Dead or Alive 6 Creator Director Shimbori Asks "Why does DoA get so much flak vs. other games?"


New member
Aug 28, 2008
undeadsuitor said:
Dreiko said:
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
Gergar12 said:
Because the video game industry has lots of liberal media commenters duh.

$2,000 and it can be yours.

While it's hard to do a headcount and figure out who is and isn't liberal, and while liberals are not the issue but rather interesctionals, there is indeed an overabundance of prominent intersectional games journalists and that is pretty much undeniable and the issue at hand, since those journalists are activists first and foremost and are using gaming to further their activism. Prime example is sites like kotaku and polygon but most of all eurogamer who literally twitted out that they wouldn't stop being political activists and stick to games lol.
I think the idea is that active liberal journalists are more prominent becahse they actually have ideas and say things. They provide an additional level of discussion atop the usual industry bought review scores.

What exactly do conservative game journalists talk about?
Most competent conservative and most liberal game journalists talk about...wait for! I assume conservatives also talk about how intersectionals (not all liberals, just that segment of us) don't talk about games but bring irrelevant things into gaming.

That you don't notice them talk about "something" is a good thing! It's the ideal to be striven for here. Games journalists should talk about games and their message if they even have to have one should be one for the betterment of games and not for the betterment of society which will trickle down to games too somehow in the future supposedly.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
undeadsuitor said:
Dreiko said:
undeadsuitor said:
Dreiko said:
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
Gergar12 said:
Because the video game industry has lots of liberal media commenters duh.

$2,000 and it can be yours.

While it's hard to do a headcount and figure out who is and isn't liberal, and while liberals are not the issue but rather interesctionals, there is indeed an overabundance of prominent intersectional games journalists and that is pretty much undeniable and the issue at hand, since those journalists are activists first and foremost and are using gaming to further their activism. Prime example is sites like kotaku and polygon but most of all eurogamer who literally twitted out that they wouldn't stop being political activists and stick to games lol.
I think the idea is that active liberal journalists are more prominent becahse they actually have ideas and say things. They provide an additional level of discussion atop the usual industry bought review scores.

What exactly do conservative game journalists talk about?
Most competent conservative and most liberal game journalists talk about...wait for! I assume conservatives also talk about how intersectionals (not all liberals, just that segment of us) don't talk about games but bring irrelevant things into gaming.

That you don't notice them talk about "something" is a good thing! It's the ideal to be striven for here. Games journalists should talk about games and their message if they even have to have one should be one for the betterment of games and not for the betterment of society which will trickle down to games too somehow in the future supposedly.
Here's the thing tho

Written reviews aren't even in like the top 10 sources of game reviews anymore. Why read something when I can watch someone play the game and give their opinion on it? Written game journalism had to evolve, and it evolved into an industry that balances game reviews and game social commentary.

There's a reason that every conservative outlet started during gg failed. It's hard to preach stagnation.
I take issue with even counting those as reviews when the primary goal isn't even to let the average person (and not someone who shares the writer's politics) know if they'd like the game. I find it a calculating and manipulative thing to try to trick people into reading your otherwise useless review (in this hypothetical anyhow) by pressing their political buttons and it does no good for anyone outside of those people's finances.

Honorable decay is much preferred. At least it doesn't do any harm to those who do still read.

My issue with reviews is mainly spoilers. I look into them after I beat games to see what people were saying (and often to laugh at how wrong they were) but I realize that's not the intended purpose people write them.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
undeadsuitor said:
Dreiko said:
undeadsuitor said:
Dreiko said:
undeadsuitor said:
Dreiko said:
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
Gergar12 said:
Because the video game industry has lots of liberal media commenters duh.

$2,000 and it can be yours.

While it's hard to do a headcount and figure out who is and isn't liberal, and while liberals are not the issue but rather interesctionals, there is indeed an overabundance of prominent intersectional games journalists and that is pretty much undeniable and the issue at hand, since those journalists are activists first and foremost and are using gaming to further their activism. Prime example is sites like kotaku and polygon but most of all eurogamer who literally twitted out that they wouldn't stop being political activists and stick to games lol.
I think the idea is that active liberal journalists are more prominent becahse they actually have ideas and say things. They provide an additional level of discussion atop the usual industry bought review scores.

What exactly do conservative game journalists talk about?
Most competent conservative and most liberal game journalists talk about...wait for! I assume conservatives also talk about how intersectionals (not all liberals, just that segment of us) don't talk about games but bring irrelevant things into gaming.

