Do you think girls are good gamers?


New member
Jun 24, 2010
But do you consider girls good gamers? - If you are a good gamer then you are a good gamer, regardless of you sex. I'd say its a question of individual, not gender.

Do you think they are as good as boys? - Of course! It all comes down to individual skills. I know some girls who are terrible at video games, but I also know some I know for a fact can absolutely kick my ass in a wide variety of games. Same goes for my male friends; some are good, some are bad.

Do you mind facing a girl online? - I actually enjoy facing girls online more than guys. It does not have to do with some macho-bogus-superiority/insecurity-complex, but rather that I have been mostly been playing against guys with the previously mentioned "condition". As such I enjoy playing with/against girls more. In general, they are more polite, reasonable and don't start insulting me as soon s something unexpected happens, all while being just as skilled as male players.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Well, considering that 40% of the gamer base are female, I have to safely assume that there are some good female gamers. Perhaps not as many as men, considering that it is more socially acceptable for men to play games, and perhaps not in the same fields as men, considering that there are different interests in our society due to conditioning, but yes. I think it would be safe to say that there are some girl gamers out there that are good.


Your friendly Yandere
Jun 10, 2010
*look into a mirror*

*look at my hard earned Mass Effect 2 Insanity trophy*

Hmmmm...I'd say I'm a decent gamer.
Feb 11, 2011
There aren't very many girl gamers that I know.

The ones that are sort of casual about it suck majorly, but then again, the key word is CASUALLY.

There is one girl gamer in particular that kicks my ass at Brawl just about every time.

So they have the capacity to be just as good as guy gamers, yes, even better.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
Jamboxdotcom said:
girls can be just as good as guys in any video game. they just tend (repeat, TEND) to be less interested in the same sort of games most guys are interested in. i haven't played many shooters with girls, but in fighters and MMOs, i've seen many girls (or even old women) who are just as good as any guy.
This is the part of the stereotype that needs to be fixed. I'm not saying what you said is inherently wrong, because it is half right, but it is assumed more right than it actually is. Plenty of my fellow female gamers play shooters, action games, etc, but there are some factors stopping us from being more open about it.
1) The community. This doesn't just extent to forums like this, but where the game is played. I refuse to play on XBL anymore because any time I actually used my microphone, I'd get a flurry of comments either about being a girl, or how bad I must suck because I'm a girl. (And almost always while I was beating the pants off them) Threads like this never help our cause.
2) Stigma/Assumptions. None of my girlfriends are gamers, so I don't talk about games with them, and when guys I don't normally know or know that well talk to me, they always go for subjects they think we'll have in common. They rarely try to pull the gamer card unless I'm wearing something that would put out the big red flag, like my Demoman shirt.

To anyone in this thread saying women can't be better than men at games, you're an arrogant mysoginist, and I'd happily challenge you to a round of TF2, N4S: Hot Pursuit, or whatever and soundly trounce you to defend my gender.

And on a sidenote: Jamboxdotcom is officially on my awesome list for his avatar of Magatsu.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
There is no reason why girls couldn't be good gamers. I know a lot of girls who play video games. I know a girl who's so good at CS 1.6 her AWP skills are actually greater than mine. She's even in a clan and she's got mad skills I tell ya.
Now go play Mass Effect.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
i find people who judge by the sex of the gamer annoying
especially the girls who keep bringing it up

Benny Blanco

New member
Jan 23, 2008
I know some girls IRL who are great gamers, others who suck.

Online, I don't tend to check what gender people are and I don't really care.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Isla said:
Being a girl myself I'd like to be classed as a decent gamer. I don't play COD, or mass effect or any of those kinds of games. I'm more of an RPG based player (if any of you have read my posts before you could gather I hate online play)

But do you consider girls good gamers?
Do you think they are as good as boys?
Do you mind facing a girl online?

I was online once and I was playing L4D some boy was playing with me and as soon as he saw I was a girl he left the party sent me a message saying "I don't want to play with you cause you're a girl"
In chat speak mind.

Judged on my sex, yet again.
He was just afraid of catching cooties from you. It's a known fact girls carry cooties and guys must never catch them.


New member
May 17, 2010
I prefer to play with a girl in the party, they always seem to take the game in a more laid back manner which suits me fine as I like to make small talk in between call outs in the rare moments I am invited to a 'Xbox live party'.

Besides being a different gender doesn't affect your ability to press a right trigger. (Yes I primarily play FPS online.)


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I've always said I'd marry the girl who could beat me at Tekken and I have yet to find her still XD

OT: Unless your born without fingers or a functioning brain there's no reason why any person can't be good at games. Its just hand-eye co-ordination and gameplay understanding. Being a girl has nothing to do with it. Two of the finest healers I've ever met playing WoW were girls and they were awesome. Equally, I know another and she is bloody awful.

Oh, and the captcha? leconlo haagnerae? Is there any chance of mebbe some real words?

EDIT: Also, echoing someone above, go play Mass Effect. Tis Orsum.

debra_ beretta

New member
Sep 8, 2010
MassiveGeek said:
As a girl I just have this to say:

Who fucking cares what your sex is!
Amen. I'm sick and tired of female gamers thinking they're something special because they play games. NEWSFLASH: There are millions of female gamers. We are legion. My first system was an Amiga 500, back in t'day *happy memories* and while it certainly was unusual back then to have female gamers, the market has changed considerably over time. My university final project dissertation was about female gamers, it's a subject close to my heart ;-)

In my opinion, your gender doesn't matter. I used to run/host a weekly game night at a local nightclub, where people would come and play competitive games. More guys would turn out but then I don't know whether that is because there are more competitive male gamers in my area. We would definitely get ladies turning up and participating though and when they did, they often gave the guys a beating.

Times ARE a changing, women gamers are coming out of the woodwork and in typical female fashion they're revelling in the title of "girl gamer". Big deal. You don't see guys calling themselves "guy gamer". Put the boobahs away, pick up a controller, lose the gender politics and show your skill with pride :-3


New member
Nov 2, 2010
my best friend who was a girl always sniped my ass 3 ways to sunday on Ghost Recon
yah, i`m sure that girls are good gamers


New member
Oct 1, 2010
I've met plenty of female gamers that were as good as I am or better, depending largely on the game and how often they played.

I don't think gender really matters, it really boils down to who puts more time and effort into the game.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
This is silly. The average gamer isn't necessarily a great player. There are, at least in FPS games, a lot less females that you typically run into than male ones. Naturally, it's even less common that you'll come across one that is especially good. My guess is that females are sometimes singled out and their skill scrutinized in games.

My best friend and I used to play a ton of Gears of War multiplayer. Back in 2007, we would sometimes dominate the scoreboards, and sometimes have bad matches. Overall, we played pretty well because we practiced the game a lot. Gender is not a factor here, only practice. Of course, there are less females who invest a lot of their time and interest into certain games, but it hardly seems fair to prematurely judge the ones who do take competition seriously.


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Why would your gender make a differnce on you playing ability.

What matters if your drive to play and how much experience you have. Its like a test, if you dont think your going to do well you most likely wont.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
I think you have to start elsewhere first. The question: "what makes a good gamer"?
Saying something is good is a matter of perception.

I like Disturbed's version of "Land of Confusion". I can therefore argue that it is a good song with a list of details ranging from melody to marketing but it all comes down to perception. Another person can simply not like the song, or hold the belief that all covers are bad. They are not wrong and neither am I as good is simply a matter of opinion like beauty, and greatness.

The person who left the group, I want you to picture this person. Is this person's perceptions of your gaming skills important to you? Who's perception would you care about? In this you will find what matters to you and not an ambigious generalization.

You tell me.