Destiny Won't Launch on PC Because it Would be Too Much Work


New member
Jun 11, 2008
They'd have to put the crosshair in the middle of the screen, i'm not sure bungie knows how to do that anymore.


New member
Nov 21, 2011
Not that i care about this game or bungie in general but a team of "hardcore" pc gamers not publishing something to the PC just sounds weird i guess


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
God, all this bitching about it not getting a port at launch, boo fucking hoo. It's not like people bitched about Diablo 3 not getting console ports until later on, and bitching about this makes about as much sense. Bungie made console games for over a decade now, why, suddenly, is it such a terrible thing that they aren't making PC games as of right now? In fact, shouldn't it be looked on favorably that they aren't just trying to bum rush a half finished port out for launch? Or pulling a Rayman and forcing everyone to wait for your port? Seriously PC master race, start acting like you are the master race, pull your head out from your ass, and stop acting like a damn 3 year old. Fuck me.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Milky1985 said:
Lightknight said:
Glaice said:
Lazy lazy lazy excuse to not launch for PC alongside the console ports.
I imagine that AAA developers are deciding to at least stagger pc launches nowadays to encourage early console adoption which has a significantly lower rate of piracy than PC ips. If that's the case then we'll need to get used to hearing insanely bogus excuses like this one.
Yeah people starting getting wise to the piracy excuse before, and they can't use it for this one as its a always online affair with accounts and the like. Expect even more spurious reasons in months to come for other games :/
People pirated the physical copy of WoW from what I understand even if they had to pay monthly subscriptions. Do we know if Destiny will require a subscription?


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Obligatory "it's launching on Xbox One and PS4, but not PC, lol" comment.

I was planning to get it on the One anyway, for the record, so it just comes off as a lazy catering to people like me. I couldn't care less, Bungie, especially since it's been five years since you're last relatively good game.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Asclepion said:
"Destiny is Bungie's first multiplatform game in over a decade, and its first on a PlayStation platform."

Bungie made ONI, a game on the PS2 before they were bought by Microsoft. It arguably feels more like a Ghost in the Shell game than the actual Ghost in the Shell games.
Game came out in 2001, so that's over a decade. So what you were quoting is correct.

That said, It's a game I really liked at the time, was unlike anything i had played up to that point.

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
Evonisia said:
Obligatory "it's launching on Xbox One and PS4, but not PC, lol" comment.

I was planning to get it on the One anyway, for the record, so it just comes off as a lazy catering to people like me. I couldn't care less, Bungie, especially since it's been five years since you're last relatively good game.
Are you talking about Halo: Reach? Because to be fair, it's also been about 5 years since Bungie released a game at all, and that was Reach.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
People keep on bringing up how the PS3 and 360 are last gen has-beens that Bungie are wasting their time on.
Well, I assume they're being catered for because people are still buying the consoles even now. And even though the PS4 and XBOne have been out a few months, there are a damn sight more people that still own the old consoles; not everyone upgrades the second new hardware appears. Like any company, they want to reach the largest amount of people. And considering Bungie has pretty much been excusively Xbox for some time, I guess that's where they figure their fanbase is likely to be. They haven't truled a PC port out. And it at least sounds like if they do one, they want to do it right.

I have zero interest in Destiny, but I guess this line of thinking just bugs me.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Asclepion said:
"Destiny is Bungie's first multiplatform game in over a decade, and its first on a PlayStation platform."

Bungie made ONI, a game on the PS2 before they were bought by Microsoft. It arguably feels more like a Ghost in the Shell game than the actual Ghost in the Shell games.
Oni was an awesome game. I still remember playing and loving it. Never seen that cover art of it before.

On Topic: I am actually fine with this. I would rather have them devote their entire team to the PC version to make sure it is awesome instead of just a bad port.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
What baffles me more is that they are not releasing an MMOFPS(it's what it is and they are trying their hardest to say that it's not) on the platform where those types of games are actually played on.

Let's not forget the fact that it's not on the platform that fucking invented the genre (FPS). Bungie and Rockstar do have a reputation of not giving two shits about the PC market and then they blame piracy after they release their game months and months (this applies only to R*) after their console counter parts.


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2014
Well, I expected as much. I thought they already said that the PC version had gotten 'maybe later'-status. I'll probably get an xbox 360 to play my old halo games and destiny on as my old one broke. Judging by the gameplay footage destiny will be much like halo in terms of gunplay without being a 6th halo game. I like halo for the gameplay but I'm kind of done with the universe and the same weapons and enemies. So I find destiny very compelling. I'd sure like to have a pc version but we'd all like a lot of things. I can't really bring myself to be angry about a game not coming out on PC. Sure it sucks but I don't think bungie owes me anything but functional games when I buy them.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
I didn't even know this game existed until now. After a quick search I don't think I'll be missing very much in the end. Just anything one of those kinda boring Borderlands style cash-in FPS. I've never really be a fan a of the developers in the first place so I'm not bothered too terribly much. I would rather it didn't come out on PC at all rather than it end up being a bad port, an event that is almost guaranteed give the teams erstwhile single platform status. If people want to play it on the PC then is hoping I'm wrong.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Too much work?

What, are your jobs supposed to be easy now? Isn't this what your paid for?

Shit man, for ones in the creative field where hard work really gets you places, saying it's "too much work" comes of as really fucking lazy.

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Asclepion said:
"Destiny is Bungie's first multiplatform game in over a decade, and its first on a PlayStation platform."

Bungie made ONI, a game on the PS2 before they were bought by Microsoft. It arguably feels more like a Ghost in the Shell game than the actual Ghost in the Shell games.
OH GOD. I remember ONI. It was a fun game, and pretty decent too.

And I don't think a lot of people working at Bungie now were around when ONI was developed and released, so it makes sense they might see Destiny as their first non-Xbox game.


Esoteric Cultist
Jan 22, 2009
Paragon Fury said:
And I don't think a lot of people working at Bungie now were around when ONI was developed and released, so it makes sense they might see Destiny as their first non-Xbox game.
Oni was developed by a satellite studio named Bungie West, similar to Blizzard North of Diablo fame. Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori both worked on music for the game, the latter of which is ostensibly still part of the Bungie audio team. I'm not certain anyone from Bungie West is currently employed in the main Bungie studio.