Did Twilight really suck that much?


New member
Jul 23, 2011
I have read all 4 books (yes, not only are there 4, but I actually read them all), so I think I can comment on this. People hate the Twilight series for many reasons, but I think these are some of the main ones.

1) It's the mental equivilant of a White Castle hamburger. Now don't get me wrong. Not everything needs to be fillet mignon, but this is something you eat even knowing it's bad for you, and will probably give you the runs.

2) It sends horrible messages to teenagers (both male and female) about self esteem and inter-gender politics. It's encouraging an entire generation to become abused/abusers.

3) The main characters have about as much chemistry as two chairs stacked on top of one another.

and finally, the worst offense any book can commit,

4) It's just badly written. Some would say that it's written for teens and so it doesn't need to be as deep and compelling as a book written for an adult would be. Some would say that you need a good scaling from baby books to adult books. Those are the people who don't discipline their kids, or challenge them at all, or try to push them to think critically about the world around them.

So there you go, hope it helps.

Jimmy Sylvers

New member
Aug 30, 2011
Really Twilight wasn't the worst film I've seen. But there was very few good things to say about it. So I suppose most people hated it because it didn't live up to the hype.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
The first book was very mediocre. Did not inspire me to read more.
About two chapters were interesting.
Then all action was resolved somewhere else while you were reading about some injured **** who nobody can honestly claim to care about as a character.

Oh, and the main vampire was the least likable of the whole damn coven.

I don't make fun of it unless someone wants to bring it up as a good thing. Then I'll just say "it's shit". If they keep pressing the point, then I'll really tear into it. They usually don't. I don't know and have never known anybody who was truly fanatic over the book. I'm beginning to suspect the existence of such people is a myth put forth by the Mossad.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Hold on a second, I found a review of the book a guy did a while ago. It should help you. I just need to find it...

Found it!
This should enlighten you


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Yes they actually do suck that much, let's look at why.
1. They are genuinelly badly written, at the end of the day Meyer is simply not a good writer, and it shows. Just as an example, look at the "exciting" conclusion to the final book, good vampire army vs "evil" vampire leaders trying to stop bloody wars; end result, some talking lack of a real conclusion.
2. Promoting relationships that are co-dependent and unhealthy, along with seeming to say "Stalking? Well, as long as you really really like them." Also the age difference not just between Edward and Bella but Jacob and the baby.
3. Bella is crazy enough during the second book that she meets the definition of a schizophrenic, seeing things, flat affect, etc. over an extended period of time.
4. Generally trampling over vampire myth.
5. How does Bella solve her problems in the first book? Running away and fainting. In the second book? Attempting suicide. In the third book? Now it has been a while but doesn't she cut herself?
6. I am not sure I would even call it good teen girl porn when you consider that her sentient daughter eats her way out of her, killing her in the process.
7. Worst of all, it makes me pity the millions of people who view this series as the greatest thing ever written, how can you not feel sorry for all of the poor poor people who believe this to be the epitome of written word.

So yes I believe it deserves all of the hate it gets, I mean hey, if it can have a disproportionately large fanbase for its quality, why not a disproportionately large hatred for the same reason?


New member
Aug 11, 2010
People hate the book because it reminds them of the movies, people hate the movies because they have this guy in them: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQdBU0AeYNkTblWhmG3zxwaK_hGJ8B-tWdwEayCr4Jlv3h51DV9

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
If its anything like Midnight Sun (which is pretty much exactly the same) then you'd fucking bet that it does. Can be found here [http://www.youtube.com/user/manwithoutabody#p/c/D365E05652AE8526/1/WZqpLIrFjyo].


New member
Jul 17, 2009
retyopy said:
But all it was was average.
The plotting is average. The characters are average. The setting is average. The films are, for the most part, pretty average too.

When I read part of it (I admit that I did not read the entire thing), it was the writing that struck me as particularly abysmal. It was grueling. It wasn't that the plot read like a 6th grader wrote it (though it certainly wasn't particularly sophisticated), it was that the prose itself read like a 6th grader wrote it. And I don't mean that as hyperbole - I mean that I got a nearly identical sensation from reading it as I do going back and reading things I wrote in school. It's that same sort of dread and empathic pain. I don't just feel awkward reading it, I feel awkward for the author. It sounds mean, but it's what made me uncomfortable enough about reading the books to stop even trying.

Like I said, I think the plotting and characters are pretty average, which makes the films relatively more bearable to me (they're certainly not good, but they're not really any worse than any other film of average badness).


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I found it insulting to female intelligence, nothing more harmful than that.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I have read some of the first book and seen the first movie. One of my friends loves it and won?t shut up about and yeah I think it?s awful and don?t understand its popularity. Part of the reason it get more flack than other books which just as terrible is because it?s popular and because of that you see it all the time and people are obsessing over it.
That said I don?t get the extreme haters either. If you hate it why continue to watch the movies and read the books? I didn?t like it so I stopped reading it. Unless you?re just reading cause its unintentionally funny but allot of the haters seem to take it far too seriously for that and go on about it and seem to know as much as the fans do.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Yes... Yes it does... I know not one english major, english teacher, librarion, or respected literature critic that actually like Twilight...


New member
May 13, 2010
I don't hate the movies itself, I hate the book for murdering dracula and scribbling fanart all over his grave.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
The reviews I've seen suggest that people hate it because like early Disney Princesses & all Barbie Movies, this movie will have a negative influence on impressionable teen girls.

*Keep your standards sky-high. Hold out for perfection.
*It's totally okay if the guy makes all the decisions in a relationship.
*It's not creepy if a guy watches you when you sleep or follows you.
*It's perfectly healthy to be obsessed with someone & have 0 other interests.
*A girl should always be meek & dependent & have a strong man in her life.
*It's totally reasonable to abandon your family for a guy your hardly know.

The other thing people hated is that Bella is an Anti Sue, which regardless of being the polar opposite of Mary Sue is still a type of Mary Sue, & nobody likes Mary Sues.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Crazes happen. It happened with HIgh School Musical, Twilight, Jonas Brothers and now Justin Bieber.

Eventually these crazes WILL die down, but our youth will find something else to fub themselves off to.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Why do I hate Twilight?, because Twilight has single-handedly reversed 200 years of vampire culture. I hate twilight because I remember a time when people would people would think of a vampire and get scared, instead of aroused. I remember a time when women were encouraged to actually get a job in their life and earn some money, instead of getting married to overprotective wet-blankets right after highschool