Did Mass Effect Steal It's Story Outright?!


New member
Apr 23, 2010
MinishArcticFox said:
Akalistos said:
MinishArcticFox said:
Akalistos said:
MinishArcticFox said:
There's only so many ideas out there and even if Bioware did steal the concept (which I doubt they did) they still wrote the characters other alien races made the gameply and expanded it into a trilogy.
Yeah! You tell him.
By the way, i got a novel on the way. It's call Star skirmish! In there, Jame Groundroller is a farmer that want to join the Space Freedom Force. But his oncle and aunt don't... but they get kill fairly early. So, guided by a mysterious fighter call the Royal Monk, he embark on a journey to save Princess Whatsherrname who was capture by a Evil Monk call Dark Toddler inside his forteress: THE DEAD SPHERE! There also a Bounty Hunter call Ted Laulo and and his anthropomorphic cat Bittetica!

(get it?)
I get it I got a kick out of this. Anyway though no story can be 100% original even without intending to copy someone you're bound to. I haven't read it but I'm willing to bet that the story the "stole" didn't have anything similar to asari turians etc. They also have a planned trilogy which I'm not sure the original story had that. Also being game designers they made the gameplay and graphically designed the world. They also wrote characters which I'm guessing didn't exist in the sotry (Liara, Garrus, Mordin, etc). But then again maybe Garrus is supposed to be a reference to the Punisher because he used to be a straight cop, but then he goes outside the law to punish Saleon.
You don't know because you never read it. Even if they add ONE ITEM doesn't made this a new story. If you want, go check the synopsis on Wikipedia. Changing media doesn't change the story. What important is how much similarity there is. If there a blatant rip-off, YEAH. How to you decide what a rip off? Setting - Character - Plots. Those are the basis on which you write the story. There the Parody rule but when it's not funny or meant that way, like Spaceball, it call ripping off. Nudge or Wink can be made, but they shouldn't be part of the whole character and should be brief.

Example of Parodies: What if the story i send you, there joke. Like the monk cutting a bandit arm in a pub with a Laser Bo. The arm fell and there a lot of blood. The bandit say: "F**K me! I always though Laser was Hot." "Me too! Let do it again and see. (slice) Nope! goes to show that you can learn new thing everyday!(falling noise) Let go find a smuggler.) That a parody and it nudge to the fact that in episode 4, a laser cut did make a bandit bleed.

Example of Winks: Garrus or whatever you call it kill a mafioso. Then a guy pop up and say: "Wow, your like a real Super-Hero! You should become one." "Are you mad? Why the hell should i wear my underwear over my pant or paint a skull on my chest?"
That a Wink at the audience because we know that punisher's old costume was a Full body suit with a skull on it, a pair of white underwear over that and a white bandoleer. But that's was in the 90e series of Spider-Man, i recall.

Also, as blatant as it is in Avatar, you can't say that not Plagiarism. If you are, your nothing more than a FanBoy!
Right so I suppose the addition of the geth into the story didn't chcange it making Shepard a soldier not an archealogist didn't count having spectres and Sarron weren't original. The thorian certainly wasn't original. Having an ancient species be made into slaves by an even older half machine half sentient species with thousands of minds inside each of them was a rip off too. Bioware clearly ripped off the story and then added in all these other things to distract from ripping off the story, they didn't just make a different story that ended up having similarities. Secondly even if they did why does it matter the point of a story is to entertain which it does very well.
A: Yes
B: The point being thief. It's shouldn't have a free pass because you like it. Hey, i can enjoy the game and still say it a rip off. Don't be so anal about it. Bioware don't need you going into a crusade over that point. If the people that have the right to that story goes to court, let them settle the matter. But a rip off is still a rip off.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Should Kevin Costner sue James Cameron for ripping off Dances with Wolves when he made Avatar? No. People also say that Mass Effect is a rip off of Star Control 2. Some stories are as old as time, they just get retold over and over again.
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
It depend how much is plagiarism. If they took the whole series and turn it into a video game... Yes! James Cameron did it. It's the writer that should sue, not Costner. You legaly own the story that you produce and therefore, you should make money if someone use it.

Star Wars is nothing more than the Black knight story in space, it didn't rip enough of the story to really be in trouble, Bioware Fanboy! How much copying a source does it take to become plagiarism? When the plot, setting and character are the same. In this case, it his.

Also, Fanboy, Don't defend Bioware.... Like Yahtzee said, they are big boy that doesn't need defending
I was just making a joke with the Kevin Costner thing. Also, most Disney movies share very similar plot threads. I was just trying to say that some plot threads run throughout human fiction. I really liked the expansion of fictional archetypes in Lady in the Water(though it sucked).
-And you did not just call me a fanboy!
If you were trying to use sarcasm in a post, i salute you. I didn't catch any of it. Basically, you have to give an intonation of voice that is either silly or dumb to make it look like sarcasm. And if it were your goal, you pick your medium poorly. Of Course i believed that your a fanboy. Why wouldn't I? This seem like a angry, bitter post were you defended your game company like his own child.

