Diablo IV - Beta Impressions


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I think I’m close to the end of the campaign. I haven’t listened to the video above (I might later while grinding dungeons) but if as commented above the criticisms are about story and simple gameplay then- i mean, yeah, welcome to ARPGs.

Normally I would have the same complaints but I happened to be in the mood for a simple loop.

Yes I complained in FF16 about side quests being simple fetch/kill, yet that is literally the entire structure of Diablo 4 and I like it. Well that is because FF16 presented itself as story focused and asks us to care about it. ARPGs are purposefully built to just use basic narrative structures to tell you where on the map to grind kills and loot. It’s all about setting up and delivering on expectations.

It’s funny that the two biggest complaints about the game are either from non-ARPG vets complaining about how they work or hardcore Diablo vets complaining about end game mechanics and loot. So the consensus is that my way to play the game is correct: beat the campaign and nearby side quests then as much post-campaign as I feel like until I’m bored with it, and coming for seasons if I want.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
You absolutely continue leveling to 100. You stop gaining skill points at 50, and start gaining 4 paragon points / level (1 every 25%).

The enemies will cap at level 50 in world tier 1&2. In world tier 3, they cap at 70 and world tier 4 at 95.

But you continue leveling, this includes the passive stat raises per level, and the advantage/penalty of being over/under an enemies level.
Unless paragon points do something special, it seems like the latest example of why this kind of scaling (relative to enemies’ progression) is a pointless grind. Just explore to find better class-specific gear and call it good.


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
Unless paragon points do something special, it seems like the latest example of why this kind of scaling (relative to enemies’ progression) is a pointless grind. Just explore to find better class-specific gear and call it good.
They do. Paragon points in D4 have been reworked into a skill grid sort of thing with impactful milestone perks and rune slots.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
So instead of taking one class to level 100, I decided to do something else; I reached level 50 with all five classes solo to get the feel of leveling experience for each glass before their true builds begins with the paragon board.

The purpose of this was to see which classes are worth doing solo. Now obviously this can easily be achieved by having someone to boost you, but there are players like me who honestly would like to play solo. Plus, I wanted to do this to get a feel for how each class would play on the base level, and if their endgame builds would be worth going for during each new season. Because goddamn, I am not raising lvl 100s five times each season. Maybe pick 2-3, then choose other classes each season.

And if you prefer to stick to either solo-ing everything or be boosted to level 50 ASAP, more power to you. I just wanted to share my experience with all of them.

Again, this experiment strictly reflects the leveling experience from 1 to 50, and not the builds that begans to form afterwards.

All of them were done on WT2, they all had the extra 8 skill points from the start, and I made sure they all focused on doing three things; Completing strongholds, doing tree of whisper activities, and hunting down aspect dungeons. I also skipped the campaign for all of them save for Barb that was used for beating it. This was because I felt playing through once was good enough, and there were many annoying sequences I did not want to repeat despite having cool boss fights. Also, the loots from the campaign were absolute trash.

TL;DR: Only two of them were worth doing solo, and the rest should honestly be boosted.


I'll start with the class that I enjoyed the most. Corpse Explosion and building my army was really fun, and it probably had the fastest mob clear rate of the five classes. Throwing bone spear was satisfying, and at first I thought the essence cost was a bit too high. Then I found raise skeleton skill gives me some essence, which was even better. While the mob clear rate was great, I also found boss fights to be hard. The skeleton AIs aren't that great, and would continue to fight even with the clear AOE incoming, killing them all off instantly or on the next hit. The corpse generation rate is also much slower during boss fights compared to regular encounters (which makes sense for balancing purposes), and I had to constantly think whether I wanted to use them for CE or raise skeleton. Not to mention the class is really squishy and prone to dying a lot if you aren't careful. The class does have great aoe kits, but I found myself relying on corpses a bit too much, and once I was completely alone it was a struggle

I wish there was a skill to command the skeletons to focus on one enemy. Because sometimes they would scatter all over the place. Also while corpse explosion does a huge amount of damage, I found it to get repetitive real quick. In fact, I think I'm still hearing the sound effect in my head.

Verdict: Worth solo due to having excellent crowd control, just prepare to lose skeletons a lot and the corpse explosion getting repetitive.

