Dead Space 2 Teased With Ink Blots


New member
Mar 9, 2009
rainman2203 said:
klarr said:
Zing said:
Will I get banned if I say I thought it was a Vagina? That's the first thing that popped into my mind...
YOU TOO! ohh good cause i was starting to think i was a real pervert there... ok guilt is gone now.
I think I can hear Freud cackling maniacally in his grave.
haha good one... erm now i feel non-perverted and smart!


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Makon said:
Actually yeah, they did. They saw them as the 'ascended' version of the people that died, and that they were a 'perfect creation'. So, they thought it was a holy act to be killed by them. Real buncha whack-jobs. Essentially, they all thought that Life was just the beginning, and that Death was the gateway to a true paradise. Thus, mass suicides, murders, ect.
You're skillfully neglecting to mention that both the marker and the Hive Mind were making people crazy, friend. The Unitologists weren't so much naturally insane as driven insane. This is evident by the normal people killing themselves as well.

The only one that actually thought the Necromorphs were ascended forms of humans was Mercer.

One Seven One

New member
Feb 5, 2009
i see the regular enemies at the top

in the middle i though of the tentacles but someone mentioned the babies, and they do look more like the babies when i think about it

at the bottom i see the big crawler enemies that have small tusk-like things

i see the big crystal so the game might have something to do with it, it's probably on another spaceship, maybe on some colinized planet, or maybe earth(probably not earth).
Jun 11, 2008
I see Leapers, Slashers and crawlers but no Brutes but is it just or in that game is the first weapon you get when you fully upgrade it one of the best overall?

jboking said:
The Austin said:
spike0918 said:
Undoubtedly related to Dead Space. What other sci-fi creature has hands with spikes down the middle of its hands?

[small]I don't actually know what Unitology is, but it looks pretty freaky.[/small]
Unitologists are a bunch of morons who worship the beacon.

Thats right. They worship Necromorphs.
They didn't actually worship Necromorphs did they? I thought they worshiped the beacon and then all committed suicide?

OP: It seriously looks like an Oblivion gate.
They don't really worship Necromorphs they worship the beacon but I suppose by extension you could include Necromorphs but I'd say only the die hard followers would worship them(see what I did there).


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
I have to say that I like the way EA's been doing marketing of late. They and Sony have really been doing a good job of selling stuff.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
A standard necromorph on top, seen from the front with a tentacle baby looking up and seen from the side with one of those legless scorpions on the bottom.

So they are saying that they are going to copy paste exactly the same stuff for the second time.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
It looks like a lurker on the bottom, a slasher up top, something (maybe nothing in the middle) and the marker is the center.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
nilcypher said:
Dead Space 2 Teased With Ink Blots

A cryptic inkblot picture has appeared on the internet, heralding the next installment in the sci-fi survival horror series.

EA sure does love it's viral marketing campaigns, as following all the various stunts it perpetrated to market Dante's Inferno, it's teasing us with Rorschach style inkblots with weird symbols scrawled at the bottom.

The image was uploaded to what appears to be the official Dead Space Twitter [] account and apparently contains the silhouettes of many of the first game's monsters, and the symbols is actually Unitology script and reads "the nightmare is over but it will not end".

As teasers go, it's pretty intriguing. I never got round to playing Dead Space, not all the way through at least, but this has piqued my interest and I might have to revisit it.

Just out of interest, what do you folks think it looks like?

Source: Kotaku []

So was I the only one that thought dead Space was making the argument that Scientology will end up creating a bioweapon that murders everyone?

Just kind of felt like it while I was playing the game.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
nilcypher said:
Dead Space 2 Teased With Ink Blots

A cryptic inkblot picture has appeared on the internet, heralding the next installment in the sci-fi survival horror series.

EA sure does love it's viral marketing campaigns, as following all the various stunts it perpetrated to market Dante's Inferno, it's teasing us with Rorschach style inkblots with weird symbols scrawled at the bottom.

The image was uploaded to what appears to be the official Dead Space Twitter [] account and apparently contains the silhouettes of many of the first game's monsters, and the symbols is actually Unitology script and reads "the nightmare is over but it will not end".

As teasers go, it's pretty intriguing. I never got round to playing Dead Space, not all the way through at least, but this has piqued my interest and I might have to revisit it.

Just out of interest, what do you folks think it looks like?

Source: Kotaku []

That's pretty cool

To me it looks like 1 big bug


New member
Mar 28, 2009
First thing that popped into my head was
'I don't want to set the world on fi-ire
I just want to start
A flame in your heart'


New member
Apr 28, 2009
This is easy... it's a marker in the middle with accouple of necromorphs up the top... accouple of theose baby necromorphs to the sides with accouple of necromorph heads at the bottom.

I think that everything in the ink blot.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Extraction got me interested enough in this now. I think the middle looks like a marker, the top look like necromorph hands, the bottom necromorph tails. Hmmm...


New member
Dec 16, 2008
AkJay said:
The Oblivion Gates, from TES: Oblivion... or a Vagina.
You beat me to it Mr. Mays. That is exactly what I was thinking when I looked at it.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
It looks like the marker from the original with three types of necromoprhs surrounding it


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
spike0918 said:
Undoubtedly related to Dead Space. What other sci-fi creature has hands with spikes down the middle of its hands?

[small]I don't actually know what Unitology is, but it looks pretty freaky.[/small]

You can recognize the monsters but don't know what Unitology is?

Unitology was the religion that played a key role in the story of Dead Space, whether it be the video game, the extended materials (from No Known Survivors, one of the best promotional sites I've ever seen), or the movie which was done by people who apparently didn't talk to the crew working on either the game or the website.

In brief Unitology is a religion based on the belief of alien intervention in humanity's development, and the associated belief that the goverment had been covering things up. Society is at the time of dead space mostly Atheist and/or Agnostic and anyone with spiritual beliefs is sort of looked down on, despite the fact that their religion means that Unitologists are heavily involved in the space forces (for obvious reasons).

The discovery of an Alien Obelisk on a planet needless to say captures their attention especially seeing as it is covered with the same script the Unitologists themselves use which they believe has extraterrestrial origin. Bringing the Obelisk on board the ship not only releases the Necromorphs (and presumably weakens it's power) but causes a signifigant rift in the crew. The Unitologists wanting to see an artifact from their "gods" is one of the things that the necromorphs use their mental powers to manipulate causing what eventually turns into a ship-wide bloodbath.

This is one of the reasons there was some serious criticism over the idea of the Necromorphs being able to so quickly take over a military ship from 1 or 2 being on board. The writing before that point was pretty solid, and a lot of time and exposition through the site and such went into explaining exactly how the "USS Kill Beast Buffet" wound up in the state it was before the arrival of Issac. The problem not just being monsters, but also a constant and relentless psychic attack, so while the monsters appeared everyone was more or less fighting each other.

The Obelisk on the other hand does seem to be relatively benign, just limited in what it can do. It's also noteworthy that the strongest availible armor in the game from DLC (the tank suit) is covered with protective unitologist scripts which is apparently why it protects better than even the pure military suits in the same weight class.