Don't Recommend Me an Anime


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I'd just like to go on record to say that unrecommending an anime because it is violent and gory and disturbing is not really a good enough reason to go with. Any other issue, I have no comment, as that is your preference. But violence? Violence sells and people like violence, sometimes in over-the-top excess.

Caramel Frappe said:
And people also like drugs, for which the above-mentioned anime is a visual acid trip. I can't say for good or for ill on that one, though.

I would like to go on record to say that Star Driver, however, is not worth a look. I generally find these things being shown at my local anime club. How blissful it must be that I've forgotten half of what I didn't like in there and bought what I DID. Star Driver is one of those things that still cling to memory...badly.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Full Metal Bolshevik said:
Anohana - The real anime name is more complicated than that, but this is how most call it.

It's melodramatic shit. I hated a lot:

The thing is: Menma is mentioned or on screen 85% of the time. The story is about her after all.
Whahah, yeah. It'll be one of the fastest/ shortest drinking games ever.

Menma....*take a shot of liquor*. Menma! What, another one so soon!? MENMA...hiccup...MENMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *passes out*.

If you want everyone getting alcohol poisoning, do it on the final episode. I wonder how many people will be conscious after the "Tree scene".

As for the anime I wouldn't recommend; Log Horizon. Inspired by Sword Art Online, but decides to focus entirely on the gameplay aspects. Why can't people log out of the game? Who cares when there's cooking to be done! How does this game even work? Matrix-style plug-in to the neck? Who cares...when NPC's are apparently leading their own lives now!

There's only so much "just roll with it" that I can take.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
Maybe I need to rewatch it to see if my opinion is still valid after a decade, but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Zoids Fuzors.

It's the only season of the franchise I saw where I wasn't entertained by, at the very least, the Zoid battles.


New member
May 27, 2013
Oh my God there is so many to chose from...

But I would have to choose Neon Genesis Evangelion for being the most pretentious show I have ever seen.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
EyeReaper said:
Well, I have a few.
Firstly, Squid Girl. I would never recommend Squid Girl to anyone, because frankly, If you want to watch a funny show about an incompetent invader of earth, Zim has you covered. But even if you want it to be an anime, Sgt. Frog is a much better choice.
Eh, I thought it was kinda nice. The only large red flag I throw out for that show is the scientist lady and her crew from America. I don't particularly like the crazy-scientist stereotype, and so I thought it was cheesy. Many of her new-found abilities in the 2nd season seem forced and out of place (like the weight bracelets and her instant mastery of calculus). I haven't seen Sgt. Frog, but Invader Zim was one of many cartoons on Nickelodeon that I thought was too gross or not in my taste (and I'm not just talking about the organ replacement episode).

Plus I'm a sucker for cute things, and I was generally pleased that there wasn't anything too perverted in Squid Girl that was distracting.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Black Butler. Has a good story for the first season, but I've heard the second one is absolutely dreadful.

Also... the titular Black Butler says "I'm one hell of a Butler" a minimum of FOUR times per episode. Yes, you're a demon, we get, now SHUT THE HELL UP SEBASTIAN!

Also, avoid DBZ. Its poorly written, poorly acted, and every fight is mostly the same animations repeated over and over again. Yeah... DBZ was the first GIF show.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
God...there's so many...

I think a better way to cull this list is anime which seem like they'd be good, but ultimately remain disappointing.

Most of the harem/romcom genre of late has been garbage, and I have never liked slice-of-life, so that precludes nearly 75% of all current anime.

Anyways, avoid...

Copellion - a bland anime that tries to hit all the bullets on a list, and fails

Guilty Crown - the prettiest trainwreck of last year

Kamisama Dolls - some folks enjoyed this disjointed anime, but I cared little for it


Classic Anime to avoid (I will be crucified for this list)...

Berserk - unless you are alright with crappy endings, just stick to the new OVA's. Barring the lack of any resolution, this was actually a good show.

