DLC, Again


New member
May 27, 2009
i didnt even notice there WAS hats in portal 2 until i read somebody complaining about them. i was all like what? where?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Companies should continue to expect backlash anytime they do DLC. If we become complacent, and even start arguing on their behalf, it just furthers the outcome of quality games being chopped into pieces by greedy marketing departments, because those are games I won't buy no matter how rave the reviews are.

On a case by case basis even if Portal 2 has valid/sane DLC (it does); I'd rather not see it at all because of what it could lead to. The outcry sends a message to the rest of the industry. It is the exact same reason we fight for free speech in even the most rediciulous of cases.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Mantonio said:
ionveau said:
joethekoeller said:
My biggest issue with DLC is still the same I have with digital distribution: my crappy internet connection. Though I guess even if I had a better one I'd still prefer paying cash and actually owning a physical copy of something.

Sigh. I live in the past.
If the content is already on the disk just google up a way to unlock it, its legal seeing as you already own it.
Not how it works. You don't actually own the game per se. You own a license to play it.

You don't automatically have the license to use the hats though.
IM NOT TALKING ABOUT SERVER HACKING client hacking is 100% legal unless you have dumb software laws where you live e.g U.S


New member
Apr 15, 2009
ionveau said:
Mantonio said:
ionveau said:
joethekoeller said:
My biggest issue with DLC is still the same I have with digital distribution: my crappy internet connection. Though I guess even if I had a better one I'd still prefer paying cash and actually owning a physical copy of something.

Sigh. I live in the past.
If the content is already on the disk just google up a way to unlock it, its legal seeing as you already own it.
Not how it works. You don't actually own the game per se. You own a license to play it.

You don't automatically have the license to use the hats though.
IM NOT TALKING ABOUT SERVER HACKING client hacking is 100% legal unless you have dumb software laws where you live e.g U.S
I'm not talking about server hacking either. When you a buy a game, you do not own the data. The game company owns the data. You do, however, own a license to play that copy of the game.

You don't however have the hats covered under that.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Shamus Young said:
But the other kind of DLC is multiplayer DLC, which works a bit differently. In a multiplayer game, you download the goodies even if you haven't paid for them. Your copy of World of Warcraft includes the Celestial Steed data, even if you haven't purchased that particular add-on. It has to. Without that data, you couldn't see other people riding it.
... Isn't that the DLC that annoys people though? The kind that you already have but have to pay to use?

Shamus Young said:
So, you're perfectly happy with the game, but you're unhappy because you don't like how the profits are spent?
As legitimate as that point is, my answer is: somewhat, yes. I'm not going to slander every single person who makes money in the industry, but I do think some groups are melodramatic about profit loss.

As I've stated before though I can't really blame companies for trying to make more money, it's their goal when they make games (besides making a good game, but some people do seem to get distracted from that).

Shamus Young said:
Activision's Kotick has already expressed a desire to have cutscenes sold separately.
Terrifying, how has this guy not destroyed himself with the things he says?

Shamus Young said:
If other players want to pay for this DLC and the company is willing to sell it, why do you feel the need to demand that the transaction not take place?
I try not to demand things, but mostly because I think the average, somewhat casual, gamer is probably uninformed and thinks he can't have satisfaction without paying much more than is necessary.

I specifically support this by saying I have a friend who told me he had 60$ and wanted to buy a game but didn't know what to buy; thus I directed him to Steam and told him to spend wisely, as there are many good games on Steam and it often has good deals. My friend ignored me for the rest of the night and later complained about me trying to give him cheap games instead of good games.

Though I want to elaborate and state that if someone can afford it and wants a jaunty hat in a game they enjoy, then I have no complaints.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Shamus Young said:
Experienced Points: DLC, Again

Shamus examines some of the arguments against Portal 2's DLC. For science, of course.

Read Full Article
Hello, well written article, as is often the case with you. I have... complex thoughts about this.

I think the best way to communicate what I'm thinking is in discussing Mods. Like you mentioned, making a mod that changes your hat to something is nice, but it is a lot more fun to know that other people are able to see your hat as well. But this is also true for other aspects of the game, and even some that are intended for Single player!

Consider for example, an RPG like Dragon Age: Origins. This game had a lot of modular content for purchase that could drastically effect how difficult the game was. New characters, early powerful items, etc. It very much damaged the illusion that the challenges you were experiencing were necessarily the same others had. There was no gold standard of 'this is how hard the game is, you must do well to defeat it' because the tools the player might bring to the table were not set in stone.

