Did Twilight really ruin vampires? (Death of Vamps/Zombies)


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Nah, Anne Rice ruined vampires long before Stephanie Meyer got her hands on them. Twilight just popularized the horrible Anne Ricey style vampires outside of the Goth crowd.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
C_Topher said:
In my opinion, the problem with 'Twilight' is it's not actually about vampires. It's a teenage romantic drama with vampires thrown in to try to be different, and sadly, it worked. Even worse, it has no original content. The second instalment, 'New Moon', is nothing more than a modern rehashing of 'West Side Story' with rival gangs replaced with vampires and werewolves.
As for zombies, the still scare me. Sure, everyone says they want to take on a zombie hoard, but I'm pretty sure most people would be terrified if they were confronted by the real thing. Why? Because of the Uncanny Valley effect zombies have, especially when they eat someone. The best example I can think of is the original 'Night of the Living Dead' when the little girl becomes a zombie and eats her mother. It's so disturbing and wrong, I get chills just thinking about it. That's what makes zombies scary.
And that is MY rant.
That pretty much sums up how I feel about both of them.
It's not the vampires that bothers me about twilight, although I'll admit that the sparkling vampires disturb me a bit. It's the sappy love story that annoys me.

And as for 'traditional vampire'; how many modern vampire stories include the native soil issue of Bram Stoker's Dracula? They literally forced him to leave England by desecrating his dirt. It wasn't just daylight, it was that he had to be in his grave during the day; so he couldn't travel away from home with out bringing his dirt with him. Never see that issue anymore do we? Because let's be honest, it's very cumbersome in an acton movie to have to stay in one area; might be a good gag in a comedy(desecrating someone's dirt that is).

And zombies, even funny movies like shaun of the dead or zombieland, keep me up at night with the lights on and the doors locked. I was actually afraid to go to the bathroom after zombieland. But I suppose I always have had a low horror tolerance.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
emwhite123 said:
just leave all of the good Vampires for the people who like the real ones ie. Me
Me too.They're out there.I know it.Skulking in the shadows,trying to get my delicious blood.


Crumpled Ball of Paper
Oct 11, 2009
Action movies indeed have weakened the vampire reputation of being scary.
Twilight just goes one step further to make it less than scary and more mushy than a cheesy romance which makes vampires seem more like sparkly pixies.

Personally though, I don't despise twilight, I despise the obsessive fan girls that drool over it and have even killed people for not liking it, that kind of thing I spit upon.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Space Cowgirl said:
I never got into Twilight myself, but it completely tosses the original concept of a bloodthirsty killer of the night going about wrecking crap and replaces it with some... thing that went under the wussification ray a few times.
That's what people seem to say, but aside from all the hate and whether they're right or not, it's not even true. The bad guys in Twilight are pretty bloodthirsty - in the movie they don't go out of their way to fuck with random humans before sucking them dry. People tend to overlook the bad guys in Twilight's story and mean "Edward Cullen" when they are talking about "Twilight vampires". Twilight's vampires really aren't all that friendly and cuddly if you look past the one relationship between Bella and Edward+Family.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
VanityGirl said:
It's an interesting question, and the best I can really do is to quote Crispin Freeman:


One quotation really stuck out for me: "It's like I've got a superhero with no powers... Yeah, we call that a cop". I honestly think Twilight has done a disservice to vampires not by ruining their scariness, but by ruining their sexiness. Vampires in Twilight (from what my younger acquaintances inform me, so I might be a bit misinformed) lack the animalistic and "dangerous" side of sex. They are, for all intents and purposes, romantic comedy vampires.

And I don't mind that, conceptually. To be honest, I don't care. I can accept a lot of different conceptions of almost any mythology without getting my knickers in a twist about it. Though, perhaps a lot of that has to do with the fact that I'm finding the people who hate Twilight to be far more annoying than the people who like it. I made fun of it at first, and I still encourage people to read better vampire books (The Dresden Files, in particular), but eventually we need to get over it.

Vampires have never been about pure evil, or pure horror, or pure "ohh, scary", they've always been about sexuality and lust. It's always been about the danger of loose sexual mores (especially for women) and about the side of sex that's animalistic and intense. Incidentally, vampires were not (originally) killed by sunlight. It's the result of the first silent Nosferatu film, which showed Mina willingly giving herself to the vampire so he would spare Jonathan, and her willingly giving herself up to save Jonathan killing the vampire when the sun rose. Technically, according to the "original" mythos, vampires should be able to walk around in the sunlight just fine.

And, not for nothing, but I like books which don't lose their fundamental characteristics by taking away the supernatural elements. The Dresden Files are fantastic not because of the fantasy elements, but because of the characters. Complain that Twilight is poorly written, over-wrough, melodramatic, filled with whiny little bitches. Call it tripe, call it childish, call it Mormon, but stop saying it "killed" vampires. It didn't, Vampires are just in vogue right now, and everyone and their mother is writing stories inserting vampires into everything. High School drama with vampires, intrigue and politics with vampires, romantic comedy with vampires. Let it settle down, and vampires can go back to the niche industry it used to be, and we can go back to being pretentious d-bags.

