DC Comics Reboots Lobo's Reboot

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
The Main Man is going to hunt them down for this... and do terrible things to them. Geez, I am so sick of reboots. Twi-Lobo, Ben Affleck..... ug.

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
GamerMage said:
Mr. Q said:
At times like this, I think back to the Robot Chicken Christmas Special where Santa Claus went postal on the heads of Coca Cola...

Then I picture myself as Santa, the victims as the head monkeys at DC Comics, and the head of Britney Spears as Rob Liefeld's head. And suddenly, I feel much better.
....That DOES actually make me feel better. My thanks,good sir.
My pleasure. =)

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Is there some kind of retard virus that's attacking the industry?

So far that's two reboots that completely fucked up once lovable (in any sense of the word) characters.

I never liked Lobo myself but COME ON, this is cloning what Ninja Theory did with Dante. What the actual fuck is wrong with the entertainment industry as a whole?

Elijah Newton

New member
Sep 17, 2008
Eleuthera said:
That image at the top looks more like the Lobo I originally came across in my comics in the 90s than most of the "iconic" Lobo images I've seen since. Lean, slender, but incredibly vicious and tough, I actually liked that look a lot more.
Hey, glad I'm not the only one to remember that era Lobo. I don't think I'd go so far as to say I like the new design, but while I liked the insanity of Grant's stories I was never taken with Bisley bulking him out. I always felt he was better off as a gutter punk more than a biker. The affinity for space dolphins had an appeal to me back in the day, though now... heh. Ok, maybe still now, too. The incongruity is pretty funny.

Still, the new design is... no. Just no. Skinny, fine, but that git looks way too clean cut. Also, the appeal (for me, subjective, of course) was that he was going after superheros with lead-pipes, chains and hooks. The space-age looking redesign completely sidesteps that he wasn't just beating the spandex set, he was humiliating them.

That's just my two cents, though. I've never really been one for nerd rage and this isn't changing my inclination.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
The character design is completely uninteresting and uninspired. Remember folks, a lot of comics has declined since comic movies became mostly good. Now they all need to reach that audience and any audience that have been reading comics for 25 years, such as myself... well our opinions don't matter at all. You can keep that guy, because he's not really Lobo. All well, not like DC actually has much going for it at this point. They reboot their universe every couple of years it feels like.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
Infernai said:
...I'm getting PTSD flashbacks to DmC. Seriously, what is up with Reboots lately? You have to handle these things with care or you're going to piss off the whole fanbase.

That said, DC at-least seem to have better PR then Ninja Theory and Tameem do in that they actually HAVE PR.
To be fair to NT, a lot of the things people complain about with the DMC reboot were evidently Capcom mandates. It's sort of the equivalent of a writer for Marvel or DC following an editorial mandate. So while DC may have better PR, the root cause appears to be similar or possibly even identical.
If I remember right, the change to Dante's look was entirely Tameem's doing, since he didn't think Dante looked cool, so he replaced him with what he thought looked cool (which as it turns out looked quite a bit like himself). Still not as hideous as that neo-dante thing that they released as dlc though, seriously, even if this was the first Dante to have ever been made (or if he was an original character) that thing would still have been disgusting.

MrGalactus said:
OOOOR they could just develop the character and have him abandon his slaving ways. Sounds like a pretty interesting story arc, actually.
Why does DC have to solve every problem with a nuke these days?
Because they only care about the quick fix, it's much cheaper and easier, but you know what? That's fine if you've just started a reboot, character development takes a while and unless you are sure you can keep the readers it might be a safer move to just scrap the character instead of giving them a lot of issues, but hasn't the reboot been going on for years at this point? This is the point where you can't just keep bringing in new superheroes who are going to replace the old ones because those ones weren't popular.


New member
Mar 11, 2013
Did those idiots actually put the words 'logical' and 'force of nature' in the same sentence? So they took a character that was an abhorrent, unpredictable sociopath who wiped out his entire race just for giggles and turned him into... a ninja super spy that looks like a twilight reject?

"Lets make him a brooding douchenozzle like in all those angsty teen vampire and ghost movies. All the kids just love brooding douchenozzles."


New member
Sep 20, 2009
I am one of the few people I know who never cared for Lobo. He worked fine as a contained caricature, but I really detested seeing him moving around in the larger DC universe. As such, I generally ignored this character.

Having said that, at least he had a unique and defining character. This reboot looks like the brooding emo "badass" wannabe that we see in every other JRPG. He reminds me of Fenris from Dragon Age 2.


New member
Aug 1, 2012
Darn, I thought "Sparky Lobo" was the first version of the reboot, I was hoping they had changed their minds.

It's really sad that they are completely ignoring what made the character great.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Given certain elements of New 52 in DC's other media, I'm glad Injustice: Gods Among Us came out when it did then. If instead a few months down the line, we could have got this version...

...close call.