Neon Genesis: Evangelion - this was a standby when I was younger, but I am sick of it by now. With as much anime as has come out, there are plenty of works which do it better and prettier. Same as before, just stick to the new OVA's

Ah My Goddess: the TV Series - I was fine with the OVA's and movie, b/c I could fill in the gaps of the story myself. 2 seasons of cockteasing, however, are not anything I care to deal with, and typify thee garbage coming out these past few seasons.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
[Kira Must Die said:
]The Rebirth of Buddha []- It's a Buddhist propaganda film, with so little effort put into it that it feels like it should have the budget of Mars of Destruction, and aired on a religious network, but instead it has a budget and screened in theaters with an all-star Japanese voice cast. The movie feels like a bad episode of Captain Planet, but with Buddha. There's a part with an alien invasion destroying a city Independence Day-style. I am not making this up. I feel like this movie was a waste of everyone's time and money.
It's actually the fifth in a series of insane propaganda films for Happy Science, which is basically Japan's answer to Scientology. The one before it has Edison as an angel and ends in a psychic fight in Hell where Japanese 20-somethings must use a robot to fight an evil elephant monster ridden by Nietzsche and Hitler.

My votes go to the following:

The Master of Martial Hearts: Quite possibly the worst anime ever made. It starts out as the most laughably awful 'sexy girls fight while losing clothing' series of all time (and that's saying something), and then it makes a sudden, jarring transition into an attempt at being incredibly dark and seriously fucked up. Words do not exist to contain the idiocy of the characters or the multiple-twist ending.

Odin: Photon Space Sailer Starlight: This is Nishizaki trying desperately to recapture the success of Space Battleship Yamato. It's long, repetitive, lacks a conclusive ending (it was supposed to be the start of a series, but the rest was never made), and anything remotely interesting about it was lifted whole-cloth from Yamato, which is a much better show. The only reasons to watch it are the genuinely excellent animation and the soundtrack by LOUDNESS.

Grarzey's Wing: The worst of three attempts by Gundam creator Tomino Yoshiyuki to bring his Byston Well fantasy novels to the big screen. The only reason to watch it is for the laughably terrible English dub, which was made in one take by people who couldn't pronounce anything and shout almost every line. A lot of people harp on how little sense it makes, but I'd like to add that I have read 2,000 pages of prose dedicated to explaining this narrative and setting, and I still can't make heads or tails of what's going on in the show.

Truth Cake

New member
Aug 27, 2010
I know it's been said before, but there's no harm in driving the point further to prevent others from watching it: I speak of Sword Art Online. No, not just the second half as even fans of it seems to think was crap, I mean all of it.

Utterly generic and boring main character- but the worst part about that is that they introduce a handful of colorful, interesting characters in the first half of the first season and then they never show up again except maybe cursory appearances for like, 10 seconds, or they just kill them off WITHIN THAT EPISODE- but they still keep the boring as hell main character and his dull girlfriend who seemed to only 'fall in love' (I hesitate to call it that, it was so forced and absurd) with him because he's the main character and he's got a camera following him at all times.

Add to that an unfocused story that can't seem to decide if it's action, romance, mystery (they crammed that in and wasted a good couple of episodes to add fuck all to the overarching plot), or drama, so it settles for half-assing them all. Honestly if I wasn't watching the entertaining absurdity of Medaka Box at the same time to balance out all the crap, I probably wouldn't have gotten through half of it... and I wish I didn't.

Also, Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan. Schizophrenic at best pacing- one minute one thing's interesting, then the next something else without the first thing getting resolved, it's just all over the place. Add to that fanservice that's disturbing at best, and jokes that aren't even funny, and it's just an overall bad anime.

I used to like Naruto when I was like, 10, but I started to watch Shippuden recently and... ugh. It's just so bad, I barely got through the first season, and I don't think I'll be going much further. Perhaps it's because their grand quest seems to be to 'rescue Sasuke', the patron saint of emo douchiness in anime whom I never liked even when I was young, even though I'm not entirely sure what they're rescuing him from, since he left quite voluntarily.

One more: Blood Lad. Not because it's bad, but because it's so good and... it just stops. It just randomly cuts out with nothing having gotten resolved, right when it's starting to get really good. I assume they ran out of funding and maybe it'll continue later, but for now, don't watch it as it is, it's just too disappointing.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
I cant beleive anyone hasn't said this but Fairy Tail, think of any bad tropes and cliches found in Shonen anime and multiply it by dogcrap. Say what you will about Naruto but at least it had clever fights the reached JoJo clever, with Fairy Tail its either the power of friendship B.S or power hidden inside of you. You don't really get a since of acomplishment when a Fairy Tail member beats somebody.

Roggen Bread

New member
Nov 3, 2010
Unless you happen to stumble about a list of useless fillers: Naruto. Reasons have been specified. However, recent episodes all the cool shit has been happening one has waited for years to happen. I suppose it's a guilty pleasure of mine.