As for story, as long as you can push it aways from the material you base it on, that not plagiarism. Making the story of Artur and the round table through the eye of the Lady in the Water, that different. I resently saw a book that was call: Before Captain Hook, the adventure of a small boy. Story revolve around how the hell Hook got to Neverland and why he became a pirate. Beside using the protagonist from PETER PAN, that not the same. But if i were to write the story of a young orphan that learn magic in a academy, Would you not call Plagiarism?
Depends on several story and character variables. If your story is in Britain, your character has a mysterious destiny, he goes to a magical academy and he uses a wand to fight a "Dark Lord", then I'll probably call you out on it.
-I was just trying to make a sarcastic joke. I really thought that my claim would be so ridiculous that everyone would disagree with it, seeing it as a joke. I now see that I'm obviously not funny. I'll stop trying to be now.
-I said that people say that Mass Effect is just like Star Control 2. I've never played that game so I wouldn't actually know. I was just passing along 3rd party opinions.
No, don't stop joking... if you do however, make sure to you my trademark [Sarcasm] mark! That replace pitch and delivery making other people get your irony or sarcasm. Also, it FREE!
I don't use [Sarcasm] for the same reason that I don't use LOL. If I have to tell people that I'm joking, I've obviously failed in my attempts at comedy.
But you fail anyways because comedy because two important thing in comedy: Timing and delivery! We can't see your sarcastic tone in a post so you failed with delivery. That why i use either exaggeration: "Man, that make so much sense i think i'm tripping. Woo! Look at the butterflies. Sorry man, i have to go and watch my hand grow for half an hour." or my sarcastic mark: [sarcasm]
"But you fail anyways" Wow; this comment perfectly sums up my life. Maybe you are right, but labeling your jokes as jokes just seems to go against the first law of stand-up:never laugh to your own jokes. I'd feel like I'd be putting up a big "Applause" sign over my comments; making people laugh because they feel like they have to rather than because they're actually entertained.
-Also, be careful who you call a fanboy. It's like calling someone a ************; you never really know how someone will react to it. Some see it as a high compliment and a term of endearment; while others view it as the ultimate insult. Since I consider a fanboy to be someone who vehemently defends something without an actual counter argument or any logic what-so-ever, I have to tell you that them's fighin words.
-On an earlier note: Sometimes I really like the look on someone's face(or the tone of their text) when they have to ask me if I'm joking. Like when I tell them that I don't need another assault charge(which I really don't, that shit stays on your record).
Yeah, the first rule.... Wait? Wasn't the first rule never explain your joke because it lose the comedic value of the joke? That Would be number 2. Well, about the applause thing, you got to remember, there people that get it and those who don't. You make those who don't feel dumb sometime when you don't do it. Look at live comedy show(example:WHO LINE IS THIS ANYWAYS), they used it. Not for the ones that found it funny and laughed. It for those that didn't get the joke and they can hide themselves in the crowed. There nothing worst then being the only one not laughing.

Fanboy=Insult? OK got that. The true may hurt sometime but it's in your best interest to see what you are and change it. You can't progress in self improvement if you can't face yourself like you are. That's a service i do but I'll be more careful in the future.

You like to see reaction? I'll let you borrow the "Butterfly - It too clear" joke. That's a priceless one! Have fun.
But isn't that part of the fun of internet anonymity? No one has to know that you're not laughing. I don't make people laugh at my jokes, if they get it good, if not, who cares? I realize that my personal brand of comedy is quite polarizing. Some people love it while some are deeply offended(They're the best, when I offend someone a little black rainbow of hate erupts from my chest.
Example: I was doing some stand-up in class for a project once, and I had a list of jokes, rather than funny stories or a rant(I'm not using my A material on those fuckers). Everyone laughed at my jokes after about 5 seconds. They actually had to think about it before they laughed! I felt like I was broadcasting from the fucking Moon! But that's life for you, sometimes you kill, sometimes the manager wants to beat your ass. Just do your best, never compromise on your integrity, and learn to duck.
-I really liked ME2, not ME1 I hated that game, but I acknowledge its shortcomings. No, it's not the greatest game ever. Yes, some plot points you saw a mile away. Yes, the human Reaper was fucktarted and yes, I hated mining! But I still enjoy the game and I look forward to ME3. If that makes me a fanboy, then get me an N7 hoodie and a Tali doll!


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Akalistos said:
MinishArcticFox said:
Akalistos said:
MinishArcticFox said:
Akalistos said:
MinishArcticFox said:
There's only so many ideas out there and even if Bioware did steal the concept (which I doubt they did) they still wrote the characters other alien races made the gameply and expanded it into a trilogy.
Yeah! You tell him.
By the way, i got a novel on the way. It's call Star skirmish! In there, Jame Groundroller is a farmer that want to join the Space Freedom Force. But his oncle and aunt don't... but they get kill fairly early. So, guided by a mysterious fighter call the Royal Monk, he embark on a journey to save Princess Whatsherrname who was capture by a Evil Monk call Dark Toddler inside his forteress: THE DEAD SPHERE! There also a Bounty Hunter call Ted Laulo and and his anthropomorphic cat Bittetica!

(get it?)
I get it I got a kick out of this. Anyway though no story can be 100% original even without intending to copy someone you're bound to. I haven't read it but I'm willing to bet that the story the "stole" didn't have anything similar to asari turians etc. They also have a planned trilogy which I'm not sure the original story had that. Also being game designers they made the gameplay and graphically designed the world. They also wrote characters which I'm guessing didn't exist in the sotry (Liara, Garrus, Mordin, etc). But then again maybe Garrus is supposed to be a reference to the Punisher because he used to be a straight cop, but then he goes outside the law to punish Saleon.
You don't know because you never read it. Even if they add ONE ITEM doesn't made this a new story. If you want, go check the synopsis on Wikipedia. Changing media doesn't change the story. What important is how much similarity there is. If there a blatant rip-off, YEAH. How to you decide what a rip off? Setting - Character - Plots. Those are the basis on which you write the story. There the Parody rule but when it's not funny or meant that way, like Spaceball, it call ripping off. Nudge or Wink can be made, but they shouldn't be part of the whole character and should be brief.