And now we go from something awesome to something that I hated. This class confused me; It has melee/close-quarter skills, but nowhere near tanky has Barbarian without lots of time and resource investments. It has ranged elemental skills, but the reach is rather lackluster compared to sorc and seems to come up more as a defense/stun tool rather than something to cause damage. Core skills feel they all over the place; Landslide does the best damage but costs the most spirit, tornado scatters all over the place and doesn't really hit anything (not without a specific aspect at least), lightning storm does little damage, and pulvarize/shred forces you to get close, when the build isn't even tanky yet.

Don't get me wrong, skills like poison creeper, wolves, and ravens deal tons of damage and can wipe out an entire mob in an instant, but when they go on a cooldown I began to get nervous, because now I won't have any good source of damage for the next few seconds, which sometimes was enough to kill me.

Turning into a werewolf/bear looks awesome too and their powers are just as amazing, but in that split second of transformation, I feel I am leaving myself open to the attacks. Cyclone armor is nice to have, but the distance it pushes mobs away seems really short and I get surrounded again within seconds. Struggled quite a bit against elites and bosses too; because with all the abilities having short range, despite them dealing lots of damage, they almost got too close to me. Having wolves and ravens as companions were nice, but it has the same problem as the skeleton army for necromance. Terrible AI with no sense of self-preservation.

I agree with most of the opinions that druid builds become versatile and awesome after 50, but I don't think it was worth all the trouble I had to go through playing solo. It's already painful to level up while boosted, why make the effort harder?

Verdict: 100% should be boosted

One tough SOB to kill. Unlike Druid I feel I had a better time with Barb in terms of close-quarter combat. Great abilities to break cc, lots of high damage melee skills, and using HOTA, Death Blow, Whirlwind or Rend can absolutely devastate any mobs. The arsenal system and the bonus buffs are fun to experiment with.

However, I do think being so melee-focused is also its flaw; The fury is your resource to do these cool attacks, and you get them by hitting them with your base attacks or have buffs specifically designed to gain fury. But these buffs don't seem to generate enough fury to keep the attacks going. Also, as much as breaking cc is great, there are only three skills to give you an unstoppable state (rallying cry, charge, and wrath of the berserker). I often found myself to break cc to resume attacking, only to get immediately cc-ed again afterwards with the skills on cooldown. The gameplay feels counterintuitive; how can I get close and build fury when I’m risking being surrounded or tanking AOE attacks? Thankfully due to the class having such a large health pool I survived most chain of CCs that would've killed other classes faster, but even that doesn't help when the game forces me to stay in the aoe zone to hit the enemy. And we all know how much those elites love to stack and spam aoes and ccs.

Not that I would ever play the campaign agian, but had I known how much AOEs and CCs there would be in the game I would've never played campaign as Barb. I died so many times to Vhenard. FUCKING Vhenard!

When there are little to no AOEs or CCs I am riding the pain train to the next town over. When there are ton of them suddenly I felt powerless. Post-level 50 builds with whirlwind, rend, or HOTA are all great, but the lead-up to it doesn't feel too great (but still not nearly as bad as druid). If you are amazing at kiting, knowing when to back out then you probably would have a fun time.

Verdict: Fun to solo if you are decent at kiting, otherwise be boosted. Prone to getting CCed and take aoe damage a lot even with the skills to break them

I went in with high expectations. This class looked like what Druid wasn't. A complete opposite to Barb; Pure range build, squishy but can use teleport as an escape or cause chaos across battlefield. Also lots of visually cool spells. Due to the class (named her Lohse from DOS2) having such a range, I think this is the second safest class to play next to Necro.

....Is what I'd love to say, but this class has left me scratching my head. I came to D4 straigth from D2, and Sorc do not feel nearly as impactful here. Granted, the damage is nice, but it doesn't seem to have the "spam"-ness of the sorc skills in D2. Everything beyond core skills has cooldown, so you probably won't be able to go crazy with spells like in D2.

The mana management system seems atrocious. Sorc seems to use of the resource meter much faster than other class. Without some significant buff/upgrade to max mana or mana recovery, I found myself constantly running low on mana after casting a few core skills. This wasn't a problem in D2 because of the mana potions were consumable and using runeworks that refunds mana per kill. Here they are so stingy about giving you mana, those moments when you are low are really risky. The class feels really static, and my combat experience basically came down to stop -> cast -> move -> stop -> cast. Like, it does not feel very smooth, and it feels like I'm playing as a robot instead.

