Demon's Souls


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
I actually began a thread a while earlier in the week on this exact subject: questioning the necessity of overly difficult gameplay. It was largely ignored. I'm glad that the subject was covered, even if purely based on one game.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
LordWalter said:
Yahtzee Croshaw said:
Extra Punctuation: Demon's Souls

The problem with Demon's Souls isn't that it's hard, but that it purposefully wastes player's time.

Read Full Article
ahaha, I am, in fact, quite proud of my letter:

Subject: Legal Question on Acquiring Public-Affairs Permit

Greetings Mr. Atkinson,

I was wondering what the legal process would be for reserving a large area on public property in order to hold a community event. This year, the C.F.L.D.C will be hosting a rousing book-burning on the lawn of city hall. Coincidentally we will also be going through several works of world literature and drawing giant black Xes on anything that might make someone feel uncomfortable. We will then proceed to censor all other great works of cinema and video gaming and make sure that all incidences of violence, sex, or creativity are replaced by unicorns and rainbows. After all, how would children know about violence if we never TELL them? This is why times in the past pre-videogaming were so idyllic (Ah, to live again in the halcyon days of the dark ages, world wars, and near-nuclear annihilation!) This has clearly been shown to drastically reduce all manner of violent crime and deviant behavior in society (please ignore all those fancy "Scientists" and "Statisticians" in their ivory towers whose libertine "Scientific Methods" of study have found no such link whatsoever and claimed the media is merely scapegoating as a way of avoiding any analysis of serious sociological issues.) I applaud your continued resistance against public opinion and the concept of free speech. It is good to see that someone at least cares about the messages we pass on to our children


- Walter A. Silveira
Chairman of the C.F.L.D.C (Censorship and Fascist Luddite Douchebags Committee)

P.S. Don't you just LOVE the game Yahtzee?
This is 100% pure win.

The Deadpool

New member
Dec 28, 2007
I think the crux of the argument is: "how difficult is too difficult"?

See, some people die, lose half an hour and go "Awww man, this game sucks what a waste of my time." While some people die, lose half an hour and go "Well, I better not die again."

One may see the sparse use of checkpoints (and, btw, they ARE there. You may not respawn where you die, but you CAN open shortcuts so you die you don't have to go through the whole stage again) as a deterrement. As making the game too hard for the sake of making the game too hard. One may also see it as an incentive, to get better at the game.

Demon's Souls is scary. It's quiet, moody, desolate. You're alone and death stalks at every corner. But you're only scared if that death MEANS something.

Every encounter can lead to your death. But every encounter can also, just as easily, lead to your taking 0 damage. If you respawn five minutes earlier, death becomes MEANINGLESS. The game loses its fear, cuz all you have to do is rush headlong and use trial and error to win.

But if you respawn a HALF hour ago, you don't WANT to depend on trial and error, because that's a waste of time. The game then forces you into being careful. Survival through paranoia. You block at every turn, dodge roll at the slightless noises, so on so forth.

Demon's Souls challenge is intrisically tied into its world. Its ambiance, its immersion, is all tied into its challenge. Make the game easier and you lose all that makes the game good...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
This game is obviously for those gamers who live in their mother's basement, and who like repetition. A lot.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
hermes200 said:
I know Yatzhee publishing Atkinson email presents a good temptation to use it, I just want you to try to be polite. After all, if there is something a zealot like Atkinson doesn't need is further "proof" that gamers are an immature, childish, vocal bunch of people.
Well said sir. Peanut Butter, Choc Chip or Oatmeal & Raisin?


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
Vocal minority imposing their will on society? Sort of like you blocking the agreement of the other 5 attorney generals huh? Guess he hasn't noticed the sheer irony there.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Atkin's email?
Why do I get the feeling Yahtzee's spiteful fanboys/girls are going to use that?



New member
Aug 20, 2008
Yahtzee Croshaw said:
The problem with Demon's Souls isn't that it's hard, but that it purposefully wastes player's time...

When I'm killed and have to start over from half an hour ago, that's about an hour of wasted time. That's what made me angry about Demon's Souls. Every single time I pushed a little bit further, some new, dirty trick would be pulled and I'd have to re-play through the same dirty tricks that led up to it. And I'd get angrier and more hasty each time, increasing the likelihood of being killed by one of the earlier traps I thought I'd mastered.
Okay, I'll agree with that partially. For you, it is a bigger problem than many other jobless/student gamers who don't have to crank out a review a week and don't have the money for lots of games.

The time wasted isn't entirely wasted, though. Unlike grinding or really bad game design, it's used to help keep the game suspenseful in a way that mostly only roguelikes have accomplished before. Does the suspense fail when you accidentally fall to your death in a level you've pretty much mastered and just want to get something specific in that level? A little bit, but the blame is firmly on you at that point and not on the game suddenly teleporting in instant death pits.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Ryuk2 said:
Sound's like the only problem to the game is that it does not have any checkpoints. Well, then sound's like there's no problem at all with the game. You don't have enough time to play the game, we do.
Time isn't the sole problem, games aren't meant to be a grind. If you're telling a story to someone, and you make a mistake in that story, do you repeat the last half hour of what you just said or correct it and move on? You do get an extra long story that's extremely accurate and the person listening will understand it with a great depth, assuming you haven't bored them to death in the meantime or they just up and left. Which is what I normally do with these kind of games.