That you don't notice them talk about "something" is a good thing! It's the ideal to be striven for here. Games journalists should talk about games and their message if they even have to have one should be one for the betterment of games and not for the betterment of society which will trickle down to games too somehow in the future supposedly.
Here's the thing tho

Written reviews aren't even in like the top 10 sources of game reviews anymore. Why read something when I can watch someone play the game and give their opinion on it? Written game journalism had to evolve, and it evolved into an industry that balances game reviews and game social commentary.

There's a reason that every conservative outlet started during gg failed. It's hard to preach stagnation.
I take issue with even counting those as reviews when the primary goal isn't even to let the average person (and not someone who shares the writer's politics) know if they'd like the game. I find it a calculating and manipulative thing to try to trick people into reading your otherwise useless review (in this hypothetical anyhow) by pressing their political buttons and it does no good for anyone outside of those people's finances.

Honorable decay is much preferred. At least it doesn't do any harm to those who do still read.

My issue with reviews is mainly spoilers. I look into them after I beat games to see what people were saying (and often to laugh at how wrong they were) but I realize that's not the intended purpose people write them.
You misinterpreted my idea. I never said that reviews were changing, I said that sites had things OTHER than reviews to gain traffic, and that pure review sites suffered as people moved onto new sources of information.

But then again if you want sites to die because otherwise they might say things you disagree with that's on you.
Hmm I see, sorry about that.

I don't believe that's true then, I think you can have other things that are still not steeped in politics and still survive. Games have enough interesting things to explore about them that'd facilitate such an endeavor, now more than ever. Politics are what a hack would go to cause they trigger people and are an easy way to get traffic.

An inability to do just that is what births the sayings that go around about people not being real gamers and so on.

I don't want sites to die for merely disagreeing with me. If a site has an opinion about how a game I love is bad and they have their own purely game-related criteria to support that opinion, as much as I disagree with them I'd never wish anything but good fortune to them. The ones that imo are already dead are sites that are purporting to be game sites but in fact have become politics sites and in my eyes are exploiting innocent people who think they are visiting a game site but are in fact visiting a game-themed politics site.

It's not whether or not I even agree or disagree with their politics, since I often agree with the majority of left wing politics personally. It's that I don't want that in my gaming sites. I don't go there to read things about politics. I go there to actually talk about mechanics and storytelling and specs and so on.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Dreiko said:
Hmm I see, sorry about that.

I don't believe that's true then, I think you can have other things that are still not steeped in politics and still survive. Games have enough interesting things to explore about them that'd facilitate such an endeavor, now more than ever. Politics are what a hack would go to cause they trigger people and are an easy way to get traffic.

An inability to do just that is what births the sayings that go around about people not being real gamers and so on.

I don't want sites to die for merely disagreeing with me. If a site has an opinion about how a game I love is bad and they have their own purely game-related criteria to support that opinion, as much as I disagree with them I'd never wish anything but good fortune to them. The ones that imo are already dead are sites that are purporting to be game sites but in fact have become politics sites and in my eyes are exploiting innocent people who think they are visiting a game site but are in fact visiting a game-themed politics site.

It's not whether or not I even agree or disagree with their politics, since I often agree with the majority of left wing politics personally. It's that I don't want that in my gaming sites. I don't go there to read things about politics. I go there to actually talk about mechanics and storytelling and specs and so on.
Then don't click on an opinion article, problem solved.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
altnameJag said:
Dreiko said:
Hmm I see, sorry about that.

I don't believe that's true then, I think you can have other things that are still not steeped in politics and still survive. Games have enough interesting things to explore about them that'd facilitate such an endeavor, now more than ever. Politics are what a hack would go to cause they trigger people and are an easy way to get traffic.

An inability to do just that is what births the sayings that go around about people not being real gamers and so on.

I don't want sites to die for merely disagreeing with me. If a site has an opinion about how a game I love is bad and they have their own purely game-related criteria to support that opinion, as much as I disagree with them I'd never wish anything but good fortune to them. The ones that imo are already dead are sites that are purporting to be game sites but in fact have become politics sites and in my eyes are exploiting innocent people who think they are visiting a game site but are in fact visiting a game-themed politics site.

It's not whether or not I even agree or disagree with their politics, since I often agree with the majority of left wing politics personally. It's that I don't want that in my gaming sites. I don't go there to read things about politics. I go there to actually talk about mechanics and storytelling and specs and so on.
Then don't click on an opinion article, problem solved.
I don't, I was just making a case in support of there being a lot of those people originally before we got sidetracked to these minutia.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
undeadsuitor said:
Dreiko said:
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
Gergar12 said:
Because the video game industry has lots of liberal media commenters duh.