The most disappointing skill for me was teleport; I wish it was a core skill instead so I can use it repeatedly. Considering out squishy this class is it would've been great. It's currently only one of the two escape tools I have so far, the other being frost nova, and sometimes I would be mashing the button in hopes of using it again. Or at least give me a chance to use it at least two or three times. Don't really understand why it does damage. I mean it's not a lot so why is it there?

I mean ffs there's a passive skill literally called glass cannon where you take higher amount of damage for increasing your own damage, and this perfectly sums up the class; so fragile yet so powerful. The class has almost little to no resistence, and this was the class I probably died the most as. It certainly is NOT a safe class. At least with necro you have a lot of options to heal yourself and stay alive longer, but with sorc a single mistake can kill you.

One good thing I'll have to say is the leveling was super fast, and I reached 50 in no time. Granted reaching 50 is pretty easy with enough time for all classes, but sorc seems to get there the fastest. Like I said eariler the damage is nice and I didn't have too much difficulty with bosses and elites.

I heard sorc is currently the most lackluster class even beyond 50, and I can already see that pre-50 and also see myself never touching this class again unless there are some serious buffs or reworks. I don't think I hated it as much as leveling druid, just lots of disappointments.

Verdict: Easy enough to solo, but not really worth time and effort even if boosted.

This was an interesting class. In a lot of ways it was a lot like playing druid, doing both ranged and melee attacks. This class however also has traps, extra attack buffs, and can zip around the battlefield really fast. Probably the fastest attacker of the five classes. But I don't think this class is for those who have slow reflexes or forget button combinations a lot. It actually reminds me a lot of LOL champions that require pinpoint click accuracy and great positioning.

Unlike Druid where I was supposed to "tank" everything, Rogue's nimbleness allowed to have its own sense of survivability by simply zipping past everything with dash, escape with smoke bomb or concealment, imbune weapon with shadow or poison.

The downside is when I mess up REALLY BAD, as in situations where I used up all the skills and I don't have any escapes, there seems to be no recovery and I go down faster than I can say "hEaVEns, SavE Me!". Messing up button combination or misclicking something also seem to kill whatever momentum I had been going.
Along with Sorc, it is one of the more faster leveling class. I would love to play more on Rogue, but I do think it is more complex than I can handle. I am absolutely dogshit at having quick reflexes, remembering all the button order, and good positioning.

Verdict: Easy to solo, but too hard for me to play

I will probably main necro or barb in season 1 and solo them again, and maybe check out other classes in future seasons. If I had to rank them based on taking them beyond 50 each season, from must to wait for later, it would be Necro, Barb, Druid, Rogue, then Sorc.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
To be completely honest, I feel I had my fill with D4 already. Season 1 doesn't look too enticing either. It can be argued that my fatique comes from raising level 50s fives times back to back, but I honestly feel it would've been the same if I raised two level 100s.

Besides, if I have to create new characters each new season, with small character slots and stash spaces, what exactly is the point of taking a build to the endgame? It's just gonna be obsolete in a few weeks.

Maybe I'll come back in like season 2, and try out other games meanwhile


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
u/FakeSympathy, interesting read, thx. It didn't occur to me that leveling could be faster or slower with different classes.

I'm still on my one character (sorceress) and I'm not gonna make another one until/unless I participate in season 1, which I probably because I'll be away from my console when it comes out so that will give me a break. Now I'm aiming to clear clear the map by then, just finding all the waypoints, strongholds and doing every side quest I come across.

I did my first Legion event today and that is fun, smashing things with other players.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
u/FakeSympathy, interesting read, thx. It didn't occur to me that leveling could be faster or slower with different classes.

I'm still on my one character (sorceress) and I'm not gonna make another one until/unless I participate in season 1, which I probably because I'll be away from my console when it comes out so that will give me a break. Now I'm aiming to clear clear the map by then, just finding all the waypoints, strongholds and doing every side quest I come across.

I did my first Legion event today and that is fun, smashing things with other players.
I think it has something to do with how fast can you clear mobs, and it all comes down to what kind of damage you are doing. As we all probably noticed by now, there are damages that happen instantly vs damages that chip away at health. Necro's Corpse Explosion, Rogue's puncture, and Sorc's chain lightning damages the mobs instantly, meaning it's gonna have "faster" dps and can clear mobs faster. Faster mob clear means faster xp gain.

