving by in the background. So it is up to a person who would have to be there to judge if it is controlled or not. Seeing as we were not there, it is hard to judge if it was a safe area to use it or not.

"It is legal for him to discharge where it is safe, namely on his own property." I agree. It is. It is perfectly legal for him to discharge a firearm on his own property (Depending on where you live.) However, it's a question of why you are discharging said gun. If you are doing it for practice, that's fine. Do that. I have stated once before that recreational use of a gun there is no problem with that. Practice teaches you discipline as well as it can be something that builds your personality. Nothing wrong with that.

What bugs me is not only his action, but peoples reactions to his actions of using that firearm as he did. People who are American and stating that "Yeah! I would have done that too, but with my 12 gauge!" How does this send a positive message to people about our society? How does firing a weapon to teach someone a lesson become standard? He felt that his authority as her father was being challenged (Which, he has every right to feel that way.) So he used a weapon to respond to that. That can be very easily be translated into a threat.

Let me put this as plainly as I can. "Restraint" is the key word. You should have the restraint to not have to take a tool like a gun, and not use it for what it's purpose is. That's part of the discipline of having one is. If you missed that part, you should not be holding a gun or using one. Hell, using a gun to provide for your family, nothing is wrong with that either. If you are hunting to eat, there is nothing wrong with that.

However he is proving a point with it, violently and sends a message of "I am a father, and I have a gun so I can do as I please." Honestly, if it were him and his group of people who felt that was the right action, that's fine enough. But you've got people in mass number agreeing fully with this method. That if you feel you are being undermined, using something like a gun is good enough to get a point across. How about you give a knife to a kid, tell him that if you stab it into a slice of meat in front of guys who have been picking on him, it will show them that he means business and to leave him alone? Or if you have a roommate who--say leaves a cup on the table in a living room. Should you take that cup and place it on the stairs where your roommate comes down to teach him a lesson?

Again, while it is him who bothers me with his use of a is these people who agree and think you should use a gun to prove a -point- that disturbs me. Also I am being challenged on what I stated. That if you have a right, and you abuse it, it should be taken away from -you-. Isn't that what this father is doing to his daughter? She has a right to a computer, in his home, using his resources, he felt she was abusing that right and took it away.

Look, I am not stating that no one should have guns. I've never said that. HOWEVER, I am stating that there should be situations defined and listed as ways to responsibly use your firearm. And if you break that, that right that you had now became a privilege. This man recorded his use of the firearm and honestly it's not proper given the situation. Being flagged for that use and if it happens again, having it taken away is not outrageous. In fact that is exactly what he is doing to his daughter.

Past that, it's plain overkill. It's like lighting your birthday cake candles with a dragon's fire breath. Or mowing your lawn with a nuclear weapon. If you can't get a point across to your kid with your own voice and reasoning, and you KNOW they are in the wrong then you have failed your child as a parent. If you need to use a weapon to prove a point to that child after that you have failed harder because of showing your kids a lack of restraint, and showing you have all the power because you gave birth to them and you hold that weapon. There is nothing that will come of this but resentment. And I wouldn't blame Hanna.

Taking away the laptop or selling it would have been fine enough. Use of a weapon is not acceptable parenting for TEACHING A CHILD A LESSON.