It's just like if I downloaded a mod for DA:O that added or removed, or changed a bunch of things. I wouldn't really be a PART of the DAO community in the same way after doing that, because the game I was playing was different. Parts hard for others might be easier for me, or funny moments involving a certain character might have not come up because I was able to use a different party.

Take this and port it over to single player strategy games like Civilization. The amount of disucssion of strategy for such games is often off the charts. Look up civ 4 strategy forums and you'll find all sorts of discussion. This is only exciting and interesting because we are all playing the same game. We can share, train, commiserate and disdain one another because of the shared experience of the game. Edit: But we CANNOT take part in such discussions if we have modded our game to use different rules.

Lastly, think about the very common scenario in games for you to 'level up' during deathmatches to unlock new things. For example, Bioshock 2 has you gain experience from the deathmatch multi-player, and you level up to get new plasmids, tonics, guns etc. There is always the feeling when playing early on in these games, that your 'losses' are due to something beyond your control. Did that guy have a damage boost I haven't unlocked yet? Maybe more health? I don't know, I'm not on the same playing surface as he is!

Even Team Fortress 2 has some of that going on.

At the end of the day, I think having a Gold Standard of what a 'game' is, can be important to a game. To the community that surrounds it. It isn't a question of what is fair or not, but a question of enjoyment.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
I don't understand why people are raging against Portal 2's DLC. As far as I have heard, it's purely cosmetic and have no effect on the game play whatsoever. In my opinion, developers can do whatever they want with cosmetic DlC: Day 1, on disc, charging an arm & leg... because people are not going to miss out anything substantial if they don't buy them. No one is putting a gun to their and force them to buy the DLC and who know? May be the people who actually brought them are happy with their purchase.

No, I think all of the arguments Shamus addressed are only valid for story-wise DLC or contents that actually affect the game play. That said, I'm fine with DLC in general but the concept of Day 1 story wise DLC completely baffles me. I can think of no reason for it than except to squeeze the most money of your customers as fast as possible. (Which is a valid reason but please hear me out.) Isn't the whole concept of DlC is something for the fan? If people played and liked the game, then they're willing to pay for content that expand that game. It make no sense for developers to create DLC for people who hate or never heard of their game. It pretty irrational for someone to don't know if they like a game to go: 'Hm... I don't know if I like this but I might as well pay an extra £10.00 for this character!' Furthermore, I haven't see anyone go: 'I am so excited for the DLC of Mass Effect 3, Skyrim etc..,'

My point is that story-wise DLC is that it should be an after thought for people who enjoy the game, not some quick cheap cash in. What's the point of rushing for Day 1 DLC when you're not sure if there's any demand for it? Would it be better to wait to see how people receive your game then tailor your DlC to the contents that they want? Hell, you can even charge extra and that way everyone wins: People wants are happy for quality content; Developers are happy because they get even more money.

And yes, the argument that I don't have to buy it still stand - No one is forcing me to. But the only reason I'm complaining in the first place is that I actually like your game. I am willing to extra money to support the people who made it. But every time I see developers I like releasing Day 1 DLC, I feel like they're treating me as a cash cow and feel a little dead inside.

In short, do whatever you want with cosmetic, put effort in releasing DLC that actually matters.

Or you can ignore this wall of text. That's... fine too.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I still think you should get to pick 1 or 2 items from the store if you payed full price for it. Once the price point drops stop with the freebies. Then its like "pre-order bonus" but its more like "full price bonus". As to unethical I don't really like how the things you could unlock are not labeled. Also the easiest to unlock items were "on sale" and you had to close the sale pop-ups before seeing anything else. That part seemed shistery to me. I don't think "sale" or even sellable items should be unlock-able. Its more ok in TF2 because its 100% random what you can unlock, but portal its do X collect Y. Unless you bought Y already sucker because you didn't know it was free.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I hope we can all agree that this puts to rest the whole question of Gabe Newell's birth, so we can get on with the important business of creating quantum space-holes.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I forgot to point this out, Escapist feeds the troll because its gets paid by the post.

E x Flame war= CASH

I'm on to you Mr.S. Oh shizer I just posted again. Quick no one read this or quote me or the internet terrorists win!


