District 9 Offends Nigerian Government

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Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
Machines Are Us said:
I think they need to grow the fuck up to put it bluntly. They are a country, not a school kid getting picked on in school for wearing glasses.
This exactly.

They need to just calm down and get over it


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Jesus, the Nigerian government really is going for broke this time, aren't they?

They should be honoured, the Nigerians in that film were hardcore.

Noone From Nowhere

New member
Feb 20, 2009
The funniest thing about this complaint is that Nigerian movies (and, you know, the terrible state of disarray that Nigeria exists in right now)tend to portray Nigeria in a much worse light than Section 9 which was really offensive only in how it inaccurately represented little things such as language and culture.
Seriously, did the film-makers even realize that noone keeps hyenas as pets, speak with clicks or believe that they will gain anyone's powers by eating them? It's as if they cobbled together every stereotype of the 'Other' from neighboring countries that they could get over there. Ultimately, that's no bigger a deal than, say, heaping every kind of 'geek' together into composites such as 'Comicbook Guy' in the Simpsons.

That minor semi-legitimate gripe aside, I can get back those problems with Nigerian movies. Just about every character who isn't some greedy capitalist or gangster who gets what-for by the end of the movie if he doesn't find Jesus first is an evil witch-doctor/Satanist who is inevitably thrashed by a missionary or preacher in the end. At least in section 9, these guys are just crazy criminals, not the average citizen. More importantly, noone is demonizing indigenous religions and cultures unlike in Nigerian films.

Maybe instead of spending millions of dollars on parties and parades, one of the rich folks over there could bankroll a movie that shows Nigeria in a good light...say, a documentary/COPS style show about people ousting corrupt politicians? Maybe one about them giving their money to a charity who knows how to use it constructively? That or a sci-fi movie with impoverished or disenfranchised people getting their mitts on some of those Prawn superguns.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
BrotherhoodOfSteel said:
First Sony, now this? I wonder what's next on their list.
Still Sony, as they were the publisher. I see that as a bad move for Nigeria as they imporve their rep, by taking Sonys down a peg, if they push too far sony might stop letting them walk all over them.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Trivun said:
Reeper0278 said:
Nigeria keeps whining about everyone poking fun at them. All I can say without going mad is stop.
Hmmmm, no, they just keep whining about Sony. They complained about the PS3 adverts before, now they're complaining to Sony about a film that the company produced. However, your point is duly noted, they are just whining now. Complaining about people making fun is just stupid, they're acting like kids in a playground. The best thing the Nigerian government can do is crack down on the criminals that are giving the country a bad name and hope thaqt in time people see the country as better than a few criminals and idiots. Complaining about the outside representation of Nigeria won't change a thing.
Edited my post. TY


New member
Feb 18, 2009
In all seriousness, there was no cannibalism, and the government being portrayed as evil was all of them. So I think that people should stop being so touchy-feely on the subject.
Also, there are prostitutes everywhere, Nigeria, stop it.


New member
Jan 17, 2008
AkJay said:
Dear Nigeria, We are sorry we offended your shit country full of corrupt government and scammers looking to steal from innocent people.

-Son. . . District 9 Crew
Wow... if you didn't start off with, "dear Nigeria", I'd swear you were talking about America.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Machines Are Us said:
I think they need to grow the fuck up to put it bluntly. They are a country, not a school kid getting picked on in school for wearing glasses.
pretty much this. I hate people being offended at idiotic things like this. It just makes them lookin childish.

Edit: Nigeria are clearly Xbox fanboys. << JOKE.


New member
May 28, 2008
Eh get over it. The English have been portrayed in a bad light in 90% of American films that we're in and you don't hear us bitching about it. It's just a film.


New member
May 6, 2008
The film is set in South Africa... which is quite far away from Nigeria. I don't see the South Africans getting riled up because the 'bad-guys' were mostly South African... seriously Nigeria, grow the fuck up. It's better to have fun poked at you for scams then to be known as the whiny little kid that doesn't know a joke/fictional stories when they see it.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
*Sigh* What is the matter with these people? Nigerians in a bad light... Goddamn it, movies have to put someone in a bad light. Do American soldiers, secret service members, covert ops men, and so on get offended every time they see Swordfish? No! So, this is stupid. District 9 was not only awesome, but realistic and accurate (in the sense of the people in it, not the aliens). Complain all you want, Nigeria, but the I've read about the 'canniballism' you're talking about before. Muti is a real practice and it IS from that country. I dunno if it works, but people have DONE IT. And arms-dealing Nigerians happen too, so give it a rest. Welcome to reality. If you don't like that things that are true can happen in movies, DON'T WATCH TELEVISION!


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Wow. Imagine if every other nation in the world made a fuzz out of being portrayed in a bad light in some futuristic sci-fi movie. That'd be non-stop whining.

But luckily not every government is as retarded as Nigeria's.

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Doug said:
Armitage Shanks said:
nilcypher said:
"and our ladies shown like prostitutes sleeping with extra-terrestrial beings."
Nil, are you helping Wilson out with Reliable Source this week?
Its in the movie; watch it.
Oh I know, I'm more amazed about the fact that a Nigerian government official is specifically stating that "[ladies] sleeping with extra-terrestrial beings" is bringing down the international image of Nigeria. Really? Did he think how ridonkulous that sentence would sound out loud before he said it?


New member
Feb 18, 2009
so nigeria has all these major problems with everything, and they are focusing on FUCKING MOVIE!?!?!..... this doesn't make sense to me..... im gonna go hide in corner to figure this out.