Dear Alistair...


New member
Nov 25, 2009
I adored Alistair and popped his virtual cherry ;D the only video game charatcter i legitimatly hate and dislike just seeing them is gym leader whitney from pokemon gold I GET FRUSTRATED BY JUST LOOKING AT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Aug 7, 2008
I found him to be one of thing I liked most about the game. Just because me and everyone else on my party hated him and constantly made fun of him.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
The Austin said:
Most people like Alistar.

But, lets see, a character I can't stand.....

Uhhh.... I'm coming up blank here. Uhhh....
I'll get back to you on that.
Well when it comes to Bioware I'd say the one I can't stand is Carth from the original "Knights Of The Old Republic".

I thought Alistair was basically okay, and I thought some of his lines were funny the first time I heard them. I guess tastes, and senses of humor vary.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Kiju said:
Yes...I believe you are the only one who does. I suppose it requires a sense of humor beyond your caliber, but maybe that's just my opinion. I for one, liked Alistair. He may not have had the most original design or witty jokes, but he was still enough to get a smile out of me now and then.

As for the post's question...I'd have to say I hate Gordon Freeman. He makes the Master Chief seem to have a personality, he's that one-dimensional. But then again, I hate the Half Life series, it's garbage, so maybe my opinion is biased.
I... don't think there was a single thing you said there that I disagreed with. Except the bolded part.

I don't think that Alistair was designed to be laugh-out-loud hilarious, he's more like a pal.


New member
May 12, 2008
I absolutely loved Alistair. I even played female in my second play through just so he could get the girl... Yes, I went there...
Besides, girls are all over Alistair. You should see the unofficial Alistair fanclub on Facebook.
Rabid fangirls everywhere, writing erotic fanfiction.
Alistair is a real chick magnet.

I couldn't stand Sten on my first play-through.
During the second, when I approached him differently, I actually got him to open up a bit, but I'm still not a fan.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
Arisato-kun said:
Flying-Emu said:
Arisato-kun said:
Alistair's actually my favorite Dragon Age character so I must disagree with everything you said. However, I think there's one character we can all universally agree to hate.

Sweet baby Jesus what is that thing
That thing is the main character of Final Fantasy XII, Vaan. He's annoying.
Final Fantasy itself is annoying.
Lies. IX was fantastic and Tactics set the standard for the SRPG genre.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Alistair isn't that bad.
Besides, he's meant to be the "I'm joking jokes because I'm actually still an upset child in a man's body" character.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I thought he was funny, albeit way too much of a goody two-shoes for me to travel with on my villainous adventures through Ferelden.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
I like bring Alistair along with me everywhere, he makes a great butt monkey for whatever other N.P.Cs you bring along, to this day I still think Wynne and Alistair are very funny.

Wynne: "Alistair, I think its time your learned where babies really come from."

Alistair: "What!?!"

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Kiju said:
As for the post's question...I'd have to say I hate Gordon Freeman. He makes the Master Chief seem to have a personality, he's that one-dimensional. But then again, I hate the Half Life series, it's garbage, so maybe my opinion is biased.
He's not meant to have one, you control his actions, he has not voice, you are him.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I loved Alistair. Both me and my friend had a crush on him throughout the game. Personally I can't stand Leliana's accent, or Morrigan's... Everything. Alistair seems to have been created for women to swoon over, much like Morrigan was designed to have great big tits for your pleasure.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Kiju said:
As for the post's question...I'd have to say I hate Gordon Freeman. He makes the Master Chief seem to have a personality, he's that one-dimensional. But then again, I hate the Half Life series, it's garbage, so maybe my opinion is biased.
Gordan Freeman's character is meant to be that way to immerse the player. Chances are that if a character speaks, it's not going to be the thing YOU would say. So, Gordan Freeman is a mute so that you can voice your own opinions to any strange paranormal entity that can somehow hear you in a videogame. To summarise, YOU are meant to be Gordan Freeman. By the way, I'm not a fan of 'Half-Life' either.

As for characters that I hate, I have a love-hate relationship with the casts of the 'Shin Megami Tensei: Persona' series. On one hand, they're really deep but on the other hand, they're copy+pasted from the Big Book O' Cliches. Also, the girls keep on beating up the guys (I know that sexism is bad and all, but having the women constantly physically abuse the males is overstepping the revenge boundaries a bit).

But I hate Vanille.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
shophius said:
I loved Alistair. Both me and my friend had a crush on him throughout the game. Personally I can't stand Leliana's accent, or Morrigan's... Everything. The Alistair seems to have been created for women to swoon over, much like Morrigan was designed to have great big tits for your pleasure.
I was going to say he had more of a "best friend" vibe for the player, also Morrigan annoys guys to, I personally prefer the hot redheaded nun.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
AHHHHH! I love Alistiar! God damn it, he was the best part of the game for me. I also loved the NPC banter between the party members, made the game more memorable.

I guess Origins was a hit or miss for people...