Did Mass Effect Steal It's Story Outright?!


New member
Dec 28, 2009
pretentiousname01 said:
Blindswordmaster said:
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
actually he owes me 30 dollars + pain and damages for watching the prequel trilogy.
Why should he pay for your self flagellation? If you didn't like Phantom Menace, then why would you see the other two and then complain about it?


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Blindswordmaster said:
pretentiousname01 said:
Blindswordmaster said:
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
actually he owes me 30 dollars + pain and damages for watching the prequel trilogy.
Why should he pay for your self flagellation? If you didn't like Phantom Menace, then why would you see the other two and then complain about it?
Masochism? That certainly explains my repeat viewings of episode III.

That and one of them was while on a date... (her choice)


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Starke said:
Blindswordmaster said:
pretentiousname01 said:
Blindswordmaster said:
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
actually he owes me 30 dollars + pain and damages for watching the prequel trilogy.
Why should he pay for your self flagellation? If you didn't like Phantom Menace, then why would you see the other two and then complain about it?
Masochism? That certainly explains my repeat viewings of episode III.

That and one of them was while on a date... (her choice)
You saw Episode III three times and you didn't like it?! You have no one but yourself to blame and thus, no right to *****.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Blindswordmaster said:
Starke said:
Blindswordmaster said:
pretentiousname01 said:
Blindswordmaster said:
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
actually he owes me 30 dollars + pain and damages for watching the prequel trilogy.
Why should he pay for your self flagellation? If you didn't like Phantom Menace, then why would you see the other two and then complain about it?
Masochism? That certainly explains my repeat viewings of episode III.

That and one of them was while on a date... (her choice)
You saw Episode III three times and you didn't like it?! You have no one but yourself to blame and thus, no right to *****.
No, twice. Though I probably am out 30 because I did pay for her ticket the second time round... god, that was a long time ago...


New member
Sep 30, 2009
I had to see them
Blindswordmaster said:
Starke said:
Blindswordmaster said:
pretentiousname01 said:
Blindswordmaster said:
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
actually he owes me 30 dollars + pain and damages for watching the prequel trilogy.
Why should he pay for your self flagellation? If you didn't like Phantom Menace, then why would you see the other two and then complain about it?
Masochism? That certainly explains my repeat viewings of episode III.

That and one of them was while on a date... (her choice)
You saw Episode III three times and you didn't like it?! You have no one but yourself to blame and thus, no right to *****.
Actually I can blame George.

NOOOOOO!!!!!!! so bad :(

Also if I complained about the movies without seeing them my arguments would immediately be invalidated. In the name of science(!) I subjected myself to those 3 movies.

The same reason I played ff13. Could not call shenanigans without first person experience.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
pretentiousname01 said:
I had to see them
Blindswordmaster said:
Starke said:
Blindswordmaster said:
pretentiousname01 said:
Blindswordmaster said:
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
actually he owes me 30 dollars + pain and damages for watching the prequel trilogy.
Why should he pay for your self flagellation? If you didn't like Phantom Menace, then why would you see the other two and then complain about it?
Masochism? That certainly explains my repeat viewings of episode III.

That and one of them was while on a date... (her choice)
You saw Episode III three times and you didn't like it?! You have no one but yourself to blame and thus, no right to *****.
Actually I can blame George.

NOOOOOO!!!!!!! so bad :(

Also if I complained about the movies without seeing them my arguments would immediately be invalidated. In the name of science(!) I subjected myself to those 3 movies.

The same reason I played ff13. Could not call shenanigans without first person experience.
Science is one thing, but self preservation must rule some days, good man, or all is lost!

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
SL33TBL1ND said:
Hey, Halo took it's entire concept from Ringworld, it happens all the time man.
No. It took a few concepts from ringworld. It borowed heavily from a number of sources. As has virtually every game or piece of media created in my lifetime.

Personally, I'd say it would be difficult to judge the truth of the statement. I'd have to read the book at the very least. Even then I don't know if I'd be convinced it was outright theft of a narrative. Mass Effect is built upon sci-fi cliche such that by borrowing from many sources they just happened to produce a suspciciouly similar story.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Eclectic Dreck said:
Mass Effect is built upon sci-fi cliche such that by borrowing from many sources they just happened to produce a suspciciouly similar story.
..I don't know.. I never got to play Mass Effect when it came out, so I didn't complain. But now that I have played it, the problem with the plot is that it doesn't seem to be constructed so that you understand it's built from the bottom inside that game-world.