Not a guilty pleasure of mine: Fairy Tail. Yes. The music is fucking amazing. No other anime has managed to bring tears to my eyes yet. This one does. And I blame it on the beautiful, mind boggling music.

However: Complete lack of blood?! Seriously?! Even the chick whose "magic" it is to slice everything up with swords. How does one manage to do this without bleeding? No. I am not a gore addict. But this just... bothers me. I can't even bump my forehead without bleeding (you know, very hard and stuff), and they... well...

The female characters are just plain bad. In every fight: First cry, than kick ass, than cry some more, than tragic backstory blabla, don't forget crying... oh yeah! And the crying! If that has been done we might even get to see some action. in EVERY arc.
Also the filler arcs are pointless. And what was about that fucking episode with the body switching magic?! First things go bad. Than things go worse, than solution is impossible. THE END! Coming up next: completely different arc. Also we retconned the episode you just finished watching. Sure you don't remember it, do you?!

In most animes you have a "learing curve". 2-3 standard attacks, 3-4 attacks for heavy foes. While undergoing physical/psychological trauma "the enraged mega death knock". After some uses of this, this one gets adopted into the arsenal. Not in this show. But, it's always a new "the enraged mega death knock". So yeah. Pretty creative writers who manage to find synonyms for "fire" "flame" "dragon" and "of doom!"

Anyway. The music is awesome.

Roggen Bread

New member
Nov 3, 2010
PapaGreg096 said:
I cant beleive anyone hasn't said this but Fairy Tail, think of any bad tropes and cliches found in Shonen anime and multiply it by dogcrap. Say what you will about Naruto but at least it had clever fights the reached JoJo clever, with Fairy Tail its either the power of friendship B.S or power hidden inside of you. You don't really get a since of acomplishment when a Fairy Tail member beats somebody.
Ninja'd by 2 f*cking minutes. I spent like 6 writing this post -.-

But: Good points you made there.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
About half (maybe even more) of the anime on netflix is a gigantic no. Like, I cant possibly tell you loud enough to stay the fuck away from them. Most are just horribly generic, others are just...I dont have words for the stupid.

For my personal stay the fuck away list, I'll just load up netflix and see which ones offended me the most recently.

Welcome to the NHK -

There's a story in this what I assume was drug induced trip fest, but honestly I have no idea where it was. The first episode was confusin, the main character established himself as an annoyin fuck within the first 3 minutes, and the weird ass imagery was just...well weird as fuck. I couldn't sit through the first episode before I got out while my brain was still intact. Maybe I missed the greatest anime ever because of that, but honestly I'd rather keep my sanity instead.

Soul Eater -

I know a lot of people seem to like this anime and I can kind of see why, however it just grates on my nerves horribly. Every single character is a whiny, arrogant, self centered piece of shit. I kept thinkin that maybe, just maybe, one of them would stop bein whiny, arrogant, self centered pieces of shit, but I gave up by episode 4 or so.

Spice and Wolf -

Dont get me wrong. I love this anime to death. However its one of the many animes that just sort of...end. Season 2 sales weren't good enough to justify a season 3 so they ended it on, not exactly a cliffhanger, but it leaves the story completely unresolved which is sad because there's plenty of story to continue with.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Neon Genesis Evangelion
It's a boring show with its head so far up its ass that it can see its own stomach.

PapaGreg096 said:
I cant beleive anyone hasn't said this but Fairy Tail, think of any bad tropes and cliches found in Shonen anime and multiply it by dogcrap. Say what you will about Naruto but at least it had clever fights the reached JoJo clever, with Fairy Tail its either the power of friendship B.S or power hidden inside of you. You don't really get a since of acomplishment when a Fairy Tail member beats somebody.
Completely agree. I used to read the manga, after I had caught up with the anime and it gets even worse. They actually say stuff along the lines of, "The power of friendship and love is what makes us strong!"


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
AsurasEyes said:
Neon Genesis Evangelion. Evan-freaking-gelion.

The second season was good...ish. End of Evangelion was absolutely glorious, because it was Anno's two hour long "No, fuck YOU" to all the fanboys who wanted more action and sex in Evangelion while totally missing the point. But holy Christ, there are so many things that the show could have done better.

