Do people actually buy games based on Yahtzee's reviews?


New member
Aug 7, 2009
I don't automatically discredit anything he doesn't like, because he can be a little harsh sometimes, but when he actually says he likes something I usually go right out to get it.

It's so rare for him to recommend trying something that when he does it's always a damn good game.

M.G The Third

New member
Oct 28, 2009
I take his opinion in mind, but if I think I'll like a game I'll at least try it it, even if he didn't like it.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
I share the same basic opinions as he does about games, jokes aside, and I've enjoyed all the same games he has except for his love of certian rockband games. Generic shooters, poorly developed characters, companies completely failing to realise what makes their games good and blowing sequels, gore/action over cohierent story, and just plain poor dialogue all irk me the same way, so when he mentions something in a game as being along those lines, wether in jokes or his extra punctuation articles, I would avoid it based on all that mentioned above.

I didn't get wolfenstein because of his comments and from what I've read and saw of the demo, I wouldn't have enjoyed it either. It's all flash over substance with meaningless rpg elements and hunting for money would have really annoyed me. Also, sonic DOES need to be put down.


2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
If Yahtzee loves it- its probably fucking awesome

If Yahtzee hates it... meh, could be good could be bad. He hates everything that isn't absolutely incredible.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
If you only bought games Yahtzee liked, you would own portal.....that's it.

(He did kind of like Saints Row 2 so mabye that also)

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
If Yahtzee gives a good review to something I might not have otherwise considered I might buy that but I don't not buy things because of his opinion.

Jaqen Hghar

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Well, if he praise a game into the sky (yeah, like that happens often) I might buy it if it sounds like something I like.
If he bashes a game and say it sucks it is often a good game that has gotten a bit to much hype in his opinion.

So what he thinks of a game doesn't really matter to me at all. I love a lot of the games he doesn't (latest is Brutal Legend, which I just finished playing. Played a few multiplayer matches with my brother, and we had a blast).

The only reason I really watch his videos these days are for the laugh. He is funny, even though he is often a grumpy old man you just cannot please.


New member
May 17, 2009
dududf said:
God no, It's a comedy source. He has SOME good points, but doesn't know how to lay back and just LIKE something.

His standards are very high, and that's alright for him BUT my standards are not as high and thus as a example, I loved Prototype, and Red Faction Guerrila, even though they aparently sucked. I loved them becausre I knew what to expect. Where as with Yahtzee, I think he only reads the hype and not the content when learning about a game ahead of the time.

That's just my opinion though :p
Well even with those high standards he still manages to give the games he does enjoy maybe 30 seconds of approval. (Bioshock, Portal, Silent Hill 2, etc.)


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Not really. But I do take his reviews into account while playing to see if what he says has any basis. I actually had Psychonauts and more or less beat it (got to the part with the rising water and dodging dad's rockets on a tight-rope and kept messing up) long before I ever HEARD of Yahtzee. To be completely honest, I think he hit the game on the head with his review.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Nah, I his videos more like rants. They're pointing out the bad stuff but leaves the goodies.
He's fun to watch but I'd never buy something because of him, and the other way around.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
I played Saints Row 1, and was not too interested in 2 until I saw Yahtzee go off on it.

I find that with Yahtzee, like I do most reviewers, is if they say something about the game that I personally would dislike, I take that as a warning. For example...

Yahtzee complains about the Gears 2 protagonists all being uber macho dick wagglers with recharging health. This does not bother me one bit, so I picked up the game anyhow.

When Yahtzee complains about the moronic AI partners you have in Ghostbusters, that would serve to piss me off, and as such I avoided the game.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I picked up Prince of Persia since it's on his list of favorite games, granted I'm so far behind on that one that anybody could have recommended it to me.

I'm more likely to RENT a game if Yahtzee loves it, considering how high his standards are, but I'm not likely to leave behind my favorite genre (JRPG) simply because he hates it.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
HaHaHortness said:
Not to say that Yahtzee doesn't have good points, many times I watch his videos thinking, "Finally, someone who agrees with me." But the comments I see in a Yahtzee thread are just unbelievable in how in rhythm everyone is to the review.

"I was considering buying Super Military Adventures because it seems to have many things I like but now that Yahtzee has bashed it I know not to even try it out."

Like I said, he has good points, but you really should be careful when listening to someone who's made a career out of always giving bad reviews. Okay, so he's made good reviews, but he's also said in reviews things to the effect of, "People don't like it when I give good reviews so I'll just stomp on everything I don't like."
If people did buy games based on Yahtzee's opinions, we'd all have very small collections of games.


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
No, I hardly ever listen to the advice of any reviews and usually just go with what my instinct, tells me.

Also I've always viewed Yahtzee as an entertainer, than a reviewer. Although he does make some good points.

Rhatar Khurin

New member
Aug 14, 2008
I doubt people buy games because of what "the man" says, but i bet a lot of people avoid games that he has reviewed.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
I've been put off buying Brutal Legend thanks to his review. Fair enough I heard a few bad things about it from fellow Escapists here but his review was the final nail in the coffin. I'm now just watching it on youtube to save myself some money and disappointment.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
HaHaHortness said:
Not to say that Yahtzee doesn't have good points, many times I watch his videos thinking, "Finally, someone who agrees with me." But the comments I see in a Yahtzee thread are just unbelievable in how in rhythm everyone is to the review.

"I was considering buying Super Military Adventures because it seems to have many things I like but now that Yahtzee has bashed it I know not to even try it out."

Like I said, he has good points, but you really should be careful when listening to someone who's made a career out of always giving bad reviews. Okay, so he's made good reviews, but he's also said in reviews things to the effect of, "People don't like it when I give good reviews so I'll just stomp on everything I don't like."
yathzee doesnt give reviews he critisizes.....! entirely different thing.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
God no. They may slightly (very slightly) contribute, but I can make my own mind up on whether a game is good or not. Plus, Yahtzee is more focused on the comedy rather than the review (in my opinion).


New member
Apr 28, 2009
I dont base my buying habbits on his views but it is nice to have the view of a critic to balance out any gleaming hype that the game got.