Do you believe in love?


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Genericjim101 said: John C McGinley as Dr Cox summed it up nicely : D. Love is often one of the great exceptions to most cynical people.
I'm about to spend the rest of the day watching sad scrubs moments on youtube. I'm going to be a wreck by the end of this, I hope your happy.

Love does exist, I don't know what it is but I know life is pointless without it.

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Bugerion said:
If love is the exchange of chemicals,then what does it mean if I love my dog?o_O weird

Who said anything about exchanging chemicals?

Well, love is a hormone, yes, but I see love as this.
A glorified wonder drug.
But I still like that drug *snorts it*.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Love is definitely real. It's rare so make it last, but it exists. I've known elderly couples who've been together for decades and still love each other. I think that love is just hard to maintain- it needs a strong foundation of friendship and genuinely enjoying the company of your spouse. Romantic love is just as real as the love for family or friends- the intense connection to another person.

I DO NOT believe in soul mates. There is no "one person" you can find to make a perfect relationship. They all take work. Even with a person you are extremely compatible with, it takes a lot of effort on both parts. But love in the romantic sense is definitely real, albeit elusive. To say it's not is to trivialize the sacrifices and work that millions of couples have made for each other. I'm a cynical person (being an aesexual teenager in high school will do that to you), but the existence of love is something that strikes me as obvious.

And yes, if you don't believe in love, you've never experienced it. I hope you do one day. It's not as vital to a happy life as Hollywood or most people think it is (you can be perfectly complete without a relationship), but it is an amazing feeling to love and be loved.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Seeing as I love my mother, my father, my sisters, and my brother; Yes I do.

My mom and dad have been together for 41 years. And even after my dad became physically and mentally disabled about 4 years ago, my mom is taking great care of him almost completely on her own. If that's not love I don't know what is.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Yes love exists. But it is different for everyone and until you get into that situation then discribing it is pointless.


New member
May 21, 2010
Not completely sure. I heard somewhere that love only lasts for about 2 years. I guess that would be the infatuation finally ending. I think that love is real though. Married couples may fall out of infatuation with each other after being around each other all the time but I think that it changes into a new love eventually. Like the kind of love that you have for your family. You really love them, and you couldn't do without them. Sure, you might not get that feeling of butterflies in your stomach every time you see them anymore, but they are now your family and you value them above all else. It also depends on the people because some people just aren't suited to being in a relationship in which there is no infatuation left and they are the type that may stick around for a few years, then divorce and leave to find the next person that they are infatuated with. Also depends on whether or not you can put up with their usual personality and their habits and lifestyle around the house I.E if one spouse leaves trash everywhere and farts and burps while scratching their ass and then proceeded to touch all the food in the house as well as the spouse with that defiled hand while the other spouse is big on cleanliness and maybe even OCD that is just a terrible combination that is destined to fail. And OP, not all people marry for sex. There are plenty of couples that marry just from the infatuation so I wouldn't include marriage under "and excuse for people to have sex". And that doesn't make any sense anyways because people can have sex regardless of whether they are married or not and if they were only in it for the sex, then they would just be fuck-buddies and screw all the time without any real feelings for each other. Some people also marry in hopes of one day making a family of their own with kids and watching them grow up. And if love really didn't exist at all, then I think that people would just divorce each other when they get older and they don't look as beautiful as they used to because they would be very shallow. If no one was committed enough to stay with a spouse out of love, then I don't think that there would be marriage in this day and age. Just because you feel like love doesn't exist for you personally, or with the people around you and their relationships, it doesn't mean that there is no love. It just means that you are looking in the wrong places.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
I believe in love, but not love at first sight. Love is something that has to be earned.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I have a question for you, how old, were you when you were in these relationships? Teens? twenties? If yes to one or both: It's very hard to find a member of your list (A list i'll go into later) during this time period, most times you have a crush, a big one, simple as that. You will let the crush become somewhat obsessive and end up thinking it's love. Then you realize she/he isn't for you and you end up thinking questions like the one you just asked.

This list now, Is a list of who you're compatible with: From least to greatest, number one on your list would technically be considered "THE ONE" but there's a whole lot more out there (it depends on the person) and however you live your life and make the choices you made will determine who on that list is where you're going to land.

Kyle 2175

New member
Jan 7, 2010
Well, if what this guy says is any indication I should:

To be serious I'm not entirely sure. Personally I've never experienced such a thing. But my parents have been married for 40 years and are still reasonably happy together, there must be something there. At the end of the day love is probably really close friendship with someone you lust after, someone you're attracted to. I'm too young to have much of an opinion on this, but that's my observation anyhow.

As for the scientific look at this, people say it's 'just a chemical reaction in your brain' and such. Aren't all emotions that? Arguing that love isn't an emotion or something along those lines is saying that no emotions are real, and I'm pretty sure that everyone can agree that saying emotions aren't real would be incredibly stupid.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
666Chaos said:
Of course it exists. The problem with it is that it is not something that can be defined in words and it is different for every person. You will never truely know what love is untill you experience it. When you experience it though you will definatly know and will understand what people are talking about.

Doclector said:
It exists, but the notion that it is for everyone is ridiculous. It exists for normal perfectly functional people, it dies not exist for abominations. We have to be grateful for those abominations though. Happy people rarely bother to change anything. When deprived of such things, people are driven to change things around them to make it better.
Dont you have something better to do then posting that dribble here, like duno cutting yourself?
I'm trying to become a film director, you can get a lot of messages across through film. You can by a lot of other things, but film's just my way. A long shot? Perhaps, but better than my other option; sitting around not doing anything.

Not everyone who says the world's s*** plans on not doing anything about it. Remember that.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
What a strange question. It's like asking "does heroin exist?" Certainly it does. Whether it's the be all end all of human existence is another matter.


New member
May 20, 2011
Love is complicated. It's a noun and a verb. We taught the noun version of love, the feelings and ideas, and all the magic it's suppose to bring; yet no one tells us that love is also a verb. It requires actions and sometimes work. It's not just a complex set of feeling that overwhelms us. It's always hard work. Painful work, tear-jerking, emotional roller-coaster work.

To answer your question is Love real. Yes, it real, just don't get caught in the fantasy of love. Understand the time and effort must be put into. Love is real, it sometimes the people in love that are fake.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
It is a sad thing that so many married couples end up that way, love is rare but I do think it exists, case in point:
<spoiler=Warning - Sad>As I said, it's rare but it can happen, and that's the kind of love I strive to acheive someday, if I do then y life will have been worth living
So yes, I do believe in love

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
In some form or another. Not that, "I love you at first sight", stuff but maybe somewhere deep down, you can find real love.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Love is like Santa Claus.

...Stay with me here.

For three months out of the year, Santa Claus is everywhere. He's on magazine covers and soda cans. Half the malls in the country offer fat, red-suited old men as centerpieces. We see him on TV, hear his voice on the radio. He's more a part of the public consciousness than most of the figures in government. So many words and images of Santa Claus clog our culture, it could be argued that Ol' Saint Nick has more of an existence than anyone on this forum.

Aliens looking down from orbit could very well misinterpret Santa as a religious figure of great importance. No matter how many times we humans see him, we will never be inspired to have faith in him, the way we might in a deity. As adults, we recognize him for the commercialized illusion he is. We acknowledge Santa's existence, but we don't believe in him. Only children believe, and only until they're educated on the matter.

I acknowledge the existence of love. I just don't believe in it.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
In the least cynical sounding way I could say this, "Love is a trick played on the mind by nature to get us to reproduce."