Do you judge people by their spelling?


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
Not really, though I think particular use of grammar is more revealing of a poster's unique style.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
Interesting. Are you asking me if I judge people for making a typo, or if I'm judging people for barely being able to cobble together a coherent sentence?

If someone trips over a few words, its not a big deal, but if someone's entire paragraph is an amalgamation of Text-Type and grammar butchery, it becomes hard to put stock in their opinion. I can't tell you how many times someone has substituted things like "U, R, Y" and the like for the three letter words they represent. This isn't Twitter, two extra characters wont make or break your post. I don't know if "judge" is the right word though. If someone has taken 15 seconds to throw their opinion at me, I don't plan to take longer than 15 to try to read it.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Unless it's probably a typo I do, everyone does to a certain extent. Exceptions like proper dyslexia aside, if your spelling and grammar are poor in a work environment, people will rightly think less of you. If you don't know how to spell something, fine, but on the internet you can check in a second.

My brother used to be terrible at spelling, but over the last few years he made a conscious effort to improve and he's now better than most people.

It is important to understand that language evolves, but that means new words are created and certain words developed to suit new purposes. That does not mean you're allowed to spell anything however you want to. Text speak, however convenient, unfortunately encourages a lack of clarity in communication, and that is essentially what I'm opposed to.

Sir Broccoli

New member
Sep 17, 2008
I can forgive the occasional typo or mistakes made because English isn't their first language but anyone who claims they can speak/write English and doesn't know the difference between they're, their and there deserves no less than a swift kick to the balls.

So I guess that's a yes.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
LaughingAtlas said:
Slnpelig ins't as inoprmant as you mhigt tnihk, I'm tlod. Yuor biarn anprltpaey rdaes wdros as a wolhe as lnog as the frsit and lsat ltretes are in pacle.

I don't worry about spelling and such as long as I can generally tell what is being said.
AHHHH I remember the first time I saw one of these, I went into my teachers office and he was laughing as hard as he could and yelled read this, So I read it better than I have ever read anything else. He was laughing so hard and an old lady was stairing at me like ...HOW DO HE DO THAT!!! ME BRAIN NO READ THAT!!!!

AHHHH but no I can't judge people for spelling or grammar because mine is horrendious. That and im so used to seeing red lines on the screen I dont really care anymore. I think im getting better though.


New member
Sep 11, 2010

I know it's bad, and I try not to act on it too much, but yes, I find it hard to take anyone seriously if they have poor grammar or spelling, unless it's quite clearly someone who's first language isn't english and they just didn't try.
Again, I know it's probably illogical, but I can admit it. I do.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Everyone makes a typo or two, I'm not irritated if the person writing is dyslexic but consistent error making(IE: bad spelling and non consistent writing) irritate me and I tend to fuse out on that. But it just points out that the person writing is either 12 or just dumb. So i can't say that spelling mistakes bother me that much....


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
I wouldn't say that I dismiss them entirely.

However, they do get knocked down a few points on the Respect-O-Meter for it. Not simple mistakes, people who knowingly misspell words because they're lazy/idiots. L33t-speak is the worst of all, of course.

Seriously, you have a QWERTY keyboard. Is "you" all that hard to type out?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I don't judge people for small mistakes and obvious typos, nor am I bothered by the writing of someone for whom english is not their first language (it is easy to tell the difference), but I do judge people for abusing the english language on purpose because they are too lazy to spell "you" with three letters.

If you aren't going to put the effort into writing what you have to say, I'm not going to put the effort into reading it and, I'm afraid to say, I will think less of "u" for it.


New member
May 11, 2010
Generally, no. Everyone makes mistakes now and then, i don't think that someone's contribution to a discussion should be completely dismissed because of a few errors.

That being said, I do tend to be unable to finish reading a wall of text if it's full of errors. I think that that's more the combination though, rather than either single factor. Although I do tend to dislike walls of text.

Anyway, no, I don't judge people by their spelling.


New member
Jul 22, 2010
To a certain extent, yes. Of course I'll try to keep my "judgement" focused on the content of a post, but if I'm honest, I have to admit that there is a small part of me that takes note of spelling and gramatical mistakes.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm mostly just really confused at some of it. Especially the thread titles with random capitalization. I was going to blow down the door to this thread expressing a similar dismissive opinion as the OP, but then I read someone's post regarding multiple language's and felt ridiculous. People who know more than one language are like wizards to me.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
0NLy p30PL3 7H@ 74lK l1K3 7h12. L33t speak gets on my nerves or people who throw out random l33t when they are talking norm@lly.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
I do if the writer is from English speaking country and over the age of 14. Exceptions are made if I know the person is dyslexic, but I know (mildly) dyslexic friends who can spell with a bit of effort and they're not even native English speakers. And there is such as thing as a SPELL-CHECKER. They have them for your browser now (*coughforyearscough*), it's really neat people. Check it out please!

But I am also throwing stones in glass houses as I say this as my own spelling AND grammar is at times atrocious.

I think a bigger peeve of mine is when people never use full stops or commas and do a Wall of Text (TM).


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I'm dyslexic so considering how spelling is tough for me... besides if I can understand what they're saying i'm not to torn up about it. Or if it's obviousyl a typo.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
If they consistently get homophones wrong, then yes. If they type in text peak, I hate their existence.


New member
May 21, 2009
Only for really bad, obvious mistakes, usually ones that I've never seen before. And the basic grammar ones that everyone gets rage-y about: their/they're/there, etc.

Someone was typing the word 'project' or something... something that required a J, but they wrote it with a G and meant it. Honestly, if I read that without knowing what they meant, I'd have no idea how to pronounce it... does not compute! Dictionary entry not found. Did you mean program?

General spelling mistakes don't usually bother me, and I'll only correct them if it's someone I know well and I know won't take offense to it.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
I resort to just grinding my teeth when I catch people whose first language IS English typing like pre-teens.