It's not new, but looking at all the concept art is like a window into all the lame cliches that plague the comic industry.
1: I know most writers/artists today were kids of the '70s and '80s, and back then there was this whole increasing concern and consciousness over the growing industrial super-power of Japan at the time which seemed like it was going to overgrow and out-compete the United States; but for fuck's sake, could they at least cut it out with the weeaboo crap? I've been putting up with all this Japan-centric bullshit since the 90's, when EVERY character back then needed one or two katanas, or a ronin ponytail, or had armor that was based on, if they weren't already just directly wearing feudal-era samurai armor or ninja pajamas. If none of that or if they were already established characters, they were at least given some STUPID back story that tied them in with 'The Land of The Rising Sun'.
Yes, we've all heard that Japan is a pretty cool place. Yes, your characters look totally DESU KAWAI with their Korean MMO-styled armor. Now why the fuck do ALL of you have to be this god-damned unimaginative? This weeaboo design crap going on today is like Robert Liefield and his fuckin' POUCHES in the '90s (...and I guess the weeb crap back then too - that's how overdone this whole thing is) nothing but costumes where 90% of the character's usable surface area was covered in BELTS, BELTS MADE OF POUCHES, AND EVEN POUCHES MADE OF POUCHES, BECAUSE THEY MAKE MY CHARACTERS ALL TACTICOOL AND SUPER-SERIAL LOOKING, GAIS!
2: I know most comic writers/artists are also left-wing, liberal bandwagon-hoppers, but does every fucking character have to look like a suave, clean-shaven little metrosexual? Seriously, Lobo's whole appeal was that he was a PARODY of Wolverine and other popular meat-headed heroes at the time by being even bigger, even more grizzled, more muscular, more violent and much more extreme to the point where it was barely even logical. What they seem to be doing here is turning him from a parody of all that was wrong in the '90s and making him an antithesis of it. What I can't understand is who they thought this was going to please - Twilight fans don't read Lobo-related comics, and fans of Lobo probably don't like Twilight. If this were for a movie, I'd understand it as perhaps some corporate douches trying to make the character appeal to a wider audience by selling out to the whole Twilight-vampire-emo-brooding-"MONSTER-JUST-MEANS-TEENAGE-BOY" craze going on at the moment, but they're not and it baffles me how they possibly thought this was going to go over well with the established fan base.
Hell, if I had any confidence in them being clever I would have just assumed they were rebooting him to be a parody of current over-used tropes and trends in character design. I'm skeptical of that though, as that would require actual wit.