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
You made some good points. I doubt if anyone who needs to hear them will actually be bothered to read them and if they do they'll probably just flame the thread but at least the points were said.


Professional Amateur
Jul 20, 2010
"Free Hat" reminds me of South Park...

OT: I love DLC. I love the option of purchasing things I want and not paying for things I don't. Like everything it comes down to making a value judgement on a product and putting money towards the ones that are worth it.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Portal 2 is fucking great and the people who are complaining about it for reasons like these are entitled fuckwit brats and didn't deserve the experience the game offered in the first place.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
I guess what everyone fails to take into account in this whole DLC issue, is that these companies that give us video games are out there to make money. At this stage of the industry, there are very few people making games purely out of the love of games and I'd hazard a guess that no video game company, developer or publisher, outside of the occasional one or two man operation, is concerned with anything more than making a game good enough to make money.

This is how free markets and capitalism work: Someone produces something and offers it for sale. Consumers purchase it if they like it, they need it, or they are otherwise compelled to buy it. If consumers don't like, don't need or aren't otherwise compelled to buy it, it won't sell and the producer most likely will not continue to offer said product without sufficient sales.

That's how consumers vote, they use their wallets.

Now, Valve has angered some people by "sneaking" some DLC under the radar that people who purchased the game weren't aware of. The possible outcomes from this are that all those angry gamers won't buy the next Valve product, or they'll pirate it or wait to find it used or on sale. All those hurt Valve's revenue stream. Perhaps next time around Valve won't take this route, but most likely, a few hundred or thousand disgruntled gamers won't make one fucking bit of difference. There will still be plenty of people to pay for the games, and the overpriced DLC.

If anyone needs any evidence on how little the "hardcore" gamer matters to the industry, just take a look at Hollywood. Hollywood doesn't make movies for film critics, film buffs or even intelligent movie goers, for the most part; Hollywood makes games for the common man, the lowest common denominator because that's where the money is.

In a few years, maybe a few decades the true "hardcore" gamer will play games like film fans watch films: they'll take the good with the bad, they'll know when something is a "popcorn" game that's only worth a rental or good for a date night, they'll be choosier about how and what they buy and will become smart and discerning customers. Unfortunately there won't ever be enough of them to really change the industry because the LCD always wins when it comes to numbers and the gaming industry will continue to pander to them, with crummy sequels (just like Hollywood!), rehashes, reboots and cliches (just like Hollywood!), and dumbed down (sorry, "streamlined") gaming experiences designed solely to appeal to the widest possible audience (just like Hollywood!).


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I think this form of DLC is great,
It's totally optional, and doesn't impact gameplay.
It's a fun way to support the game companies you love.


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
*raises hand*
I don't care about the DLC and don't really want to pay for it.
So I didn't.
And it hasn't affected the game at all for me.
Played single player. Played multiplayer. Liked both.
Didn't need the hats. Didn't buy the hats.
Might change my mind later. Who knows. It's just 5 bucks.
Still playing the game. Trying the challenges. Still really fun.
Did I mention it hasn't affected the game at all for me?
Know why?
I bought the game, and it was complete.
And fun.

It's like getting a nice, big, chocolate sundae, you take a bite and it's DELICIOUS.
It has whipped cream, chocolate sauce, brownies underneath, and a big glob of vanilla/chocolate ice cream.
Then Gabe Newell comes in and asks: "Want some sprinkles? Five bucks."
To which I reply: "Nah, not right now, but if I get another sundae I might."

And the option is there.
I CAN take it.
But I don't have to.
Because I have a complete sundae.
And it is awesome.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
only one thing I still think is a legitimate concern: Modding as an argument. Locking down the game so it can't be modded just so you can sell your shit is a garbage move, end of story, Shamus.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Dexter111 said:
Also you keep calling the "Metacritic raters" idiots, but look at what they've managed to do... around 100 people (however "illiterate" they might be) managed to spawn a news on about every single games outlet out there, with people like you "reporting" about it and new discussions on the issue arising. You validated them and in turn also managed to validate Metacritic even more and consolidate that it has some sort of influence (no matter what you think about it), while people "complaining" or "whining" on the developers forums or some user board about things even in the thousands did not manage it. I'd call them rather clever...


They also made you sound like Jim Sterling... do you really want to sound like Jim Sterling? xD
Im going to do my part, ether have no Cash shop guff or have low scores =)