Dead Island: The Best Zombie Game Trailer Ever

En Row

New member
Apr 18, 2009
the trailer has emotional impact
...rare for a zombie game
kudos for that
since killing-zombies-with-violence kind of trailers seems to be popular right now

I hope that this game doesn't go and be like those other zombie games right now. All that violence and killing is fun but it gets tiresome after I while.
What I'm expecting from Dead Island is not just zombie killing sprees but something different.

It would be pretty fun if you get to meet some characters in the game that you slowly get attached to them in a way. Then one of them gets infected, you have to no choice but to kill him leaving a small feeling of sadness and guilt like a normal human being should.
Which btw is lacking in zombie games. Being a homocidal zombie-killin-human-chainsaw can get boring.

If a game has the ability to play with the levers in your mind. It is a great, if not, a good game.

A disappointment or not. I'll still buy it

Panda Mania

New member
Jul 1, 2009
Pretty good. Heart-tugging, real-looking...Although the little girl, even while she was un-infected, drifted in Uncanny Valley territory for me, at least.