And then there the likes of Barb's bleed and Druid's poison. Yes, both damage types can be amazing, but even if you damage them to point where bleed/poison will kill them, you still have to wait those few seconds for their hp to completely drain. It might not sound like a lot but they all add up and at least in my experience waiting for them to die slowed down how fast I was gaining xp. To make the drain rate faster you can hit them a few extra times, but that defeats the purpose of watching them bleed to death.

As I've said, Barb can at least afford to wait those few seconds even before level 50. Druid's poison creeper does usually kill a group of mobs in a few seconds, but that time frame can be really frustrating. You have no idea how many event challenges I failed as Druid because of waiting for the poison to kill them off


Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
Is it still spoiler to talk about the plot and things yet to come?


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Naw I think you're fine. Game's been out long enough imo and most players don't care about the story in an ARPG game.
I'm about 2/3rd of the way trough the game (don't care for spoiler) but I've been positively surprised by the story so far without being blown away. Presentation is pretty good and it really respect the player time and mostly cut to the chase with very few long monologue. The background lore feel solid without being shoved in the player face and not so many recap,

I do like Mephisto helping you throughout the story, I like the idea of having some sort internal politic in hell, making the various evil more than just generic evil. I think it would be interesting to push the idea further, Mephisto is the lord of hatred iirc, so maybe have him be willing to support anyone who strongly hate, even if they hate an evil person. ie Lilith is trying to enact event that will kill thousands/millions of people, the player hate her for that and Mephisto is all about it and willing to help. This would sorta mirror the whole "heaven is actually not all that good" with "hell isn't all that bad".


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
This would sorta mirror the whole "heaven is actually not all that good" with "hell isn't all that bad".
The only problem that they never really do anything with this dynamic. We are only shown hell as a demonic place and the people in Sanctuary who do things for the Hell's are always doing something evil and corrupted. The same thing with the heavens but at least with the heavens the angels are showcased making shady decisions and what not sometimes. So the whole idea of Lilith not quite being a villain doesn't really land, and her motivations are clearly interpersonal power decisions which result in bad news for everyone.

My original statement really meant that most ARPG's tend to be about being efficent and zooming through things because the nature of the games contain a lot of repeated content. So it all just becomes a blur. I'm sure some people care about the story to a degree, but those people aren't long term players of the game. They'll play for 15-20 hours and be done. Not like me who's got 500 hours into the game so far.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
The only problem that they never really do anything with this dynamic. We are only shown hell as a demonic place and the people in Sanctuary who do things for the Hell's are always doing something evil and corrupted. The same thing with the heavens but at least with the heavens the angels are showcased making shady decisions and what not sometimes. So the whole idea of Lilith not quite being a villain doesn't really land, and her motivations are clearly interpersonal power decisions which result in bad news for everyone.
I think Lilith could have been more interesting if she was more about chaos then evil. Like the starting scene where she rouse the people into killing the priest because the priest is just yelling at them about how awful they are for no particular reason. They could have the central story be about the church/noble trying to impose rigid structure and Lilith supporting rebellion but going too far. As is, she really just come off as generic evil most of the game and that's not any different than just fighting against another prime evil.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I think Lilith could have been more interesting if she was more about chaos then evil. Like the starting scene where she rouse the people into killing the priest because the priest is just yelling at them about how awful they are for no particular reason. They could have the central story be about the church/noble trying to impose rigid structure and Lilith supporting rebellion but going too far. As is, she really just come off as generic evil most of the game and that's not any different than just fighting against another prime evil.
I 100% agree with you. I think she is disasterously underutilized in the game. She basically does nothing but stand there menacingly in every cut scene she is in except one and it's awful. It's like they leaned way too hard into giving her motivations some kind of mystery but it just fails because for the whole game she doesn't actually DO anything.

I think it would have been badass if we fought her a few times throughout the story, like each act has us trying to twart her plan or something and battling her only for her to use her powers to lock us down and get what she wants anyway, until we are powerful enough at the end to actually beat her.

Blizzard made a big deal about using our own created character in cutscenes but they don't do shit with it. It's just fucking flat.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Actman on Diablo 4 part 2!

I must say, some of the comments that he responded to were indeed ridiculous, especially regarding not playing Diablo games for the story. I mean holy shit, why are people like this?

Both Act Man and I never made it to endgame or hardcore, but maybe both of us saw own way to enjoy the game until that "Breaking point". Have to agree with him here, just because I didn't reach level 100 doesn't mean I had fun. As much as I hated raising all those level 50s, I still enjoyed killing those hordes of demons.