Shinji Ikari is the biggest problem with the series, being not only kind of boring, but also a whiny little shit who only becomes bearable when he goes berserk or actually DOES things rather than getting led around by the nose. Yes, I know his subservience and his unwillingness to stand up for himself are central tenants of his character, but it really does not make for an interesting character. The Death Korps of Krieg from Warhammer 40K are incredibly interesting because their subservience and dependency on their commanders drive them to be martyrs and soldiers, rather than ***** when told to kill an obviously dangerous and inhuman foe. Shinji really comes into his own in End of Evangelion when he actually turns out to be a pathetic, weak-willed failure, and when he starts to acknowledge that and actually act in an introspective manner. In Neon Genesis Evangelion, he does not do that, and he is SO FREAKING DULL because of it.

"But wait!" I hear the fans cry, "My waifu, Rei/Asuka, they're the best part of the series! How could you say such things about it when they grace the show with their glorious presence?" And allow me to answer in the language of 4chan: You're waifu a shit.

While Rei is one of the most sympathetic characters in anime history, Asuka isn't. She's a *****. There really isn't much to dissect here, she's a traumatized teenager like EVERY other pilot, but at the same time, I can't care. She's rude, disrespectful, and overly competitive in a way that reminds me of all the jock assholes from high school. Once again, the only time she ever came into her own was during End of Evangelion while fighting the Eva Series, because of reasons I won't spoil here.

In addition, the series makes a number of big mistakes by focusing on the wrong characters and the wrong themes.

- Gendo Ikari, the sociopathic director of NERV HQ is the most legitimately interesting character in the series, because he not only gets things done, but also because he's the only one who seemed to get any good dialogue written for him. Of course, his desire to save humanity and get his dead wife back is looked upon with scorn by the rest of the cast, and the series takes time to wag it's finger at him constantly.

- Shinji is of course the focus of the show when the real focus should have been on Unit 01. I'm serious. A tortured alien soul residing within a hideous cybernetic chimera, pressed into a battle against it's own kind, lobotomized and mind-raped by the humans it hates and has been bred to hate, watching behind its own eyes until those moments when it manages to break free and lash out at the cruel world that has abandoned it. Screaming at the pilot who routinely hijacks its mind, yet struggling with the sense of attachment that it begins to feel with them. Tell me that wouldn't be a great main character.

- Season one focuses too much on the giant robot fights and sillier things about the universe rather than the good bits. No focus is placed upon the Angels; I'd think that you might want to explain a little concerning more genocidal race of aliens that are all armed with personal "control physics" fields and such varied bodies and methods of attack, but no. Season two fixes this to an extent, focusing on the Evas and their nature as half-controlled monsters caged within their armor and piloted by traumatized teens, with several of the questions related to the Angels being answered.

And finally, the fans. Holy Christ the fans of Evangelion are the worst fans I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with. They go on and on about "Deep psychological themes" and "well-defined and nuanced characters" and how wonderful their waifu is, but they don't seem to grasp the complexities. They shrug off the biggest issues with the series as "petty complaints" and argue that it's super-deep and should always be regarded as serious business, lashing out at anyone who dares to make fun of one of the many sillier aspects of their series (including the great shitstorm conjured by those Critical Miss comics). The majority of Evangelion fans are driven by nostalgia, refusing to see the flaws inherent in their favorite series, arguing that their series is great because they came across it when they could easily relate to Shinji Ikari, not realizing that to any well-adjusted member of society, being compared to Shinji is a really elaborate insult.

Glad to finally get that out of my system. If you read this far, congrats.
This is exactly what I wanted to say but haven't managed to put in words, thank you. You even went further than me watching the whole damn thing while I gave up on episode 5 or something (Was right after that one where Shinji decides to leave but, then nope, he stays).

OT: I wouldn't recommend watching Saint Seiya really. I like the show enough but there are some glaring flaws that will throw must people off right away. The only Saint Seiya related thing I can recommend is Lost Canvas (Which saddly got cut off before got a proper ending). The main series may turn people, Hades is mostly alright but you will need to grind your way into the main series to understand what the fuck is going on and there's Saint Seiya Omega... Which is Omega. Yeah.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
.. But, but I's like Elfen Lied ... how could you? HOW COULD YOU DISLIKE SOMETHING I LIKE?!!

[sub][sub]Just as planned >.>[/sub][/sub]
Caramel Frappe said:
In all seriousness, I can understand where you're coming from. Some of the characters do seem plain or generic... even going as far as one dimensional. However, it hit home with me a few times with it's message along with the anime being very good (in my opinion/taste).
I wouldn't even call them generic because I've never really experienced anything else with characters like the ones in Elfenlied which like I said, goes with its favour. It was strange, perturbing even to have cutesy-anime characters act the way they did in such a violent, blood-soaked world.