Example of Parodies: What if the story i send you, there joke. Like the monk cutting a bandit arm in a pub with a Laser Bo. The arm fell and there a lot of blood. The bandit say: "F**K me! I always though Laser was Hot." "Me too! Let do it again and see. (slice) Nope! goes to show that you can learn new thing everyday!(falling noise) Let go find a smuggler.) That a parody and it nudge to the fact that in episode 4, a laser cut did make a bandit bleed.

Example of Winks: Garrus or whatever you call it kill a mafioso. Then a guy pop up and say: "Wow, your like a real Super-Hero! You should become one." "Are you mad? Why the hell should i wear my underwear over my pant or paint a skull on my chest?"
That a Wink at the audience because we know that punisher's old costume was a Full body suit with a skull on it, a pair of white underwear over that and a white bandoleer. But that's was in the 90e series of Spider-Man, i recall.

Also, as blatant as it is in Avatar, you can't say that not Plagiarism. If you are, your nothing more than a FanBoy!
Right so I suppose the addition of the geth into the story didn't chcange it making Shepard a soldier not an archealogist didn't count having spectres and Sarron weren't original. The thorian certainly wasn't original. Having an ancient species be made into slaves by an even older half machine half sentient species with thousands of minds inside each of them was a rip off too. Bioware clearly ripped off the story and then added in all these other things to distract from ripping off the story, they didn't just make a different story that ended up having similarities. Secondly even if they did why does it matter the point of a story is to entertain which it does very well.
A: Yes
B: The point being thief. It's shouldn't have a free pass because you like it. Hey, i can enjoy the game and still say it a rip off. Don't be so anal about it. Bioware don't need you going into a crusade over that point. If the people that have the right to that story goes to court, let them settle the matter. But a rip off is still a rip off.
I'm not trying to crusade for it though I do sound like it I simply think that they came up with a story that happens to be similar to another and it is a little unfair that everyone starts saying it's a rip off.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Should Kevin Costner sue James Cameron for ripping off Dances with Wolves when he made Avatar? No. People also say that Mass Effect is a rip off of Star Control 2. Some stories are as old as time, they just get retold over and over again.
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
It depend how much is plagiarism. If they took the whole series and turn it into a video game... Yes! James Cameron did it. It's the writer that should sue, not Costner. You legaly own the story that you produce and therefore, you should make money if someone use it.

Star Wars is nothing more than the Black knight story in space, it didn't rip enough of the story to really be in trouble, Bioware Fanboy! How much copying a source does it take to become plagiarism? When the plot, setting and character are the same. In this case, it his.

Also, Fanboy, Don't defend Bioware.... Like Yahtzee said, they are big boy that doesn't need defending
I was just making a joke with the Kevin Costner thing. Also, most Disney movies share very similar plot threads. I was just trying to say that some plot threads run throughout human fiction. I really liked the expansion of fictional archetypes in Lady in the Water(though it sucked).
-And you did not just call me a fanboy!
If you were trying to use sarcasm in a post, i salute you. I didn't catch any of it. Basically, you have to give an intonation of voice that is either silly or dumb to make it look like sarcasm. And if it were your goal, you pick your medium poorly. Of Course i believed that your a fanboy. Why wouldn't I? This seem like a angry, bitter post were you defended your game company like his own child.

As for story, as long as you can push it aways from the material you base it on, that not plagiarism. Making the story of Artur and the round table through the eye of the Lady in the Water, that different. I resently saw a book that was call: Before Captain Hook, the adventure of a small boy. Story revolve around how the hell Hook got to Neverland and why he became a pirate. Beside using the protagonist from PETER PAN, that not the same. But if i were to write the story of a young orphan that learn magic in a academy, Would you not call Plagiarism?
Depends on several story and character variables. If your story is in Britain, your character has a mysterious destiny, he goes to a magical academy and he uses a wand to fight a "Dark Lord", then I'll probably call you out on it.
-I was just trying to make a sarcastic joke. I really thought that my claim would be so ridiculous that everyone would disagree with it, seeing it as a joke. I now see that I'm obviously not funny. I'll stop trying to be now.
-I said that people say that Mass Effect is just like Star Control 2. I've never played that game so I wouldn't actually know. I was just passing along 3rd party opinions.
No, don't stop joking... if you do however, make sure to you my trademark [Sarcasm] mark! That replace pitch and delivery making other people get your irony or sarcasm. Also, it FREE!
I don't use [Sarcasm] for the same reason that I don't use LOL. If I have to tell people that I'm joking, I've obviously failed in my attempts at comedy.
But you fail anyways because comedy because two important thing in comedy: Timing and delivery! We can't see your sarcastic tone in a post so you failed with delivery. That why i use either exaggeration: "Man, that make so much sense i think i'm tripping. Woo! Look at the butterflies. Sorry man, i have to go and watch my hand grow for half an hour." or my sarcastic mark: [sarcasm]
"But you fail anyways" Wow; this comment perfectly sums up my life. Maybe you are right, but labeling your jokes as jokes just seems to go against the first law of stand-up:never laugh to your own jokes. I'd feel like I'd be putting up a big "Applause" sign over my comments; making people laugh because they feel like they have to rather than because they're actually entertained.
-Also, be careful who you call a fanboy. It's like calling someone a ************; you never really know how someone will react to it. Some see it as a high compliment and a term of endearment; while others view it as the ultimate insult. Since I consider a fanboy to be someone who vehemently defends something without an actual counter argument or any logic what-so-ever, I have to tell you that them's fighin words.
-On an earlier note: Sometimes I really like the look on someone's face(or the tone of their text) when they have to ask me if I'm joking. Like when I tell them that I don't need another assault charge(which I really don't, that shit stays on your record).
Yeah, the first rule.... Wait? Wasn't the first rule never explain your joke because it lose the comedic value of the joke? That Would be number 2. Well, about the applause thing, you got to remember, there people that get it and those who don't. You make those who don't feel dumb sometime when you don't do it. Look at live comedy show(example:WHO LINE IS THIS ANYWAYS), they used it. Not for the ones that found it funny and laughed. It for those that didn't get the joke and they can hide themselves in the crowed. There nothing worst then being the only one not laughing.

