Did Twilight really suck that much?


New member
Sep 1, 2010
spartan231490 said:
retyopy said:
I suppose people hate it for the same reason people hate Call of Duty. Because it's popular. Or something.

It's not bad at all, people just hate it because they want to hate things. it makes them feel better about their own pathetic miserable lives
What? So I'm not allowed to hate Twilight for being a badly written and confused mess without being accused of jumping on a bandwagon?

It's simply not good literature and it made even poorer cinema. Of course you're going to disagree but at least take a moment to see that it's possible to hate something for other reasons than the fact that lots of other people hate it.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
As my friend told me when I teased her for reading Twilight, it's "brain candy". She knows it's badly written, the characterisation is terrible, the plot is rubbish, and all of the usual crap, but somehow the books are worth reading besides all of that. I'm not going to comment on the movies, though.

I hate bashing things that I haven't experienced, so thanks to my friends, I've worked my way through the first, second and fourth books, and the first and third movies. And, speaking from personal experience, yes, Twilight does suck. Horribly. But it also feels good, somehow. It's like emotional porn. Except for the second book, which was full of far too much emo whinging.
For those who hated the books because Bella's so damn weak and vulnerable, at least in the fourth book
she finally becomes a vampire, stronger than all of the others (of course!), with unnatural self-control and possessing probably the most powerful abilities (she can nullify the special abilities of the other vampires). So, she's basically perfect. God damn it.

I suppose whether Twilight really is bad is a matter of taste and subjective, but it does pain me to see how much more successful it is than far better, more deserving books. But it doesn't quite deserve all the hatred some people show towards it - although some of the fans might.

Andy Szidon

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Aug 13, 2011
Once apon a time, vampires were who they were. Vampires sucked the living to make thralls (vampire thralls, not love thralls). Now, however, there are way too many paranormal romances. There's even a zombie romance. Vampires are no longer seen as scary and evil.


New member
May 21, 2010
It's just another popular hate topic. It's considered popular to hate it among "trendy teens" and young adults. Also popular to hate amongst preteens and younger children who have no idea what Twilight is and have no idea about the story or anything but hate it because their older siblings hate it or because they know that it is popular to hate and they want to seem like they are just as cool as older kids. Many popular things fall subject to what I will call pop hate. Some examples are: Justin Beiber Country Music Michael Jackson Miley Cyrus the current Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon and so on and so forth. And a lot of people who pop hate these things actually are closet fans which explains how these things which are supposedly despised have millions of followers and make tons of money to fund more of their "crap". If Justin Beiber was really as bad as the internet made him out to be, then he would be a poor hobo in the streets living off of dumpster scraps getting repeatedly pelted with eggs.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
I don't hate Twilight!

I love her!

And I don't see why people whine about her surname! She's still beautiful!

Just look at her! *trollface.jpg*

Okay, okay, in all seriousness, the REAL reason I fucking dispise Twilight it's because of the (WHAT THE FUCK)ever-growing fanbase it creates by simply being a lame movie. I mean, come ON! It's like they loved a bad movie because it was a cheesy mythological soap opera with masturbational material for troubled gothic girls.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
It doesn't really suck, it's just... bland! In fact it's not really good, but not even THAT bad(well, except for the sparkles) and it's just... Boring. And I must admit that i found the first book(ftr the only one i read, for a class actually) was terribly written.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
It's bad, but not nearly as bad as the haters say it is. It's just a badly written series of books with little to no plot and ~2 interesting characters, neither of whom show up very often. Haven't seen the movies so I can't speak for them, but I doubt they're any different.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Personally I loved every single second of it! Yes everything about it is dodgy, but that doesnt matter because the romance between Bella and Edward is just so damn immersive.

Oh, not that batshit final boss non-fight with the Volturi. That was dumb. Also I am a heterosexual male. Not that you'll believe me.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
1. I like my vampires as badasses, not little stalking wussies that sparkle like mobile diamonds.

2. I know this is a romance story that you can input yourself into, but I think a romance story is better when the girl has personality and reasons to love her. That's why I don't like shoujo manga that much. Or those harems. So far the only great Reverse harems are Ouran High School Host Club, and UtaPri, and Utapri I just like for the comedy and NicoNico comments. That's what I try to do for my romance stories.

3. The plot. I watched the movie with an open mind. It ended, and I was just thinking "Wait, where was the plot? What was the rising action? The climax? The falling action? You call that a denouement? Why am I referencing to literary terms?" It looked like there was some action, but if so there needed to be a more memorable antagonist. You want to know why I remember the names of so many Death Eaters from Harry Potter? BECAUSE THEY WERE PRETTY MEMORABLE.

4.I also have a problem that because this movie was hyped up so much, it undermined a much better vampire movie, Cirque Du Freak. Yeah, that movie sucked too. Yeah, it didn't follow the book so well. But I'll tell ya Whot. The vampires were much more badass and awesome. You become a vampire by stabbing your fucking fingers. Books 3-12 involve a huge war between two sectors of vampires and some happy-go-lucky guy whose name is Desmond Tiny, or Des Tiny, or Destiny (Did I just mindfuck you?). All this, and it only got about a week of advertisement outside of theaters.

