Deadpool Movie to get Reboot


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I have been a fan of Deadpool since his first miniseries and am possibly one of the only fans of the comics who actually enjoyed Deadpool in Wolverine - Origins.

Ok so when they first announced that Deadpool was going to be in Wolverine Origins I was ecstatic. When I however thought about it I came to the conclusion that Deadpool as we know him couldn?t be in the Wolverine movie. He would steal the whole movie.

This leaves two options:
#1 - Wade Wilson features in Wolverine but doesn?t become Deadpool
#2 - Deadpool?s character is altered somehow.

You may think that what they did to Deadpool was wrong but I enjoyed it. The only way to shut up Deadpool was to take away his entire mouth ... brilliant. You know they?ve taken away Deadpool?s voice before in the comics during the ?Nuff Said Month - They had to kill him to do it but nonetheless it has been done before.
And then the fight scene - The way he moved and fought was pure Deadpool. I loved the nice touch of the stolen Cyclops beam burning the eye patches around his eyes.
Some people have complained about him not using guns but his swords have always been his favourite weapon. Heck he even tries talking about his swords the first time he flirts with Terry.

I?d also like to point out that the time period in the Wolverine film (during Weapon X but before Deadpool gets rejected from the program) has never been depicted in the comics. Sure they?ve mentioned it but they never describe the exact circumstances that lead to his being rejected. Movies deviate from their printed origins all the time and it won?t take much to steer Deadpool back to the comic?s storylines.

It would be easy to include the fact that he volunteered for the experiments because of cancer and it would be just as easy to have his healing factor reject all of his other powers, possibly in a violent and messy way. This could be the very act that gets him rejected within movie canon. He is then dropped into the workshop and viola we?re right there where we need to be to tie into the comic story.

This doesn't even need to be shown in the movie. Technically the Edward Norton Hulk isn't a reboot of the Eric Banna Hulk. They simply never mention anything that happened in the Eric Hulk movie. This means that people who actually enjoyed Eric Hulk can treat Edward Hulk as a direct sequel.

Less focus needs to be placed on making sure this is a reboot than on making sure that this is the Deadpool movie that all the fans have been waiting for.

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
cleverlymadeup said:
yeah well here's a news flash, he's NOT part of Wolverine's origin story. if you want anyone you should put in James and Heather Hudson because they were major parts of his back story. oh yeah and the rest of Alpha Flight should have been in there, not Deadpool
Its not about who's origin story it is, its about the movie establishing canon, right? What if Deadpool's movie had come first, and in it Wolverine featured, but his character (not just his actions, but his character-say he never got the adamantium skeleton for example) was changed drastically for plot purposes? That kind of thing would annoy Wolverine fans who want to see the character get a treatment true to source material, regardless of what movie he's appearing in.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
GOOD, but ewwww, they have some work to do. They screwed it up bad with origins.... but it might be fixable..... might.

Jaqen Hghar

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Steadpool said:
They could actually do this. 'cause one of the scenes shown after the credits [] show us that they could go on from there. The incident at the end of W:Origins resulted in him losing his extra powers, going completely nuts, and having to wear the suit because he is now ugly as heck. I'd say that would work perfectly, and it would even make it canon according to W:Origins.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
My god if the 4th Wall is still standing by the end of this movie -even- if they they did everything else right, it wouldn't feel right. I'll admit I haven't read that much of his stuff, though I'd like too if anyone has any links....

P.S Thank Fucking GOD! Ryan Reynolds = Deadpool.

Ben Legend

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Nice, I was quite impressed with him in wolverines origins. But I knew that this wasn't Deadpool as he was supposed to be. So, lets see how this turns out. :D


New member
Oct 6, 2009
scnj said:
All I asked was that Deadpool realise he's in a movie, and my dreams have come true!
If they really want to stay true to the comics then they probally will, also it would be cool if his thoughts appeared as yellow boxes in the movie. He could comment on those too.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hmmm, well this DOES make me wonder simply because Marvel has been trying to produce what amounts to a consistant "movie continuity" with those versions of characters, even going so far as to crossover into each other's series.

If they reboot Deadpool this close to the Wolverine movie, it would play havoc with their plans to date.

It makes me wonder what's going on behind the scenes with this one, and actually what it could mean for things like the Avengers movie.

James Cassidy

New member
Dec 4, 2008
Deadpool is my favorite anti-hero of all time....I hope they don't fuck it up, but it seems they are trying not to.

At least they are trying and I will give them points for saying that they need to do him right.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
...Why would they make a character that's most known for his comedic text lose his ability to talk right before they make a movie about him? God, I knew the TV and movie entertainment industry was idiotic when they cancelled Firefly, but Jesus Christ...


New member
Apr 29, 2009
A suggested way to start the Deadpool movie that I heard somewhere: show a bit from the Wolverine movie with him in, then have the camera angle change an see Deadpool sitting in a motel room (in his full costume+weapons) watching the movie on TV and say something like about not remembering any of that happening, then have him turn to the camera go on a similar rant about his origins to what he did in the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
If they would of made baraka look like him in the mortal kombat movie it would of been grand.

Anyways, i thought renolds was great as deadpool while he could talk, they just messed up the end.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
His mouth opened at the end of the credits...... Comeon we all knew that he wasnt really dead. Im not saying I agree with everything they did for the charicter in the movie. But it seems like the producers arn't even paying attention.