Fanboy=Insult? OK got that. The true may hurt sometime but it's in your best interest to see what you are and change it. You can't progress in self improvement if you can't face yourself like you are. That's a service i do but I'll be more careful in the future.

You like to see reaction? I'll let you borrow the "Butterfly - It too clear" joke. That's a priceless one! Have fun.
But isn't that part of the fun of internet anonymity? No one has to know that you're not laughing. I don't make people laugh at my jokes, if they get it good, if not, who cares? I realize that my personal brand of comedy is quite polarizing. Some people love it while some are deeply offended(They're the best, when I offend someone a little black rainbow of hate erupts from my chest.
Example: I was doing some stand-up in class for a project once, and I had a list of jokes, rather than funny stories or a rant(I'm not using my A material on those fuckers). Everyone laughed at my jokes after about 5 seconds. They actually had to think about it before they laughed! I felt like I was broadcasting from the fucking Moon! But that's life for you, sometimes you kill, sometimes the manager wants to beat your ass. Just do your best, never compromise on your integrity, and learn to duck.
-I really liked ME2, not ME1 I hated that game, but I acknowledge its shortcomings. No, it's not the greatest game ever. Yes, some plot points you saw a mile away. Yes, the human Reaper was fucktarted and yes, I hated mining! But I still enjoy the game and I look forward to ME3. If that makes me a fanboy, then get me an N7 hoodie and a Tali doll!
No more, i posted on the why bash Twilight thread and leard about Edward panty with the mouth reprinted inside around the "snach" area and the Twilight vibrator. I really don't want to talk about merchandising anymore.

Tough crowed. I'm more of a anti-hackler. I love and am really good at turning what someone said around. I'm also a fan of dark and Black humor. Here, have a sample i found.

Also... i was making a joke about the sign. People that don't have a sense of humor don't go to those. Although, You (the one that don't laugh) do still fail when you go to a comedy show and failed to laugh. Just like a news i read about people making complain to PlayBoy for pornographic content.

Edit: If you were joking in your first post, then the fanboy mark isn't for you... I said that because to me it sounded like a 15 year old girl defending twilight instead of a guy playing a game to which i fall for... hook and... sinker. Damn!


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Akalistos said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Should Kevin Costner sue James Cameron for ripping off Dances with Wolves when he made Avatar? No. People also say that Mass Effect is a rip off of Star Control 2. Some stories are as old as time, they just get retold over and over again.
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
It depend how much is plagiarism. If they took the whole series and turn it into a video game... Yes! James Cameron did it. It's the writer that should sue, not Costner. You legaly own the story that you produce and therefore, you should make money if someone use it.

Star Wars is nothing more than the Black knight story in space, it didn't rip enough of the story to really be in trouble, Bioware Fanboy! How much copying a source does it take to become plagiarism? When the plot, setting and character are the same. In this case, it his.

Also, Fanboy, Don't defend Bioware.... Like Yahtzee said, they are big boy that doesn't need defending
I was just making a joke with the Kevin Costner thing. Also, most Disney movies share very similar plot threads. I was just trying to say that some plot threads run throughout human fiction. I really liked the expansion of fictional archetypes in Lady in the Water(though it sucked).
-And you did not just call me a fanboy!
If you were trying to use sarcasm in a post, i salute you. I didn't catch any of it. Basically, you have to give an intonation of voice that is either silly or dumb to make it look like sarcasm. And if it were your goal, you pick your medium poorly. Of Course i believed that your a fanboy. Why wouldn't I? This seem like a angry, bitter post were you defended your game company like his own child.

