Once Upon a Time: Season 6 (3/5)
Before we go any further, let me establish that this season has the best episode in the entire series, and that?s the musical episode. And if you don?t agree, you simply have no soul.
Right, now that we?ve got that out of the way, let?s establish that one great episode doesn?t redeem an entire season. And no, this season isn?t good, but then, what else is new? I will say that I do hold it above season 5 (ergo, the second worst season in the show), but that isn?t really a statement of praise. Season 5, as my review for it demonstrated, outright irritated me in a lot of ways. It was a double whammy of the season being the apex of the show?s failings, added to which my frustrations with the season itself. Season 6 has failings too, but they?re failings that didn?t irritate me as much. Though, granted, it might be because I simply don?t care anymore. So, let?s ignore the fact that the show still forgives everyone for everything, is still doing the Gold rigamarole (stop trusting Gold FFS!), is still treating ?happy endings? as an actual in-universe mechanic, and everything else that?s irritated me beyond season 1.
Well, for starters, this season feels like a composite of various ideas that the writers couldn?t make into whole stories, so decided to just throw in here. We have the Land of Untold Stories, the Count of Monte Cristo, Jekyll & Hyde, and Regina?s evil half becoming its own entity. Out of all of those things, only the doppleganger plot point remains relevant throughout the season, and even then it?s more just returning at the end. Added to which that this season brings in Aladdin and Jasmine from Agrabah, which is weird for me to watch in 2019 having just seen the live action film. By itself, it isn?t bad. But in the context of the season as a whole, it?s more ?stuff? that happens that feels tangential to the main plot thread.
So, what is the main plot thread? Well, Emma?s going to die in ?the Final Battle.? I use proper nouns, even though this is a show where a ?Final Battle? is basically two people in 21st century clothing fighting with swords on a 20th century street, so, yay for drama. But above all else, the big bad for this is Rumple?s mother. The Black Fairy. A villain that we?ve never seen before, and unless I missed something, has never even been mentioned. Which isn?t bad in of itself. But when the show is selling me on the idea that pretty much every bad thing that?s happened in the series up to this point can more or less be traced to her, then, yes. Yes it does get bad. You don?t?you don?t DO this in fiction, okay? You don?t? write a series and in the final instalment throw in a villain and claim ?see? She was the big bad all along, how dare you suggest that we?re pulling stuff out of our arse?? I might not have minded as much if for her motivations being a combination of ?Light and Dark are destined to clash? and ?I want to destroy everything so I can control magic to do anything.? So, basically, the mechanics of the setting dictate two characters facing off who?ve never interacted before the fact, and some asinine power fantasy. Yes, we see a flashback for her, but it does nothing to make her sympathetic. The whole becoming the evil you sought to destroy might have worked better if she was actually doing terrible things before going all, y?know, evil and shit. And furthermore, it?s even iffy in the context of the series because I thought we did the whole Light vs. Dark thing in season 5 with the Dark One and stuff. In the in-universe chronology, I assume Nimue predates the Black Fairy, but nup, the Black Fairy is meant to be the big bad.
Also, Hook killed David?s father, and David?s pissed with that. Good for him. Shame that this is perhaps the only case in the show where people seem to care about murder, or tyranny, or anything like that. Nup. Dear ol dad was killed by my future son in law. Heck, even the musical episode has Hook singing, quote, ?I?ve plundered and pillaged, razed every village, deeds that I?m justly proud of,? and the Charmings don?t bat an eye at Hook admitting to razing villages IN THEIR OWN KINGDOM. I know I keep harping on this, but I can?t help it.
Y?know, this being season 6, it reminds me of Lost. Watching season 6 of Lost, it was clear that the writers hadn?t planned everything in advance (e.g. the skeletons in the cave), but it still felt congruent. It still felt like this was the grand culmination of a plot that had been going on since day 1, even if it stalled in season 5 (hey, both shows? fifth seasons are the weakest). Here, it doesn?t work. It doesn?t work in planning, and the Black Fairy isn?t the Man in Black.
So. Shit happens. Day is saved. Saved in a manner that?s reminiscent of earlier seasons, and Henry being so doey eyed and insufferable that I just want to punch him. But yes, day?s saved, and everyone lives happily ever after. Which, okay, isn?t too bad an ending. The show could have ended in season 3 bar the Marian revelation, but the ending isn?t too bad here. It even arguably completes a character arc for Gold, but no doubt season 7 will make him a villain again because the show just can?t stop doing that. Oh yes, season 7. That?s still coming. I?m still going to see it because god damn it, I finish what I start, even though I just want to stop. I?fine. Sure. Whatever. Least Henry?s an adult now, so he might be a bit less insufferable.
Having watched these six seasons, and looking at the category?s entry on ff.net, I have no idea why this show is so popular. I know that?s hyperbole, but still, I just don?t ?get it.? Again, I?ll reiterate, Once Upon a Time is a case of taking a neat idea, doing a decent job with that idea in the first season, but failing to properly exploit that idea. Added to which is a bizzare system of morality, and playing tropes like ?happy endings? and ?you just have to belive!? so straight I want to puke, and what you have is a sacharrine show that has its moments, don?t get me wrong, but it?s like chocolate on brussel sprouts. You may enjoy the odd bit of chocolate, but you?re still eating sprouts at the end of the day. In the end, I?d much rather just have ferro rochets.
Also, at the end, the series goes full Kingdom Hearts with its use of ?realms? and various doorways to those realms with iconography. Make of that what you will.