I do think he was, and still is a bit misleading about everything matching up to the character level
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Is it still spoiler to talk about the plot and things yet to come?
Honestly, story's the only thing I'm interested in discussing, so hey, go for it. That said, still in Act II, so while a lot of stuff's been spoilt for me, can't discuss all that much.

(Seriously, start bringing maths and buffs and what have you and my eyes start to glaze over.)

Naw I think you're fine. Game's been out long enough imo and most players don't care about the story in an ARPG game.
Eh, speak for yourself.

(I mean sure, you're probably correct, but that's generally why I don't get invested in ARPGs.)

They'll play for 15-20 hours and be done. Not like me who's got 500 hours into the game so far.
500 hours...Christ. :(

(Seriously, how do you even know? I don't think Battle.net gives you a playtime counter.)

I think Lilith could have been more interesting if she was more about chaos then evil. Like the starting scene where she rouse the people into killing the priest because the priest is just yelling at them about how awful they are for no particular reason. They could have the central story be about the church/noble trying to impose rigid structure and Lilith supporting rebellion but going too far. As is, she really just come off as generic evil most of the game and that's not any different than just fighting against another prime evil.
I don't know if "rousing" is the correct word - a running theme I've seen with Lilith is that she has the ability to make people embrace their own desires. For the people of Nevesk, it was enticing them to act on their hatred for the priest. For Vhenard, it was having her act on her desire for knowledge, even at the cost of losing Neyrelle. For Ariadnah, while less clear cut, the implication (at least for me) is that Lilith led her to act on her dark thoughts (her social Darwinist view towards the glenfolk). As in, she genuinely believed that culling the weak would work in the long term, but moral inhibition prevented her from acting upon it.

As for the idea of structure vs. rebellion, well, if you're saying that the story would be better if it involved Lilith inciting rebellion against the Cathedral...well, okay, sure, I haven't completed the game, so I'm not in a position to speculate on that counterfactual, but I'd make the following points. First, that would already be a repeat of the Sin War in a sense, where Lilith, directly or otherwise, formed the Edyrem as a battering ram against the Triune and Cathedral (yes, her deception was revealed, but Uldyssian ultimately continued the crusade for his own reasons). Second, the dichotomy between order and control is already well established in the themes of the game. Inarius, true to his nature, is draconian, and so is the Cathedral of Light, but it's draconian control that has a function, considering the protection that the Knights Penitent offer against the horrors of the world. It's arguably telling that it's even hinted that the Cathedral has waged war on the Zakarum (if you're further in the game than me, maybe you can confirm if this is true or not). On the other hand, everything I've seen with Lilith allows for free will, even if that free will results in heinous things. It's part of why I don't agree with the notion of Lilith being no different than the Prime Evils in that:

1: The Prime Evils only ever saw humanity as a tool for their own ends, Lilith appears to have genuine affection for humanity, considering that they are, in a sense, her 'children.'

2: The Prime Evils have corrupted people directly, as in, forced them against their will. Even if we confine this to the games and nothing else, Diablo corrupted Leoric, and has possessed Albrecht, then Aidan, then Leah. Mephisto corrupted the whole Zakarum faith, and possessed Sankenkur. Baal possessed Tal Rasha. The TL, DR version is that the Prime Evils have outright forced people to act in service to their own goals. Lilith, at least of what I've seen, gives people the choice of acting on their impulses. Yes, Lilith has possessed people in the path (e.g. Serenthia), but in the specific context of D4, her M.O. is pretty different.

3: Lilith's grief over Rathma. Yes, I'm including this as its own entry, because there's no way, under any circumstances, a Prime Evil would ever feel grief over the death of a child. If you don't believe me, look at what Diablo did to Leah, or how it's well established that Lilith "felt her father's hatred."

Blizzard made a big deal about using our own created character in cutscenes but they don't do shit with it. It's just fucking flat.
In what way? The character is voiced, the character's appearance always shifts, etc. It's nothing groundbreaking by the standards of RPGs, but certainly I appreciated it.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
In what way? The character is voiced, the character's appearance always shifts, etc. It's nothing groundbreaking by the standards of RPGs, but certainly I appreciated it.
You get some pulled back stuff in the beginning of the game, but every scene that features your character is your character doing nothing. Walking with a horse, knealing before Inarius, like there is no real cinematic of your character doing anything of note like killing a demon, or talking with another character. So it's nothing more than a novelty in the game and means nothing.