As for story, as long as you can push it aways from the material you base it on, that not plagiarism. Making the story of Artur and the round table through the eye of the Lady in the Water, that different. I resently saw a book that was call: Before Captain Hook, the adventure of a small boy. Story revolve around how the hell Hook got to Neverland and why he became a pirate. Beside using the protagonist from PETER PAN, that not the same. But if i were to write the story of a young orphan that learn magic in a academy, Would you not call Plagiarism?
Depends on several story and character variables. If your story is in Britain, your character has a mysterious destiny, he goes to a magical academy and he uses a wand to fight a "Dark Lord", then I'll probably call you out on it.
-I was just trying to make a sarcastic joke. I really thought that my claim would be so ridiculous that everyone would disagree with it, seeing it as a joke. I now see that I'm obviously not funny. I'll stop trying to be now.
-I said that people say that Mass Effect is just like Star Control 2. I've never played that game so I wouldn't actually know. I was just passing along 3rd party opinions.
No, don't stop joking... if you do however, make sure to you my trademark [Sarcasm] mark! That replace pitch and delivery making other people get your irony or sarcasm. Also, it FREE!
I don't use [Sarcasm] for the same reason that I don't use LOL. If I have to tell people that I'm joking, I've obviously failed in my attempts at comedy.
But you fail anyways because comedy because two important thing in comedy: Timing and delivery! We can't see your sarcastic tone in a post so you failed with delivery. That why i use either exaggeration: "Man, that make so much sense i think i'm tripping. Woo! Look at the butterflies. Sorry man, i have to go and watch my hand grow for half an hour." or my sarcastic mark: [sarcasm]
"But you fail anyways" Wow; this comment perfectly sums up my life. Maybe you are right, but labeling your jokes as jokes just seems to go against the first law of stand-up:never laugh to your own jokes. I'd feel like I'd be putting up a big "Applause" sign over my comments; making people laugh because they feel like they have to rather than because they're actually entertained.
-Also, be careful who you call a fanboy. It's like calling someone a ************; you never really know how someone will react to it. Some see it as a high compliment and a term of endearment; while others view it as the ultimate insult. Since I consider a fanboy to be someone who vehemently defends something without an actual counter argument or any logic what-so-ever, I have to tell you that them's fighin words.
-On an earlier note: Sometimes I really like the look on someone's face(or the tone of their text) when they have to ask me if I'm joking. Like when I tell them that I don't need another assault charge(which I really don't, that shit stays on your record).
Yeah, the first rule.... Wait? Wasn't the first rule never explain your joke because it lose the comedic value of the joke? That Would be number 2. Well, about the applause thing, you got to remember, there people that get it and those who don't. You make those who don't feel dumb sometime when you don't do it. Look at live comedy show(example:WHO LINE IS THIS ANYWAYS), they used it. Not for the ones that found it funny and laughed. It for those that didn't get the joke and they can hide themselves in the crowed. There nothing worst then being the only one not laughing.

Fanboy=Insult? OK got that. The true may hurt sometime but it's in your best interest to see what you are and change it. You can't progress in self improvement if you can't face yourself like you are. That's a service i do but I'll be more careful in the future.

You like to see reaction? I'll let you borrow the "Butterfly - It too clear" joke. That's a priceless one! Have fun.
But isn't that part of the fun of internet anonymity? No one has to know that you're not laughing. I don't make people laugh at my jokes, if they get it good, if not, who cares? I realize that my personal brand of comedy is quite polarizing. Some people love it while some are deeply offended(They're the best, when I offend someone a little black rainbow of hate erupts from my chest.
Example: I was doing some stand-up in class for a project once, and I had a list of jokes, rather than funny stories or a rant(I'm not using my A material on those fuckers). Everyone laughed at my jokes after about 5 seconds. They actually had to think about it before they laughed! I felt like I was broadcasting from the fucking Moon! But that's life for you, sometimes you kill, sometimes the manager wants to beat your ass. Just do your best, never compromise on your integrity, and learn to duck.
-I really liked ME2, not ME1 I hated that game, but I acknowledge its shortcomings. No, it's not the greatest game ever. Yes, some plot points you saw a mile away. Yes, the human Reaper was fucktarted and yes, I hated mining! But I still enjoy the game and I look forward to ME3. If that makes me a fanboy, then get me an N7 hoodie and a Tali doll!
No more, i posted on the why bash Twilight thread and leard about Edward panty with the mouth reprinted inside around the "snach" area and the Twilight vibrator. I really don't want to talk about merchandising anymore.

Tough crowed. I'm more of a anti-hackler. I love and am really good at turning what someone said around. I'm also a fan of dark and Black humor. Here, have a sample i found.

Also... i was making a joke about the sign. People that don't have a sense of humor don't go to those. Although, You (the one that don't laugh) do still fail when you go to a comedy show and failed to laugh. Just like a news i read about people making complain to PlayBoy for pornographic content.
Brilliant! I was talking about a little stuffed thing actually, but your idea is much better! A fucking Japanese love pillow, just what my room needs! It's actually an interesting cycle with those things: If you get one, you pretty much guarantee that you'll never get laid and then you'll depend entirely on the pillow. Twitards never cease to amaze, disappoint, and enrage me.
-Jesus Christ! We really got off topic here. Listen, though I enjoy this conversation, it seems more polite to take this to private messages. Sorry for fucking up your thread OP and no, Mass Effect isn't plagiarism, it's just a genre game.

Edit to your Edit: Yes, I was joking in my first post. Oh, just one more thing...gotcha!