I mean, that's a problem when you "happen" to have copied something else. It wouldn't have been an issue if the story stood on it's own. But.. when it seems as if the game rests on something outside the game-world for context, then plagiarism is extremely too close for comfort..


New member
Aug 4, 2009

Well, without reading about the novel in detail (partially because I'm not interested, and partially because I just wanna mock you), all I can say is this:

Everything is inspired by other stuff. Plates are inspired by the fact that stuff stays on flat surfaces. You put them on tables, which are based around the same idea. Same with roads and floors. This princible is also why roofs are often NOT flat; so that snow and stuff will fall off.

That tired rant may or may not have been stolen from someone else.

But if Bioware took the barest bones of a plot and turned it into a game that people enjoyed, I'd hate what you'd think of, say, someone who took folk tales and turned them into the stuff parents show their kids

or actually charged people for history lessons and stories from other countries.

You have to face it. Sometimes people who are smarter (much, much smarter) than you or I come up with things called 'ideas'. But those people 'steal' those ideas from the world around them. A television show can inspire people just as much as real life can.

Of course, one must always remember that, as information is accessed, it is altered. But at the root of it all, every story comes from the same place: the human instinct to imagine.

Revelation Space, Mass Effect, and Disney's Atlantis, Circa 1994


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Eclectic Dreck said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Hey, Halo took it's entire concept from Ringworld, it happens all the time man.
No. It took a few concepts from ringworld. It borowed heavily from a number of sources. As has virtually every game or piece of media created in my lifetime.

Personally, I'd say it would be difficult to judge the truth of the statement. I'd have to read the book at the very least. Even then I don't know if I'd be convinced it was outright theft of a narrative. Mass Effect is built upon sci-fi cliche such that by borrowing from many sources they just happened to produce a suspciciouly similar story.
Before you decide to say the same thing as 5 other people, read my response to them please.

SL33TBL1ND said:
unoleian said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Hey, Halo took it's entire concept from Ringworld, it happens all the time man.
Having read Ringworld, I can confidently state the only similarity between the two is a ring-shaped, artificially constructed habitat. In space. The similarities end there. And both can likely draw much inspiration from Dyson constructs. Very strange book, BTW. Not at all what I expected when I picked it up...

As for the ME/book thing, the OP has piqued my curiosity, and now I think I know what's next on my library list...
Starke said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Hey, Halo took it's entire concept from Ringworld, it happens all the time man.
Except you know, all it's concepts aside from habitable rings around planets. You may want to brush up on Ringworld, and actually read the novel rather than gazing at the cover.
I know, but I'm just saying that that is a fairly unique concept and the only place they could've gotten that idea from is that book.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Well, the book doesn't really lay out most of the ideas from the game... only the sentient machine race that eradicates civilization, which, has been done several times. Besides... Mass Effect borrows from a lot of genres... in particular:

Biotics = Force Powers from Star Wars
Geth = Borg from Star Trek
Rachni = you could argue they were inspired by the creatures from Starship Troopers

Mass Effect did some things differently, however, especially in the area of diplomacy. Like how the humans were among the last to develop FTL tech and as such were junior members of the galaxy for a long time. The Mass Relays may have been inspired from some other work, but if they were I don't know of it.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
Did Mass Effect Steal It's Story Outright?!

- No.

Source: Over 300hrs played in ME and ME2. Read "Revelation Space" & "Chasm City".


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Mass Effect stole it's plot from Knights of the Old Republic actually.

Except half way through the game, instead of Revan, it's Reapers.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
direkiller said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Hey, Halo took it's entire concept from Ringworld, it happens all the time man.
the flood are the beast from homeworld cataclysm
right down to referring to everything as food but the beast were cooler because they took over technology along when people
Actually the Flood is based off of: http://www.christopherrowley.net/novels/VangSeries.php


New member
Nov 14, 2011
JasonKaotic said:
Starke said:
Jasonater said:
It wouldn't be a surprise is Mass Effect ripped off something. Dragon Age (another BioWare game, for those who don't know) copied so fucking many things it's unbelievable. Mostly things from Warcraft;