$2,000 and it can be yours.
While it's hard to do a headcount and figure out who is and isn't liberal, and while liberals are not the issue but rather interesctionals, there is indeed an overabundance of prominent intersectional games journalists and that is pretty much undeniable and the issue at hand, since those journalists are activists first and foremost and are using gaming to further their activism. Prime example is sites like kotaku and polygon but most of all eurogamer who literally twitted out that they wouldn't stop being political activists and stick to games lol.
I think the idea is that active liberal journalists are more prominent becahse they actually have ideas and say things. They provide an additional level of discussion atop the usual industry bought review scores.

What exactly do conservative game journalists talk about?
One Angry Gamer, niche Gamer, moe gamers. Aka literal hasbeens rightfully blacklisted from the mainstream sites and dont even make money.

Pete Davison serves as a very good example.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Dreiko said:
While it's hard to do a headcount and figure out who is and isn't liberal, and while liberals are not the issue but rather interesctionals, there is indeed an overabundance of prominent intersectional games journalists and that is pretty much undeniable and the issue at hand, since those journalists are activists first and foremost and are using gaming to further their activism. Prime example is sites like kotaku and polygon but most of all eurogamer who literally twitted out that they wouldn't stop being political activists and stick to games lol.
Okay, three things wrong with this 'critique'.

1: You missed the point, the interviewee was talking unmitigated trash and bullshit and anybody that believes them is about as gullible as all the people that fell for the Brooklyn Bridge scam by George C. Parker for whom we owe the phrase 'if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.'

2: The same Western game reviewer base rated favourably the first DOA:EV ... the reason why they hated iterations because they were dumpster fires of games. PlayAsia and these dickheads are literally pulling the same stunt they did last time, and yet, myopically, the whole 'no politics in videogames' idiots seem to let that fly because they're myopic and idiots.

And apparently rather than internalizing an idea that maybe we don't want these shitheels treating 'games as a service'--they take that righteous anger and decide to pretend like animosity towards all too contemporaneous content hostaging bullshit practices ad zero-effort game design for exorbitant and predatory DLC is somehow culture war dialogue. Which is nonsense. Other Japanese videogame devs at least display an iota of integrity, honesty, and basic ethical conduct. Recognizing a global market have basic consumer expectations to market towards, not merely abuse, is not too much to fucking ask for.

Guess what? They'll do the same again the next iteration of whatever garbage product they deign to release. And again. And again. Up until people wake up and realize they're tired of being ripped off.

3: If videogames are going to be taken seriously, there s going to be a natural extension of looking at theme and comparing it to contemporary attitudes. That's how media grows. That being said it doesn't stop Daughters of the Confederacy nonsense 'Lost Cause' bullshit movies like Gods and Generals hanging about and getting favourable reviews from Bible bashing racists.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Not sure what "interviewee" you're talking about, kinda confused about that.

The western reviewer base during the time of the first Extreme game was a VERY different animal than that of today. This is like treating present day moviebob as "feminism has ran out of dragons to slay" era moviebob. People shifted, to say the least.

I don't see how cosmetic dlc is "games as a service". If it's fine for Fortnite to do it DOA can do it too. As long as the actual playable cast is reasonably priced I don't see the issue. If people wanna spend a hundred bucks on cosplay items they can. I don't see them as any more taken advantage of than the people who spend money on more candy crush rounds.

I think it is possible for a game to both have predatory dlc and to also be a culture war factor with legitimate stances to take about it. You don't get to use the game being not the best game ever to excuse your censorious attitude that you also have with excellent games like Bayonetta too.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Dreiko said:
I don't see how cosmetic dlc is "games as a service". If it's fine for Fortnite to do it DOA can do it too. As long as the actual playable cast is reasonably priced I don't see the issue. If people wanna spend a hundred bucks on cosplay items they can. I don't see them as any more taken advantage of than the people who spend money on more candy crush rounds.
The problem with DOA's case is that it's not free to play like Fornite, and you're paying $60.00 at a base price. There is the $90.00 seasons pass and removing two characters to DLC/pre-order who were already in the last game without any character DLC aside from guest stars, but even the virtua fighter characters made in to 5 (updated versions) with no extra cost. Compared to 6, people are being robbed. KT can't behind the excuse going broke. They're getting just as bad as EA, Acti Blizz, and Ubisoft when it comes to this stupid shit. It's why I haven't really bought anything from them recently. Especially when it comes to their Dynasty Warriors style of games.

And with all of this stupid controversies; nothing changed. People still bought the game, I don't know about how many people bought the season pass, but from what I seen most fans hate it, be they casual or hardcore. The only thing that changed was Koei-Tecmo being bigger schemers and scammers.

Samtemdo8 said:
All this flak against DOA's girls.

What an obnoxious puritanical society we live in.
Like I said earlier, nothing has changed. You got all these people acting like they're on the "right" side while contributing nothing or making things worse. How long is everyone be they the journalists, pubilshers/developers, or gamer themselves are doing to continue this senseless freak show?