New member
Apr 23, 2010
MinishArcticFox said:
Akalistos said:
MinishArcticFox said:
Akalistos said:
MinishArcticFox said:
Akalistos said:
MinishArcticFox said:
There's only so many ideas out there and even if Bioware did steal the concept (which I doubt they did) they still wrote the characters other alien races made the gameply and expanded it into a trilogy.
Yeah! You tell him.
By the way, i got a novel on the way. It's call Star skirmish! In there, Jame Groundroller is a farmer that want to join the Space Freedom Force. But his oncle and aunt don't... but they get kill fairly early. So, guided by a mysterious fighter call the Royal Monk, he embark on a journey to save Princess Whatsherrname who was capture by a Evil Monk call Dark Toddler inside his forteress: THE DEAD SPHERE! There also a Bounty Hunter call Ted Laulo and and his anthropomorphic cat Bittetica!

(get it?)
I get it I got a kick out of this. Anyway though no story can be 100% original even without intending to copy someone you're bound to. I haven't read it but I'm willing to bet that the story the "stole" didn't have anything similar to asari turians etc. They also have a planned trilogy which I'm not sure the original story had that. Also being game designers they made the gameplay and graphically designed the world. They also wrote characters which I'm guessing didn't exist in the sotry (Liara, Garrus, Mordin, etc). But then again maybe Garrus is supposed to be a reference to the Punisher because he used to be a straight cop, but then he goes outside the law to punish Saleon.
You don't know because you never read it. Even if they add ONE ITEM doesn't made this a new story. If you want, go check the synopsis on Wikipedia. Changing media doesn't change the story. What important is how much similarity there is. If there a blatant rip-off, YEAH. How to you decide what a rip off? Setting - Character - Plots. Those are the basis on which you write the story. There the Parody rule but when it's not funny or meant that way, like Spaceball, it call ripping off. Nudge or Wink can be made, but they shouldn't be part of the whole character and should be brief.

Example of Parodies: What if the story i send you, there joke. Like the monk cutting a bandit arm in a pub with a Laser Bo. The arm fell and there a lot of blood. The bandit say: "F**K me! I always though Laser was Hot." "Me too! Let do it again and see. (slice) Nope! goes to show that you can learn new thing everyday!(falling noise) Let go find a smuggler.) That a parody and it nudge to the fact that in episode 4, a laser cut did make a bandit bleed.

Example of Winks: Garrus or whatever you call it kill a mafioso. Then a guy pop up and say: "Wow, your like a real Super-Hero! You should become one." "Are you mad? Why the hell should i wear my underwear over my pant or paint a skull on my chest?"
That a Wink at the audience because we know that punisher's old costume was a Full body suit with a skull on it, a pair of white underwear over that and a white bandoleer. But that's was in the 90e series of Spider-Man, i recall.

Also, as blatant as it is in Avatar, you can't say that not Plagiarism. If you are, your nothing more than a FanBoy!
Right so I suppose the addition of the geth into the story didn't chcange it making Shepard a soldier not an archealogist didn't count having spectres and Sarron weren't original. The thorian certainly wasn't original. Having an ancient species be made into slaves by an even older half machine half sentient species with thousands of minds inside each of them was a rip off too. Bioware clearly ripped off the story and then added in all these other things to distract from ripping off the story, they didn't just make a different story that ended up having similarities. Secondly even if they did why does it matter the point of a story is to entertain which it does very well.
A: Yes
B: The point being thief. It's shouldn't have a free pass because you like it. Hey, i can enjoy the game and still say it a rip off. Don't be so anal about it. Bioware don't need you going into a crusade over that point. If the people that have the right to that story goes to court, let them settle the matter. But a rip off is still a rip off.
I'm not trying to crusade for it though I do sound like it I simply think that they came up with a story that happens to be similar to another and it is a little unfair that everyone starts saying it's a rip off.
This is also an eventuality... but who can say. I can't check the library's historic of borrowed book for all the crew involve. Nor will they say it out right. But it as shame if it is, isn't it. They say that Spider-man wasn't Stan lee's idea in the first place but a young newcomer that ask this though on his character. He said that it would never being a hit. According to rumors, the design was almost too similar to the 6 arms Spider-man.

You must be at least twenty to know about him, he was a product of the 90e.

Bruce Edwards

New member
Feb 17, 2010
As a fan of Revelation Space, and Mass Effect, I just wanted to chime in and say that the idea of The Inhibitors was not invented by Alastair Reynolds.

In fact, it goes as far back as the 1970's, when the US House Science Sub-Committee held a series of hearings into the question of extraterrestrial contact to determine what we should do in the event of contact. The most likely scenario, the scientists agreed, was a probe coming into our solar system. So what do we do in response to a message asking if anybody's home?

It was the consensus of the Subcommittee that we should not respond to any probe, as it was judged too likely that it would be a 'berserker' programmed to destroy any advanced life that could be perceived as a threat by it's creators.

A. Clarke's reproducing Monoliths are also kind of the 'nice reflection' of this idea - in that they are probes designed to advance and assist intelligent life.

Babylon 5 did an episode about this as well.

That said, if Shepard falls into a planet and is absorbed into some kind of super-virtual world I will be the first to claim plagiarism on Bioware's arse.