Also, it's "vampire" not "vampyre". If you want to use the term "vampyre" you ought to remember that the story "The Vampyre" was the forerunner of the romantic vampire genre... Which is exactly what you're complaining about right now. Funny, huh?


New member
Sep 7, 2009
twlight did deal the biggest blow to people thoughts on vampires and now they are trying to do it with werewolves as well kinda pathetic how hollywood sets out to destroy everything and make it all about love and action and blah blah blah...


New member
Aug 7, 2009
I'm just wondering how many of you have read twilight or are you doing what the news did to Mass Effect and making judgements on whatever you want?
I don't think you can kill something that does not exist. For that matter all of you seam to have this crazy notion that vampires must be evil. Even if you went back to Bram Strokers Dracula thats only one person. Kind of like saying Jeff Dalhmer (im sorry if thats spelled wrong) represents all that humans can be. Yes it is much more intersting to think that way but that is the real stagnation. Saying that vampires can only be one thing and any deviation will meat the beat stick. And on the subject who cares what a book sais. The romance genra on the whole is weird enough.

So no i don't think Twilight killed Vampires.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
The overall gist of what i'm about to say has probably been said.
It's not the vampires in the film as such- or even the the armies of fangirls- it's a combination of the two.Seriously, while the vampires may just have been bearable, the fact that many people (girls/women mostly) don't even awcknowlege much of what a Vampire was origionally portayed as (i'm not making sense).

Yes,as time passed, there were mediations from the general 'mai gods a vampir, it'll kill us all' to a more seductive killer but... this went to far.

Finally answering the question, it is hard to ruin vampires, as there are so many different/similar variations of them (though this seemed to be a large one)

P.S I'm not sure but, Nosferatu kept close to vampiric archetype and didn't inspire fear- didn't they pretty much have him on a leash

/ends pointless wall of text.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
It's sort of a trope to take the typically scary and make it funny/approachable. Heck, just look at Teen Wolf, or The Munsters. Werewolves are vicious, bloodthirsty beasts, and Dr. Frankenstein's monster was a revenge driven sociopath. In one fell swoop, they were changed into a teenage basketball star and a bumbling proto-Homer Simpson family man, respectively.

So no, I wouldn't think Twilight ruined vampires. It's just another way of looking at them, albeit a very poorly written one that any real fan of vampires will probably dismiss.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
You're damn right it did. It turned vampires from bad ass killing machines into angsty, gay emos. There's nothing to like about vampires anymore. Someone needs to take the genre back to its roots.

Mr. Socky

New member
Apr 22, 2009
I don't think Twilight ruined anything. I just think Twilight is massively stupid and a complete and total waste of time.
Yeah, I'm a guy. And yeah, my sister thinks it's retarded too.

Though admittedly, plenty of people could call my hobbies (read: video games) stupid, so I guess my opinion doesn't matter that much. :)


New member
Apr 2, 2008
In my opinion, there wasn't much about Vampires to be ruined. Zombies on the other hand.... I've been a Romero fan my whole life. I'm pretty sure I have every mainstream and semi-independent Zombie movie ever made on DVD. And now all these "girly" movies, shows (see True Blood), and books (Anita Blake) are trying to ruin Zombies. My girlfriend keeps trying to correct ME on Zombie physiology and behaviour. What the hell happened?


New member
Nov 14, 2008
From what I understand, vampires have always had a sexual or seductive quality associated with them. I suppose that over time, this quality was enhanced as we became more open about sex, lust, and all that jazz. To be honest, I admire the stealth abilities of the traditional vampire more so than their lady-killing talents.
However, these days, it's all about the seduction and "romance". What Twilight did was make that part more accessible to the public. It didn't so much ruin vampires as much as it did ruin human beings.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Seldon2639 said:
One quotation really stuck out for me: "It's like I've got a superhero with no powers... Yeah, we call that a cop". I honestly think Twilight has done a disservice to vampires not by ruining their scariness, but by ruining their sexiness. Vampires in Twilight (from what my younger acquaintances inform me, so I might be a bit misinformed) lack the animalistic and "dangerous" side of sex. They are, for all intents and purposes, romantic comedy vampires.
I don't know a huge load about Twilight, but I do encourage you to at least watch the movie. Everything you said up there is something I can rebut after just having seen it once. There's a scene in it where the two main characters get all cozy and just before things 'escalate' the vampire tells her to stop and back off because he "can't ever lose control near her". In fact, the main vampiric character trying to keep control and not just suck her dry is a huge theme that starts 5 minutes into the movie and doesn't leave it until the end.

Edward isn't a vampire that lures in women to his house to suck them dry, but he definitely hasn't lost his orignal nature and has a hard time containing it.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Indiscrimi said:
In my opinion, there wasn't much about Vampires to be ruined. Zombies on the other hand.... I've been a Romero fan my whole life. I'm pretty sure I have every mainstream and semi-independent Zombie movie ever made on DVD. And now all these "girly" movies, shows (see True Blood), and books (Anita Blake) are trying to ruin Zombies. My girlfriend keeps trying to correct ME on Zombie physiology and behaviour. What the hell happened?