In fact it hurts the game because you can't have those big cinematics in each act that Blizzard used to do. Seriously this is probably the laziest campaign they've ever made. Blizzard has lost it's creative talent, it's just the truth at this point. Whomever is writing this garbage is clearly not suited for the job. And even the creative design of the game itself like mechanics and systems for the player to interact with are just not the level they used to be. D4 contains some amazingly bad design choices.

Honestly the campaign is about all that's worth playing the game for, because the end game activities and gearing are really really bad. I had a lot of hope during the alpha last year, but holy shit they took an Amber Heard dump on the bed when finalizing the games systems.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
You get some pulled back stuff in the beginning of the game, but every scene that features your character is your character doing nothing. Walking with a horse, knealing before Inarius, like there is no real cinematic of your character doing anything of note like killing a demon, or talking with another character. So it's nothing more than a novelty in the game and means nothing.
Um, you say that your PC never talks to another character, while you bring up Inarius which involves the character talking to him.

I really don't get the issue you're citing here - the idea that the PC never talks to another character is patently false, and if your argument is that the character is never seen killing a demon in a cinematic...okay, and? Sure, I can point to various RPGs where a player-created character carries out actions irrespective of the player's control, but usually they aren't isometric ones. Of all the enemies I've killed so far, I've never felt it lacking that a cinematic didn't play when I killed a boss monster.

In fact it hurts the game because you can't have those big cinematics in each act that Blizzard used to do.
Well first, there's nothing inherent in using an in-game engine that prevents pre-rendered cinematics being used, second...okay, sure, maybe there's a lack of pre-rendered cinematics, but that's academic to storytelling. If you replaced every in-game cinematic with a pre-rendered cinematic, it would look prettier, sure, it wouldn't affect any element of story. For instance, to segway into StarCraft, Heart of the Swarm has two pre-rendered cinematics, Legacy of the Void has one, but LotV is the better of the two in terms of story.

Seriously this is probably the laziest campaign they've ever made. Blizzard has lost it's creative talent, it's just the truth at this point. Whomever is writing this garbage is clearly not suited for the job.
Okay, I'm in Act II, so for all I know I might end up agreeing with you, but at this time of writing, I really can't agree. Assuming you're confining this to the Diablo series, there's nothing in D4 so far that strikes me as "lazy," if anything, it seems like the least lazy of the series considering the scope and breadth of the world (you can see this in the "what are you playing" thread, and I haven't even started gushing over Scosglen yet). I mean, if we're talking about lazy, you realize that this is a series that began with D1 and D2, where the former barely had a story at all, and the latter only had a story because Blizzard South insisted on it while Blizzard North was against there being a story at all?

(As a segway, if I had to rank the series by stories at this point, it would probably be D3>D4>DI>D2>D1.)

And even the creative design of the game itself like mechanics and systems for the player to interact with are just not the level they used to be. D4 contains some amazingly bad design choices.
Not sure what you mean by level there.

Mentioned it above, I really don't care much about systems, it's just the kind of stuff that goes over my head. If we're talking about systems, I'll certainly agree that DI and D3 have a better system with their rune/skill systems than D4 (in that you're not locking stuff in), but it's still much better than D1/D2 with its number nonsense. And if we're talking about moment to moment gameplay, I'd say D4 is probably the best in the series. I mean, we can probably all agree that the combat in DI/D3/D4 is better than its predecessors, but D4 is probably the best of the three.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I'm in post-campaign. Unfogged the whole map and got that last of the altars of Lilith this morning, and doing side quests as I coma across them. I'd like to max out all the region reknown as well before season 1.

A handful of side quests were a pleasant surprise, having you revisit locations and characters from the main campaign, or going on extended campaigns with local leaders.

Since I play alone and the leveling gets really slow, there is now way I'm gonna just grind for the sake of grinding, I don't really care what level my character is or whatever. I guess I'd like to get to level 70 to try out the highest world tier but I may get bored by then.

Basically I'm gonna play when I can over the next couple days to get that reknown, then I gotta leave town for a few days which means season 1 will start by the time I pick the game back up and I will try that. I have no idea how long a season of this game will actually take to play and what it really means other than you have to make a new character which means I'll get to try out a barbarian or druid of something.