Edit: I forgot to mention the most famous example of all - Fred Saberhagens Berserker books:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berserker_probe#Berserkers

So, Alastair Reynolds *and* Mass Effect both plagiarised this story idea! Que the lawyers!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
It wouldn't be a surprise is Mass Effect ripped off something. Dragon Age (another BioWare game, for those who don't know) copied so fucking many things it's unbelievable. Mostly things from Warcraft;

The Archdemon is an Old God, dragons who were imprisoned beneath the world for whatever reason/In Warcraft, there are also things called Old Gods imprisoned beneath the world
Orzammar (the Dwarf city) sounds a damn lot like Orgrimmar from WoW, and looks a damn lot like the the Dwarf capitol Ironforge from WoW too.
Choosing the three playable races as Humans, Elves and Dwarves is probably the most unoriginal selection in a fantasy game ever
The Magi get their magic from another plane of existance, The Fade, which is where the Demons come from/In Warcraft, the Mages get their arcane power from the Twisting Nether, a different plane of existance, and this is where the Burning Legion (demons) come from
The Werewolves were created by Zathrian to defend the Dalish from Humans/in Warcraft the Worgen were summoned by what's-his-name to defend Lordaeron from the Scourge

I can't be bothered to think of more, I just woke up, but you get the idea. It's a really good game, but they don't even TRY to cover up the stuff they copy...


New member
Mar 6, 2008
SL33TBL1ND said:
unoleian said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Hey, Halo took it's entire concept from Ringworld, it happens all the time man.
Having read Ringworld, I can confidently state the only similarity between the two is a ring-shaped, artificially constructed habitat. In space. The similarities end there. And both can likely draw much inspiration from Dyson constructs. Very strange book, BTW. Not at all what I expected when I picked it up...

As for the ME/book thing, the OP has piqued my curiosity, and now I think I know what's next on my library list...
Starke said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Hey, Halo took it's entire concept from Ringworld, it happens all the time man.
Except you know, all it's concepts aside from habitable rings around planets. You may want to brush up on Ringworld, and actually read the novel rather than gazing at the cover.
I know, but I'm just saying that that is a fairly unique concept and the only place they could've gotten that idea from is that book.
Halo and Ringworld are both examples of a Dyson's Ring megastructure. Now, given that Halo began it's dev cycle as a full on Dyson Sphere and not a ring, it's highly unlikely they actually lifted it from Ringworld.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Jasonater said:
It wouldn't be a surprise is Mass Effect ripped off something. Dragon Age (another BioWare game, for those who don't know) copied so fucking many things it's unbelievable. Mostly things from Warcraft;

The Archdemon is an Old God, dragons who were imprisoned beneath the world for whatever reason/In Warcraft, there are also things called Old Gods imprisoned beneath the world
Orzammar (the Dwarf city) sounds a damn lot like Orgrimmar from WoW, and looks a damn lot like the the Dwarf capitol Ironforge from WoW too.
Choosing the three playable races as Humans, Elves and Dwarves is probably the most unoriginal selection in a fantasy game ever
The Magi get their magic from another plane of existance, The Fade, which is where the Demons come from/In Warcraft, the Mages get their arcane power from the Twisting Nether, a different plane of existance, and this is where the Burning Legion (demons) come from
The Werewolves were created by Zathrian to defend the Dalish from Humans/in Warcraft the Worgen were summoned by what's-his-name to defend Lordaeron from the Scourge

I can't be bothered to think of more, I just woke up, but you get the idea. It's a really good game, but they don't even TRY to cover up the stuff they copy...
Honestly, I always figured there was a stronger argument that Dragon Age was ripping off Warhammer. The blight, the way magic works (or more precicly how it attacts the attention of the warp the fade), and the Darkspawn all strike me as very Warhammery, while Warcraft also draws from Warhammer, it lacks the concept of Chaos which seems to be the linchpin relation between the two. Though, I'll admit, I can't be completely confident of this assessment, as I'm more familiar with 40k than WHFB.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Apologies for the triple post, I've been out of town for a week (and technically still am, and deprived of internet, so I'm catching up with lost threads...

Canid117 said:
Starke said:
Yeah, respect I can defiantly understand and get behind. It always struck me as a little strange that there wasn't an attempt to tie the Starship Troopers movie into the Aliens franchise, honestly.
Actually the original book is a little more along the lines of a Japanese Mecha anime than either aliens or its movie translation. All the human soldiers are going around in robotic suits with heavy machine guns and mini nukes fighting giant insect aliens. Think the robot suits in Avatar with on board missile launchers only every soldier is using one. How has that not been made into a movie yet?
What I was talking about was, the film looks eerily like something that began it's life as one of the failed scripts for Aliens 3. Not that the book had anything to do with the feel of Aliens.

What I can't tell you is how much of that is looking at it in retrospect and stepping backwards and drawing similarities and how much is simply coincidence.

PopeJewish said:
so I switched the two, sorry. No need to get your panties in a twist. It was test week at school so I was busy making tests/grading tests all damn week. Makes a guy tired.
I know how that is, life goes on. It did strike me as slightly pants on head at the time, though, in context entirely understandable.
PopeJewish said:
OT: From what you said it sounded more like general themes being copied than characters and settings and everything, which as I was saying happens all the time. I don't see anything indicating the entire story was stolen "outright" in the way, say, that Disney stole Atlantis from the Japanese anime Nadia.
Strictly speaking Armor is a blatent theft of Starship Troopers in that the author, Steakly felt that Heinlein's book was too political and didn't focus on the actual tactics and strategy of powered armor combat enough. In that sense Armor is a poor example because it is less of a theft and more of a deliberate critique.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Ah well, lots of American and European stuff is plagiarized, that's why I always stick to my good friend Japan, because everything that comes out of Japan is pretty damn original