Pointlessly killing the character then sending them back half an hour isn't difficulty, it's pointlessly trying to figure out what the game designer meant for you to do when there's no clue on that. Mirror's Edge had that problem, great game, pretty as hell, but you spend half of it in trial and error attempts to figure out what the game designer wants you to do. It's not fun or enjoyable, it's frustrating.

Maybe you have so much free time that if a game doesn't pointlessly occupy an extra 90 hours of your life it's of no interest to you. That's not really most of us.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
The best thing about Atkinson and the recent AvP classification is the sheer irony:

The game will be rated 18+ everywhere else, but in Australia (where 18's aren't allowed because they're too violent according to that nob) it's been given a 15+ so that it may be sold.

I mean "DUH!" you f*cking moron.


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
malestrithe said:
Boo Hoo, you had time constraints. Other reviewers, who had the same time constraints that you did, like the game and got pretty far into it. I am not going to complain about the difficulty as well because you are right: the game punishes your being stupid.

Here is the thing. Being a reviewer you have the freedom to choose which games you play. Your bias towards jrpgs is pretty well known and that alone tells me you should have passed on this game and play something else. There could have been other games that you might have reviewed that you would have enjoyed a lot more than this one. You did not have to play the game. But you gave into peer pressure and you hate your self for it.
its called an opinion. He is allowed his just as you are yours. Though technically his is worth more as he is payed for his.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Hey Yahtzee, I'm not Australian, but I've been quite upset over the fact the Australian ratings board refuses to admit the R18+ rating. So I decided to write my own little e-mail with the address you provided:

Dear Mr. Atkinson,

For years, I have been troubled by the fact the Australian ratings board has not instituted a similar MA+ rating as exists in UK. It seems unfair to censor an artist's material in order to grant it classification in Australia for this is an infringement on the right to freedom of the speech. I understand your position that some of these more violent games are able to impact children's behavior, but this is a misconception. Several journals from around the world (The Harvard Medical School Center for Medical Health, The Journal of Adolescent Health, and The British Medical Journal) have shown no conclusive link between video game usage and violent activity. People who still claim that video games incite violence have been widely discredited in the United States, such as Jack Thompson (though mostly due to frivolous lawsuits against video game developers). Ultimately, the decision to purchase a violent video game should rest with the parents of children who play them. I hope you reconsider your position on admitting the R18 rating to the Australian Ratings Board and thank you for your time.


Christopher Jaramillo


New member
Aug 2, 2009
whaleswiththumbs said:
williebaz said:
I'm going to spam micheal atkinson now.

[email protected]
TO THE BATCAVE SPAMMER! I feel horrible that i just said that. And that I'm still going to email him even though i live half way round the world. LEt's all email him one sentence:
"You suck arse."
Mine was more polite than that, but i still insulted him

The Deadpool

New member
Dec 28, 2007
robrob said:
Pointlessly killing the character then sending them back half an hour isn't difficulty, it's pointlessly trying to figure out what the game designer meant for you to do when there's no clue on that.
I think the key mistake you made was "when there's no clue on that". There are PLENTY of clues.

And therein lies the problem. You assume none of those deaths were avoidable, but every time Yatzhee died, he died on a fairly easily avoidable part of the game.

He died on tutotial boss, but that's optional so it matters not.

He died on the first boss, but only because he waited until MID BATTLE to change equipment, when he was given warning OUTSIDE of battle that fire helps. Hardly the game's fault.

He died on the SECOND "long bridge with fire breathing dragon" portion of the game, and there are also a ton of signs and blood stains on the ground that warn a cautious, attentive player.

He died by dogs because... No idea. Dogs are easy to kill. I guess he didn't block or dodge properly?

His last death is the only "hard" one, and the enemies are clearly visible BEFORE you make the run if one were to pain attention (although, admitedly, hard to avoid).

The game throws few surprises at you, even fewer unavoidable. Especially if one uses the online mode...


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Ouch, Micheal's going to be feeling that in the morning.

Also, I wouldn't worry about the rating for silent hill, Its a 15 over here in brittania.


New member
May 20, 2009
Still no mention of the fact you thought dodging in this game was a step backwards, and not a roll to the side which it is?

And that a pile of burning bodies was an obvious sign of danger which would make a normal player raise their shield?

I'm sorry but that last review was a pile of uninformed crap. Your reviews usually have a hint of truth behind the humour but that last one was the worst representation of Demon's Souls I've ever seen.

It's even funnier how you try to disguise it by pretending that the people pointing out your unresearched and poorly drawn out misinformitites are said by kids.

You also said you didn't think it was hard but then your review clearly moaned because you got killed because you were barging in playing it like it was Dragon Age too many times. WTF?

Distorted Stu

New member
Sep 22, 2009
oh shi- he posted e-mail!
Angry post from an angry Brit is being writen after i finish this comment >:)

As for the challenging gameplay, i love hard games. It gives more satisfication (is that a word? It is now.) to the player & it helps pass more time than the average "pick-up & go" games.