secretsantaone said:
Jaded Scribe said:
secretsantaone said:
Jaded Scribe said:
Reasonable explanations:
1) Brother Genitivi (who could well have explored a bit more before leaving for Denerim) finds Leliana and manages to save her with the ashes (we only have the cultist's word that defiling them has any effect. And come on, they aren't exactly reliable sources of info).
2) After hearing rumors etc, a mage with the spirit healer specialization stumbles across her body and revives her.
And if it is a bit of hand-waving/retconning, what of it? It doesn't change DA:O, and if DA3 comes out, and the Warden runs into Leliana again, you just have her set to hate the Warden. Minor plot holes happen. /shrug
1). It only heals, doesn't bring back from the dead.
2.) Your characters get 'knocked out' not killed. Spirit healers aren't necromancers.
Killing Leliana was a huge factor in Origins, choosing to bump off one of YOUR OWN party members felt like a massive decision. This basically says your decision doesn't matter and Bioware reserves the right to do it again in DA3
It feels like a major decision, but think about it... is it really?
Take away the emotional context of killing a comrade. What change did it have to the story? None. Zero. Zilch.
A little hand-waving and retconning is almost required with a game with as many choices as DA. To build scenarios for every single possible choice ever made while maintaining 100% linearity in the story requires a massive amount content to be added, and that's just going to grow exponentially with each new game.
They have to have some wiggle room, or it spirals out of control, or completely precludes characters from ever appearing again.
Why on earth would you give me the option to kill her if you were just going to bring her back? Surely you could just use a Mass Effect style system where if the save has her dead she doesn't turn up. She didn't play THAT bigger part in DA2. If you were defintely sure that you were never going to use the character again, do NOT give the option to kill them unless you have such a system in place, otherwise it's just sloppy writing.
While she didn't play that major of a role in DA2, it's pretty clear she's going to play a major role in DA3. As for providing the option, they clearly weren't originally planning on having her come back in that capacity.
Again, there was hand-waving involved with Anders/Justice, a little handwaving in Awakening allowing you to import a dead warden.
These things come up. It is incredibly difficult to progress with a series with this many choices if you don't have the entire series planned out up front (which is very rare) without a little hand-waving.
It's very easy to play arm-chair quarterback and say they just used poor writing, etc. But you don't know what was discussed in their meetings, how they decided it would work, etc.
Plus, again, it's possible that one of the other posters is wrong about the beheading part, making it easier to say "you thought she was dead, but she wasn't".
I'm not saying it couldn't be handled better, but of all the things to nerdrage about, you pick this?