The part where it cuts to the human characters in a static pose staring at us really speaks to me.

Caramel Frappe said:
If you dislike it, that's perfectly fine for not everything I like has to be liked. :p


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Highschool of the dead. It's terrible, mysonigistic, fan service, terrible plot, meh voice acting. I felt like a worse person for watching it. I didn't remember anything about it, it was disappointing. It also ended with 4 sentences saying that everyone died so yeah. I can't remember any bad anime that I've watched. Higurashi no naku koro ni seems to be getting worse in my memories as time goes on but I can't rememeber anything about it.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Manji187 said:
As for the anime I wouldn't recommend; Log Horizon. Inspired by Sword Art Online, but decides to focus entirely on the gameplay aspects. Why can't people log out of the game? Who cares when there's cooking to be done! How does this game even work? Matrix-style plug-in to the neck? Who cares...when NPC's are apparently leading their own lives now!

There's only so much "just roll with it" that I can take.
Got Ninja'd I see... That the guy from Vagabond in your avatar by the way?

Anyway, here are some of my reasons why I would recommend to stay away from that series;

The main character comes very close to a know it all god character, the series seems riddled with inner dialogs explaining situations all the while emphasizing how smart and cunning the main character is.

He has his own personal ninja girl groupie that obviously likes him but he doesn't seem to notice. She role-plays that she is indebted to him for life, constantly calls him her lord and clings to him because he is so awesome and what not. She is totally insecure about the way she looks, acting embarrassed and what not whenever she is asked to dress or act femininely in front or around the main character.

I just can't stand these kinds of characters. The anime might have a nice story further down the line, but.. I just didn't stick around to find out. Also, it struck me as an anime that would end up making up game techniques just for plot convenience.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Can I mention several? :D

The Vision of Escaflowne - Terrible pacing, vastly uninteresting characters (the most interesting one is the closest thing in anime I've seen to Prince Charming) and a sub-par plot at best. There is nothing redeeming about it. I kept telling myself it would get better. Looking back, I don't know why I thought that.

Shikabane Hime - It doesn't end. I don't mean that in the usual sense (ie the pacing is very slow or it's been going for decades or anything) - it does have a last episode, but the plot doesn't conclude. In fact, f*ck all concludes. It doesn't end; it just stops. Like the creators got bored and couldn't be assed finishing it properly. Aside from that it's kinda alright but nowhere near good enough that I can forgive a complete non-ending like that.

Fruits Basket - that is; avoid this if you have even one ounce of testosterone in you. I made a deal with a friend to watch this if she gave Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood a chance - I definitely got the raw end of that deal. Back OT; nothing significant happens. At all. All I can say is it is the girliest, cheesiest shit you will ever see.

EDIT: I just noticed that half of my favourite anime have been mentioned in this thread now :p Despite the purpose of it, I don't think I should heed the advice of anyone here or I may well avoid stuff I'd like! Which of course means you are all welcome to ignore my warnings... I'm guessing this thread isn't as much a "collective list of anime to avoid" for us to actually use but more a place to ***** about anime we personally didn't like or hated.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I am going to say Naruto. It was deceptively entertaining and even a little well written at the start, and I would even argue very watchable up till Sasuke leaves. However after that point both the show and Manga fall pretty far. Things get a bit too ridiculous in the context of this universe, every villain is a copypasta of another with the same motivation of "I am misunderstood and just lost hope in the world". They even 'humanize' the monsters (tailed beasts) at the end, which doesn't make a lick of sense, especially when you go back and watch the old episodes. It's really sad to, the moment they beat Zabuza at the start and Kakashi talks about what a scary place the world can be, this show makes you think it really does have a vast interesting universe to explore withe endless possibilities. Sadly, that isn't what they deliver at all.

DuctTapeJedi said:
Every other character is a rapist, tons of excessive gore, and a tone of other crap I just didn't care for. I stopped watching after the episode where that kid who was about to win got hurt really badly, and all of the characters spent the whole episode screaming at each other.
If I saw this thing way back when I'd have agreed, but having been introduced to it recently I actually loved it for the very reasons you didn't like it. It was refreshingly different and not scared of anything, which is a welcoming change these days. Other outlets of media feel like they're strangled black&blue with political correctness more and more each day.