Did Twilight really ruin vampires? (Death of Vamps/Zombies)


New member
Nov 8, 2009
Did Twilight really ruin vampires?
Oh god, yes it did. Or at least, it started the modern trend. Personally I don't mind the darkly gothic vampire (e.g: Angel) or the monster vamp (Dracula!), but seriously - Sparkly Vampires, said Vamp's don't need to drink blood...its like the creator threw everything integral to a Vamp out - and came up with the worse possible replacements.


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Jul 20, 2009
I don't mind emotional vampires. I don't even mind sexy vampires.

I just don't get how such a thinly veiled commercial product became so popular by taking two concepts I don't mind, stripping them down to such a cliched core that it would make Hot Topic blush (if they weren't making loads of cash on merch), and tossing them at an even younger demographic than similar past efforts. In short, I feel the franchise is the most blatant, manufactured cash grab anything related to vampires has ever seen.

Even scarier, the feel of the whole thing does tug at me at times, despite knowing I'd be ultimately disappointed if I ever read a single book or watched a film. There's something sinister about it all.

I'd like to end with a quote from Mutant Reviewers From Hell [http://mutantreviewers.com/rtwilight.html], one which makes the targeting of youth very off-putting to me:

Justin said:
As has been pointed out by many people before me, there's an incredibly disturbing subtext going on with Bella and Edward's relationship, namely that he keeps blatantly telling her how hard it is not to drink her blood and kill her, and yet she sticks with him because she "trusts" him not to do so. Bella keeps making these simpering statements about how she truly sees him and understands him, and here the guy is physically restraining himself not to murder her. It brings to mind the excuses physically abused spouses make for the damning actions and intents of their abuser. That's... sick.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
I just don't like it

I'm a hobbyist novelist, and Twilight is just a fanfic of any other "modern day" Vampire flick, like Blade or something. Whatsherface just took the basics and changed it so 13 year old girls could get all emotional about it and say "Ommahgohd! Hee's Soooo HAWT" and woo over shizz.

And get this, "No Danger". She makes the Vampires indestructable (fair enough), Immortal (goes without saying, again, fair enough) but here's the problem:

What does everyone know kills vampires? Stake through the heart and sunlight

What does she do? Makes them sparkle, so they reveal themselves. They don't die or anything. She's too soppy about her characters to give them a constant handicap. The only problem they face is feeling incredibly "ashamed" of their powers, whilst climbing trees, surviving car crashes and living forever as attractive young adults


Aug 5, 2009
I have to agree with a number of previous posts, you can't blame one representation for the ruin of a whole race. The point is that vampires, werewolves, zombies etc. are myths and legends, myths and legends change and evolve over time. We've just sunk into a phase where even myths and legends have a mould and when it's broken we get a little rattled. Who says that a vampire can only die with a stake through the heart? Or that they're these beatiful, alluring creatures with charm and grace? Take for instance the lore behind Elves and Dwarves, who's modern image is taken form the likes of Tolkein, but who says that Elves are strictly woodland creatures, skilled in the art of marksmanship with a bow. No-one, it's just what todays world is used to.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Please. This fad will pass just like everything else. Teens don't have the attention span to monopolize/shit on anything for long. Just be patient--real vampires come to those who wait.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
almightywabbit said:
Yes. Yes it did.

But then again I can't talk when my girlfriend plans to alter my exsistance and turn me into a sparkle pony (Edward Cullen). That is, if she can... I'd like to see her try...
Ha your going to have to watch out now my love. As soon as we are alone your going to become your worst nightmare. Glitter gel is at the ready and the lights and camera are in action. You will become a sparkly vampire in the sunlight i can assure you that now.

OT: I love Twilight and i like how the author has twisted our beliefs of vampires into something new. As the paper points out, it is more for teenage girls whom arn't keen on blood and gore. I personally prefer vampires to be able to walk amongst us rather then in hiding and that they do not burn alive in the sunlight. Another thing i love about Twilight is that the vampires don't look hideous when transformed (only because there is no need for transformation). I like that.

