Jabba the Hut was always a conundrum. "How does one show how evil and terrible this alien is, in a series where everyone uses violence?". He fed the poor Twilek girl to the Rancor and enslaved Princess Leia. The outfit Leia wears is fanservice, but also a quick visual way to show how vile Jabba is. They had to wrap up the captured Han plot fairly quickly so we can get on to blowing up the Death Star (again).
What is the problem with selling "Slave Leia" toys? Barbie and similar toys can be stripped completely naked, so if the issue is with her being "scantily clad", that seems an odd double standard.
What is the problem with selling "Slave Leia" toys? Barbie and similar toys can be stripped completely naked, so if the issue is with her being "scantily clad", that seems an odd double standard.