The Archdemon is an Old God, dragons who were imprisoned beneath the world for whatever reason/In Warcraft, there are also things called Old Gods imprisoned beneath the world
Orzammar (the Dwarf city) sounds a damn lot like Orgrimmar from WoW, and looks a damn lot like the the Dwarf capitol Ironforge from WoW too.
Choosing the three playable races as Humans, Elves and Dwarves is probably the most unoriginal selection in a fantasy game ever
The Magi get their magic from another plane of existance, The Fade, which is where the Demons come from/In Warcraft, the Mages get their arcane power from the Twisting Nether, a different plane of existance, and this is where the Burning Legion (demons) come from
The Werewolves were created by Zathrian to defend the Dalish from Humans/in Warcraft the Worgen were summoned by what's-his-name to defend Lordaeron from the Scourge

I can't be bothered to think of more, I just woke up, but you get the idea. It's a really good game, but they don't even TRY to cover up the stuff they copy...
Honestly, I always figured there was a stronger argument that Dragon Age was ripping off Warhammer. The blight, the way magic works (or more precicly how it attacts the attention of the warp the fade), and the Darkspawn all strike me as very Warhammery, while Warcraft also draws from Warhammer, it lacks the concept of Chaos which seems to be the linchpin relation between the two. Though, I'll admit, I can't be completely confident of this assessment, as I'm more familiar with 40k than WHFB.
Probably warhammer too. But I know nearly nothing about Warhammer, so I can't judge
Dragon Age does do a lot of stuff differently.

The elves for example are really downtrodden and abused (The Witcher style), there's a much more medieval aesthetic. The concept of the Qunari is really cool, and there's a lot more political intrigue between and in nations, unlike the Empire in Warhammer. The concept of the Tevinter Empire is very cool, and the Blight and Fade and Darkspawn is generally a lot more mysterious and there's different religious groups using different messages for the Blight and stuff to justify their religious messages which is pretty interesting I think.

Dragon Age draws on a lot of different fantasy concepts, makes them a bit darker and more mysterious, and stops the grimdark. It's like The Witcher meets Warhammer with a sprinkling of Forgotten Realms. There are also no Orcs. At all.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
endtherapture said:
Mass Effect stole it's plot from Knights of the Old Republic actually.

Except half way through the game, instead of Revan, it's Reapers.
I agree with this statment, went to play KOTOR after PLaying ME 1 and I was surprised at how similar they both were.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
runningBot said:
Did Mass Effect Steal It's Story Outright?!

- No.

Source: Over 300hrs played in ME and ME2. Read "Revelation Space" & "Chasm City".
Did you have to necro a two year old thread just to say that?


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Korten12 said:
direkiller said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Hey, Halo took it's entire concept from Ringworld, it happens all the time man.
the flood are the beast from homeworld cataclysm
right down to referring to everything as food but the beast were cooler because they took over technology along when people
Actually the Flood is based off of: http://www.christopherrowley.net/novels/VangSeries.php
thread necro?
yea it looks like there both based off of that
and HW:Cataclism seem to have taking it story setup wholesale

still beast>flood just for the naggarok


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Ian Caronia said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Ian Caronia said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Agreed with the previous guys, and, as far as I remember, the best part of ME is the dialogue and the different situations the game puts you in - surely they can't be all lifted from somewhere.
Want to know the funny thing? One of the things critics bickered over (like and dislike) about "Revelation Space" is the heavy amounts of dialogue and characterization. That's spooky, but not evidence of further plagiarism. Bioware has always been about dialogue.
Hmmm... Well, I haven't exactly played much of ME and never heard of the novel, so I can't judge. But, basically, I trust the guys at Bioware because I do - if they lifted the main basic story from Revelation Space, I'm still quite sure they came up with the characters and the quests all by themselves.
Oh, and, might be a coincidence.
Because, if this novel is really "renoun", somebody would have already noticed.
Unless your work is famous kids literature (like Harry Potter was once marketed as) or romance literature (ala Twilight), it's hard to be noticed. It's renown in its genre, but "hard science fiction" has a niche crowd, and even then not many people really care for novels nowadays. An entire people coming up to smite the story-stealers just won't happen for novels that aren't kid or romance oriented.

Also, people HAVE noticed, but like I've said, it's not like millions of people have banded together to bring this into light. Some ignore it, others just argue and give up. As a writer I hate to see this kind of thing happen, which is why I simply want to spread the word. Love it or hate it, Mass Effect stole its plot. NOT the characters. Only the plot.

-As far as I can tell the species in ME are original (not taken from Revelation Space), but then again who would be stupid enough to rip off more than just the plot from another person's work? THAT'S when millions begin to take notice and point it out, mate.
It probably didn't steal from the book chances are the writers never even heard of this novel and besides finer details determine whether something is a rip-off.