The only thing about it all is, isn't it obvious that they all look alike with pale skin, dark rimmed eyes and the same butterscotch colour iris. Yeah that isn't going to look just a little bit strange. Ha

Oh and having seen some of the trailers for New Moon... What the hell have they done to the eyes... They are more golden then ever and also, Jasper looks hideous on the birthday clip scene on youtube. Urgh!


New member
May 18, 2009
aarontg said:
Yes, now that twilight is out in theaters where is it going to go from here? next swamp monsters, or mummies, or ghosts, it was a horrible idea from the start.
Lol with the whole ghost thing if that's next it'll probably just be a guy in a sheet going boooooooooo! oh and he'll glitter, can't forget to make them glitter... in the dark or something...


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Lets pause and examine what Twilight calls a vampire for a moment:

Pretty boys with pale skin, vegitarian, glitter in daylight, hang around in a forest...

those aint vampires - those are ELVES.

EDIT: Or possibly Emos.


Aug 5, 2009
garbutt said:
Lets pause and examine what Twilight calls a vampire for a moment:

Pretty boys with pale skin, vegitarian, glitter in daylight, hang around in a forest...

those aint vampires - those are ELVES.

EDIT: Or possibly Emos.
I laughed so hard, it's quite accurate though... the only thing seperating Edward and that angsty little poet, living in his bedroom with his hair hung limply over one eye, writing a poem about dying puppies in his own blood, well the only thing that seperates them is the few vampiristic traits Stephanie Meyer left in...


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Amnestic said:
(wich i have allreay ritually burned 3 copies of)
If you wanted to get rid of your money so bad, why not send it to me people who need it?

when the fuck will they get a werewolf costume right in a movie? to date i havent seen one looking anything like they should be...
[HEADING=2]There is no such thing as Werewolves.[/HEADING]

God this was the same bullshit that people pull with Twilight ruining what "actual" Vampires should be like.

When Vampires and Werewolves are fictional creations.

There's no such thing as "getting a werewolf right" because you can't get it wrong as long as it obeys the basic tenets of "Man-who-turns-into-wolf-creature" and often "Has link to the moon."

That's it.
Amnestic,I agree with you about the werewolf thing, there are no set guidelines. Anyway, the "werewolves" of old tales were just men who wore a wolf pelt, bathed in blood on a full moon and exhibited wolf-like characteristics. (I've read a lot about them and the earliest I've found is of mean who dressed in pelts.)


New member
Aug 5, 2009
soladrin said:
vampires started sucking the minute buffy and angel came on tv. apart from that. Vampires never were good on tv, they are good in books. (good books, twilight (wich i have allreay ritually burned 3 copies of) is not one of these)
I second this. I got through three pages before putting in away where it will never be seen again. And I read 'The Silmarillion' the whole way through.

With regards to the question posed by op. Yes and no. Vampires have been dying in fiction for quite a while as people seem to forget that they should be terrifing even if they are on your side.A bit like Riddick in 'Pitch Black'

Oh come on. They're bloody undead creatures of the night that if they are on your side are constantly fighting the urge to drain you dry. They are supposed to be the ultimate predators. This dose not mean that they are nessacerally souless, in fact vampires with souls and emotions can be even scarier if done well.

TheDoctor455 said:
Saying that Twilight ruined vampires is giving it far more credit than it deserves.

However, that doesn't change the fact that it contains some of the most idiotic decisions about a vampire's weaknesses: i.e. "the sun makes us sparkle! Oh no, we must fear the sun! AAAAAHHHHH!"

Seriously, what the fuck? That's all the sun does? Come on.
And I have to agree with this. The sun is supposed to be unbearably painful and cause death if exposure is to long (approx. 15-30 minutes. Ouch.)


New member
May 16, 2009
Twilight didn't ruin vampires, stupid fan girls just made crappy pussy versions of vampires "cool"

Vampires usually are scary unless they're like Blade or something, even then they're pretty scary. Twilight just put romantic vampires into the mainstream. Vampires where always considered very romantic and seductive, Stephanie Mayer just made a dipshit move by taking the "romantic" vampires and turning them into total pussies.

Twilight vampires are just a new version of vamps for tween girls to get crazy over. They really should have just kept with the Underworld version of vampires, though. They were badass.

