DC Sends Clark Kent And Lois Lane To Divorce Court


Sep 22, 2009
Abanic said:
Am I the only one out there who hopes that DC loses a crap-ton of money in the coming years from all this juggling of classic characters? Why do you have to change a character's backstory in order to explore different facets? Doesn't DC have a line called "Elseworlds" that they use to explore these different ideas? 'Kingdom Come' and 'Superman: Red Son' were two of my favorites.

The only good that might possibly come out of this is bringing back some dead characters. Otherwise, I'm just pissed off about the whole things. Removing character development and taking huge steps backwards in terms of storytelling is never a good thing, and it renders all my favourite stories in the main continuity completely irrelevant. All those great stories, all those great accomplishments, never happened. These new comics are basically fanfic.

Sean Deli

New member
May 11, 2011
Hello Superman. We at DC Comics have a present for you.
It's a refrigerator.
Do you want to see what's inside?


New member
Jan 13, 2009
BehattedWanderer said:
Wait, I'm confused. Didn't Superman and Wonder Woman already hook up? Or was that something that was written off? I'm by no means a huge fan of the comics, picking up and reading the occasional one here and there, if it strikes my eye, and reading a few bits here and there from the 'net, but I swear I've read Supes and Wonder Woman hooking up.
It did happen in a few Elseworlds stories like Red Son and Kingdom Come. I don't know enough about main DC continuity to say whether it ever happened there.

Whatever happens with Lois, I hope they don't pair Wonder Woman with Supes or Bats. She's a character who was created to appeal to young girls, a market that is consistently ignored by American superhero comics, and I'd rather see her get back to those roots after the confusing mess the writers have made of her character during the last 60 years. Making her a trophy for Superman or Batman doesn't sit right with me. In the "Trinity", she works best as the moderating voice between Superman's idealism and Batman's pragmatism, and shouldn't really take one side or the other.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
I actually like this...

Superman and Wonder Woman have long had a bit of flirtation going on and to me, they always made for a much more interesting couple (especially in Elseworld book where it was allowed to happen) than Lois Lane.

I guess I'm not a 'true' superman fan however, as to me, Lois has always been one of the most uninteresting thing about Superman. I understand she's there to make him more human, but Superman is never more interesting than when he explores morality and relation with humans from his godhood level, rather than pretending he's just a normal guy...

The Spider-man debacles was something else - MJ and Peter worked... Clark and Lois always felt kinda forced.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Need their own version of the Green lantern H.E.A.T movement. Something like the

Clark and Lois are Insperable! Team




New member
Dec 7, 2010
Okay.... So first they axe Superman's citizenship for political gain, and now he's getting un-married? Sorry but, is DC trying to kill off the majority of Superman's fan base? Man, we really need some new superheroes.

Alex Dzurik

New member
Jun 9, 2011
And this is why I only read short serialized graphic novels, not because I'm indie, but because canon shuffling gives me a headache.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
I can't believe that anyone over the age of 10 or 12 that's been exposed to Superman in anyway can still care about the character or even enjoy him.

For all intents and purposes he's a god, and a boring one at that. I mean, maybe the writers have done some clever stuff over the years, but in the end, a character like Supes that is too powerful quickly becomes boring and subject to all these retcons, reboots and inane and ridiculous plot devices to try and inject some sort of drama and interest into the character.

By comparison, Batman is almost at the same point, but he's still a mortal man and vulnerable to all, or at least most of, the things that can harm or kill your standard issue human. Superman on the other hand never really feels like he's in danger, despite his well publicized "death".

Honestly, Superman is fucking boring and I can't fathom how anyone can care about him.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Sniper Team 4 said:
See, you're not alone. If anything needs to be changed, it's that Batman needs to FINALLY get an official relationship, either with Wonder Woman (like the cartoon hinted) or with Catwoman.

DC, if you break up the ONLY couple that has survived the horrors of comic book romance (Green Arrow and Black Canary, Starfire and Nightwing, Raven and Beast Boy, Donna Troy and her husband, Spider Man and Mary Jane, Cyclops and Jean in The Last Stand) then I will hate you for the rest of my life. Why is it that comic writers seem to think that having any long lasting relationship--not just marriage--is something that drags a character down? Idiots.
I wonder the same thing actually, it happened with spider man, its like they don't want to fuck up the continuity, but want to have their character un-bound from the love chain. I think they literally believe that it ties down the character from ass kicking because he has to be lovey dubey with his wife every now and then. Maybe they have to do these dick moves every now and then to get some publicity?


New member
Nov 28, 2009
So Lois Lane and Superman are getting divorced.


I don't even read the comics and I know that happened at least once in the 90s.

Isn't it just time to retire the characters and start making newer ones?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
First Babs, now this? Is there anything likable about this reboot?

Gindil said:
So Lois Lane and Superman are getting divorced.


I don't even read the comics and I know that happened at least once in the 90s.

Isn't it just time to retire the characters and start making newer ones?
Hahahaha, cash cows being abandoned...


New member
May 3, 2009
This COULD work out well but Superman and Wonder Woman have never really had romantic chemistry. To get this to work right they would need to spend at least a year or so building up their relationship. I'm no Superman expert but I do know that Superman and Lois Lanes marriage was built up over several years. If you really want to do this DC make it a believable romance don't just make it a novelty like everyone else. On the plus side Grant Morrison is involved and if a man can make Lobo the Pope of the Triple Fish God travelling with his talking space dolphin (yes he really wrote a story about that) compelling I can't say he doesn't have a chance of doing this well.


Regular Member
Jun 26, 2008
Why couldn't they just work out some way of making a love triangle between Superman, Lois, and Wonder Woman? Why must it end in divorce?

Ahh what do I care? I don't even read the things.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Wouldn't it have been easier to just kill one of them? God knows it's one of their favourite hobbies.

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Why are they always so keen on pairing Diana and Clark? Wonder Woman spent 500 years on an island full of gorgeous women, I doubt she's straight to begin with. =p

And oh boy, we can now look forward to more of this [http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=305], no doubt. Supes, you douche.