New member
Mar 6, 2008
sennius said:
Ah well, lots of American and European stuff is plagiarized, that's why I always stick to my good friend Japan, because everything that comes out of Japan is pretty damn original
I can't tell, was that sarcasm?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Starke said:
Jasonater said:
It wouldn't be a surprise is Mass Effect ripped off something. Dragon Age (another BioWare game, for those who don't know) copied so fucking many things it's unbelievable. Mostly things from Warcraft;

The Archdemon is an Old God, dragons who were imprisoned beneath the world for whatever reason/In Warcraft, there are also things called Old Gods imprisoned beneath the world
Orzammar (the Dwarf city) sounds a damn lot like Orgrimmar from WoW, and looks a damn lot like the the Dwarf capitol Ironforge from WoW too.
Choosing the three playable races as Humans, Elves and Dwarves is probably the most unoriginal selection in a fantasy game ever
The Magi get their magic from another plane of existance, The Fade, which is where the Demons come from/In Warcraft, the Mages get their arcane power from the Twisting Nether, a different plane of existance, and this is where the Burning Legion (demons) come from
The Werewolves were created by Zathrian to defend the Dalish from Humans/in Warcraft the Worgen were summoned by what's-his-name to defend Lordaeron from the Scourge

I can't be bothered to think of more, I just woke up, but you get the idea. It's a really good game, but they don't even TRY to cover up the stuff they copy...
Honestly, I always figured there was a stronger argument that Dragon Age was ripping off Warhammer. The blight, the way magic works (or more precicly how it attacts the attention of the warp the fade), and the Darkspawn all strike me as very Warhammery, while Warcraft also draws from Warhammer, it lacks the concept of Chaos which seems to be the linchpin relation between the two. Though, I'll admit, I can't be completely confident of this assessment, as I'm more familiar with 40k than WHFB.
Probably warhammer too. But I know nearly nothing about Warhammer, so I can't judge


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Blindswordmaster said:
-Star Wars. Star Wars' story is older than recorded history. Should George Lucas be sued? The answer is no.
actually he owes me 30 dollars + pain and damages for watching the prequel trilogy.


New member
May 24, 2010
This kinda smells like a copy & paste & replace work by Bioware, but, since I fall asleep reading books, I assume ME1 was this great book that I never read and live happily ever after.

And, yeah, 'tis awesome.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Ian Caronia said:
Archangel357 said:
Now you're just being silly.
Actually I was with that last remark. Suppose trying to get a chuckle from someone during a serious conversation is kinda odd. Sorry.

Anyway, I won't go into the Avatar topic because I just realized how derailed this thread has gotten. This isn't a question of originality in general, this is a question of if Bioware's writers stole the idea for their game from another man's novel, and they obviously did. There's no denying it when faced with the premise and, more importantly, the EXECUTION of how it was conveyed. Some pallet swaps, an orchestra, and a controller won't change the fact that they stole the premise of their game from that novel in particular.
Maybe it's a freak coincidence. Two people having the same idea while never reading one another's work. This can happen in writing, surely as a writer your self you understand this.
Here I'll give you a few examples from my own dips into writing. When I was 8 I wrote a few short stories (embarrassingly bad one's with my poor grammar) about a character named Sovvolf (hence my online name). Sovvolf was part of an organisation of elite operatives that were answerable to no one with the exception of a high council, they were tasked with creating peace among the planet, they couldn't take sides in any war between countries and must remain neutral. The members them selves could take part in warfare but they do it alone and not on behalf of the high council. They could only step in and side with a group if the other side was attempting genocide.

Each member of this elite organisation was extremely powerful and if tone went rouge and started disobeying the orders or the council or betrayed the council, then they'd send the rest of the group to bring him/her down.

That's pretty much what these guys where... no think of how similar this is to Spectres in Mass Effect?... extremely similar, I didn't plagiarise them as this was when I was 8 and Mass Effect wasn't out. However if I released one of my short stories today, I'd be accused of doing so. People will often think of similar ideas. Great minds think a like as they say.

Maybe that's what's happened here. They've thought of an idea, put it down, made a game of it, then you come along and find some thing that is remarkably similar. They could be completely innocent of plagiarism, just came up with a similar idea. Though on the other side maybe your right.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Jasonater said:
Probably warhammer too. But I know nearly nothing about Warhammer, so I can't judge
Okay, the story that may or may not be true is that Warcraft started its life as a Warhammer game, and then at some point Games Workshop backed out. Seeing as Warcraft is good(ish) and every licensed Warhammer game I've ever seen is, you know, bad. It could have been just that.

Regardless Warcraft takes a pretty heavy dose of its identity from Warhammer pretty shamelessly. There are differences, mostly in that Warcraft has less content to draw from.

One major piece of Warhammer/WH40k lore that's mostly missing from Warcraft is chaos. It's practically an elemental force that corrupts and distorts everything that comes into contact with it, a lot like the darkspawn. That chaos (and the Warp) are the source of Demons in WH also a parallel.

Now, my understanding is that in WHFB mages attract the attention of things in the warp the way Psychers do in WH40k, and the way DAO mages attract things out of the fade. And to my reading there does appear to be a strong connection between the darkspawn and the fade in DAO.

Also that the Shrieks look like Skaven is kinda getting on my nerves at the moment.

There is stuff that doesn't sync up, but it seems to be a stronger influence than Warcraft, no offense.