But with Zombies, I never saw them as scary except for in 28 Days Later. Zombies are slow, mindless weak humans basically and don't really pose much of a threat except for the fast, strong ones like in the 2004 Dawn of the Dead.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Mozared said:
Seldon2639 said:
One quotation really stuck out for me: "It's like I've got a superhero with no powers... Yeah, we call that a cop". I honestly think Twilight has done a disservice to vampires not by ruining their scariness, but by ruining their sexiness. Vampires in Twilight (from what my younger acquaintances inform me, so I might be a bit misinformed) lack the animalistic and "dangerous" side of sex. They are, for all intents and purposes, romantic comedy vampires.
I don't know a huge load about Twilight, but I do encourage you to at least watch the movie. Everything you said up there is something I can rebut after just having seen it once. There's a scene in it where the two main characters get all cozy and just before things 'escalate' the vampire tells her to stop and back off because he "can't ever lose control near her". In fact, the main vampiric character trying to keep control and not just suck her dry is a huge theme that starts 5 minutes into the movie and doesn't leave it until the end.

Edward isn't a vampire that lures in women to his house to suck them dry, but he definitely hasn't lost his orignal nature and has a hard time containing it.
Right, that's the problem most people have with it. A vampire, at least traditionally, wasn't about restraint, or fighting his animalistic instincts, or anything like that. A vampire's allure to the psyche and the universal subconscious is that they break away (and are able to break away) from the type of restraints normal people put on themselves.

If you want to make a teen drama, make a teen drama. I have no bones about that. If you want to make a cop show, make a cop show. But to make a vampire who (for all intents and purposes) acts the same way a traditional "bad boy with a heart of gold" breaks the trope. A sensitive hot guy, concerned with taking advantage of a girl, trying to do the right thing, tormented by his darker nature, his family/history, ect. and not wanting to put her in danger. That's all fine, and it's certainly rife with drama, but it's not a vampire.

A vampire doesn't have to be evil or scary, but to take the sex (active sex) out of a vampire is to basically take away his whole raison d'etre. If a vampire is all about the sexy stuff, all about being a man (or woman) without the kind of inhibitions and restraints of a normal person, all about the fear and trepidation of "bad" sexuality, to have him act the way we'd want almost any boyfriend to makes him a blue-balled vampire.

The vampire gentleman is an image we like to invoke, but it's mostly about the fashion, the seduction. The vampire gentleman isn't actually supposed to be about "he wants to take things slowly, doesn't want to take advantage of her, and goes one-hundred years without sex".


New member
May 21, 2009
Orange Monkey said:
I think what peoples main problem is that vampires are now looked more upon as a teenage sex symbol akin to Zac Efron rather than their original role as demonic symbols of horror and blood lust.
I dunno, there have been some pretty sexy vampires. The problem with Twilight, I feel, is that it makes vampires (or a least Mr. Cullen) seem... approachable? Definitely takes away the scary factor when prepubescent women think they can have a vampire.

Every time I mention something about Twilight being bad, I'm always told I have to read the book (that's right, I didn't bother, what of it?). Erm, well... I don't see how that's suddenly going to make the movie sparkle in my eyes (SORRY!! Sorry... puns are bad).
Feb 13, 2008
Avykins said:
Anne Rice made them the whiney butt fucking types with a little tiny bit of badassness.
Joss Fucking Wheedon made them whiney depressing bitches and made it mainstream.
Laurell "I have not had a man in 17 years hence why I get my thrills through turning decent books into fucking Slash fics soo cheesy that not even Hugh Heffner could tolerate all the sex" K Hamilton showed that putting out nothing but harem sex garbage sells better than actually having interesting characters as proven with her Anita Blake Vampire Cock Hunter series.
Don't sit on the fence Avykins, do you like them or not? :)


New member
May 4, 2009
Anne Rice started it. If you've ever read any of the Vampire Chronicles you'll see that page after page is spent describing their beautiful preternatural eyes, their beautiful white skin and their gorgeous hair and their incredible style and making them all pseudo bisexualbut at least Lestat was kind of fun but every other Vampire in the books is a whiny ***** with a hard on for him