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Samtemdo8 said:
All this flak against DOA's girls.

What an obnoxious puritanical society we live in.
Radical thought. You can enjoy sexy stuff and still think DoA is fucking dumb. If only because most sexy stuff doesn't try to sake $160 out of you for a substandard game.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
erttheking said:
Samtemdo8 said:
All this flak against DOA's girls.

What an obnoxious puritanical society we live in.
Radical thought. You can enjoy sexy stuff and still think DoA is fucking dumb. If only because most sexy stuff doesn't try to sake $160 out of you for a substandard game.
Are they putting a gun to your head to buy the game at the maximum price?

Are you telling me gamers don't have the option to choose not to buy the season pass?

Money talks, and if I ever buy this game, I would never buy the Season pass and buy only the 2 upcoming DLC characters seperately to save money. To me that is enough of a message to send to Tecmo.

I bought the game, but I don't care for your season pass.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Samtemdo8 said:
Are they putting a gun to your head to buy the game at the maximum price?

Are you telling me gamers don't have the option to choose not to buy the season pass?
Do they have to in order for me to think it's dumb and horseshit?


New member
Aug 2, 2015
erttheking said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Are they putting a gun to your head to buy the game at the maximum price?

Are you telling me gamers don't have the option to choose not to buy the season pass?
Do they have to in order for me to think it's dumb and horseshit?
Is it horseshit even if you still have the choice to play the game without the Season pass?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Samtemdo8 said:
erttheking said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Are they putting a gun to your head to buy the game at the maximum price?

Are you telling me gamers don't have the option to choose not to buy the season pass?
Do they have to in order for me to think it's dumb and horseshit?
Is it horseshit even if you still have the choice to play the game without the Season pass?
Yes? The two DLC characters you'd throw money at were cut out of the base game to be DLC


New member
Aug 2, 2015
altnameJag said:
Samtemdo8 said:
erttheking said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Are they putting a gun to your head to buy the game at the maximum price?

Are you telling me gamers don't have the option to choose not to buy the season pass?
Do they have to in order for me to think it's dumb and horseshit?
Is it horseshit even if you still have the choice to play the game without the Season pass?
Yes? The two DLC characters you'd throw money at were cut out of the base game to be DLC
When is DLC fighters not cut out of the base game for you guys?

How do you distinguish cut content from made from scratch content to be sold at a later date? We don't even know who the fighters are gonna be?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Samtemdo8 said:
altnameJag said:
Samtemdo8 said:
erttheking said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Are they putting a gun to your head to buy the game at the maximum price?

Are you telling me gamers don't have the option to choose not to buy the season pass?
Do they have to in order for me to think it's dumb and horseshit?
Is it horseshit even if you still have the choice to play the game without the Season pass?
Yes? The two DLC characters you'd throw money at were cut out of the base game to be DLC
When is DLC fighters not cut out of the base game for you guys?

How do you distinguish cut content from made from scratch content to be sold at a later date? We don't even know who the fighters are gonna be?
Nyotengu and Phase 4 are locked behind pre-order DLC. KT stated it themselves. You're welcome.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
CoCage said:
Dreiko said:
I don't see how cosmetic dlc is "games as a service". If it's fine for Fortnite to do it DOA can do it too. As long as the actual playable cast is reasonably priced I don't see the issue. If people wanna spend a hundred bucks on cosplay items they can. I don't see them as any more taken advantage of than the people who spend money on more candy crush rounds.
The problem with DOA's case is that it's not free to play like Fornite, and you're paying $60.00 at a base price. There is the $90.00 seasons pass and removing two characters to DLC/pre-order who were already in the last game without any character DLC aside from guest stars, but even the virtua fighter characters made in to 5 (updated versions) with no extra cost. Compared to 6, people are being robbed. KT can't behind the excuse going broke. They're getting just as bad as EA, Acti Blizz, and Ubisoft when it comes to this stupid shit. It's why I haven't really bought anything from them recently. Especially when it comes to their Dynasty Warriors style of games.

And with all of this stupid controversies; nothing changed. People still bought the game, I don't know about how many people bought the season pass, but from what I seen most fans hate it, be they casual or hardcore. The only thing that changed was Koei-Tecmo being bigger schemers and scammers.
Actually, it will be f2p eventually, like how 5 was. The creator stated as much in a recent interview so it was known before it being released so anyone who buys it now does so knowingly at least in theory.

As for the preorder bonus dlc, that's a fighting game staple. It's nothing new and while I agree that it sucks I also don't mind it since competitive people will get a game by default on day 1 anyways. It's not great but it's not new either.