5. The fanbase is just terrible. It's one thing to be a fangirl, or possibly a fanboy in this case. It's another thing to completely flame and troll others for not agreeing with you. Now you're just crossing YouTube comments territory.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
you see i thought you said Endymion, man you would of had one pissed of Keats fan if i hadn't read that twice.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Iron Mal said:
retyopy said:

You want an interesting reimagining of a vampire? Check out The Preacher and look for the character of Cass. Spoilers below about why he's far more interesting a reminaging than anything I'm certain the Team Edward demographic could ever come up with:

They strip away all of the mysteical crap from the original vampire legends and in a single swoop explain how that's all just superstition. Cass explains to a fellow vampire who's new at the whole thing that he's been staked in the heart several times (apparantly it hurts like hell though), loves eating garlic (even knows a place that puts it in everything), isn't bothered by crucifixes (why should it matter to him that some poor bugger was nailed to one 2000 years ago?) or holy water (what about it?) all the while they're sitting in a church. In fact, the only thing they absolutely need to do is avoid sunlight (which causes them to up up in flames).

When we meet Cass we find that he isn't a noble or gothic vampire, he's more or less just drunken party addict (I still laugh at the line '$20 if you rub haggendaz on them!' in reference to a topless woman at Mardi Gras), the one 'gothic' vampire he does meet not only turns out to have just been putting on an act for the local goth/emo kids, but he only did it because he didn't know what else to do and went on what books and movies had told him.

Now that is a bloody reimagining.
That sounds.....like a pretty damn interesting book.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
It was complete crap, it was set up for girls to put themselves into the role of the very under detailed girl and then drool over the over detailed men in the book.

I believe the Oatmeal described it better than I however

General BrEeZy

New member
Jul 26, 2009
sources tell me that it has a strong story, but the series is ruined by all the stupid relationship crap. and apparently the director of the first movie was terrible, so maybe thats kinda true, but i'm not concerned about it.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
ChuQue37 said:
The reason Bella was so non-existent as a character was so that the audience could put themselves in her place.
I heard this reason also, but i think the author just sucked at writing as all her characters are badly written no bodies with no personality. Its like when a director steals from another movie and they call it a "homage" when they get caught out.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Well you could really tell there was a woman, sitting desperately on her last eggs and horny for young boys as hell, behind those scripts and books. It's really creepy.

Von Strimmer

New member
Apr 17, 2011
Wait...What said:
ReservoirAngel said:
Wait...What said:
Okay this is a bit off topic but people saying Vampires do not sparkle is a stupid argument. Vampires do not exist, someone made it up to begin with and made up all there rules and what not. So what's wrong with Meyer making up her own rules and applying them in her story, If anything its original. Granted the execution was poor but at least it shows a bit of originality on her part.

OT- Im not a fan of the Twilight series but i can see that objectively its not terrible. Its like Justin Bieber it appeals to its target audience and if you don't like it just don't watch it. Ive never understood peoples hatred for it. If it doesn't appeal to you just steer clear of it.
She can make up her own rules when she creates her own monsters. Vampires have had the same traits ever since Stoker first made people all over Europe shit their pants in terror. Those traits have stuck for so long, because those traits work.

Suddenly some Mormon housewife rocks up and says "oh by the way vampire fans, sunlight doesn't kill them any more, it just makes them sparkle like glitter." sorry, but no. I don't buy that and nobody else should either. The fact that the sinister and kinda terrifying figure of Count Dracula has been reduced to sparkling in sunlight and angsting over a totally unremarkable teenage attention whore just pisses me off.

I'd be able to tolerate it if the story was at least good, but it's just horrible, boring, bland and badly-written. It's like Meyer just thought to herself "I need to write this bland story, but nobody will buy it. I know, I'll add vampires and werewolves to it! And make the vampires have no weaknesses! Brilliant! Pass the cocaine please!"
Twilight exists within its own universe. If you don't want to accept those rules, then don't. Just stay away from the book and films and stick to the classic vampire stuff as obviously that suits you. There no need to put it down (as aggressively as you did) as some people obviously like it. My main point was that if you don't like it, just ignore it. Some people do like it....so let them
I agree with Resovoir Angel. You can do whatever you want when you make up your own universe and own things (Like George Lucas and Star Wars) but when you start taking things that have taken years to build up the lore and the horror then you have no right to shit all over it like that. Its like saying gamers are rapists because they play bulletstorm. Making all Vampires glittery and shit just ruins the mythos around them. This also applies to Werewolves.


New member
Jul 31, 2010
No, it's awesome. IF you're more or less like a twelve to 17 years old shallow girl.... and probably white. It's very shallow. Seriously. It's too much of a cashing in on the teenage pop girl culture. And it's success actually makes me sad for what the world has turn into.

And the comparison with Harry Potter is NOT FAIR AT ALL. Even if we consider only the first book. For starters, Hary Potter is an adventure story aimed at kids (boys and girls), not a romantic book aimed at teenage girls. Apples and oranges people...